What are the six forms of Aller?


Aller in the present tense

  • Je vais – I go, I am going.
  • Tu vas – You go, you are going (sing. fam.)
  • Il va – He/It goes, he/it is going.
  • Elle va – She/It goes, she/it is going.
  • Nous allons – We go, we are going.
  • Vous allez – You go, you are going (pl. pol.)
  • Ils vont – They (m.) go, they are going.
  • Elles vont – They (f.)

Is Aller irregular? Alright, “aller” (to go) is another irregular verb. It’s often mistaken for a regular verb, because of its ending, but it’s not! It’s very irregular. And it’s also a super common verb.

Likewise What tense is IREZ?

This is one of the few verbs to have an irregular future tense form (ir-) and one not derived from the current form of the infinitive. This is one of the few French verbs to have an irregular subjunctive form.


j’ irai
vous irez
ils/elles iront

Is Je suis alle perfect tense? When you form the perfect tense with être, the past participle agrees with the subject of the verb (the person doing the action). … So the perfect tense of aller (to go) is: je suis allé(e)– I went. tu es allé(e)- you went (informal)

What is the future stem for Aller?

You can use aller with an infinitive to refer to things that will happen in the immediate future. The stem is the same as the infinitive for -er, -ir and -re verbs, except that the final -e of -re verbs is lost. The future tense endings are the same for -er, -ir and -re verbs: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont.

What is the future stem of Aller? You can use aller with an infinitive to refer to things that will happen in the immediate future. The stem is the same as the infinitive for -er, -ir and -re verbs, except that the final -e of -re verbs is lost. The future tense endings are the same for -er, -ir and -re verbs: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont.

What is the future tense of aller?

How to form the immediate future

Subject pronoun Aller = to go English
je vais I’m going
tu vas You’re going (informal)
il/elle/on va He is going/She is going/We are going
nous allons We are going

Is Aller an ER verb in French? Aller is one of the most common French verbs – here’s how to conjugate it into every tense and mood. Aller is an irregular -er verb and needs the auxiliary verb être in compound tenses.

What is the correct form of Aller?

The Present Tense of Aller

Singular Plural
Je vais I go Nous allons
Tu vas You go Vous allez
Il va He goes Ils vont
Elle va She goes Elles vont

• Jan 30, 2020

Is Je vais the future? The immediate future tense is also used to talk about what is going to happen in the future.

How to form the immediate future.

Subject pronoun Aller = to go English
je vais I’m going
tu vas You’re going (informal)
il/elle/on va He is going/She is going/We are going
nous allons We are going

What is the French conjugation of aller?

French Verb Conjugations

Present Conditional
tu vas irais
il va irait
nous allons irions
vous allez iriez

What is the correct form of the verb aller? The Present Tense of Aller

Singular Plural
Je vais I go Nous allons
Tu vas You go Vous allez
Il va He goes Ils vont
Elle va She goes Elles vont

• Jan 30, 2020

How is Aller conjugated in French?

Aller is a third group verb even if it finishes in -er. It conjugates with 3 different bases : va to indicative present and imperative : je vais, tu vas…, base ir to future and conditional : j’irais, tu iras…. Otherwise, base is all.

What is the future tense of aller in French? The immediate future tense is also used to talk about what is going to happen in the future.

How to form the immediate future.

Subject pronoun Aller = to go English
je vais I’m going
tu vas You’re going (informal)
il/elle/on va He is going/She is going/We are going

What is the perfect tense in French?

The perfect tense describes things that happened and were completed in the past. It is not used for things that happened regularly or in descriptions. The perfect tense is formed with the present tense of avoir or être and a past participle. Most verbs take avoir in the perfect tense.

What is the future tense of être in French? French Verb Conjugations

Present Future
il a été aura été
nous avons été aurons été
vous avez été aurez été
ils ont été auront été

What is le passé Composé?

The passé composé is a compound tense formed with the present tense of the auxiliary (avoir or être, see auxiliaries) and the past participle: Elle a acheté des livres aujourd’hui. … (See Past participle agreement for rules on agreement.) Use. The passé composé is used to describe actions that occurred in the past.

What is the conditional tense of aller? Conditional of the French verb aller

tu irais you would go
il irait he would go
elle irait she would go
nous irions we would go

Is Parler an irregular verb?

French students will be happy to know that parler is a regular -er verb. It follows the most common conjugation pattern in the French language, so learning how to conjugate it is relatively easy. If you’ve studied other regular -er verbs, you can apply what you learned with those to this one.

How do you pronounce the verb aller?

Are all re verbs irregular?

All forms use regular –RE verbs endings. These verbs and their derivates drop the final t from the stem in singular forms. Note that while battre and mettre are conjugated the same way in the present tense, they have different conjugations in the passé simple, imperfect subjunctive, and past participle.

What is the passé Composé of Aller? formes composées / compound tenses

passé composé
je/ j’ suis allé(e)
tu es allé(e)
il, elle, on est allé(e)
nous sommes allé(e)s

Why is Aller irregular?

être, avoir, aller, faire. These verbs are extremely common1 and highly irregular in a number of respects: They have more distinct present tense forms than other verbs. In particular, they don’t follow the usual pattern of all present tense singular forms sounding the same.

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