Liste des monarques indiens


La liste suivante de monarques indiens est l’une des nombreuses listes de titulaires . Il comprend ceux qui auraient gouverné une partie du sous-continent indien , y compris le Sri Lanka .

L’Asie du Sud , principal centre de la culture indienne

Les premiers dirigeants indiens ne sont connus que par la littérature sanskrite , en particulier les épopées Mahabharata et Ramayana , qui donnent toutes deux de nombreux détails sur les monarques et leurs interactions les unes avec les autres. De nombreux historiens les considèrent comme les sources les plus pertinentes de la première période historique et ces épopées ont été développées plusieurs siècles après la période principale.

Les premiers types de documentation historique comprennent des pièces de monnaie en métal avec une indication du souverain, ou du moins de la dynastie , à l’époque. Ces pièces poinçonnées ont été émises vers 600 avant notre ère et en abondance sous l’ empire Maurya en 300 avant notre ère. Il existe également des inscriptions sur pierre et des documents documentaires de cultures étrangères de cette époque.

Les principaux dirigeants impériaux ou quasi-impériaux de l’Inde du Nord sont assez clairs à partir de ce moment, mais les nombreux dirigeants locaux, et la situation dans le Deccan et l’Inde du Sud sont moins clairs que les inscriptions en pierre des premiers siècles. Les principales sources de l’histoire du sud de l’Inde sont la littérature Sangam datée de 300 avant notre ère. Les dates de nombreux dirigeants sont spéculatives, ou du moins incertaines. Les débuts de l’histoire de nombreuses dynasties de l’Inde ancienne et sont actuellement incertains.

Royaume Heheya

  • Maharaj Adarsh
  • Maharaj Ayû
  • Maharaj Nahusha
  • Maharaj Yayati
  • Maharaj Yadu
  • Maharaj Sahasrajit
  • Maharaj Chatjit
  • Maharaj Haihay – (Fondateur du Royaume Heheya ) [1]
  • Maharaj Dharma
  • Maharaj Dharmnetra
  • Maharaj Kuntiraj
  • Maharaj Sahjit
  • Maharaj Mahishman – (Fondateur de Mahismati ) [2]
  • Maharaj Bhadrasen
  • Maharaj Durdabh
  • Maharaj Dhannaka
  • Maharaj Kritvirya Arjuna
  • Maharaj Sahasrarjun
  • Maharaj Veersen (Jaydhvaj)

Plus tard, ils ont été divisés en différentes sous-castes qui incluent Kansara , Kasera, Tamrakar , Thathera , Tambat et bien d’autres. [3]

Haihayas médiévales

Un certain nombre de premières dynasties médiévales, dont les royaumes Kalachuri et Mushika du Kerala , ont revendiqué leur descendance des Haihayas. [4]

Dynasties Magadha

Dynastie Brihadratha (vers 1700 – 682 avant notre ère)


Liste des dirigeants de la dynastie Brihadratha

Règle Règne (BCE)
Sahadeva de Magadha
Somadhi 1661–1603 avant notre ère
Srutasravas 1603–1539 avant notre ère
Ayutayus 1539-1503 avant notre ère
Niramitra 1503–1463 avant notre ère
Sukshatra 1463–1405 avant notre ère
Brihatkarman 1405–1382 avant notre ère
Senajit 1382–1332 avant notre ère
Srutanjaya 1332–1292 avant notre ère
Vipra 1292-1257 avant notre ère
Suchi 1257–1199 avant notre ère
Kshemya 1199-1171 avant notre ère
Sous-rat 1171-1107 avant notre ère
Dharma 1107-1043 avant notre ère
Susuma 1043–970 avant notre ère
Dridhaséna 970–912 avant notre ère
Sumati 912–879 avant notre ère
Subala 879–857 avant notre ère
Sunita 857–817 avant notre ère
Satyajit 817–767 avant notre ère
Viswajit 767–732 avant notre ère
Ripunjaya 732–682 avant notre ère

( Ripunjaya était le dernier souverain de la dynastie, détrôné par Pradyota en 682 avant notre ère )

Dynastie Pradyota (vers 682 – 544 avant notre ère)


Liste des dirigeants de la dynastie Pradyota

Règle Règne (BCE) Période
Pradyota Mahaséna 682–659 avant notre ère 23
Palaka 659–635 avant notre ère 24
Visakhayupa 635–585 avant notre ère 50
Ajaka 585–564 avant notre ère 21
Varttivarddhana 564–544 avant notre ère 20

( Varttivarddhana était le dernier souverain de la dynastie détrôné par Bimbisara en 544 avant notre ère )

Dynastie Haryanka (vers 544 – 413 avant notre ère)


Liste des dirigeants de la dynastie Haryanka

Règle Règne (BCE)
Bimbisara 544–491 avant notre ère
Ajatashatru 491–461 avant notre ère
Oudayin 461–428 avant notre ère
Anirudha 428–419 avant notre ère
Munda 419–417 avant notre ère
Darshaka 417–415 avant notre ère
Nāgadāsaka 415–413 avant notre ère

( Nāgadāsaka était le dernier souverain de la dynastie renversé par Shishunaga en 413 avant notre ère )

Dynastie Shishunaga (vers 413 – 345 avant notre ère)


Liste des dirigeants de la dynastie Shishunga

Règle Règne (BCE)
Shishunaga 413–395 avant notre ère
Kalashoka 395–377 avant notre ère
Kshemadharman 377–365 avant notre ère
Kshatraujas 365–355 avant notre ère
Nandivardhana 355–349 avant notre ère
Mahanandin 349–345 avant notre ère

( Mahanandin a perdu son empire par son fils illégitime Mahapadma Nanda en 345 avant notre ère)

Empire Nanda (vers 345 – 322 avant notre ère)


Liste des dirigeants de la dynastie Nanda

Règle Règne (BCE)
Mahapadma Nanda 345–340 avant notre ère
Pandhukananda 340–339 avant notre ère
Panghupatinanda 339–338 avant notre ère
Bhutapalananda 338–337 avant notre ère
Rashtrapalananada 337–336 avant notre ère
Govishanakananda 336–335 avant notre ère
Dashasidkhakananda 335–334 avant notre ère
Kaivartananda 334–333 avant notre ère
Karvinathanand 333–330 avant notre ère
Dhana Nanda 330–322 avant notre ère

( Dhana Nanda a perdu son empire au profit de Chandragupta Maurya après avoir été vaincu par lui en 322 avant notre ère)

Empire Maurya (vers 322 – 184 avant notre ère)


Règle Règne Remarques
Chandragupta Maurya Chandragupta Maurya and Bhadrabahu.png Chandragupta Maurya and Bhadrabahu.png 322–297 avant notre ère Fondateur du premier empire indien uni.
Bindusara Amitraghata I42 1karshapana Maurya Bindusara MACW4165 1ar (8486583162).jpg I42 1karshapana Maurya Bindusara MACW4165 1ar (8486583162).jpg 297-273 avant notre ère Connu pour sa diplomatie étrangère et écrasé par la révolte de Vidarbh .
Ashoka Ashoka's visit to the Ramagrama stupa Sanchi Stupa 1 Southern gateway.jpg Ashoka's visit to the Ramagrama stupa Sanchi Stupa 1 Southern gateway.jpg 268-232 avant notre ère Le plus grand empereur de la dynastie. Son fils Kunala est devenu aveugle et est mort avant son père. Ashoka a été remplacé par son petit-fils. Également connu pour la victoire de la guerre de Kalinga .
Dasharatha Maurya Dasaratha Maurya inscription on entrance of Vadathika cave.jpg Dasaratha Maurya inscription on entrance of Vadathika cave.jpg 232–224 avant notre ère Petit-fils d’Ashoka.
Samprati 224-215 avant notre ère Frère de Dasharatha.
Shalishuka Mauryan Empire. temp. Salisuka or later. Circa 207-194 BC.jpg Mauryan Empire. temp. Salisuka or later. Circa 207-194 BC.jpg 215-202 avant notre ère
Dévavarman 202-195 avant notre ère
Chatadhanvan 195–187 avant notre ère L’Empire Mauryan avait rétréci au moment de son règne
Brihadratha 187–184 avant notre ère Assassiné par son commandant en chef Pushyamitra Shunga en 185 avant notre ère.

( Brihadratha était le dernier souverain de la dynastie, détrôné par Pushyamitra Shunga en 185 avant notre ère)

Empire Shunga (vers 185 – 73 avant notre ère)


Liste des dirigeants de la dynastie Shunga

Règle Règne (BCE)
Pushyamitra Shunga 185–149 avant notre ère
Agnimitra 149-141 avant notre ère
Vasujyeshtha 141–131 avant notre ère
Vasumitra 131-124 avant notre ère
Bhadraka 124-122 avant notre ère
Pulindaka 122-119 avant notre ère
Gosha 119-108 avant notre ère
Vajramitra 108–94 avant notre ère
Bhagabhadra 94–83 avant notre ère
Devabhuti 83–73 avant notre ère

( Devabhuti était le dernier souverain de la dynastie détrôné par, détrôné Vasudeva Kanva en 73 avant notre ère)

Dynastie Kanva (vers 73 – 28 avant notre ère)


Liste des dirigeants de la dynastie Kanava

Règle Règne Période
Vasudeva Kanva 73–64 avant notre ère 9
Bhumimitra 64–50 avant notre ère 14
Narayana 50–38 avant notre ère 12
Susarman 38-28 avant notre ère dix

(Susarman était le dernier souverain de la dynastie, détrôné par Simuka de l’ Empire Satavahana )

Empire Kalinga

Première dynastie Kalinga (vers 1700 – 700 avant notre ère)

Selon le Mahabharata et certains Puranas , le prince Kalinga a fondé le royaume de Kalinga , dans la région actuelle de l’Odisha côtière, comprenant les Sircars du Nord. [5] [6] Le Mahabharata mentionne également un Srutayudha comme le roi du royaume de Kalinga, qui a rejoint le camp de Kaurava . [7] Dans le texte bouddhiste, Mahagovinda Suttanta, Kalinga et son dirigeant, Sattabhu, ont été mentionnés. [8]

  • Roi Kalinga (fondateur du royaume de Kalinga )
  • Roi Odra (fondateur du royaume d’Odra )
  • Srutayudha
  • Srutayush
  • Manimat
  • Chitrangada
  • Subahu
  • Virasena
  • Sudatta
  • Sattabhu
  • Nalikira
  • Yavanaraj
  • Dantavakkha ou Dantavakhra
  • Avakinnayo Karakandu
  • Vasupala

Deuxième dynastie Kalinga (vers 700 – 550 avant notre ère)

Cette dynastie est mentionnée dans Chullakalinga Jataka et Kalingabodhi Jataka . On dit que le premier roi Kalinga I s’est séparé du royaume de Danda avec les rois d’ Asmaka et de Vidarbha en tant qu’états féodaux.

  • Dandaki
  • Kalinga I
  • Mahakalinga
  • Chullakalinga
  • Kalinga II (vers 7e – 6e siècle avant notre ère)

Dynastie inconnue mentionnée dans Dathavamsha (vers 550 – 410 avant notre ère)

  • Brahmadatta (vers 5e siècle avant notre ère)
  • Kasiraja
  • Sunanda
  • Guhasiva

Dynastie solaire de Kalinga (vers 410 – 380 avant notre ère)

  • Brahmaadittiya (vers le 4ème siècle avant JC)

Son fils, le prince Soorudasaruna-Adeettiya a été exilé et, selon l’histoire maldivienne, a établi le premier royaume Dheeva Maari et a jeté les bases de la dynastie Adeetta. [9]

Gonanda Royaume du Cachemire

Dynastie Gonanda I (vers 1700 – 1182 avant notre ère)

Kalhana mentionne que Gonanda I est monté sur le trône en 653 de l’ère du calendrier Kali . Selon le calcul de Jogesh Chander Dutt, cette année correspond entre 1800 avant notre ère et 1700 avant notre ère. [dix]

  • Gonanda I
  • Damodara I
  • Yashovati
  • Gonanda II
  • 35 rois (noms perdus)
  • Lave
  • Kushashaya
  • Khagendra
  • Surendra
  • Godhara
  • Suvarna
  • Janaka
  • Shachinara
  • Ashoka (Gonandiya)
  • Jalauka
  • Damodara II
  • Abhimanyu I

Dynastie Gonanditya (vers 1182 – 246 avant notre ère)

La dynastie Gonanditya a régné sur le Cachemire pendant 1002 ans. [11]

Règle Règne [12] Année de l’Ascension Remarques
Gonanda III 35 ans 1182 avant notre ère Gonanda III fonde une nouvelle dynastie. (I.191) Il appartenait à la lignée de Rama et a restauré les rites Nāga
Vibhishana I 53 ans, 6 mois 1147 avant notre ère
Indrajit 35 ans 1094 avant notre ère
Ravana 30 ans, 6 mois Un Shivalinga attribué à Ravana pouvait encore être vu à l’époque de Kalhana.
Vibishana II 35 ans, 6 mois 1058 avant notre ère
Nara I (Kinnara) 40 ans, 9 mois 1023 avant notre ère Sa reine s’est enfuie avec un moine bouddhiste, alors il a détruit les monastères bouddhistes et a donné leurs terres aux brahmanes. Il a essayé d’enlever une femme Nāga, qui était l’épouse d’un brahmane. À cause de cela, le chef Nāga a brûlé la ville du roi, et le roi est mort dans le feu.
Siddha 60 ans 983 avant notre ère Siddha, le fils de Nara, a été sauvé de la fureur de Nāga, car il était alors absent de la capitale. Il était un roi religieux et suivait un style de vie quasi ascétique.
Utpalaksha 30 ans, 6 mois 923 avant notre ère Fils de Siddha
Hiranyaksha 37 ans, 7 mois 893 avant notre ère Fils d’Utpalaksha
Hiranyakula 60 ans 855 avant notre ère Fils d’Hiranyaksha
Vasukula (Mukula) 60 ans 795 avant notre ère Fils d’Hiranyakula. Pendant son règne, les Mlechchhas (peut-être Hunas ) ont envahi le Cachemire.
Mihirakula 70 ans 735 avant notre ère Selon des preuves historiques, le prédécesseur de Mihirakula était Toramana . Kalhana mentionne un roi appelé Toramana, mais le place beaucoup plus tard, dans le livre 3. [13] Selon Kalhana, Mihirakula était un dirigeant cruel qui a ordonné le meurtre d’un grand nombre de personnes, dont des enfants, des femmes et des personnes âgées. Il envahit le royaume cinghalais et remplaça leur roi par un homme cruel. Alors qu’il traversait Chola , Karnataet d’autres royaumes sur le chemin du retour au Cachemire, les dirigeants de ces royaumes ont fui leurs capitales et ne sont revenus qu’après son départ. A son retour au Cachemire, il ordonna de tuer 100 éléphants, qui avaient été effrayés par les cris d’un éléphant tombé. Une fois, Mihirakula rêva qu’une pierre particulière ne pouvait être déplacée que par une femme chaste. Il a mis cela à l’épreuve : les femmes incapables de déplacer la pierre ont été tuées, ainsi que leurs maris, fils et frères. Il était soutenu par des brahmanes immoraux. Dans sa vieillesse, le roi s’est immolé.
Vaka (Baka) 63 ans, 18 jours 665 avant notre ère Roi vertueux, il fut séduit et tué par une femme nommée Vatta, ainsi que plusieurs de ses fils et petits-fils.
Kshitinanda 30 ans 602 avant notre ère Le seul enfant survivant de Vaka
Vasunanda 52 ans, 2 mois 572 avant notre ère « Créateur de la science de l’amour »
Nara II 60 ans 520 avant notre ère Fils de Vasunanda
Aksha 60 ans 460 avant notre ère Fils de Nara II
Gopaditya 60 ans, 6 jours 400 avant notre ère Fils d’Akcha. A donné des terres aux brahmanes. Expulsé plusieurs brahmanes irréligieux qui avaient l’habitude de manger de l’ail ( régime non sattvique ) ; à leur place, il en amena d’autres de pays étrangers.
Gokarna 57 ans, 11 mois 340 avant notre ère Fils de Gopaditya
Narendraditya I (Khingkhila) 36 ans, 3 mois, 10 jours 282 avant notre ère Fils de Gokarna
Yudhisthira I 34 ans, 5 mois, 1 jour 246 avant notre ère Appelé “l’aveugle” à cause de ses petits yeux. Dans les dernières années de son règne, il a commencé à fréquenter des personnes imprudentes et les sages courtisans l’ont abandonné. Il fut déposé par des ministres rebelles et accordé l’asile par un roi voisin. Son descendant Meghavahana a restauré plus tard le règne de la dynastie.

