What are the exceptions to the rule I before E, except after C?


The chapter “The sound ‘e’ (/iu02d0/)” has sections on spellings “ee”, “ea”, “-y” and “ie and ei”, the last of which uses “I before E except after C” and lists five “common exceptions” (caffeine, codeine, protein, seize, weird).

Simply so What has EI after C? Examples of I Before E and E Before I Words

-ei not after c -ie after c
foreign conscience
forfeit deficient
height efficient
neighbor fancies

Is it I before E except after C? The rule that you need to remember for these spellings is: I before E, except after C, unless it sounds like A (e.g. neighbour, weigh). Here are some examples of words that are spelt ‘ie’: I believe it was the dog that ate the meat.

also Why does i before e not apply to weird? Originally Answered: Why does weird break the ‘i before e, except after c’ rule? Because it isn’t a rule, but a pattern. MOST words containing I and E next to each other follow the pattern, but many do not. That is because the English language goes by incorporating useful words from other languages just as they are.

How do you say ie and ei in English?

Why is it hard to learn English? Pronunciation. Spelling is only one area that makes learning English difficult. … There are languages, such as Spanish, where you pronounce the words as they are written. In English, there are several ways to pronounce words that have almost the same letter combinations, such as through, bough, rough and trough.

Why is friend spelled that way?

Friend comes from the Germanic which used to be spelled: frijand. Modern German would pronounce this a little like: free-yant. Of course we moved away from making Ds at the end of words sound like Ts. So you have free-yand.

Which letter is silent in short? Silent letters include b, c, e, h, k, n, p, s, u, and w, while silent letter combinations include ‘gh’. Each one is associated with its own rules and exceptions.

How do you say EI in English?

The rule is that written ei is pronounced [i:] only after the letter c — or that what is pronounced [i:] is written ei after the letter c only.

When should I use IE? I.e. is an abbreviation for the phrase id est, which means “that is.” I.e. is used to restate something said previously in order to clarify its meaning. E.g. is short for exempli gratia, which means “for example.” E.g. is used before an item or list of items that serve as examples for the previous statement.

Is EI or IE for example?

I.e. and e.g. are both Latin abbreviations. E.g. stands for exempli gratia and means “for example.” I.e. is the abbreviation for id est and means “in other words.” Remember that E is for example (e.g.) and that I and E are the first letters of in essence, an alternative English translation of i.e.

What’s the easiest language? And The Easiest Language To Learn Is…

  1. Norwegian. This may come as a surprise, but we have ranked Norwegian as the easiest language to learn for English speakers. …
  2. Swedish. …
  3. Spanish. …
  4. Dutch. …
  5. Portuguese. …
  6. Indonesian. …
  7. Italian. …
  8. French.

What’s the hardest language?


As mentioned before, Mandarin is unanimously considered the toughest language to master in the world! Spoken by over a billion people in the world, the language can be extremely difficult for people whose native languages use the Latin writing system.

What language is easiest to learn?

Top 9 Easiest Languages to Learn

  • NORWEGIAN. Grammar, syntax and word order are all similar to English thanks to shared North Germanic roots. …
  • SWEDISH. …
  • DANISH. …
  • SPANISH. …
  • ITALIAN. …
  • FRENCH. …

Which letter is silent in friend? In the word “friend” the letter “I” is silent. The reason is short and simple.

Do you spell happy birthday?

What are IE words?

15 letter words containing ie

  • photomultiplier.
  • autobiographies.
  • associativities.
  • assignabilities.
  • attainabilities.
  • archiepiscopate.
  • arteriographies.
  • artificialities.

Is the B silent in womb? Note: The “b” is silent at the end of the word “womb.” This is similar to other words with a silent “b” such as bomb, numb, and thumb.

When R is silent in English?

If letter ‘r’ appears after a vowel sound and there is no other sound after it, it will be silent. 2. If letter ‘r’ appears after a vowel sound but before a constant sound, it will be silent.

What word has a silent Z? “Rendezvous” is a word in English with silent “z” which means an agreement between two persons to meet at a cetain place.

What does EI sound like?

The combination ei is a diphthong (also spelled ey, ay, and ai). It is pronounced like the ei in Eisenhower. The letters ie represent the long “ee”-sound as in Marie. This is the same sound as the German long i (e.g., wir, ihnen, Idee).

How do you pronounce ei in words?

Is EI a name?

The name Ei is primarily a female name of Japanese origin that means Flourishing, Prosperous.

Can you use IE and etc in the same sentence? Technically, you can probably use “i.e. apples, oranges, etc.” since it says “that is, apples, oranges, and so on.”

How do I read Internet Explorer?

i.e. stands for id est (Latin), which means “that is”. You use it to link in a deeper explanation about something. Pronounce it “eye – ee“. It depends on who your audience is.

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