What are some hateful words?
- contemptuous,
- deprecating,
- derogatory,
- disdainful,
- disparaging,
- mean-spirited,
- obnoxious,
- opprobrious,
What is a word for a hateful person? 1 abominable, execrable, abhorrent, repugnant; invidious, loathsome.
Likewise What is the cruelest word?
brutal, ruthless, callous, sadistic, inhumane, hard, fell (archaic), severe, harsh, savage, grim, vicious, relentless, murderous, monstrous, unnatural, unkind, heartless, atrocious, inhuman, merciless, cold-blooded, malevolent, hellish, depraved, spiteful, brutish, bloodthirsty, remorseless, barbarous, pitiless, …
What are disturbing words? Synonyms & Antonyms of disturbing
- abrasive,
- aggravating,
- annoying,
- bothersome,
- carking,
- chafing,
- exasperating,
- frustrating,
What is a worse word than hate?
There are many words stronger than ‘hate’ Check the following list : loath, detest, disgust. abhor, abominate, despise. execrable, repulsive, nauseous, sickening, despicable. revulsion, odious, obnoxious, detestable, obscene, hideous.
What can I say instead of hate? Synonyms & Antonyms of hate
- abhor,
- abominate,
- despise,
- detest,
- execrate,
- loathe.
What word is worse than despise?
abhor Add to list Share. If you abhor something, it gives you a feeling of complete hatred. … Abhor is from Latin abhorrere — “to shrink back in horror.” It is the strongest way in English to express hatred, even stronger than loathe.
What is opposite do? begin, forget, discourage, create, disturb, idle, abstain, disarrange, bear, dissuade, lose, pass, commence, disorder, destroy, fail, halt, put off, abandon, defer, ignore, miss, prevent, give up, introduce, hesitate, start, stop, not finish, neglect, disorganize, ruin, undo.
What is a strong dislike?
1. Aversion, antipathy, loathing connote strong dislike or detestation. … Antipathy is a distaste, dislike, or disgust toward something: an antipathy toward (or for ) braggarts.
What is the strongest word for anger? Feeling very or extremely angry – thesaurus
- furious. adjective. extremely angry.
- irate. adjective. very angry.
- seething. adjective. feeling extremely angry without showing it much.
- infuriated. adjective. extremely angry.
- incensed. adjective. extremely angry.
- livid. adjective. …
- apoplectic. adjective. …
- murderous. adjective.
Does resent mean hate?
As verbs the difference between hate and resent
is that hate is to dislike intensely or greatly while resent is to express or exhibit displeasure or indignation at (words or acts) or resent can be (resend).
Is despise same as hate? As verbs the difference between despise and hate
is that despise is to regard with contempt or scorn while hate is to dislike intensely or greatly.
Is despise a strong word?
Choose the Right Synonym for despise
despise may be used of feeling ranging from strong dislike to true hatred.
Is hate a curse word? Hate is not a bad word, it’s a strong word. And should be reserved and saved for intense circumstances.
What is the opposite of 2?
The opposite reciprocal of 2 would be -1/2.
What is the opposite of dog? Dog means; a domestic animal, pooch, bow-wow; mutt, pooch, cur. Opposites of Dog; gentleman.
What is the opposite dull?
1 sharp, keen. 2 interesting. 7 bright.
What does apathy MESN? Apathy is when you lack motivation to do anything or just don’t care about what’s going on around you. Apathy can be a symptom of mental health problems, Parkinson’s disease, or Alzheimer’s disease.
What is a word for extremely frustrated?
Synonyms & Near Synonyms for frustrated. disappointed, disenchanted, disillusioned, unfulfilled.
What is the minor term for angry? Some common synonyms of anger are fury, indignation, ire, rage, and wrath.
What causes animosity?
There is no one cause of resentment, but most cases involve an underlying sense of being mistreated or wronged by another person. Experiencing frustration and disappointment is a normal part of life. When the feelings become too overwhelming, they can contribute to resentment.
What does Resently mean? to feel or show displeasure or indignation at (a person, act, remark, etc.) from a sense of injury or insult.
What is the meaning of Hastile?
hos·tile | ˈhä-stᵊl , -ˌstī(-ə)l Essential Meaning of hostile. 1 : of or relating to an enemy They were entering hostile territory. hostile [=enemy] troops. 2 : not friendly : having or showing unfriendly feelings a hostile atmosphere/expression Her suggestions were given a hostile reception.
What is an example of despise? The definition of despise is to strongly dislike, or to treat with scorn. To dislike heavy metal music is an example of despise. To hate your noisy neighbor so much that you ignore her is an example of despise.
Is Despisement a word?
“Despisement.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/despisement.
Is Despisal a word?
The feeling of despising: contempt, despite, disdain, scorn.