Chefs du Cachemire du royaume d’Ujjani (vers 246 avant notre ère – 25 de notre ère)

Aucun roi mentionné dans ce livre n’a été retrouvé dans aucune autre source historique. [13] Ces rois ont gouverné le Cachemire pendant 192 ans. [12]

Règle Règne [12] Année de l’Ascension Remarques
Pratapaditya I 32 ans 167 avant notre ère Pratapaditya était un parent d’un roi lointain nommé Vikrmaditya (II.6).
Jalauka 32 ans 135 avant notre ère Fils de Pratapaditya
Tungjina I 36 années 103 avant notre ère Partageait l’administration avec sa reine. Le couple a abrité ses citoyens dans le palais royal lors d’une grave famine résultant de fortes gelées. Après sa mort, la reine commis sati . Le couple est mort sans enfant.
Vijaya 8 années 67 avant notre ère D’une autre dynastie que Tungjina.
Jayendra 37 ans 59 avant notre ère Fils de Vijaya : ses “longs bras atteignent ses genoux”. Ses flatteries l’ont incité contre son ministre Sandhimati. Le ministre a été persécuté et finalement emprisonné à cause des rumeurs selon lesquelles il succéderait au roi. Sandhimati est resté en prison pendant 10 ans. Dans sa vieillesse, le roi sans enfant a ordonné de tuer Sandhimati pour empêcher toute chance qu’il devienne roi. Il est mort après avoir entendu parler de la fausse nouvelle de la mort de Sandhimati.
Sandhimati 47 ans 22 avant notre ère Sandhimati a été choisi par les citoyens comme nouveau dirigeant. Il monta sur le trône à contrecœur, à la demande de son gourou Ishana. C’était un fervent shaivite et son règne fut marqué par la paix. Il remplit sa cour de rishis (sages) et passa son temps dans des retraites en forêt. Par conséquent, ses ministres l’ont remplacé par Meghavahana, un descendant de Yudhishthira I. Il a volontairement abandonné le trône.

Dynastie Gonanda II (vers 25 – 561 CE)

Règle Règne [12] Année de l’Ascension Remarques
Meghavahana 34 ans 25 EC Possible coinage of Meghavahana. Obverse: Shiva Pashupati ("Lord of the Beasts"), making a mudra gesture with right hand and holding filleted trident; behind, a lioness or tiger. Trace of legend Meghana... in Brahmi. Reverse: Goddess seated facing on lotus, holding lotus in both hand, Kidara monogram to left, Jaya in Brahmi to right. Circa 7th century CE, Kashmir.[14] Possible coinage of Meghavahana. Obverse: Shiva Pashupati ("Lord of the Beasts"), making a mudra gesture with right hand and holding filleted trident; behind, a lioness or tiger. Trace of legend Meghana... in Brahmi. Reverse: Goddess seated facing on lotus, holding lotus in both hand, Kidara monogram to left, Jaya in Brahmi to right. Circa 7th century CE, Kashmir.[14] Meghavahana était le fils de l’arrière-petit-fils de Yudhisthira Ier, qui avait obtenu l’asile de Gopaditya, le roi du Gandhara . Meghavahana avait été choisi le mari d’une princesse Vaishnavite à Swayamvara dans un autre royaume. Les ministres du Cachemire l’ont amené au Cachemire après que Sandhimati se soit avéré être un roi réticent. Meghavahana a interdit l’abattage des animaux et indemnisé ceux qui gagnaient leur vie grâce à la chasse. Il patronna les brahmanes et fonda un monastère. Ses reines ont construit des viharas et des monastères bouddhistes. Il a maîtrisé les rois dans des régions aussi éloignées que le royaume cinghalais , les forçant à abandonner l’abattage des animaux.
Shreshtasena (Pravarasena I / Tungjina II) 30 ans 59 EC Fils de Meghavahana
Hiranya 30 ans, 2 mois 89 EC Fils de Shreshtasena, assisté de son frère et co-régent Toramana. Le roi a emprisonné Toramana, lorsque ce dernier a collé des pièces royales en son propre nom. Le fils de Toramana, Pravarasena, qui avait été élevé dans le secret par sa mère Anjana, l’a libéré. Hiranya est mort sans enfant. Plusieurs pièces de monnaie d’un roi nommé Toramana ont été trouvées dans la région du Cachemire. Ce roi est identifié par certains au souverain Huna Toramana , bien que son successeur Mihirakula soit placé beaucoup plus tôt par Kalhana. [13]
Matrigupta 4 ans, 9 mois, 1 jour 120 CE Selon Kalhana, l’empereur Vikramditya (alias Harsha) d’ Ujjayini a vaincu les Shakas et a fait de son ami et poète Matrigupta le souverain du Cachemire. Après la mort de Vikramaditya, Matrigupta a abdiqué le trône en faveur de Pravarasena. Selon DC Sircar, Kalhana a confondu le légendaire Vikramaditya d’Ujjain avec l’empereur Vardhana Harsha (vers 606–47 CE). [15] Ce dernier est identifié avec Shiladitya mentionné dans le récit de Xuanzang . Cependant, selon MA Stein, le Vikramaditya de Kalhana est un autre Shiladitya mentionné dans le récit de Xuanzang : un roi de Malwa vers 580 CE. [16]
Pravarasena II 60 ans 125 CE Coinage of Pravarasena, supposed founder of Srinagar. Obverse: Standing king with two figured seated below. Name "Pravarasena". Reverse: goddess seated on a lion. Legend "Kidāra". Circa 6th-early 7th century CE.[14] Coinage of Pravarasena, supposed founder of Srinagar. Obverse: Standing king with two figured seated below. Name "Pravarasena". Reverse: goddess seated on a lion. Legend "Kidāra". Circa 6th-early 7th century CE.[14] Des preuves historiques suggèrent qu’un roi nommé Pravarasena a gouverné le Cachemire au 6ème siècle de notre ère. [13] Selon Kalhana, Pravarasena a maîtrisé beaucoup d’autres rois, dans les terres aussi loin que Saurashtra . Il a rétabli le règne du fils de Vikramaditya, Pratapshila (alias Shiladitya), qui avait été expulsé d’Ujjain par ses ennemis. Pratapshila a accepté d’être un vassal de Pravarasena après une résistance initiale. Il a fondé une ville appelée Pravarapura, qui est identifiée par les historiens ultérieurs comme la ville moderne de Srinagar sur la base de détails topographiques. [17]
Yudhishthira II 39 ans, 8 mois 185 EC Fils de Pravarasena
Narendraditya I (Lakshmana) 13 ans 206 CE Fils de Yudhishthira II et Padmavati
Ranaditya I (Tungjina III) 300 ans 219 CE Sri Tujina. Circa 7th century CE, Kashmir.[14] Sri Tujina. Circa 7th century CE, Kashmir.[14] Frère cadet de Narendraditya. Sa reine Ranarambha était une incarnation de Bhramaravasini. Le roi Chola Ratisena l’avait trouvée parmi les vagues, lors d’un rituel de culte de l’océan.
Vikramaditya 42 ans 519 CE Fils de Ranaditya
Baladitya 36 ans, 8 mois 561 CE Frère cadet de Vikramaditya. Il a maîtrisé plusieurs ennemis. Un astrologue a prophétisé que son gendre lui succéderait comme roi. Pour éviter ce résultat, le roi a épousé sa fille Anangalekha à Durlabhavardhana, un homme beau mais non royal de la caste Ashvaghama Kayastha .

Royaume de Gandhara (vers 1500 – 518 avant notre ère)

La région de Gandhara était centrée autour de la vallée de Peshawar et de la vallée de la rivière Swat , bien que l’influence culturelle du “Grand Gandhara” s’étende à travers le fleuve Indus jusqu’à la région de Taxila sur le plateau de Potohar et vers l’ouest dans les vallées de Kaboul et de Bamiyan en Afghanistan , et vers le nord jusqu’au Karakoram Portée. [18] [19]

Les dirigeants connus du Gandhara sont-

  • Nagnajit
  • Shakuni
  • Subala
  • Achala
  • Kalikeya
  • Suvala
  • Vrishaka
  • Vrihadvala
  • Gaya
  • Gavaksha
  • Vrishava
  • Charmavat
  • Arjava
  • Souka
  • Kulinda
  • Pushkarasakti (vers 535–518 avant notre ère), dernier souverain du royaume du Gandhara probablement au moment de la conquête achéménide de la vallée de l’Indus
  • Kandik, (feu souverain)

Royaume de Kuru (vers 1200–345 avant notre ère)

  • Kuru II , (roi de la dynastie Puru après qui la dynastie a été nommée Kuruvāmshā et le royaume a été renommé de la dynastie Puru au royaume Kuru . Il a eu trois fils, à savoir Vidhuratha I qui est devenu le dirigeant de Pratisthana , Vyushitaswa qui est mort à un très jeune âge , et Sudhanva, qui est devenu le dirigeant de Magadha . Alors Vidhuratha I est devenu le roi de Hastinapura .)
  • Vidhuratha I
  • Jahnu
  • Parikshit II
  • Janamejaya II
  • Bheemasena
  • Prathishravas
  • Pratipa
  • Shantanu , ( Bhishma était le plus jeune fils de Shantanu et Ganga . Chitrāngada et Vichitravirya étaient les fils de Shantanu et Satyavati .)
  • Vichitravirya , ( Dhritarashtra , Pandu et Vidura étaient les fils de Vichitravirya)
  • Pandu
  • Dhritarashtra , (Les Pandava étaient les cinq fils de Pandu et Kunti tandis que les Kaurava étaient les cent fils de Dhritarashtra et Gandhari .)
  • Yudhishthira , (Yaudheya était le fils de Yudhishthira et Devika. Ghatotkacha était le fils de Bhima et Hidimbi , Abhimanyu était le fils d’ Arjuna et de Subhadra . Babruvahana était le fils d’Arjuna et de Chitrāngadā . Iravan était le fils d’Arjuna et d’Ulupi. Niramitra était le fils de Nakula et Karenumati. Suhotra était le fils de Sahadeva et de la reine Vijaya. Upapandava étaient les 5 fils de Pandava et Draupadi )
  • Parikshit , (était le fils d’ Abhimanyu .)
  • Janamejaya
  • satanique
  • Ashwamedhatta
  • Dwiteeyram
  • Chatramal
  • Chitrarath
  • Dushtshailya
  • Ugraséna
  • Shoorsen
  • Bhuvanpati
  • Ranjeet
  • Riktchak
  • Sukdeva
  • Narharidev
  • Suchirath
  • Shoorsen II
  • Parvatsen
  • Mehavi
  • Soncheer
  • Bheemdev
  • Nriharidev
  • Pauvre animal
  • Kardavi
  • Alammik
  • Udaipal
  • Duvanmal
  • Damat
  • Bheempal
  • Kshemaka, (il était le dernier roi Kuru détrôné par Mahapadma Nanda de l’ empire Nanda en 345 avant notre ère.) [20] [21]

Royaume de Panchala (vers 1100 avant notre ère – 350 de notre ère)

Ajamida II avait un fils nommé Rishin. Rishin avait deux fils à savoir Samvarana II, dont le fils était Kuru et Brihadvasu dont les descendants étaient Panchalas. [22] [23] [24]

La liste des dirigeants du royaume de Panchala est-

  • Rishin
  • Brihadbhanu, (fils de Brihadvasu)
  • Brihatkaya
  • Puranjaya
  • Riksha
  • Bramhyaswa
  • Aramyaswa
  • Mudgala, Yavinara, Pratiswan, Maharaja Kampilya – (fondateur de Kampilya , capitale du royaume de Panchala )
  • Sranjaya, (fils d’Aramyaswa)
  • Dritimana
  • Drdhanemi
  • Sarvasena, (fondateur du royaume d’Ujjain )
  • Mitra
  • Rukmaratha
  • Suparswa
  • Sumathi
  • Sannatimana
  • Crète
  • Pijavana
  • Somadutta
  • Jantuvahana
  • Badhrayaswa
  • Brihadhishu
  • Brihadhanu
  • Brihadkarma
  • Jayaratha
  • Visvajit
  • Seinyajit
  • Nepavirya, (d’après le nom de ce roi, le pays s’appelait Nepaldesh)
  • Samara
  • Sadashva
  • Ruchiraswa
  • Pruthusena
  • Praptı
  • Prthaswa
  • Sukrti
  • Vibhirâja
  • Anuha
  • Bramhadatta II
  • Vishwaksena
  • Dandaséna
  • Durmukha
  • Durbuddhi
  • Dharbhya
  • Divodasa
  • Sivana je
  • Mitrayu
  • Maitrayana
  • Soma
  • Sivana II
  • Sadasana
  • Sahadeva
  • Somaka, (le fils aîné de Somaka était Sugandakrthu et le plus jeune était Prishata. Mais dans une guerre, tous les fils sont morts et Prishata a survécu et est devenu le roi de Panchala)
  • Prishati , (fils de Somaka)
  • Drupada , (fils de Prishata)
  • Dhrishtadyumna , (était le fils de Drupada, Draupadi et Shikhandi étaient les filles de Drupada)
  • Keśin Dalbhya
  • Pravahana Jaivali
  • Achyuta , (dernier dirigeant connu du royaume de Panchala qui a été vaincu vers 350 CE par le dirigeant Gupta Samudragupta .)

