What do you think Duolingo Spanish?


Que piensas= what do you think. if I’m not mistaken! August 2, 2021.

Simply so What is the meaning of Pensar? pensar VERB to think; to think about, to think over. Pensar is used as often in Spanish as to think is in English.

What do you think about duolingo? Duolingo is obviously very popular, there’s some evidence that it’s quite effective , and you can’t argue with the price. Although, as someone working on a language learning app (for Mandarin), Duolingo conditioning its users to think that language learning content should be free is somewhat depressing!

also What is the meaning of entender? Definition of entender

obsolete. : to make tender in feeling.

How do you use pienso?

When followed by an infinitive, pensar is used to indicate plans or intentions. Pienso viajar a Venezuela.

yo pienso think
Ud./él/ella piensa thinks
nosotros/as pensamos think
vosotros/as pensáis think
Uds./ellos/ellas piensan think

What is the difference between Pensar and Creer? Creer refers to what you think or believe, while pensar refers to the act of thinking. “Pensar” is “to think”.

Is entender and Comprender the same?

Entender and comprender both mean “to understand“. They are interchangeable. … Despite sharing the same meaning, we will use “comprender” to express a “deeper understanding”;by this I mean, to understand the implications of what someone says, i.e. what is beyond what is said.

What is the meaning of Watandars in Hindi? Vatandar (or Watandar) is an Indian term meaning “landholder”. The title was given to landowners, particularly in Maharashtra.

How do you pronounce Entendre?

Does pienso que use subjunctive? With pienso que, you should use the indicative. Also with creo que which is more common. With no pienso que or no creo que you should use the subjunctive.

Does es posible take subjunctive?

If there is any doubt about the dependent clause, we use the subjunctive. Even optimistic sounding phrases like es probable and es posible require the subjunctive: Es probable que Roberto sepa la respuesta. It’s probable that Roberto knows the answer.

Does Pensar take subjunctive? The subordinate clauses of verbs that express understanding (creer, pensar, suponer, parecer, considerar, imaginar, etc) can carry a verb conjugated in both Indicative or Subjunctive Mood.

What’s the difference between por and para?

With por, both events (or parts of a sentence) happen at the same time. The two events occuring in the same sentence are inseparable. … With para, one event – or part of the sentence – happens after the other. It usually conveys some sort of purpose, aim or destination.

Is Creer a stem changing verb?

Creer is a Spanish verb meaning to believe. Creer is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense. Creer appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster as the 16th most used irregular verb.

Creer Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo creí
ellos/ellas creyeron

Should I use saber or conocer? Saber: facts, information, how to do something. Conocer: people, places, things. So for example, if you ‘know’ a person (a friend or someone famous), you always have to use conocer. Español: Saber.

What’s the difference between no Entiendo and no comprendo? Most of the spanish speaking community I am around use “no entiendo” to indicate they do not understand a term, phrase, or communication. I hear it most often. Comprendo is used to indicate you do not comprehend a situaton, circumstance, or operation.

What is the present tense of Comprender in Spanish?

Spanish Verb COMPRENDER: to comprehend

Simple Tenses – Spanish Verb comprender
Present Presente comprehend comprendo comprende
Imperfect Imperfecto comprehended comprendía comprendía
Preterit Pretérito comprehended comprendí comprendió

How do you conjugate Comprender? Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb comprender in Present tense.

Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo comprendo
Tu comprendes
El/Ella comprende
Nosotros comprendemos

Who were the watandar officers of the pargana?

There was usually a market (peth) adjacent to a kasba. Pargana: Many villages together made a pargana. But the number of villages was not the same in all Parganas. The Deshmukh and the Deshpande were the watandar officers of the pargana.

What was saranjam under the Marathas? A Saranjam is a grant of land (initially non-hereditary) for maintenance of troops or for military service found among the Chandraseniya Kayastha Prabhu, Pathare Prabhu, Maratha and Somvanshi Kshatriya Pathare communities in Maharashtra and the former Maratha administered regions of India, including territories in …

Do the French say double entendre?

Double entendre is never used in french.

What is a triple entendre? A triple entendre is a phrase that can be understood in any of three ways, such as in the back cover of the 1981 Rush album Moving Pictures which shows a moving company carrying paintings out of a building while people are shown being emotionally moved and a film crew makes a “moving picture” of the whole scene.

How do you pronounce com?

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