What do I do with paperwhites after they bloom?


Keep Them in Pots

About six weeks after the paperwhite blooms, turn the pot on its side and store it somewhere where it will not freeze, such as a garage or basement. In the fall, turn the pot upright, place it in the sun, water the bulb thoroughly and continue watering until the paperwhite blooms again in the spring.

Do paperwhites come back every year? Paperwhites are often found in homes, blooming with starry white flowers that help dispel the cobwebs of winter. … Sometimes if you plant them outside in USDA zone 10, you may get another bloom the next year but usually paperwhite bulb reblooming will take up to three years.

Likewise Why do paperwhites smell so bad?

“Paperwhites” refers to a type of narcissus, usually of the Tazetta group, native to the Mediterranean. They are hardy only in warm winter climates, but are popular for indoor culture. The distinctive odor, which some find unpleasant, is due to a biochemical called indole.

Will paperwhites rebloom indoors? Paperwhites can be grown indoors and forced to bloom during the holiday season. With the proper care, you can save and preserve paperwhite bulbs to bloom again. However, they do require time to replenish their energy stores, and may not re-bloom for two or three years. … Tamp the soil down around the bulb.

Do you cut paperwhites after they bloom?

Overwinter and Transplant Paperwhite Bulbs

Cut off the flowers and stems after the paperwhite bulbs finish blooming. Do not cut off any leaves. Fill a 4- to 6-inch container halfway with potting soil. … If you live in U.S. Department of Agriculture zone 8 or above, you may also set the bulbs outside for the winter.

Can you reuse paperwhite bulbs? With the proper care, you can save and preserve paperwhite bulbs to bloom again. However, they do require time to replenish their energy stores, and may not re-bloom for two or three years. Paperwhites are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 9.

Should you deadhead paperwhites?

Deadhead plants during the growing season by removing fading or dying flowers with sharp garden shears or clippers. As with other perennial flowering plants, deadheading may encourage additional blooms. More importantly, it preserves vital energy for the plant’s bulb.

Are paperwhites poisonous to humans? Clinical Signs: Vomiting, salvation, diarrhea; large ingestions cause convulsions, low blood pressure, tremors and cardiac arrhythmias. Bulbs are the most poisonous part.

Do paperwhites have an aroma?

Paperwhite narcissus are the cilantro of the flower world. While some people can’t get enough of their heady fragrance, to others they smell like a cross between dirty socks and cat pee. … They also come into flower very quickly — usually within a month after planting.

What flower smells like pee? Paperwhite Narcissus

Paperwhite blossoms exude a pervasive perfume. Some people love it, but roughly a quarter of the population likens it to the smell of manure or urine. The odor is due to indole, a chemical that’s also given off by E. coli.

Can I replant paperwhite bulbs?

When paperwhite bulbs are forced, they cannot be reused or regrown; however, when planted in soil and allowed to grow and bloom on their timing, you can reuse or regrow paperwhites every year. Plan on planting your paperwhites outdoors in October or November in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 to 11.

How do you take care of paperwhites? Keep the soil consistently moist, but not soggy. Paperwhites will bloom in about two to four weeks. Once the plants begin to bloom, the floral display typically lasts one to two weeks. For longest bloom, keep the soil moist and move the pot out of direct sun.

Can you replant paperwhite bulbs?

When paperwhite bulbs are forced, they cannot be reused or regrown; however, when planted in soil and allowed to grow and bloom on their timing, you can reuse or regrow paperwhites every year. Plan on planting your paperwhites outdoors in October or November in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 to 11.

How long do paperwhite blooms last? How Long Do Paperwhites Last? Paperwhites will bloom for about 2 weeks. After that, snip off the faded flowers and either enjoy the green leaves as a houseplant for a few more weeks or drop the bulbs and leaves in the compost pile.

Should you cut back bulbs after flowering?

Cutting Back Fall-Planted Bulbs

The best time to prune is after they bloom in the spring. Let the flower completely fall and the seed pod go brown. Once the green leaves have started to die back and have turned brown then it’s okay to prune.

Can you plant paperwhites in soil? Planting Instructions For Paperwhite Bulbs

Fill a pot or dish halfway with soil or gravel. You’ll want at least 2 inches of soil or gravel for drainage. Set the bulbs gently in the soil or gravel, and pack more soil around the bulbs, leaving the tips visible. Water the bulbs thoroughly until the soil is soaked.

How many times do paperwhites bloom?

Paperwhites will bloom about four to six weeks after planting, so plan accordingly if you want flowers for the holidays or other special occasions. For continuous bloom throughout the winter, plant bulbs every two weeks from late fall through February.

Why do paperwhites fall over? A: Paperwhites are one of the easiest of all spring-blooming bulbs to force in the house. … As you found out, however, a common problem with paperwhites is that they grow too fast in our warm homes. This results in stems that are too tall and thin to support the weight of the flowers, causing them to fall over.

How do I shorten my paperwhites?

Alcohol – Secret For Shorter Paperwhite Stems

To shorten narcissus stems by 1/3 to 1/2 over their normal size and keep the same size flowers – use alcohol, diluted with water. Allow four weeks between potting up your bulbs and when want bloom.

Can you eat paperwhites? All parts of the paperwhite are poisonous, but the bulb is the most toxic. The paperwhite comes from the Amaryllidaceae family in the genus Narcissus.

Are dogs allergic to paperwhites?

Paper white contains lycorine and other alkaloids that cause your dog to suffer a toxic reaction once ingested.

Are paperwhites bad for cats? All parts of the paperwhite plant are poisonous to cats. However, the most toxic part of the plant is the bulb.

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