Royaume d’Anga (vers 1100 – 530 avant notre ère)

Les dirigeants Anga connus sont-

  • Maharaj Anga – (fondateur du royaume et fils du roi Bali )
  • Romapada
  • Brihadratha
  • Angaraj Karna
  • Vrishaketu – (fils de Karna)
  • Tamralipta
  • Lomapada
  • Chitraratha
  • Vrihadratha
  • Vasuhoma
  • Dhatarattha
  • Dhadivahana
  • Brahmadatta – (dernier roi du royaume d’Anga)

Royaume de Kamboja (vers 700 – 200 avant notre ère)

Les dirigeants connus de Kamboja sont-

  • Kamatha
  • Chandravarma Kamboja
  • Kamatha Kamboja
  • Prapaksha Kamboja
  • Soudakshina Kamboja
  • Srindra Varmana Kamboj
  • Chitrangada Kamboja
  • Chandranandan Kamboja

Dynastie Pandyan (vers 600 avant notre ère – 1650 de notre ère)

Premiers Pandyans

  • Koon Pandianan

(Premier roi Pandyan connu)

  • Nedunj Cheliyan Ier

(Aariyap Padai Kadantha Nedunj Cheliyan) (il a été mentionné dans la légende de Kannagi )

  • Pudappandyan
  • Mudukudumi Paruvaludhi
  • Nedunj Cheliyan II

(Pasumpun Pandiyan)

  • Nan Maran
  • Nedunj Cheliyan III

(Talaiyaalanganathu Seruvendra Nedunj Cheliyan)

  • Maran Valudi
  • Musiri Mutriya Cheliyan
  • Ukkirap Peruvaluthi

Pandyans moyens (vers 590–920 CE)

  • Kadungon (590–620 CE)
  • Maravarman Avani Culamani (vers 620–645 CE)
  • Jayantavarman (vers 645–670 CE)
  • Arikesari Maravarman Nindraseer Nedumaaran (vers 670–710 CE)
  • Kochadaiyan Ranadhiran (710–735 CE)
  • Arikesari Parankusa Maravarman Rajasimha I (735–765)
  • Parantaka Nedunjadaiyan (765–815)
  • Rasasingan II (790–800)
  • Varagonan Ier (800–830)
  • Srimara Srivallabha (815–862)
  • Varagunavarman II (862–880)
  • Parantaka Viranarayana (880-900)
  • Maravarman Rajasimha II (900–920)

Pandyans sous l’empire Chola (vers 920-1216 CE)

  • Sundara Pandyan I
  • Vira Pandyan I
  • Vira Pandian II
  • Amarabhujanga Tivrakopa
  • Jatavarman Sundara Chola Pandyan
  • Maravarman Vikrama Chola Pandyan
  • Maravarman Parakrama Chola Pandyan
  • Jatavarman Chola Pandya
  • Seervallabha Manakulachala (1101–1124)
  • Maaravaramban Seervallaban (1132-1161)
  • Parakrama Pandyan I (1161-1162)
  • Kulasekara Pandyan III
  • Vira Pandian III
  • Jatavarman Srivallaban (1175-1180)
  • Jatavarman Kulasekaran I (1190-1216)

Pandalam (plus tard Pandyans) (vers 1212–1345 CE)

  • Parakrama Pandian II (1212-1215)
  • Maravarman Sundara Pandyan (1216-1238)
  • Sadayavarman Kulasekaran II (1238-1240)
  • Maravarman Sundara Pandyan II (1238–1251)
  • Jatavarman Sundara Pandyan (1251-1268)
  • Maaravarman Kulasekara Pandyan I (1268-1308)
  • Sundara Pandyan IV (1309-1327)
  • Vira Pandyan IV (1309-1345)

Tenkasi Pandyans (vers 1422–1650 CE)

Au 15ème siècle, les Pandyans ont perdu leur capitale traditionnelle Madurai à cause de l’invasion islamique et des Nayaks , et ont été forcés de déplacer leur capitale à Tirunelveli dans le sud du Tamilakam et y ont existé en tant que vassaux.

  • Cataiyavarman Parakrama Pandyan


  • Cataiyavarman III Kulasekara Pandyan


  • Azhagan Perumal Parakrama Pandyan (1473-1506)
  • Kulasekara Pandyan (1479–1499)
  • Cataiyavarman Civallappa Pandyan


  • Parakrama Kulasekara Pandyan


  • Nelveli Maran (1552-1564)
  • Cataiyavarman Adiveerama Pandyan


  • Varathunga Pandyan (1588–1612)
  • Varakunarama Pandyan (1613–1618)
  • Kollankondan (1618–1650)

Dynastie Chera (vers 600 avant notre ère – 1530 CE)

Ancienne Chera (vers 600 avant notre ère – 400 de notre ère)

  • Vanavan ou Vanavaramban (425–350 avant notre ère)
  • Kuttuvan Uthiyan Cheralathan (350–328 avant notre ère)
  • Imayavaramban Neduncheralathan (328-270 avant notre ère)
  • Palyaanai Chelkezhu Kuttuvan (270–245 avant notre ère)
  • Kalangaikanni narmudichéral (245-220 avant notre ère)
  • Perumcheralathan (220-200 avant notre ère)
  • Kudakko Neduncheralathan (200-180 avant notre ère)
  • Kadal Pirakottiya Velkezhu Kuttuvan (180-125 avant notre ère)
  • Adukotpattuch Cheralathan (125–87 avant notre ère)
  • Selvak kadungo Vazhiyathan (87–62 avant notre ère)
  • Yanaikatchei Mantharanj Cheral Irumborai (62–42 avant notre ère)
  • Thagadoor Erintha Perum Cheral Irumborai (42–25 avant notre ère), (unification du haut et du bas Kongu Nadu ).
  • Ilancheral Irumborai (25-19 avant notre ère)
  • Karuvur Eriya Koperumcheral Irumborai (19-1 avant notre ère)
  • Vanji Mutrathu tunjiya Anthuvancheral (1 BCE-10 CE)
  • Kanaikal Irumborai (20–30 CE)
  • Palai Padiya Perum kadngko (1–30 CE)
  • Kokothai Marban (30–61 CE)
  • Cheran Chenguttuvan (61–140 CE)
  • Kottambalathu tunjiya Maakothai (140-150 CE)
  • Cheraman mudangi kidantha Nedumcheralathan (150–160 CE)
  • Cheraman Kanaikkal Irumborai (160–180 CE)
  • Cheraman Ilamkuttuvan (180–200 CE)
  • Thambi Kuttuvan (200-220 CE)
  • Poorikko (220-250 CE)
  • Cheraman Kuttuvan Kothai (250–270 CE)
  • Cheraman Vanjan (270-300 CE)
  • Mantharanj Cheral (330–380 CE), trouvé dans les inscriptions d’ Allahabad de Samudragupta .

Kongu Cheras ( Karur ) (vers 400–844 CE)

  • Ravi Kota
  • Kantan Ravi
  • Vira Kota
  • Vira Narayana
  • Vira Chola
  • Vira Kerala
  • Amara Bhujanga Deva
  • Kerala Kesari Adhirajaraja Deva

Kodungallur Cheras (vers 844–1122 CE)

( Les Perumals, anciennement Kulasekharas )

  • Sthanu Ravi Kulasekhara (844–870 CE)
    • Kulasekhara Alvar /Kulasekhara Varma
  • Rama Rajasekhara (870–883 CE)
    • Cheraman Perumal Nayanar
  • Vijayaraga (883–895 CE)
  • Kotha Kotha Kerala Kesari (895–905 CE)
  • Kotha Ravi (905–943 CE)
  • Indu Kotha (943–962 CE)
  • Bhaskara Ravi Manukuladithya (962–1021 CE)
  • Ravi Kotha Rajasimha (1021-1036 CE)
  • Raja Raja (1036-1089 CE)
  • Ravi Rama Rajadithya (1036–1089 CE)
  • Adithyan Kotha Ranadithya (1036–1089 CE)
  • Rama Kulasekhara (1089-1122 CE)

Venadu Cheras ( Kulasekhara ) (vers 1090–1530 CE)

  • Rama Kulasekhara (1090-1102)
  • Kotha Varma Marthandam (1102-1125)
  • Vira Kerala Varma I (1125-1145)
  • Kodai Kerala Varma (1145-1150)
  • Vira Ravi Varma (1145-1150)
  • Vira Kerala Varma II (1164–1167)
  • Vira Aditya Varma (1167-1173)
  • Vira Udaya Martanda Varma (1173-1192)
  • Devadaram Vira Kerala Varma III (1192–1195)
  • Vira Manikantha Rama Varma Tiruvadi (1195- ?)
  • Vira Rama Kerala Varma Tiruvadi (1209-1214)
  • Vira Ravi Kerala Varma Tiruvadi (1214-1240)
  • Vira Padmanabha Martanda Varma Tiruvadi (1240-1252)
  • Ravi Varma (1252-1313)
  • Vira Udaya Martanda Varma (1313-1333)
  • Aditya Varma Tiruvâdi (1333-1335)
  • Vira Rama Udaya Martanda Varma Tiruvadi (1335-1342)
  • Vira Kerala Varma Tiruvadi (1342–1363)
  • Vira Martanda Varma III (1363-1366)
  • Vira Rama Martanda Varma (1366-1382)
  • Vira Ravi Varma (1383-1416)
  • Vira Ravi Ravi Varma (1416-1417)
  • Vira Kerala Martanda Varma (1383)
  • Chera Udaya Martanda Varma (1383–1444)
  • Vira Ravi Varma (1444–1458)
  • Sankhara Sri Vira Rama Martanda Varma (1458-1468)
  • Vira Kodaï Sri Aditya Varma (1468-1484
  • Vira Ravi Ravi Varma (1484-1503)
  • Martanda Varma, Kulasekhara Perumal (1503-1504)
  • Vira Ravi Kerala Varma, Kulasekhara Perumal (1504–1530)

Dynastie Chola (vers 600 avant notre ère – 1280 CE)

Cholas antique (vers 600 avant notre ère – 300 de notre ère)

  • Eri Oliyan Vaendhi
  • Maandhuvaazhi
  • El Mei Nannan
  • Keezhai Kinjuvan
  • Vazhisai Nannan
  • Mei Kiyagusi Aerru
  • Aai Kuzhi Agusi Aerru
  • Thizhagan Maandhi
  • Maandhi Vaelan
  • Aai Adumban
  • Ilamcetcenni
  • Karikala Chola
  • Nedunkilli
  • Nalankilli
  • Killivalavan
  • Perunarkilli
  • Kocengannan

Empire impérial de Cholas (vers 848–1280 CE)

  • Vijayalaya Chola (848–881)
  • Aditya (871–907)
  • Parantaka I (907–955)
  • Gandaraditya (950–957)
  • Arinjaya (956–957)
  • Parantaka Chola II (957-970)
  • Uttama Chola (973–985)
  • Rajaraja Chola I (985-1014)
  • Rajendra Chola Ier (1014-1018)
  • Rajadhiraja Chola Ier (1018-1054)
  • Rajendra Chola II (1054-1063)
  • Virarajendra Chola (1063-1070)
  • Athirajendra Chola (1067-1070)
  • Kulottunga Chola I (1071–1122)
  • Vikkrama Chola (1118-1135)
  • Kulottunga Chola II (1133–1150)
  • Rajaraja Chola II (1146-1163)
  • Rajadiraja Chola II (1163-1178)
  • Kulottunga Chola III (1178-1218)
  • Rajaraja Chola III (1216-1246)
  • Rajendra Chola III (1246-1279), dernier des Chola)

Royaume de Tambapanni (vers 543–437 avant notre ère)

Maison de Vijaya

Portrait Nom Naissance La mort Roi De Roi jusqu’à Mariages Prétendre
Vijaya Vijaya Vijaya ?
fils de Sinhabahu et Sinhasivali
505 av. J.-C.
543 avant JC 505 avant JC Kuveni
deux enfants Pandu Princess
Mariage du Royaume fondé avec Kuveni
505 avant JC 504 avant JC Premier ministre du prince Vijaya
Panduvasdeva 504 avant JC 474 avant JC Neveu de Vijaya
Abhaya 474 avant JC 454 avant JC Fils de Panduvasdeva
454 avant JC 437 avant JC Frère cadet d’Abhaya

Dynastie Satavahana (vers 230 avant notre ère – 220 de notre ère)

Le début de la règle Satavahana est daté de 230 avant notre ère à 220 de notre ère. [25] Satavahanas a dominé la région du Deccan du 1er siècle avant notre ère au 3ème siècle de notre ère. [26] Il a duré jusqu’au début du 3ème siècle CE. Les rois Satavahana suivants sont historiquement attestés par des archives épigraphiques, bien que les Puranas nomment plusieurs autres rois (voir Dynastie Satavahana # Liste des dirigeants ):

  • Simuka Satavahana (vers 230-207 avant notre ère)
  • Kanha Satavahana (vers 207-189 avant notre ère)
  • Malia Satakarni (vers 189-179 avant notre ère)
  • Purnothsanga (vers 179-161 avant notre ère)
  • Shathakarni (vers 179-133 avant notre ère)
  • Lambodara Satavahana (vers 87–67 avant notre ère)
  • Hala (vers 20-24 CE)
  • Mandalaka (vers 24-30 CE)
  • Purindrasena (vers 30–35 CE)
  • Sundara Satakarni (vers 35-36 CE)
  • Cakora Satakarni (vers 36 CE)
  • Mahendra Satkarni (vers 36–65 CE)
  • Gautamiputra Satakarni (vers 106–130 CE)
  • Vashishtiputra Pulumayi (vers 130–158 CE)
  • Vashishtiputra Satakarni (vers 158–170 CE)
  • Sri Yajna Satakarni (vers 170–220 CE)

Dynastie Mahameghavahana (vers 225 avant notre ère – 300 CE)

Mahamegha Vahana était le fondateur de la dynastie Kalingan Chedi ou Cheti . [27] [28] Les noms de Sobhanaraja, Chandraja, Ksemaraja apparaissent également en contexte. [29] Mais, Kharavela est le plus connu d’entre eux. La relation exacte entre Mahamegha Vahana et Kharavela n’est pas connue. [27]

  • Maharaja Vasu
  • Roi Mahamegha Vahana
  • Sobhanaraja
  • Chandraja
  • Ksemaraja
  • Vakradeva (ou) Virdhharaja
  • Kharavela (vers 193 avant notre ère – 155 avant notre ère)
  • Kudepasiri Vakradeva ll
  • Vaduka
  • Galaveya
  • Mana-Sada
  • Siri-Sada
  • Maha-Sada
  • Sivamaka-Sada
  • Asaka-Sada [30] [31]

Royaume de Kangleipak ​​(Manipur) (vers 200 avant notre ère -1950 de notre ère)

Le peuple Meitei est composé de sept clans majeurs, connus sous le nom de Salai Taret . Les clans comprennent–

  1. Mangang
  2. Khuman Salaï
  3. Luwang
  4. Angom
  5. Moilang
  6. Khaba Nganba
  7. Salaï Leishangthem

Ancienne dynastie de Kangleipak ​​(vers 200 avant notre ère -33 CE)

Khapa-Nganpa Salai

  • Taang-chaa Leela Pakhangpa (200 avant notre ère)
  • Kangba
  • Maliya Fampalcha (150 avant notre ère)
  • Kaksu Tonkonpa
  • Koilou Nongtailen Pakhangpa
  • Samlungpha (44–34 avant notre ère)
  • Chingkhong Poireiton (34-18 avant notre ère)
  • Singtabung (18-8 avant notre ère)
  • Paangminnaba (8–1 avant notre ère)

Luwang Salaï

  • Luwang Khunthipa (1-5 CE)
  • Luwang Punshipa (5–33 CE)

Dynastie Ningthouja ou Mangang (vers 33–1074 CE)

  • Nongta Lailen Pakhangpa (33–154 CE)
  • Khuiyoi Tompok (154–264 CE)
  • Taothingmang (264–364 CE)
  • Khui Ningonba (364–379 CE)
  • Pengsipa (379–394 CE)
  • Kaokhangpa (394–411 CE)
  • Naokhampa (411–428 CE)
  • Naophangpa (428–518 CE)
  • Sameilang (518–568 CE)
  • Urakonthoupa (568–658 CE)
  • Naothingkhon (663–763 CE)
  • Khongtekcha (763–773 CE)
  • Keilencha (784–799 CE)
  • Yalaba (799–821 CE)
  • Ayangpa (821–910 CE)
  • Ningthoucheng (910–949 CE)
  • Chenglei-Ipan-Lanthapa (949–969 CE)
  • Keiphaba Yanglon (969–984 CE)
  • Irengba (984–1074 CE)

