What are Mexican slang words?


11 Mexican Slang Words Only the Locals Know

  • Pendejo. One of the most used slang words in Mexico is calling someone a ‘pendejo’. …
  • Güey. Güey, sometimes spelled in the way it is pronounced as ‘wey’, means “mate” and is used all the time in Mexican Spanish. …
  • Chido & Padre. …
  • Cabrón. …
  • Buena Onda. …
  • La Neta. …
  • Pinche. …
  • Crudo.

What do you call a drunk Mexican? A slang Mexican term for “Drunk”: “Cuete” or “Encuetado” (not to be confused with “Encuerado”).

Likewise Is Chinga a bad word?

Basically it is just an expression of surprise. Even though this expression has nothing to do with the word “fuck” it is a vulgar way to express yourself.

Is gacho a bad word? Used Mexico-wide, gacho is pretty much like saying something is ‘bad‘ or ‘not cool’.

What does Punta mean in?

It basically means the ‘tip’ or ‘point’ of something (tip of your tongue, tip of the iceburg, etc., but for more accurate and other meanings, click the dictionary tab and type in the word – you will get detailed information.

What do Mexican gangsters call their girlfriends? The “old” sense of ruca became a shorthand for older women, particularly in the sense of “old lady” as it’s used as slang for a female significant other. By the 1950s, ruca was used to describe to girlfriends of Chicano gangsters in the United States as well as female gang members more generally.

What is a Mexican girl called?

La mujer/muchacha/chica/etc. mexicana for mexican woman.

What does Chomo mean in Spanish? Chomo is slang for a child molester, regardless if the person is question is a pedophile or not.

What does no Mames Wey?

No mames is sometimes extended to no mames güey (no-mah-mess-goo-ee) and no mames wey (no-mah-mess-way), which both roughly mean “No way, dude!” Wey and güey are both Spanish slang words meaning “dude” or “guy,” though wey can also connote “idiot.”

What is Gacha? Filters. A small toy sold in a plastic capsule in a vending machine , especially toys sold in or associated with Japan .

What does Bendejo mean in Spanish?

The word “bendejo” in Spanish it’s wrong spelled. It must start the word with the letter “p”,and it’s meaning is close to: stupid; so fool; ignorant.

What is Ese Spanish? Ese is a Spanish slang term which means comrade, pal or friend. Young teens often use this term to refer to their circle of friends.

Is chamaco a bad word?

Finally, solely in Mexico, the words chamaco and chamaca mean son or daughter. These are colloquial terms used to refer to others. According to Urban Dictionary, the term can have a slightly negative connotation, and be slang for a brat.

What is Papi Chulo? In Latin-American Spanish slang, a papi chulo is an attractive man. While the term originally names a pimp, it has broadened to refer to a ladies’ man.

What is a Hina?

Hina is the name assigned to a number of Polynesian deities. The name Hina usually relates to a powerful female force (typically a goddess or queen) who has dominion over a specific entity. Some variations of the name Hina include Sina, Hanaiakamalama, and Ina.

Why are quinceanera dresses so big? The quinceanera dress plays a huge part of this coming-of-age celebration. The dresses are typically extravagant and huge, which signifies the transition into adulthood. Most dresses are ball gown dresses, and traditionally they are white. The reason for this is it symbolizes purity.

How do you call a girl beautiful in Mexico?

In English, we say, “the beautiful girl.” However, in Spanish, you would say, “la chica bella.” In this case, “la chica” is the noun (the girl). “Bella” is the adjective (beautiful). You can experiment with building sentences, such as “You are a beautiful girl,” or, “Eres una chica hermosa.”

What does WETA mean in Spanish? I teach in the schools here, and I’ll hear Latino kids call another Latino “weto/wedo” or “weta/weda” and it’s definitely meant as a put-down, especially judging by the way the kid being called that reacts. It’s like saying “Stop acting like a stupid white person.”

What is a child Molestar?

A child molester is an indi- vidual who sexually molests children. A per- son might have a sexual preference for chil- dren and might fantasize about having sex with them. That person is a pedophile. But if he does not act out, then he is not a child molester.

What do they call child molesters in jail? “Chomo” is prison slang for a child molester and, inmates and officers often claim, they are at the absolute bottom of the implied prison hierarchy. “Chomos are definitely bottom, then snitches are targeted after them.

What does it mean to call someone a chicken hawk?

Definition of chicken hawk

1 : a hawk that preys or is believed to prey on chickens. 2 disparaging : a person who strongly supports or promotes a war or warlike policies but who has never served in the military His strong ties to the military and his reluctance to use force …

What is No Manches? “No manches” technically means “Don’t stain.” and is a very common phrase in Mexico. … in México it’s like saying what the heck, or your kidding or get out of here or really!

What is a Takuache Cuh?

Cuhs: Slang word for cousin and commonly used by takuaches to refer to a friend.

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