What distance is a mike?

1 mi. or mi in … … is equal to …
SI units 1609.344 m
imperial/US units 63360 inches 5280 ft 1760 yd 80 ch 8 fur
US survey mile 0.999998 survey mile

Simply so How much is a mike in military terms? 40 Mike-Mike — An M203 grenade launcher, usually mounted under an M-16 or similar weapon. Air Picket — Any airborne system tasked with detecting, reporting and tracking enemy aerial movements within a certain area of operation. Alpha Charlie — Military alphabet used to represent ass chewing.

What does 5 mics mean? Ratings range from one to five mics, paralleling a typical five-star rating scale. An album that is rated at four-and-a-half or five mics is considered by The Source to be a superior hip hop album.

also How long is a mic in the military? But among members of the military, the term “klick” is a standard measure of walked distances. If a soldier radios “We’re 10 klicks south of your position,” that means they are 10 kilometers away, or 6.2 miles away.

What does the term Bravo Zulu mean?

Bravo Zulu. This is a naval signal, conveyed by flaghoist or voice radio, meaning “well done“; it has also passed into the spoken and written vocabulary. It can be combined with the “negative” signal, spoken or written NEGAT, to say “NEGAT Bravo Zulu,” or “not well done.”

How far is a click military? The shortest answer is that a klick equals one kilometer. PBS.org reports this in a glossary of terms used during the Vietnam War, and there are other resources (with varying explanations of the origin of the term) that also identify a klick as a military unit of measure equaling one kilometer.

What does Bravo Tango mean?

That thinking led to them engaging XAPPmedia to design and build the new Google Assistant app called Bravo Tango, a military-inspired abbreviation for “brain training.” It is developed to help soldiers returning from combat in their ongoing efforts to readjust to civilian society.

What was a Landsman in the Navy? “Landsman” was the lowest rate of the United States Navy in the 19th and early 20th centuries; it was given to new recruits with little or no experience at sea. Landsmen performed menial, unskilled work aboard ship. A landsman who gained three years of experience or re-enlisted could be promoted to ordinary seaman.

What does BZ stand for?

The flag hoist “Bravo Zulu” The combination of the Bravo and Zulu nautical signal flags, i.e., Bravo Zulu, also referred to as “BZ,” is a naval signal, typically conveyed by flaghoist or voice radio, meaning “Well Done” with regard to actions, operations or performance.

What does 5.5 mean in military terms? The name “Five by Five” came from the military. When communicating over two-way radios a station may request a report on the quality and strength of the signal they are broadcasting. The signal quality is reported on two scales; the first is for signal strength, and the second for signal clarity.

What is a 1K run in miles?

Therefore, a 1K race is equal to 1 kilometer or 0.62 miles.

What does Tango Mike mean in the military? What does Tango Mike mean? Answer: It means “thank you,” or specifically, “thanks much.” In 1955, many military organizations, including NATO and the U.S. military, adopted a phonetic alphabet to aid in correctly transmitting messages.

What is Charlie Tango?

Charlie Tango, taken from the military alphabet, stands for Creativity and Technology. This unique union of ventures puts experts in both domains under the same roof, allowing us to take projects from the very beginning phases of creative ideation all the way through to end phases of technical implementation.

What do you call Alpha Bravo Charlie?

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) formally adopted the final version of the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet – better known as the Nato phonetic alphabet or simply the Alpha, Bravo, Charlie alphabet – on 1 January 1956.

What is Z in military alphabet? NATO Phonetic Alphabet

Symbol Code Word Phonic (pronunciation)
W Whiskey WISS KEY

What is an ordinary seaman called? An ordinary seaman (OS) is a member of the deck department of a ship. The position is an apprenticeship to become an able seaman, and has been for centuries. … Historically in some navies and the merchant marine a sailor with less experience was called a landsman.

What is an able seaman in the Navy?

In the middle of the 18th century the term “able seaman” (abbreviated AB) referred to a seaman with more than two years experience at sea and considered “well acquainted with his duty”. … In peacetime, with fewer active warships, there was usually a surplus of unemployed able seamen willing to work in the navy.

What does the term Landsman mean? Definition of landsman

1 : a fellow countryman. 2 : a person who lives on the land especially : one who knows little or nothing of the sea or seamanship.

What does Zulu mean in the Navy?

Zulu (short for “Zulu time”) is used in the military and in navigation generally as a term for Universal Coordinated Time (UCT), sometimes called Universal Time Coordinated ( UTC ) or Coordinated Universal Time (but abbreviated UTC), and formerly called Greenwich Mean Time.

Was the drug BZ used in Vietnam? USED IN WARTIME

It has been used several times over the past 40 years, most famously against theViet Cong in the Vietnam War by the United States and against Muslims in both Bosnia and Kosovo by Yugoslavian troops.

Why is Bravo Zulu well done?

*Bravo Zulu originated as a naval signal, typically conveyed by flag-hoist or radio, meaning “Well done!” Since its origin, Bravo Zulu has been used by senior U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Coast Guard officers to congratulate or compliment their crews or commands for outstanding performance!

What is the meaning of Lima Charlie? Lima Charlie – Loud and Clear.

What does 555 mean in military?

The term 5X5 is rooted in the communications within military forces through WWII to mean “I understand you perfectly.” The first number represented the Signal Strength of a radio communication, and the second number represented the signal clarity on a scale from 1-5 — 1 being the worst; 5 being the best.

What do soldiers call enemies? Tango down is said to originate in military slang. In the NATO phonetic alphabet, established by the 1930s, the letter T is tango and became slang for target, or “enemy.” To down a target is “to shoot” them, especially when grounding an aircraft, but also “to neutralize” or “kill” them.

What is a fast 10 mile time?

A good 10 mile time is 01:22:34. This is the average 10 mile time across all ages and genders. The fastest 10 mile time is 43:45.

What is a good 5k time?

What is a good 5k time? A good 5k time is 23:58. This is the average 5k time across all ages and genders. The fastest 5k time is 12:51.

Is a 5k a marathon? 5K: A 5k is a 3.1 mile race. To run a 5k typically all you have to do is find one you’re interested in, sign up and pay the entry fee (which is around $25-$50).

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