Dynastie Kangleipak ​​(vers 1074–1819 CE)

  1. Loiyumpa (1074–1112)
  2. Loitongpa (1112–1150)
  3. Atome Yoilempa (1150-1163)
  4. Iyanthapa (1163–1195)
  5. Thayanthapa (1195-1231)
  6. Chingthang Lanthapa (1231-1242)
  7. Thingpai Shelhongpa (1242-1247)
  8. Pulanthapa (1247-1263)
  9. Khumompa (1263-1278)
  10. Moilampa (1278-1302)
  11. Thangpi Lanthapa (1302–1324)
  12. Kongyampa (1324–1335)
  13. Telheipa (1335–1355)
  14. Tonapa (1355-1359)
  15. Tapungpa (1359–1394)
  16. Lailenpa (1394–1399)
  17. Punsipa (1404–1432)
  18. Ningthoukhompa (1432-1467)
  19. Senpi Kiyampa (1467–1508)
  20. Koilempa (1508-1512)
  21. Lamkhyampa (1512-1523)
  22. Nonginphapa (1523-1524)
  23. Kapompe (1524-1542)
  24. Tangchampa (1542-1545)
  25. Chalampa (1545-1562)
  26. Mungyampa (1562-1597)
  27. Kaki Ngampa (1597–1652)
  28. Khunchaopa (1652–1666)
  29. Paikhompa (1666–1697)
  30. Charairongba (1697–1709)
  31. Gharib Nawaz (Ningthem Pamheipa) (1709-1754), (adoption du nom de Manipur )
  32. Chit Sain (1754–1756)
  33. Gaurisiam (1756–1763)
  34. Ching-Thang Khomba (Bhagya Chandra) (1764–1798)
  35. Rohinchandra (Harshachandra Singh) (1798–1801)
  36. Maduchandra Singh (1801–1806)
  37. Charajit Singh (1806–1812)
  38. Marjit Singh (1812–1819)

(Arrivé au pouvoir avec le soutien birman) .

Règle birmane (vers 1819–1825 CE)État princier (vers 1825–1947 CE)

  • Gambhir Singh (1825-1834)

( Restauré après la première guerre anglo-birmane )

  • Régence pour Chandrakirti Singh (1834–1850)
  • Nara Singh (1844–1850)
  • Debendro Singh (1850)
  • Chandrakirti Singh (1850–1886)
  • Surchandra Singh (1886–1890)
  • Kulachandra Singh (1890–1891)
  • Churachand Singh (1891-1941)
  • Bodhchandra Singh (1941–1947) [32] [33]

Royaume de Kuninda (vers le 2e siècle avant notre ère au 3e siècle de notre ère)

Le royaume de Kuninda était un ancien royaume himalayen central documenté du 2ème siècle avant notre ère au 3ème siècle de notre ère, situé dans les régions méridionales de l’ Himachal Pradesh moderne et les régions de l’extrême ouest de l’Uttarakhand dans le nord de l’Inde .

Le seul dirigeant connu du royaume de Kuninda est

  • Amoghabhuti (fin du IIe au début du Ier siècle avant notre ère)

Royaumes étrangers (assimilés) du sous-continent indien

Ces empires étaient vastes, centrés en Perse ou en Méditerranée ; leurs satrapies (provinces) en Inde étaient à leur périphérie.

  • Les frontières de l’ empire achéménide atteignaient le fleuve Indus.
  • Alexandre le Grand (326-323 avant notre ère) de la dynastie Argead qui a combattu Porus lors de la bataille de la rivière Hydaspes .
  • Seleucus I Nicator (323–321 avant notre ère), diadochos a été vaincu par Chandragupta Maurya en 305 avant notre ère.
  • La dynastie hellénistique Euthydemid a également atteint les frontières nord-ouest de l’Inde (vers 221–85 avant notre ère).

Indo-Scythe – Saka ( vers 12 avant notre ère – 395 CE)

Aprācas (vers 12 avant notre ère -45 CE)

  • Vijayamitra

(12 avant notre ère -15 de notre ère)

  • Indravasu

(vers 20 EC)

  • Vispavarman
  • Indravarman
  • Aspa (vers 5-45 CE) ou Aspavarma (vers 15-45 CE)
  • Sasan (vers 45 CE)

Dirigeants scythes du nord-ouest (vers 90 avant notre ère – 10 CE)

  • Maues (vers 85–60 avant notre ère)
  • Vonones (vers 75–65 avant notre ère)
  • Spalahores (vers 75–65 avant notre ère)
  • Spalarises (vers 60–57 avant notre ère)
  • Azès I (vers 57-35 avant notre ère)
  • Azilises (vers 57–35 avant notre ère)
  • Azès II (vers 35-12 avant notre ère)
  • Zéionise (vers 10 avant notre ère – 10 CE)
  • Kharahostes (vers 10 avant notre ère – 10 CE)
  • Hajatria
  • Liaka Kusuluka, satrape de Chuksa
  • Kusulaka Patika , satrape de Chuksa

Pāratas (vers 125–300 CE)

  • Yolamira (vers 125-150)
  • Bagamira (vers 150)
  • Arjuna (vers 150-160)
  • Hvaramira (vers 160–175)
  • Mirahvara (vers 175–185)
  • Miratakhma (vers 185–200)
  • Kozana (vers 200-220)
  • Bhimarjuna (vers 220–235)
  • Koziya (vers 235–265)
  • Datarvharna (vers 265–280)
  • Datayola II (vers 280–300)

Satrapes du Nord ( région de Mathura ) (vers 20 avant notre ère – 20 de notre ère)

  • Hagamasha (satrape)
  • Hagana (satrape)
  • Rajuvula (Grand Satrape) (vers 10 CE)
  • soda

Dirigeants locaux mineurs

  • Bhadayasa
  • Mamvadi
  • Arsakes (indo-scythe)

Satrapes occidentaux ( Western Saka ) (vers 119–395 CE)

  • Nahapâna (119-124)
  • Chastana (vers 124)
  • Jayadaman (vers 124-130)
  • Rudradaman I (vers 130-150)
  • Damajadasri Ier (170-175)
  • Jivadaman (175-199)
  • Rudrasimha I (175-188)
  • Isvaradatta (188-191)
  • Rudrasimha I (restauré) (191-197)
  • Jivadaman (restauré) (197-199)
  • Rudrasena I (200–222)
  • Samghadaman (222-223)
  • Damasena (223–232)
  • Damajadasri II (232-239) avec
  • Viradaman (234–238)
  • Yasodaman Ier (239)
  • Vijayasena (239–250)
  • Damajadasri III (251-255)
  • Rudrasena II (255–277)
  • Visvasimha (277-282)
  • Bhratadarman (282–295)
  • Visvaséna (293–304)
  • Rudrasimha II , fils du Seigneur (Svami) Jivadaman (304-348) avec
  • Yasodaman II (317–332)
  • Rudradman II (332–348)
  • Rudrasena III (348–380)
  • Simhasena (souverain indo-scythe) (380–382)
  • Rudrasena IV (382–388)
  • Rudrasimha III (388–395)

Empire Kushan (vers 1–375 CE)

Règle Règne Remarques
Heraios Heraios profile.jpg Heraios profile.jpg 1–30 Roi ou chef de clan des Kushans. Fondateur de la dynastie.
Kujula Kadphises KujulaKadphisesCoinAugustusImitation.jpg KujulaKadphisesCoinAugustusImitation.jpg 30–80 United la confédération Yuezhi au cours du 1er siècle, et est devenu le premier empereur Kushan.
Vima Takto Soter Megas Coin of Kushan King Vima Takto.jpg Coin of Kushan King Vima Takto.jpg 80–90 Alias ​​Le Grand Sauveur . Son empire couvrait le nord-ouest du Gandhara et la grande Bactriane vers la Chine , où la présence de Kushan a été affirmée dans le bassin du Tarim . Sous son règne, des ambassades furent également envoyées à la cour chinoise.
Vima Kadphises WimaKadphises.JPG WimaKadphises.JPG 90–127 Le premier grand empereur Kushan. Il a introduit la monnaie d’or, en plus de la monnaie de cuivre et d’argent existante. La majeure partie de l’or semble avoir été obtenue grâce au commerce avec l’ Empire romain .
Kanishka I le Grand KanishkaCoin3.JPG KanishkaCoin3.JPG 127–144 Entré à la tête d’un empire en Bactriane s’étendant jusqu’à Pataliputra dans la plaine du Gange . Ses conquêtes et son patronage du bouddhisme ont joué un rôle important dans le développement de la route de la soie et dans la transmission du bouddhisme Mahayana du Gandhara à travers la chaîne du Karakoram jusqu’en Chine .
Huvishka KushanCoinage2.jpg KushanCoinage2.jpg 144–191 Son règne fut une période de repli et de consolidation pour l’Empire.
Vasudeva I Coin of the Kushan king Vasudeva I.jpg Coin of the Kushan king Vasudeva I.jpg 191–232 Il fut le dernier grand empereur Kushan, et la fin de son règne coïncide avec l’invasion des Sassanides jusqu’au nord-ouest de l’Inde, et l’établissement des Indo-Sassanides ou Kushanshahs vers 240.
Kanishka II KanishkaIIObverse.JPG KanishkaIIObverse.JPG 232–245 Il est probable qu’il ait perdu une partie de son empire au profit des Kushano-Sassaniens .
Vashishka Vasishka.jpg Vasishka.jpg 245–250
Kanishka III Dinar of Kanishka III or Vashishka LACMA M.77.56.18 (2 of 2).jpg Dinar of Kanishka III or Vashishka LACMA M.77.56.18 (2 of 2).jpg 250–275
Vasudeva II Coin of VasudevaII.jpg Coin of VasudevaII.jpg 275–310
Chhu 310–325
Vasudeva III environ 300 ? Des rois dont l’existence est incertaine.
Vasudeva IV
Vasudeva V
Shaka Kushan / Shaka I KushanCoinage.jpg KushanCoinage.jpg 325–350
Kipunada Kipunada.jpg Kipunada.jpg 350–375 Peut avoir été un sujet de Samudragupta de l’Empire Gupta .

Indo-Parthe – Pahalava (vers 21-100 CE)

  • Gondophares I (vers 21-50)
  • Abdagases I (vers 50–65)
  • Satavastres (vers 60)
  • Sarpédons (vers 70)
  • Orthagnes (vers 70)
  • Ubouzanès (vers 77)
  • Sases ou Gondophares II (vers 85)
  • Abdagasès II (vers 90)
  • Pakorès (vers 100)

Alchon Huns – Huna (vers 400–670 CE)

  • Rois anonymes (400 – 430 CE)
  • Khingila (vers 430 – 490 CE)
  • Javukha / Zabocho (vers le milieu du 5e – début du 6e CE)
  • Mehama (vers 461 – 493 CE)
  • Lakhana Udayaditya (vers 490 CE)
  • Aduman
  • Toramana (vers 490 – 515 CE)
  • Mihirakula (vers 515 – 540 CE)
  • Toramana II (vers 530 – 570 CE)
  • Pravarasena (vers 530 – 590 CE)
  • Gokarna (vers 570 – 590 CE)
  • Narendraditya Khinkhila (vers 590 – 630 CE)
  • Yudhishthira (630–670 CE)

Dynastie Chutu de Banavasi (vers 100 avant notre ère – 200 CE)

Les dirigeants Chutu suivants sont connus à partir de pièces de monnaie et d’inscriptions : [34]

  • Chutukulananda
  • Mulananda
  • Sivalananda

Dynastie Nagvanshi de Chotanagpur (vers 64–1952 CE)

Voici la liste des dirigeants de Nagvanshi selon le poème de Nagpuri “Nagvanshavali” écrit par Beniram Mehta et le livre “Nagvansh” écrit par Lal Pradumn Singh. La liste des rois et la chronologie varient dans ces livres. Le 57e roi Nagvanshi Dripnath Shah (c.1762–1790 CE) a soumis la liste des rois Nagvanshi au gouverneur général de l’Inde en 1787. [35]


  • Raja Phani Mukut Rai (vers 64-162 CE)
  • Raja Mukut Rai (vers 162-221 CE)
  • Raja Ghat Rai (vers 221-278 CE)
  • Raja Madan Rai (vers 278-307 CE)
  • Raja Pratap Rai (vers 307 – 334 CE)
  • Raja Kandrap Rai (vers 334 – 365 CE)
  • Raja Udaimani Rai (vers 365-403 CE)
  • Raja Jaimani Rai (vers 403 – 452 CE)
  • Raja Srimani Rai (vers 452-476 CE)
  • Raja Phani Rai (vers 476 – 493 CE)
  • Raja Gendu Rai (vers 493 – 535 CE)
  • Raja Hari Rai (vers 535 – 560 CE)
  • Raja Gajraj Rai (vers 560-606 CE)
  • Raja Sundar Rai (vers 606 – 643 CE)
  • Raja Mukund Rai (vers 643 – 694 CE)
  • Raja Udai Rai (vers 694 – 736 CE)
  • Raja Kanchan Rai (vers 736 – 757 CE)
  • Raja Magan Rai (vers 757 – 798 CE)
  • Raja Jagan Rai (vers 798 – 837 CE)
  • Raja Mohan Rai (vers 837-901 CE)
  • Raja Gajdant Rai (vers 901-931 CE)
  • Raja Gajghant Rai (vers 931-964 CE)
  • Raja Chandan Rai (vers 964-992 CE)
  • Raja Anand Rai (vers 992-1002 CE)
  • Raja Sripati Rai (vers 1002 – 1055 CE)
  • Raja Jaganand Rai (vers 1055-1074 CE)
  • Raja Nripendra Rai (vers 1074 -1084 CE)
  • Raja Gandharva Rai (vers 1084 -1098 CE)
  • Raja Bhim Karn (c.1098 -c.1132)
  • Raja Jash Karn (c.1132-c.1180)
  • Raja Jai ​​Karn (vers 1180-vers 1218)
  • Raja Go Karn (c.1218-c.1236)
  • Raja Hari Karn (c.1236-c.1276)
  • Raja Shiv Karn (vers 1276-vers 1299)
  • Raja Benu Karn (c.1299-c.1360)
  • Raja Phenu Karn
  • Raja Tihouli Karn
  • Raja Shivdas Karn (c.1367-c.1389)
  • Raja Udai Karn (c.1389-c.1427)
  • Raja Pritvi Karn (c.1427-c.1451)
  • Raja Pratap Karn (c.1451-c.1469)
  • Raja Chhatra Karn (vers 1469 – vers 1515)
  • Raja Virat Karn (vers 1515 – vers 1522)
  • Raja Sindhu Karn (vers 1522 – vers 1535)
  • Raja Madhu Karn Shah (vers 1584 -vers 1599)
  • Raja Bairisal (vers 1599 -vers 1614)
  • Raja Durjan Sal (vers 1614-1615) (vers 1627 – vers 1640)
  • Raja Deo Shah
  • Raja Raghunath Shah (1640–1690)
  • Raja Ram Shah (1690-1715)
  • Raja Yadunath Shah (1715-1724)
  • Raja Shivnath Shah (1724-1733)
  • Raja Udainath Shah (1733–1740)
  • Raja Shyamsundar Nath Shah (1740–1745)
  • Raja Balram Nath Shah (1745-1748)
  • Raja Maninath Shah (1748–1762)
  • Raja Dhripnath Shah (1762–1790)
  • Raja Deo Nath Shah (1790–1806)


  • Maharaja Gobind Nath Shah Deo (1806–1822)
  • Maharaja Jagannath Shah Deo (1822–1872)
  • Maharaja Udai Pratap Nath Shah Deo (1872–1950)
  • Maharaja Lal Chintamani Sharan Nath Shahdeo (1950–1952)

Dynastie Bharshiva ( Nagas de Padmavati ) (vers 170–350 CE)

  • Vrisha-naga

(Peut-être gouverné à Vidisha à la fin du 2ème siècle) .

