What Chapiadora means?
Chapiadora is Dominican slang, a direct translation for gold-digger. It is often used in reference to a (usually Dominican) woman with an hourglass figure and big “chapas” (backside) who flirts, dates, or engages with men to acquire materialistic wealth.
What does Chapa mean in Dominican? In Spanish/Dominican terms this word means big ass. Chapa is known more as a slang word, also recognized in the song “Menea tu Chapa” translated in to English as “shake that chapa/ass” This song has gone viral for Spanish viewers.
Likewise How do you say gold digger in Dominican Republic?
Sanky-panky. Hilariously, this means a gold-digger and comes from the phrase “hanky-panky.” Make sure you remember this one because if someone tells you that someone else is a sanky-panky you’ll want to know what that means to avoid any mishaps!
What is the word for day in the Dominican Republic?
What does Chapame mean in Spanish?
Translation of “chupame” in English
suck my.
What does the name Chapa mean? The name Chapa is primarily a female name of Native American – Sioux origin that means Beaver.
How do you spell Chapa?
Correct pronunciation for the word “Chapa” is [t͡ʃˈɑːpə], [tʃˈɑːpə], [tʃ_ˈɑː_p_ə].
What does Bobo mean in Dominican? fool. More meanings for bobo. fool noun. tonto, necio, idiota, imbécil, bufón.
What does Tigre mean in Dominican?
From a Dominican slang site. TIGUERE or Tigre (Tee-gur-eh): n. noun., 1. Literal meaning “tiger”.
How do you say handsome in Dominican Republic? 1. GUAPO. Guapo is a word that trips up a lot of visitors to the Dominican Republic. Most people are used to this adjective meaning that someone is handsome or good-looking.
How do Dominicans say handsome?
1. GUAPO. Guapo is a word that trips up a lot of visitors to the Dominican Republic. Most people are used to this adjective meaning that someone is handsome or good-looking.
What are some Dominican slang words? 21 Dominican Slang Terms That You Probably Use All the Time
- Vaina. What it means: A thing; any thing. In a sentence: Coje esa vaina de mi escritorio. …
- Vacano. What it means: Dope or cool. …
- Carajo. What it means: Crap or go to hell. …
- Disparate. What it means: Useless or nonsense. …
- Moto Concho. What it means: A motorcycle cab.
Why does he call me Chula?
Chula is Spanish slang for “cute” or “a beautiful woman,” often seen in mami chula (“hottie”).
What does Chulita mean in Spanish? “Chulita” is a Spanish term of endearment, and Saenz remembers her grandmother telling her “ay, que chula,” or “oh, how cute,” when she was a child. Saenz gave it new meaning by incorporating it into the group’s name as a declaration of female empowerment.
Does Chulo mean pimp?
A direct translation of papi chulo from Spanish is “pimp daddy,” with papi being a diminutive form of “father” (and used like “baby”) and chulo meaning “pimp” but also “attractive,” “cocky,” or “cool” in colloquial settings. Chulo alone has a storied history in American English.
Is Chapa an Indian name? What is the meaning of the name Chapa? … Name Chapa is of Spanish, Native American origin and is a Girl name.
How common is the last name Chapa?
The last name Chapa is the 10,150th most common surname internationally, borne by around 1 in 131,399 people.
How do you say Chapa?
How do you pronounce chappa?
- Phonetic spelling of Chappa. CH-AEP-AH. chap-pa.
- Meanings for Chappa. It is a song in the movie Maachis was sung by Hariharan, Vishal Bhardwaj, Suresh Wadkar.
- Translations of Chappa. Russian : Чаппа
What does Bozo mean in slang? : a stupid or foolish person. See the full definition for bozo in the English Language Learners Dictionary.
What does simp mean in slang?
Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially out of a failed hope of winning some entitled sexual attention or activity from them.
What does Bobolongo mean in Spanish? bobolongo [m] VE. clumsy person.