  • Vrishabha ou Vrisha-bhava

( Peut aussi être le nom d’un roi distinct qui a succédé à Vrisha-naga ).

  • Bhima-naga (210–230 CE)

( Probablement le premier roi à régner depuis Padmavati )

  • Skanda-naga
  • Vasu-naga
  • Brihaspati-naga
  • Vibhu-naga
  • Ravi-naga
  • Bhava-naga
  • Prabhakara-naga
  • Deva-naga
  • Vyaghra-naga
  • Ganapati-naga

Dynastie Chandra (vers 202–1050 CE)

Liste des dirigeants– [36] [37]

Liste des dirigeants de la dynastie Chandra

# Roi Période Règne (CE)
1 Chandrodaya 27 202–229
2 Annaveta 5 229–234
3 Anonyme 77 234–311
4 Rimbhiappa 23 311–334
5 Kuverami (Reine) 7 334–341
6 Umavira (reine) 20 341–361
7 Jugna 7 361–368
8 Lanki 2 368–370
9 Dvenchandra 55 370–425
dix Rajachandra 20 425–445
11 Kalachandra 9 445–454
12 Devachandra 22 454–476
13 Yajnachandra 7 476–483
14 Chandrabandu 6 483–489
15 Bhumichandra 7 489–496
16 Bhutichandra 24 496–520
17 Nitichandra (reine) 55 520–575
18 Virachandra 3 575–578
19 Pritichandra (Reine) 12 578-90
20 Prithvichandra 7 590–597
21 Dhirtichandra 3 597–600
22 Mahavira 12 600-12
23 Virayajap 12 612-24
24 Sevinren 12 624-36
25 Dharmasura 13 636-49
26 Vajrashakti 16 649-65
27 Dharmavijaya 36 665–701
28 Narendravijaya 2 ans 9 mois 701–703
29 Dharmachandra 16 703–720
30 Anandachandra 9+ 720-729+
Dynastie Harikela
1 Traillokyachandra 30 900–930
2 Srichandra 45 930–975
3 Kalyanachandra 25 975–1000
4 Ladahachandra 20 1000–1020
5 Govindachandra 30 1020–1050

Dynastie Abhira de Nasik (203–370 CE)

Voici la liste des dirigeants souverains et forts d’Abhira: [38]

  • Abhira Sivadatta
  • Sakasena alias Saka Satakrni
  • Abhira Ishwarsena alias Mahaksatrapa Isvaradatta
  • Abhira Vashishthiputra Vasusena

Empire Gupta (vers 240–550 CE)

Règle Règne Remarques
Sri-Gupta I Maharaja Sri Gupta inscription on the Allahabad pillar Samudragupta inscription.jpg Maharaja Sri Gupta inscription on the Allahabad pillar Samudragupta inscription.jpg 240–290 Fondateur de la dynastie.
Ghatotkacha Maharaja Sri Ghatotkacha inscription on the Allahabad pillar Samudragupta inscription.jpg 290–320
Chandra-Gupta I Queen Kumaradevi and King Chandragupta I on a coin.jpg Queen Kumaradevi and King Chandragupta I on a coin.jpg 320–325 Son titre Maharajadhiraja (“roi des grands rois”) suggère qu’il fut le premier empereur de la dynastie. On ne sait pas comment il a transformé son petit royaume ancestral en un empire, bien qu’une théorie largement acceptée parmi les historiens modernes soit que son mariage avec la princesse Lichchhavi Kumaradevi l’a aidé à étendre son pouvoir politique.
Samudra-Gupta SamudraguptaCoin.jpg SamudraguptaCoin.jpg 325–375 A vaincu plusieurs rois du nord de l’Inde et annexé leurs territoires à son empire. Il a également marché le long de la côte sud-est de l’Inde, avançant jusqu’au royaume de Pallava . En outre, il subjugua plusieurs royaumes frontaliers et oligarchies tribales. Son empire s’étendait de la rivière Ravi à l’ouest au fleuve Brahmapoutre à l’est, et des contreforts himalayens au nord au centre de l’Inde au sud-ouest; plusieurs dirigeants le long de la côte sud-est étaient ses affluents.
Kacha Kachagupta of the Gupta Empire circa AD 335.jpg Kachagupta of the Gupta Empire circa AD 335.jpg 4ème siècle Frère/roi rival, peut-être un usurpateur, il y a des pièces de monnaie qui l’attestent comme souverain ; peut-être identique à Samudra-Gupta .
Rama-Gupta 375–380
Chandra-Gupta II Vikramaditya ChandraguptaIIOnHorse.jpg ChandraguptaIIOnHorse.jpg 380–415 A poursuivi la politique expansionniste de son père Samudragupta : des preuves historiques suggèrent qu’il a vaincu les Kshatrapas occidentaux et étendu l’empire Gupta du fleuve Indus à l’ouest à la région du Bengale à l’est, et des contreforts himalayens au nord à la Narmada Rivière au sud.
Kumara-Gupta I KumaraguptaFightingLion.jpg KumaraguptaFightingLion.jpg 415–455 Il semble avoir conservé le contrôle de son territoire hérité, qui s’étendait du Gujarat à l’ouest à la région du Bengale à l’est.
Skanda-Gupta Skandagupta Circa 455-480 CE.jpg Skandagupta Circa 455-480 CE.jpg 455–467 Il est dit qu’il a restauré la fortune déchue de la famille Gupta, ce qui a conduit à suggérer qu’au cours des dernières années de son prédécesseur, l’Empire aurait subi des revers, peut-être contre les Pushyamitras ou les Hunas . Il est généralement considéré comme le dernier des grands empereurs Gupta.
Puru-Gupta 467–472
Kumara-Gupta II Kramaditya Kumaragupta II Kramaditya Circa 530-540 CE.jpg Kumaragupta II Kramaditya Circa 530-540 CE.jpg 472–479
Bouddha-Gupta Budhagupta in Malwa Circa 476-495 CE.jpg Budhagupta in Malwa Circa 476-495 CE.jpg 479–496 Il avait des liens étroits avec les dirigeants de Kannauj et ensemble, ils ont cherché à chasser les Alchon Huns ( Hunas ) des plaines fertiles du nord de l’Inde.
Narasimha-Gupta Baladitya Narasinhagupta I Circa 414-455 AD.jpg Narasinhagupta I Circa 414-455 AD.jpg 496–530
Kumara-Gupta III 530–540
Vishnu-Gupta Candraditya Vishnugupta Candraditya Circa 540-550 CE.jpg Vishnugupta Candraditya Circa 540-550 CE.jpg 540–550
Bhanu-Gupta ? Un roi moins connu avec une position incertaine dans la liste.

Dynastie Vakataka (vers 250–500 CE)

  • Vindhyasakti (250–270)
  • Pravarasena I (270–330)

The Pravarapura-Nandivardhana branch

  • Rudrasena I (330–355)
  • Prithivishena I (355–380)
  • Rudrasena II (380–385)
  • Divakarasena (385–400)
  • Prabhavatigupta (fem.), Regent (385–405)
  • Damodarasena (Pravarasena II) (400–440)
  • Narendrasena (440–460)
  • Prithvishena II (460–480)

The Vatsagulma branch

  • Sarvasena (330–355)
  • Vindhyasena (Vindhyashakti II) (355–442)
  • Pravarasena II (400–415)
  • Unknown (415–450)
  • Devasena (450–475)
  • Harishena (475–500)

Pallava dynasty (c. 275–901 CE)

Early Pallavas (c. 275–355 CE)

  • Simha Varman I (King) (275–300 or 315–345)
  • Skanda Varman I (Queen) (345–355)
  • Singh Vishnu / Vappdev

Middle Pallavas (c. 355–537 CE)

  • Vishnugopa (350–355)
  • Kumaravisnu I (355–370)
  • Skanda Varman II (370–385)
  • Vira Varman (385–400)
  • Skanda Varman III (400–438)
  • Simha Varman II (438–460)
  • Skanda Varman IV (460–480)
  • Nandi Varman I (480–500)
  • Kumaravishnu II (c. 500–510)
  • Buddha Varman (c. 510–520)
  • Kumaravisnu III (c. 520–530)
  • Simha Varman III (c. 530–537)

Later Pallavas (c. 537–901 CE)

  • Simha Vishnu (537–570)
  • Mahendra Varman I (571–630)
  • Narasimha Varman I (Mamalla) (630–668)
  • Mahendra Varman II (668–672)
  • Paramesvara Varman I (672–700)
  • Narasimha Varman II (Raja Simha) (700–728)
  • Paramesvara Varman II (705–710)
  • Nandi Varman II (Pallavamalla) (732–796)
  • Thandi Varman (775–825)
  • Nandi Varman III (825–869)
  • Nirupathungan (869–882)
  • Aparajitha Varman (882–901)

Kadamba dynasty (c. 345–1347 CE)

Kadamba dynasty of Banavasi (c. 345–525 CE)

  • Mayurasharma (Varma) (345–365)
  • Kangavarma (365–390)
  • Bagitarha (390–415)
  • Raghu (415–435)
  • Kakusthavarma (435–455)
  • Santivarma (455–460)
  • Mrigeshavarma (460–480)
  • Shivamandhativarma (480–485)
  • Ravivarma (485–519)
  • Harivarma (519–525)

Kadambas of Goa (until 1345)Kadambas of Hangal (until 1347)

Varman dynasty of Kamarupa (350–650 CE)

The dynastic line, as given in the Dubi and Nidhanpur copperplate inscriptions:[39]

Reign Name succession Queen
1 350-374 Pushyavarman (unknown)
2 374-398 Samudravarman son of Pushyavarman Dattadevi
3 398-422 Balavarman son of Samudravarman Ratnavati
4 422-446 Kalyanavarman son of Balavarman Gandharavati
5 446-470 Ganapativarman son of Kalyanavarman Yajnavati
6 470-494 Mahendravarman son of Ganapativarman Suvrata
7 494-518 Narayanavarman son of Mahendravarman Devavati
8 518-542 Bhutivarman son of Narayanavarman Vijnayavati
9 542-566 Chandramukhavarman son of Bhutivarman Bhogavati
10 566-590 Sthitavarman son of Chandramukhavarman Nayanadevi
11 590-595 Susthitavarman son of Sthitavarman Syamadevi
12 595-600 Supratisthitavarman son of Susthitavarman (Bachelor)
13 600-650 Bhaskaravarman brother of Supratisthitavarman (Bachelor)
14 650-655 Unknown (unknown) (unknown)

Western Ganga dynasty of Talakad (350–1024 CE)

List of rulers–

  • Konganivarma Madhava (350–370), founder of dynasty
  • Madhava II (370–390)
  • Harivarman (390–410)
  • Vishnugopa (410–430)
  • Tadangala Madhava (430–466)
  • Avinita (466–495)
  • Durvinita (495–535)
  • Mushkara (535–585)
  • Srivikrama (585–635)
  • Bhuvikarma (635–679)
  • Shivamara I (679–725)
  • Sripurusha (725–788)
  • Shivamara II (788–816)
  • Rajamalla I (817–853)
  • Nitimarga Ereganga (853–869)
  • Rajamalla II (870–907)
  • Ereyappa Nitimarga II (907–919)
  • Narasimhadeva (919–925)
  • Rajamalla III (925–935)
  • Butuga II (935–960)
  • Takkolam in (949)
  • Maruladeva (960–963)
  • Marasimha III (963–974)
  • Rajamalla IV (974–985)
  • Rakkasa Ganga (985–1024), last ruler of dynasty

Traikutaka dynasty (c. 370–520 CE)

The following Traikuta rulers are known from the coins and inscriptions of Gupta Empire:[40]

  • Maharaja Indradatta (415–440 CE)
  • Maharaja Dahrasena
  • Maharaja Vyaghrasena, son of Dahrasena (480 CE)
  • Maharaja Madhyamasena
  • Vikramasena

Vishnukundina dynasty (c. 420–624 CE)

  • Madhava Varma I (420–455)
  • Indra Varma (455–461)
  • Madhava Verma II (461–508)
  • Vikramendra Varma I (451–528)
  • Indra Bhattaraka Varma (528–555/580)
  • Janssraya Madhava Varma IV (580–624)[41][42]

Maitraka dynasty of Vallabhi (c. 475–776 CE)

  • Bhatarka (c. 475–492)
  • Dharasena I (c. 493–499)
  • Dronasinha (also known as Maharaja) (c. 500–520)
  • Dhruvasena I (c. 520–550)
  • Dharapatta (c. 550–556)
  • Guhasena (c. 556–570)
  • Dharasena II (c. 570–595)
  • Siladitya I (also known as Dharmaditya) (c. 595–615)
  • Kharagraha I (c. 615–626)
  • Dharasena III (c. 626–640)
  • Dhruvasena II (also known as Baladitya) (c. 640–644)
  • Chkravarti king Dharasena IV (also known as Param Bhatarka, Maharajadhiraja, Parameshwara) (c. 644–651)
  • Dhruvasena III (c. 651–656)
  • Kharagraha II (c. 656–662)
  • Siladitya II
  • Siladitya III
  • Siladitya IV
  • Siladitya V
  • Siladitya VI
  • Siladitya VII (c. 766 CE)[43]

Rai dynasty (c. 489–632 CE)

  • Rai Diwa ji (Devaditya)
  • Rai Sahiras (Shri Harsha)
  • Rai Sahasi (Sinhasena)
  • Rai Sahiras II, died battling the King of Nimroz
  • Rai Sahasi II, the last of the line

Later Gupta dynasty (c. 490–750 CE)

The known Later Gupta rulers included:[44][45][46]

  • Nrpa Shri Krishna-gupta (490–505 CE)
  • Deva Shri Harsha-gupta (505–525 CE)
  • Nrpa Shri Jivita-gupta I (525–550 CE)
  • Nrpa Shri Kumara-gupta (550–560 CE)
  • Nrpa Shri Damodara-gupta (560–562 CE)
  • Nrpa Shri Mahasena-gupta (562–601 CE)
  • Nrpa Shri Madhava-gupta (601–655 CE)
  • Maharajadhiraja Aditya-sena (655–680 CE)
  • Maharajadhiraja Deva-gupta (680–700 CE)
  • Maharajadhiraja Vishnu-gupta (700–725 CE)
  • Maharajadhiraja Jivita-gupta II (725–750 CE)

Chalukya dynasty (c. 500–1200 CE)

Ruler Reign Capital Notes
Jayasimha I 500–520 Badami Founder of the dynasty. He ruled the area around modern Bijapur in the early 6th century.
Ranaraga 520–540 Badami
Pulakeshin I 540–567 Badami He ruled parts of the present-day Maharashtra and Karnataka states in the western Deccan region of India.
Kirtivarman I 567–592 Badami He expanded the Chalukya kingdom by defeating the Nalas, the Mauryas of Konkana, the Kadambas, the Alupas, and the Gangas of Talakad.
Mangalesha 6th century Kannada inscription in cave temple number 3 at Badami.jpg 592–610 Badami Brother of Kirtivarman. Expanded the Chalukya power in present-day Gujarat and Maharashtra after defeating the Kalachuri king Buddharaja. He also consolidated his rule in the Konkan coastal region of Maharashtra and Goa after conquering Revati-dvipa from the rebel Chalukya governor Svamiraja. His reign ended when he lost a war of succession to his nephew Pulakeshin II, a son of Kirttivarman I.
Pulakeshin II Pulikesin II, the Chalukhaya, receives envoys from Persia (1).jpg 610–642 Badami Son of Kirtivarman I, he overthrew his uncle Mangalesha to gain control of the throne. Suppressed a rebellion by Appayika and Govinda, and decisively defeated the Kadambas of Banavasi in the south. Consolidated the Chalukya control over the western coast by subjugating the Mauryas of Konkana. He was victorious against the

powerful northern emperor Harsha-vardhana. He also achieved some successes against the Pallavas in the south, but was ultimately defeated, and probably killed, during an invasion by the Pallava king Narasimhavarman I.

Kubja Vishnu-Vardhana I 615/24–641 Vengi (Eastern) Brother of Pulakeshin II. Ruled under him as viceroy in Vengi, and then declared independence in 624.
Jayasimha II 641–673 Vengi (Eastern)
Adityavarman 642–645 Badami First son of Pulakeshin II. Probably ruled under the Pallavas.
Abhinavaditya 645–646 Badami Son of the predecessor.
Chandraditya 646–649 Badami Second son of Pulakeshin II.
Vijaya-Bhattarika (regent) 649–655 Badami Regent for her minor son. She was deposed by her brother-in-law.
A son of Chandraditya Badami
Vikramaditya I 655–680 Badami He restored order in the fractured kingdom and made the Pallavas retreat from the capital.
Indra Bhattaraka 673 Vengi (Eastern) Brother of Jayasimha II. Ruled for a week.
Vishnu-Vardhana II 673–682 Vengi (Eastern)
Vinayaditya 680–696 Badami He carried campaigns against the Pallavas, Kalabhras, Haihayas, Vilas, Cholas, Pandyas, Gangas and many more.
Mangi Yuvaraja 682–706 Vengi (Eastern)
Vijayaditya I 696–733 Badami His long reign was marked by general peace and prosperity. Vijayaditya also built a number of temples. He fought against the Pallavas and extracted tributes from Parameshwar Varma V.
Jayasimha III 706–718 Vengi (Eastern)
Kokkli 718–719 Vengi (Eastern)
Vishnu-Vardhana III 719–755 Vengi (Eastern)
Vikramaditya II 8th century Kannada inscription on victory pillar at Pattadakal.jpg 733–746 Badami Conducted successful military campaigns against their enemy, the Pallavas of Kanchipuram, in three occasions: the first time as a crown prince, the second time as an emperor and the third time under the leadership of his son and crown prince Kirtivarman II.
Kirtivarman II Rahappa 746- 757 Badami His reign was continuously troubled by the growing power of the Rashtrakutas and Pandyas. He finallt succumbed to the Rashtrakutas, who ended the power of the family in Badami.
Vijayaditya II 755–772 Vengi (Eastern)
Vishnu-Vardhana IV 755–808 Vengi (Eastern)
Vijayaditya III 808–847 Vengi (Eastern) His first military victories against the Rashtrakutas made the path for the independence of the dynasty from this occupant.
Kali Vishnu-Vardhana V 847–849 Vengi (Eastern)
Vijayaditya IV 849–892 Vengi (Eastern) Brothers, ruled together.
Vikramaditya III Vengi (Eastern)
Yuddhamalla I Vengi (Eastern)
Bhima I 892–921 Vengi (Eastern) During his rule, Vengi could claim some independence as capital from the Rashtrakutas.
Vijayaditya V 921 Vengi (Eastern)
Amma I 921–927 Vengi (Eastern) Probably brothers, ruled jointly.
Vishnu-Vardhana VI Vengi (Eastern)
Vijayaditya VI 927 Vengi (Eastern) Ruled for fifteen days.
Tadapa 927 Vengi (Eastern) Ruled for a month.
Vikramaditya IV 927–928 Vengi (Eastern)
Bhima II 928–929 Vengi (Eastern)
Yuddhamalla II 929–935 Vengi (Eastern)
Bhima III 935–947 Vengi (Eastern)
Amma II 947–970 Vengi (Eastern)
Danarnava 970–973 Vengi (Eastern) Deposed by Jata Choda Bhima. Sought for help within the Chola Empire.
Tailapa II Ahvamalla Old Kannada inscription dated Shaka 913 (c.991 AD) of Kalyani (Western) Chalukya King Ahvamalla Tailapa II.JPG 973–997 Kalyani (Western) 6th great-grandson of Vijayaditya I. Ousted the Rashtrakutas in the West and recovered the power once held by his family.
Jata Choda Bhima 973–999 Vengi (Eastern)
Satyashraya 997–1008 Kalyani (Western)
Shaktivarman I 999–1011 Vengi (Eastern) First son of Danarnava. Returned from exile and recovered his throne. Now free from the usurper, however Eastern Vengi dynasty lost some of the independence they have gained some generations ago. Begin of the growing Chola influence in Vengi kingdom.
Vikramaditya V 1008–1015 Kalyani (Western) Nephew of Satyahraya, as son of his brother, Dashavarman.
Vimaladitya 1011–1018 Vengi (Eastern) Second son of Danarnava. In his exile period with his father and brother, he was married to Kundavai, daughter of Rajaraja I from the Chola Empire.
Jayasimha III Old Kannada inscription dated Shaka 957 (c.1035 AD) of Kalyani (Western) Chalukya King Jayasimha II.JPG 1015–1043 Kalyani (Western) He had to fight on many fronts, against the Cholas of Tanjore in the south and the Paramara dynasty in the north, to protect his kingdom. His rule however was an important period of development of Kannada literature. He saw his cousins in Vengi fall firmly into the hands of the Cholas who would use their marital relations with the Eastern Chalukyas and their over lordship over Vengi to frustrate and threaten the Western Chalukyas from two fronts, from the east and from the South. But, at the same time, he consolidated more firmly the Western Chalukya power in the Deccan.
Rajaraja Narendra King Rajaraja Narendra founder of rajahmundry city.jpg 1018–1061 Vengi (Eastern) Son of Vimaladitya, had support in the throne from the Cholas, whose influence grew significantly. He supported Cholas against his cousins, the Western Chalukyas. His own son managed to succeed in the Chola Empire, in 1070, as Kulottunga I, beginning the Later Cholas period, in which the Chola Empire was ruled by a branch of the Eastern Chalukyas renamed Chola.
Someshvara I Trilokyamalla Western Chalukyas of Kalyana King Somesvara I Trailokyamalla 1043-1068.jpg 1042–1068 Kalyani (Western) His several military successes in Central India made him a formidable ruler of a vast empire. During his rule, the Chalukyan empire extended to Gujarat and Central India in the north.
Shaktivarman II 1061–1062 Vengi (Eastern)
Vijayaditya VII 1062–1075 Vengi (Eastern) Also son of Vimaladitya, but half-brother of Rajaraja Narendra. Ascended to the throne with support from Western Chalukyas.
Someshvara II Bhuvanaikamalla Old Kannada inscription dated Shaka 990 (c.1068 AD) of Kalyani (Western) Chalukya King Bhuvanaikamalla Someshvara II.JPG 1068–1076 Kalyani (Western) First son of Someshvara I, deposed by his younger brother, Vikramaditya.
Rajaraja 1075–1079 Vengi (Eastern)
Vikramaditya VI Tribhuvanamalla Old Kannada inscription (c.1108 AD) of Kalyani (Western) Chalukya King Tribhuvanamalla Vikramaditya VI.jpg 1076–1126 Kalyani (Western) Second son of Someshvara I. Under his reign, the Western Chalukya Empire reached its zenith. He is noted for his patronage of art and letters. His court was adorned with famous Kannada and Sanskrit poets. Intervened in Chola politics, sitting his brother-in-law, Athirajendra Chola, on the Chola Empire throne.
Vishnu-Vardhana VII 1079–1102 Vengi (Eastern) Last known Chalukya ruler of Vengi.
Someshvara III Old Kannada inscription (1129 AD) at Kedareshvara temple in Balligavi.JPG 1126–1138 Kalyani (Western) He was a noted historian, scholar, and poet, and authored the Sanskrit encyclopedic text Manasollasa touching upon such topics as polity, governance, astronomy, astrology, rhetoric, medicine, food, architecture, painting, poetry and music: making his work a valuable modern source of socio-cultural information of the 11th- and 12th-century India.
Jagadhekamalla II Old Kannada inscription (c.1148 AD) of Kalyani (Western) Chalukya King Jagadekamalla II.JPG 1138–1151 Kalyani (Western) His rule saw the slow decline of the Chalukya empire with the loss of Vengi entirely, though he was still able to control the Hoysalas in the south and the Seuna and Paramara in the north.
Tailapa III 1151–1164 Kalyani (Western) Faced many feudatory risings against Chalukya rule.
Jagadhekamalla III 1164–1183 Kalyani (Western) His rule was completely overshowded by the emergence of the Southern Kalachuris under Bijjala II who took control of Kalyani. He had to escape to the Banavasi region.
Someshvara IV Chalukyas of Kalyana (Western Chalukyas) Possibly King Somesvara IV Chalukya. 1181-4 1189.jpg 1183–1200 Kalyani (Western) Recovered his capital, by defeating the Kalachuris, but failed to prevent his old allies, Seuna, Hoysala and the Kakatiya dynasty, who, after deposing Someshvara by 1200, divided his empire among themselves.

Shahi Kingdom (c. 500–1026 CE)

In Kabul Shahi Kingdom two Dynasties ruled (both were Hindu dynasties) from:

  • Turk Shahi (c. 500–850 CE)
  • Hindu Shahi (c. 850–1026 CE)

Turk Shahi dynasty (c. 500–850 CE)

  • Nandin Rulers of Gilgit (500–552)
  • Khingala of Kapisa (535–552)
  • Patoladeva / Navasurendradiyta (552–575)
  • Srideva / Surendra Vikrmadiyta (575–605)
  • Patoladeva / Vajraditya (605–645)
  • Barha Tegin (645–680)
  • Tegin Sha (680–739)
  • Fromo Kesar / Gesar (739–755)

Hindu Shahi dynasty (c. 850–1026 CE)

  • Samantadeva Kallar / Lalliya (850–895), first ruler of dynasty
  • Kamalavarmadeva / Kamaluka (895–921)
  • Bhimadeva (921–964)
  • Ishtthapala (ruled 8 months)
  • Jayapala (964–1001)
  • Anandapala (1001–1010)
  • Trilochanapala (1010–22) assassinated by mutinous troops)
  • Bhimapala (died in 1022–1026), last ruler of dynasty

Pushyabhuti dynasty (c. 500–647 CE)

  • Pushyabhuti (Puṣyabhuti), possibly mythical
  • Naravardhana (500–525 CE)
  • Rajyavardana I (525–555 CE)
  • Adityavardhana (Ādityvardhana or Ādityasena) (555–580 CE)
  • Prabhakara-vardhana (Prabhākaravardhana) (580–605 CE)
  • Rajya-vardhana (Rājyavardhana II) (605–606 CE)
  • Harsha-vardhana (Harṣavardhana) (606–647 CE), Unified Northern India and ruled it for over 40 years, he was the last non-Muslim emperor to rule a unified Northern India.

Eastern Ganga Empire (c. 505–1950 CE)

Eastern Ganga dynasty (c. 505–1434 CE)

Indravarman I is earliest known Independent king of the dynasty. He is known from the Jirjingi copper plate grant.[41][42]

  • Mittavarman (c. 505–520)

(Eastern Ganga king, feudal under Vakataka rule)

  • Indravarman I (c. 520–537)

(Real founder of dynasty)

  • Samantavarman (c. 537–562)
  • Hastivarman (c. 562–578)
  • Indravarman II (c. 578–589)
  • Danarnava (c. 589–652)
  • Indravarman III (c. 652–682)
  • Gunarnava (c. 682–730)
  • Devendravarman I (c. 730–780)
  • Anantavarman III (c. 780–812)
  • Rajendravarman II (c. 812–840)
  • Devendravarman V (c. 840–895)
  • Gunamaharnava I (c. 895–910)
  • Vajrahasta II (or Anangabhimadeva I) (c. 910–939)
  • Gundama – (c. 939–942)
  • Kamarnava I (c. 942–977)
  • Vinayaditya (c. 977–980)
  • Vajrahasta IV (c. 980–1015)
  • Kamarnava II (c. 1015–6 months after)
  • Gundama II (c. 1015–1038)
  • Vajrahasta V (c. 1038–1070)
  • Rajaraja Deva I (c. 1070–1077)
  • Anantavarman Chodaganga (c. 1077–1147)
  • Jatesvaradeva (c. 1147–1156)
  • Raghava Deva (c. 1156–1170)
  • Rajaraja Deva II (c. 1170–1190)
  • Anangabhima Deva II (c. 1190–1198)
  • Rajraja Deva III (c. 1198–1211)
  • Anangabhima Deva III (c. 1211–1238)
  • Narasimha Deva I (1238–1264)
  • Bhanu Deva I (1264–1278)
  • Narasimha Deva II (1279–1306)
  • Bhanu Deva II (1306–1328)
  • Narasimha Deva III (1328–1352)
  • Bhanu Deva III (1352–1378)
  • Narasimha Deva IV (1378–1414)
  • Bhanu Deva IV (1414–1434)

Gudari Kataka Ganga State

According to Gangavansucharitam written in sixteenth or seventeenth century, Bhanu Deva IV also known as Kajjala Bhanu founded a new small princedom in southern Odisha at Gudari in modern Rayagada district after he was toppled from power by his general Kapilendra Deva.[47]

  • Kajjala Bhanu (or Bhanu Deva IV)
  • Svarna Bhanu
  • Kalasandha Deva
  • Chudanga Deva
  • Harimani Deva
  • Narasimha Deva
  • Ananta Deva
  • Padmanabha Deva
  • Pitambara Deva
  • Vasudeva
  • Purrushottama Anangabhima Deva (or Bhima Deva)

Chikiti Ganga State (c. 881–1950 CE)

Historians conclude that the rulers of Chikiti were from the line of Ganga ruler Hastivarman.[48][49]

  • Kesaba Rautara (or Bira Karddama Singha Rautara)


  • Balabhadra Rautara


  • Madhaba Rautara


  • Languli Rautara


  • Mohana Rautara


  • Balarama Rautara


  • Biswanatha Rautara


  • Harisarana Rautara


  • Raghunatha Rautara


  • Dinabandhu Rautara


  • Gopinatha Rautara


  • Ramachandra Rautara


  • Narayana Rautara


  • Narasingha Rautara


  • Lokanatha Rautara


  • Jadumani Rautara


  • Madhusudana Rajendra Deba (1692–1736)
  • Kulamani Rajendra Deba


  • Krusnachandra Rajendra Deba (1770–1790)
  • Pitambara Rajendra Deba (1791–1819)
  • Gobindachandra Rajendra Deba (1820–1831)
  • Kulamani Rajendra Deba


  • Brundabanachandra Rajendra Deba (1835–1846)
  • Jagannatha Rajendra Deba (1847–1855)
  • Biswambhara Rajendra Deba (1856–1885)
  • Kisorachandra Rajendra Deba (1885–1903)
  • Radhamohana Rajendra Deba (1903–1923)
  • Gaurachandra Rajendra Deba


  • Sachhidananda Rajendra Deba


Parlakhemundi Ganga State (c. 1309–1950)

Parlakhemundi state rulers were the direct descendants of the Eastern Ganga dynasty rulers of Odisha.[50][51]

  • Narasingha Deba (1309–1320)
  • Madanrudra Deba (1320–1339)
  • Narayana Rudra Deba (1339–1353)
  • Ananda Rudra Deba (1353–1354)
  • Ananda Rudra Deba (1354–1367)
  • Jayarudra Deba (1367–1399)
  • Lakhsmi Narasingha Deba (1399–1418)
  • Madhukarna Gajapati (1418–1441)
  • Murtunjaya Bhanu Deba (1441–1467)
  • Madhaba Bhanu Deba (1467–1495)
  • Chandra Betal Bhanu Deba (1495–1520)
  • Subarnalinga Bhanu Deba (1520–1550)
  • Sibalinga Narayan Bhanudeo (1550–1568)
  • Subarna Kesari Govinda Gajapati Narayan Deo (1568–1599)
  • Mukunda Rudra Gajapati Narayan Deo (1599–1619)
  • Mukunda Deo (1619–1638)
  • Ananta Padmanabh Gajapati Narayan Deo I (1638–1648)
  • Sarbajgan Jagannatha Gajapati Narayan Deo I (1648–1664)
  • Narahari Narayan Deo (1664–1691)
  • Bira Padmanabh Narayan Deo II (1691–1706)
  • Prataprudra Gajapati Narayan Deo I (1706–1736)
  • Jagannatha Gajapati Narayana Deo II (1736–1771)
  • Goura Chandra Gajapati Narayan Deo I (1771–1803)
  • Purushottam Gajapati Narayan Deo (1803–1806)
  • Jagannath Gajapati Narayan Deo III (1806–1850)
  • Prataprudra Gajapati Narayan Deo II (1850–1885)
  • Goura Chandra Gajapati Narayan Deo II (1885–1904)
  • Krushna Chandra Gajapati Narayan Deo


Titular Rulers

  • Krushna Chandra Gajapati Narayan Deo

(1950 – 25 May 1974)

  • Gopinath Gajapati Narayan Deo

(25 May 1974 – 10 January 2020)

  • Kalyani Gajapati

(10 January 2020–present)

Jaintia Kingdom (c. 515–1835 CE)

Old dynasty

  1. Urmi Rani (?-550)
  2. Krishak Pator (550–570)
  3. Hatak (570–600)
  4. Guhak (600–630)

Partitioned Jaintia

  1. Jayanta (630–660)
  2. Joymalla (660-?)
  3. Mahabal (?)
  4. Bancharu (?-1100)
  5. Kamadeva (1100–1120)
  6. Bhimbal (1120)

Brahmin dynasty

  1. Kedareshwar Rai (1120–1130)
  2. Dhaneshwar Rai (1130–1150)
  3. Kandarpa Rai (1150–1170)
  4. Manik Rai (1170–1193)
  5. Jayanta Rai (1193–1210)
  6. Jayanti Devi
  7. Bara Gossain

New dynasty

  1. Prabhat Ray Syiem Sutnga (1500–1516)
  2. Majha Gosain Syiem Sutnga (1516–1532)
  3. Burha Parbat Ray Syiem Sutnga (1532–1548)
  4. Bar Gosain Syiem Sutnga I (1548–1564)
  5. Bijay Manik Syiem Sutnga (1564–1580)
  6. Pratap Ray Syiem Sutnga (1580–1596)
  7. Dhan Manik Syiem Sutnga (1596–1612)
  8. Jasa Manik Syiem Sutnga (1612–1625)
  9. Sundar Ray Syiem Sutnga (1625–1636)
  10. Chota Parbat Ray Syiem Sutnga (1636–1647)
  11. Jasamanta Ray Syiem Sutnga (1647–1660)
  12. Ban Singh Syiem Sutnga (1660–1669)
  13. Pratap Singh Syiem Sutnga (1669–1678)
  14. Lakshmi Narayan Syiem Sutnga (1678–1694)
  15. Ram Singh Syiem Sutnga I (1694–1708)
  16. Jay Narayan Syiem Sutnga (1708–1731)
  17. Bar Gosain Syiem Sutnga II (1731–1770)
  18. Chattra Singh Syiem Sutnga (1770–1780)
  19. Yatra Narayan Syiem Sutnga (1780–1785)
  20. Bijay Narayan Syiem Sutnga (1785–1786)
  21. Lakshmi Singh Syiem Sutnga (1786–1790)
  22. Ram Singh Syiem Sutnga II (1790–1832)
  23. Rajendra Singh Syiem Sutnga (1832–1835)[52][53]

Gurjara-Pratihara Empire (c. 550–1036 CE)

Pratiharas of Mandavyapura (c. 550–860 CE)

R. C. Majumdar, on the other hand, assumed a period of 25 years for each generation, and placed him in c. 550 CE. The following is a list of the dynasty’s rulers (IAST names in brackets) and estimates of their reigns, assuming a period of 25 years.

  • Harichandra (Haricandra) alias Rohilladhi (r. c. 550 CE), founder of dynasty
  • Rajilla (r. c. 575 CE)
  • Narabhatta (Narabhaṭa) alias Pellapelli (r. c. 600 CE)
  • Nagabhata (Nāgabhaṭa) alias Nahada (r. c. 625 CE)
  • Tata (Tāta) and Bhoja (r. c. 650 CE)
  • Yashovardhana (Yaśovardhana) (r. c. 675 CE)
  • Chanduka (Canduka) (r. c. 700 CE)
  • Shiluka (Śīluka) alias Silluka (r. c. 725 CE)
  • Jhota (r. c. 750 CE)
  • Bhilladitya alias Bhilluka (r. c. 775 CE)
  • Kakka (r. c. 800 CE)
  • Bauka (Bāuka) (r. c. 825 CE)
  • Kakkuka (r. c. 861 CE), last ruler

Pratiharas of Bhinmala (Kannauj) (c. 730–1036 CE)

List of rulers–

  • Nagabhata I (730–756), founder of dynasty
  • Kakustha (756–765)
  • Devaraja (765–778)
  • Vatsaraja (778–805)
  • Nagabhata II (800–833)
  • Ramabhadra (833–836)
  • Mihira Bhoja (836–890), Greatest ruler of dynasty
  • Mahendrapala I (890–910)
  • Bhoja II (910–913)
  • Mahipala I (913–944)
  • Mahendrapala II (944–948)
  • Devpala (948–954)
  • Vinaykpala (954–955)
  • Mahipala II (955–956)
  • Vijaypala II (956–960)
  • Rajapala (960–1018)
  • Trilochanpala (1018–1027)
  • Jasapala (Yashpala) (1024–1036), last ruler of dynasty

Other Pratihara Branches

Baddoch Branch (c. 600–700 CE)

Known Baddoch rulers are-

  • Dhaddha 1 (600–627)
  • Dhaddha 2 (627–655)
  • Jaibhatta (655–700)

Rajogarh Branch

Badegujar were rulers of Rajogarh

  • Parmeshver Manthandev, (885–915)
  • No records found after Parmeshver Manthandev

Kingdom of Mewar (c. 550–1947 CE)

In the 6th century, three different Guhila dynasties are known to have ruled in present-day Rajasthan:

  • Guhilas of Nagda-Ahar,
  • Guhilas of Kishkindha (modern Kalyanpur),
  • Guhilas of Dhavagarta (present-day Dhor).

Guhila dynasty (c. 550–1303 CE)

  • Bappaka (550–566)
  • Guhaditya / Guhlia (566–580) (Real founder of the dynasty)
  • Bhoja (580–602)
  • Mahendra (I) (602–616)
  • Nāga (616–646)
  • Śiladitya (646–661 )
  • Aparājita (661–697 )
  • Mahendra (II) (697–728)
  • Bappa Rawal / Kālabhoja (728–753)
  • Khommāṇa (I) (753–773)
  • Mattaṭa (773–790)
  • Bhartṛipaṭṭa (I) (790–813)
  • Rawalsiṃha (813–820)
  • Khommāṇa (II) (820–853)
  • Mahāyaka (853–900)
  • Khommāṇa (III) (900–942)
  • Bhartṛipaṭṭa (II) (942–943 CE)
  • Allaṭa (943–953 )
  • Naravāhana (953–971 )
  • Śalivāhana (971–977 )
  • Śaktikumāra (977–993 )
  • Āmraprasāda (993–998)
  • Śuchivarman (998–1010)
  • Naravarman (1010–1035)
  • Kīrtivarman (1035–1050)
  • Yogarāja (1050–1075)
  • Vairaṭa (1075–1090)
  • Vaṃśapāla (1090–1100)
  • Vairisiṃha (1100–1122)
  • Vijayasiṃha (1122–1130)
  • Vairisiṃha (II) (1130–1136)
  • Arisiṃha (1136–1145)
  • Choḍa (1145–1151)
  • Vikramasiṃha (1151–1158)
  • Raṇasiṃha (1158–1165 )[54][55][56]

Branching of Guhil Dynasty

  • Ranasingh (1158 CE) During his reign, the Guhil dynasty got divided into two branches.
  • First (Rawal Branch)—Kṣemasiṃha, son of Raṇasiṃha, ruled over Mewar by building Rawal Branch.
  • Second (Rana Branch)—Rahapa, the second son of Raṇasiṃha started the Rana Branch by establishing Sisoda bases. Due to his stay in Rana Sisoda hideout, he was later called Sisodia.[57][56]

Post-split Rawal branch (c. 1165–1303 CE)

  • Kṣemasiṃha (1165–1172)
  • Sāmantasiṃha (1172–1179)
  • Kumārasiṃha (1179–1185)
  • Mathanasiṃha (1185–1201)
  • Padmasiṃha (1201–1213)
  • Jaitrasimha (1213–1252)
  • Tejasimha (1252–1273)[58]
  • Samarasimha (1273–1301)
  • Ratnasimha (1301–1303).[59][60]

Rana branch (c. 1160–1326 CE)

Rahapa, a son of Ranasimha alias Karna, established the Rana branch. According to the 1652 Eklingji inscription, Rahapa’s successors were:

  • Rahapa/Karna (1160)
  • Narapati (1185)
  • Dinakara (1200)
  • Jasakarna (1218)
  • Nagapala (1238)
  • Karnapala (1266)
  • Bhuvanasimha (1280)
  • Bhimasimha (1297)
  • Jayasimha (1312)
  • Lakhanasimha (1318)
  • Arisimha (Arasi) (1322)
  • Hammir Singh (1326)[61]

Sisodia dynasty (c. 1326–1947 CE)

  • Hammir Singh (1326–1364)
  • Kshetra Singh (1364–1382)
  • Lakha Singh (1382–1421)
  • Mokal Singh (1421–1433)
  • Rana Kumbha (1433–1468)
  • Udai Singh I (1468–1473)
  • Raimal Singh (1473–1508)
  • Sangram Singh I (1508–1527), Under his rule Mewar reached its pinnacle in power and prosperity.[62]
  • Ratan Singh II (1528–1531)
  • Vikramaditya Singh (1531–1536)
  • Vanvir Singh (1536–1540)
  • Udai Singh II (1540–1572)
  • Pratap Singh I (1572–1597), 13th king of Mewar, notable for his military resistance against the Mughals.
  • Amar Singh I (1597–1620)
  • Karan Singh II (1620–1628)
  • Jagat Singh I (1628–1652)
  • Raj Singh I (1652–1680)
  • Jai Singh (1680–1698)
  • Amar Singh II (1698–1710)
  • Sangram Singh II (1710–1734)
  • Jagat Singh II (1734–1751)
  • Pratap Singh II (1751–1754)
  • Raj Singh II (1754–1762)
  • Ari Singh II (1762–1772)
  • Hamir Singh II (1772–1778)
  • Bhim Singh (1778–1828)
  • Jawan Singh (1828–1838)
  • Sardar Singh (1838–1842)
  • Swarup Singh of Udaipur (1842–1861)
  • Shambhu Singh (1861–1874)
  • Sajjan Singh (1874–1884)
  • Fateh Singh (1884–1930)
  • Bhupal Singh (1930–1947)

Titular Maharanas

  • Bhupal Singh (1947–1955)
  • Bhagwat Singh Mewar
  • Mahendra Singh Mewar

Gauda Kingdom (c. 590–626 CE)

  • Shashanka (590–625 CE), first recorded independent king of Bengal, created the first unified political entity in Bengal
  • Manava (625–626 CE), ruled for 8 months before being conquered by Harshavardhana and Bhaskarvarman

Chacha dynasty of Sindh (c. 632–724 CE)

The known rulers of the Brahman dynasty are:[63]

  • Chach (632–671 CE)
  • Chandar (671–679 CE)
  • Dāhir (679–712 CE) from Alor

Under the Umayyad Caliphate

  • Dahirsiya (679–709 CE) from Brahmanabad
  • Hullishāh (712–724 CE)
  • Shishah (till 724 CE)

Karkota dynasty of Kashmir (c. 625–855 CE)

  • Durlabhavardhana (625–662), (founder of the dynasty)
  • Durlabhaka or Pratipaditya (662–712)
  • Chandrapeeda or Varnaditya (712–720)
  • Tarapida or Udayaditya (720–724)
  • Lalitaditya Muktapida (724–760), (built the famous Martand Sun Temple in Kashmir)
  • Kuvalayaditya (760–761)
  • Vajraditya or Bapyayika or Lalitapida (761–768)
  • Prithivyapida I (768–772)
  • Sangramapida (772–779)
  • Jayapida (also Pandit and poet) (779–813)
  • Lalitapida (813–825)
  • Sangramapida II (825–832)
  • Chipyata-Jayapida (832–885), (last ruler of dynasty)

Other puppet rulers under Utpala dynasty are

  • Ajitapida
  • Anangapida
  • Utpalapida
  • Sukhavarma

Chahamana (Chauhan) Empire (c. 650–1315 CE)

The ruling dynasties belonging to the Chauhan clan included:-

  • Chahamanas of Shakambhari (Chauhans of Ajmer)
  • Chahamanas of Naddula (Chauhans of Nadol)
  • Chahamanas of Jalor (Chauhans of Jalore); branched off from the Chahamanas of Naddula
  • Chahamanas of Ranastambhapura (Chauhans of Ranthambore); branched off from the Chahamanas of Shakambhari
  • Chahamanas of Lata
  • Chahamanas of Dholpur
  • Chahamanas of Partabgarh

Chahamanas of Shakambhari (c. 650–1194 CE)

Following is a list of Chahamana rulers of Shakambhari and Ajmer, with approximate period of reign, as estimated by R. B. Singh:[64]

  • Chahamana (Legendary)
  • Vasu-deva (c. 650–684 CE), first known ruler of the dynasty
  • Samanta-raja (c. 684–709 CE); identified as the legendary Manik Rai by R. B. Singh
  • Nara-deva (c. 709–721 CE)
  • Ajaya-raja I (c. 721–734 CE), alias Jayaraja or Ajayapala
  • Vigraha-raja I (c. 734–759 CE)
  • Chandra-raja I (c. 759–771 CE)
  • Gopendra-raja (c. 771–784 CE)
  • Durlabha-raja I (c. 784–809 CE)
  • Govinda-raja I (c. 809–836 CE), alias Guvaka I
  • Chandra-raja II (c. 836–863 CE)
  • Govindaraja II (c. 863–890 CE), alias Guvaka II
  • Chandana-raja (c. 890–917 CE)
  • Vakpati-raja (c. 917–944 CE); his younger son established the Naddula Chahamana branch
  • Simha-raja (c. 944–971 CE)
  • Vigraha-raja II (c. 971–998 CE)
  • Durlabha-raja II (c. 998–1012 CE)
  • Govinda-raja III (c. 1012–1026 CE)
  • Vakpati-raja II (c. 1026–1040 CE)
  • Viryarama (c. 1040 CE)
  • Chamunda-raja (c. 1040–1065 CE)
  • Durlabha-raja III (c. 1065–1070 CE), alias Duśala
  • Vigraha-raja III (c. 1070–1090 CE), alias Visala
  • Prithvi-raja I (c. 1090–1110 CE)
  • Ajaya-raja II (c. 1110–1135 CE), moved the capital to Ajayameru (Ajmer)
  • Arno-raja (c. 1135–1150 CE), alias Ana
  • Jagad-deva (c. 1150 CE)
  • Vigraha-raja IV (c. 1150–1164 CE), alias Visaladeva
  • Apara-gangeya (c. 1164–1165 CE)
  • Prithvi-raja II (c. 1165–1169 CE)
  • Someshvara (c. 1169–1178 CE)
  • Prithvi-raja III (c. 1178–1192 CE), better known as Prithviraj Chauhan also Greatest ruler of dynasty
  • Govinda-raja IV (c. 1192 CE); banished by Hari-raja for accepting Muslim suzerainty; established the Chahamana branch of Ranastambhapura
  • Hari-raja (c. 1193–1194 CE), last ruler of dynasty

Chahamanas of Naddula (c. 950–1197 CE)

Following is a list of Chahmana rulers of Naddula, with approximate period of reign, as estimated by R. B. Singh:

  • Lakshmana (c. 950–982), alias Rao Lakha or Lakhana
  • Shobhita (c. 982–986)
  • Baliraja (c. 986–990)
  • Vigrahapala (c. 990–994)
  • Mahindra (c. 994–1015), alias Mahindu or Mahendra
  • Ashvapala (c. 1015–1019)
  • Ahila (c. 1019–1024)
  • Anahilla (c. 1024–1055)
  • Balaprasada (c. 1055–1070)
  • Jendraraja (c. 1070–1080)
  • Prithvipala (c. 1080–1090)
  • Jojalladeva (c. 1090–1110)
  • Asharaja (c. 1110–1119), alias Ashvaraja
  • Ratnapala (c. 1119–1132)
  • Rayapala (c. 1132–1145)
  • Katukaraja (c. 1145–1148)
  • Alhanadeva (c. 1148–1163)
  • Kelhanadeva (c. 1163–1193)
  • Jayatasimha (c. 1193–1197), last ruler of dynasty

Chahamanas of Jalor (c. 1160–1311 CE)

The Chahamana rulers of the Jalor branch, with their estimated periods of reign, are as follows:[65]

  • Kirti-pala (c. 1160–1182 CE)
  • Samara-simha (c. 1182–1204 CE)
  • Udaya-simha (c. 1204–1257 CE)
  • Chachiga-deva (c. 1257–1282 CE)
  • Samanta-simha (c. 1282–1305 CE)
  • Kanhada-deva (c. 1292–1311 CE)
  • Virama-deva (1311 CE); crowned during the Siege of Jalore, but died 21⁄2 days later.[66][67]

Chahamanas of Ranastambhapura (c. 1192–1301 CE)

  • Govinda-raja (1192 CE), founder of dynasty
  • Balhana-deva or Balhan, son of Govinda
  • Prahlada or Prahlad, son of Balhana
  • Viranarayana or Vir Narayan, son of Prahlada
  • Vagabhata, son of Balhana; known as Bahar Deo in bardic chronicles
  • Jaitra-simha or Jaitra Singh
  • Hammira-deva or Hammir Dev (1301 CE), last & Greatest ruler of dynasty

Mlechchha dynasty of Kamarupa (650–900 CE)

  • Salastamba (650–670), founder of dynasty
  • Vijaya alias Vigrahastambha
  • Palaka
  • Kumara
  • Vajradeva
  • Harshadeva alias Harshavarman (725–745)
  • Balavarman II
  • Jivaraja
  • Digleswaravarman
  • Salambha[68]
  • Harjjaravarman (815–832)
  • Vanamalavarmadeva (832–855)
  • Jayamala alias Virabahu (855–860)
  • Balavarman III (860–880)
  • Tyagasimha (890–900), last ruler of dynasty

Kalachuri dynasty of Tripuri (Chedi) (c. 675–1212 CE)

  • Vamaraja-deva (675–700 CE), founder of dynasty
  • Shankaragana I (750–775 CE)
  • Lakshmana-raja I (825–850 CE)
  • Kokalla I (850–890 CE); his younger son established the Ratnapura Kalachuri branch
  • Shankaragana II (890–910 CE), alias Mugdhatunga
  • Balaharsha (910–915 CE)
  • Yuvaraja-deva I (915–945 CE)
  • Lakshmana-raja II (945–970 CE)
  • Shankaragana III (970–980 CE)
  • Yuvaraja-deva II (980–990 CE)
  • Kokalla II (990–1015 CE)
  • Gangeya-deva (1015–1041 CE)
  • Lakshmi-karna (1041–1073 CE), alias Karna
  • Yashah-karna (1073–1123 CE)
  • Gaya-karna (1123–1153 CE)
  • Nara-simha (1153–1163 CE)
  • Jaya-simha (1163–1188 CE)
  • Vijaya-simha (1188–1210 CE)
  • Trailokya-malla (c. 1210– at least 1212 CE), last ruler[69]

Garhwal Kingdom of Uttrakhand (c. 688–1949 CE)

Mola Ram the 18th century painter, poet, historian and diplomat of Garhwal wrote the historical work Garhrajvansh Ka Itihas (History of the Garhwal royal dynasty) which is the only source of information about several Garhwal rulers.[70][71]

Rulers of Garhwal – Panwar clan of Garhwali Rajputs

No. Name Reign Years Reigned No. Name Reign Years Reigned No. Name Reign Years Reigned
1 Kanak Pal 688–699 11 21 Vikram Pal 1116–1131 15 41 Vijay Pal 1426–1437 11
2 Shyam Pal 699–725 26 22 Vichitra Pal 1131–1140 9 42 Sahaj Pal 1437–1473 36
3 Pandu Pal 725–756 31 23 Hans Pal 1141–1152 11 43 Bahadur Shah 1473–1498 25
4 Abhijat Pal 756–780 24 24 Som Pal 1152–1159 7 44 Man Shah 1498–1518 20
5 Saugat Pal 781–800 19 25 Kadil Pal 1159–1164 5 45 Shyam Shah 1518–1527 9
6 Ratna Pal 800–849 49 26 Kamadev Pal 1172–1179 7 46 Mahipat Shah 1527–1552 25
7 Shali Pal 850–857 7 27 Sulakshan Dev 1179–1197 18 47 Prithvi Shah 1552–1614 62
8 Vidhi Pal 858–877 19 28 Lakhan Dev 1197–1220 23 48 Medini Shah 1614–1660 46
9 Madan Pal 877–894 17 29 Anand Pal II 1220–1241 21 49 Fateh Shah 1660–1708 48
10 Bhakti Pal 895–919 24 30 Purva Dev 1241–1260 19 50 Upendra Shah 1708–1709 1
11 Jayachand Pal 920–948 28 31 Abhay Dev 1260–1267 7 51 Pradip Shah 1709–1772 63
12 Prithvi Pal 949–971 22 32 Jayaram Dev 1267–1290 23 52 Lalit Shah 1772–1780 8
13 Medinisen Pal 972–995 23 33 Asal Dev 1290–1299 9 53 Jayakrit Shah 1780–1786 6
14 Agasti Pal 995–1014 19 34 Jagat Pal 1299–1311 12 54 Pradyumna Shah 1786–1804 18
15 Surati Pal 1015–1036 21 35 Jit Pal 1311–1330 19 55 Sudarshan Shah 1804–1859 55
16 Jay Pal 1037–1055 18 36 Anant Pal II 1330–1358 28 56 Bhawani Shah 1859–1871 12
17 Anant Pal I 1056–1072 16 37 Ajay Pal 1358–1389 31 57 Pratap Shah 1871–1886 15
18 Anand Pal I 1072–1083 11 38 Kalyan Shah 1389–1398 9 58 Kirti Shah 1886–1913 27
19 Vibhog Pal 1084–1101 17 39 Sundar Pal 1398–1413 15 59 Narendra Shah 1913–1946 33
20 Suvayanu Pal 1102–1115 13 40 Hansadev Pal 1413–1426 13 60 Manabendra Shah 1946–1949 3

Mallabhum (Bishnupur) kingdom (c. 694–1947 CE)

Mallabhum kingdom or Bishnupur kingdom was the kingdom ruled by the Malla kings of Bishnupur, primarily in the present Bankura district in Indian state of West Bengal.[72] (also known as Mallabhoom,[73]

Name of the king[74][75] Reign Notes
Adi Malla 694–710
Jay Malla 710–720
Benu Malla 720–733
Kinu Malla 733–742
Indra Malla 742–757
Kanu Malla 757–764
Dha (Jhau) Malla 764–775
Shur Malla 775–795
Kanak Malla 795–807
Kandarpa Malla 807–828
Sanatan Malla 828–841
Kharga Malla 841–862
Durjan (Durjay) Malla 862–906
Yadav Malla 906–919
Jagannath Malla 919–931
Birat Malla 931–946
Mahadev Malla 946–977
Durgadas Malla 977–994
Jagat Malla 994–1007
Ananta Malla 1007–1015
Rup Malla 1015=1029
Sundar Malla 1029–1053
Kumud Malla 1053–1074
Krishna Malla 1074–1084
Rup II (Jhap) Malla 1084–1097
Prakash Malla 1097–1102
Pratap Malla 1102–1113
Sindur Malla 1113–1129
Sukhomoy(Shuk) Malla 1129–1142
Banamali Malla 1142–1156
Yadu/Jadu Malla 1156–1167
Jiban Malla 1167–1185
Ram Malla 1185=1209
Gobinda Malla 1209–1240
Bhim Malla 1240–1263
Katar(Khattar) Malla 1263–1295
Prithwi Malla 1295 -1319
Tapa Malla 1319–1334
Dinabandhu Malla 1334–1345
Kinu/Kanu II Malla 1345–1358
Shur Malla II 1358–1370
Shiv Singh Malla 1370–1407
Madan Malla 1407–1420
Durjan II (Durjay) Malla 1420–1437
Uday Malla 1437–1460
Chandra Malla 1460–1501
Bir Malla 1501–1554
Dhari Malla 1554–1565
Hambir Malla Dev (Bir Hambir) 1565–1620
Dhari Hambir Malla Dev 1620–1626
Raghunath Singha Dev 1626–1656
Bir Singha Dev 1656–1682
Durjan Singha Dev 1682–1702
Raghunath Singha Dev II 1702–1712
Gopal Singha Dev 1712–1748
Chaitanya Singha Dev 1748–1801
Madhav Singha Dev 1801–1809
Gopal Singha Dev II 1809–1876
Ramkrishna Singha Dev 1876–1885
Dwhaja Moni Devi 1885–1889
Nilmoni Singha Dev 1889–1903
Churamoni Devi (Regency) 1903–1930
Kalipada Singha Thakur 1930–1947

Chand Kingdom of Kumaon (700–1790 CE)

Badri Datt Pandey, in his book Kumaun Ka Itihaas lists the Chand kings as following:

King Reign Notes
Som Chand 700–721
Atm Chand 721–740
Purn Chand 740–758
Indra Chand 758–778 Opened Silk Factories
Sansar Chand 778–813
Sudha Chand 813–833
Hamir Chand 833–856
Vina Chand 856–869 Lost to Khas Kings
Vir Chand 1065–1080
Rup Chand 1080–1093
Laxmi Chand 1093–1113
Dharm Chand 1113–1121
Karm Chand 1121–1140
Ballal Chand 1140–1149
Nami Chand 1149–1170
Nar Chand 1170–1177
Nanaki Chand 1177–1195
Ram Chand 1195–1205
Bhishm Chand 1205–1226
Megh Chand 1226–1233
Dhyan Chand 1233–1251
Parvat Chand 1251–1261
Thor Chand 1261–1275
Kalyan Chand II 1275–1296
Trilok Chand 1296–1303 Conquered Chhakhata
Built a fort at Bhimtal
Damaru Chand 1303–1321
Dharm Chand 1321–1344 Defeated One Lakh Army of Delhi Sultan Muhammad Bin Tughluq under Khusrau Malik in his Qarachil Expedition
Abhay Chand 1344–1374
Garur Gyan Chand 1374–1419 Established authority over Bhabar and Terai; later lost them to nawab of Sambhal, Recaptured it by defeating Turkish Nawab of Sambhal under General Nilu Kathait
Harihar Chand 1419–1420
Udyan Chand 1420–1421 built Baleshwar Temple at Champawat
Captured Chaugarkha
Atma Chand II 1421–1422
Hari Chand II 1422–1423
Vikram Chand 1423–1437 Completed Baleshwar Temple
Bharati Chand 1437–1450 Defeated Doti
Ratna Chand 1450–1488 Defeated Bams of Sor,
defeated Doti again
Kirti Chand 1488–1503 annexed Barahmandal, Pali and Faldakot, Conquered Garhwal by defeating Ajaypal and made it vassal state of Kumaon
Pratap Chand 1503–1517
Tara Chand 1517–1533
Manik Chand 1533–1542
Kalyan Chand III 1542–1551
Purna Chand 1551–1555
Bhishm Chand 1555–1560 laid foundation stone of Alamnagar
lost Barahmandal to Khas Sardar Gajuwathinga
Balo Kalyan Chand 1560–1568 recaptured Barahmandal
moved capital to Alamnagar and renamed it Almora
Annexed Mankot and Danpur
Rudra Chand 1568–1597 Successfully defended Terai from nawab of Kath and Gola
founded the city of Rudrapur
Annexed Sira
Laxmi Chand 1597–1621 built Laxmeswar and Bagnath Temple at Almora and Bageshwar respectively
Invaded Garhwal 7 times without any Success
Dilip Chand 1621–1624
Vijay Chand 1624–1625
Trimal Chand 1625–1638
Baz Bahadur Chand 1638–1678 Captured Dehradun and Hindu Pilgrimage Kailash Mansarovar defeated Garhwal and Tibet, has his kingdom from ton river till karnali
Udyot Chand 1678–1698 Defeated combined armies of Garhwal and Doti
Gyan Chand 1698–1708 Defeated Garhwal and expelled fateh shah from Srinagar
Jagat Chand 1708–1720 Invaded Garhwal and captured its capital Srinagar, defeated combined armies of Sikhs|Khalsa and Garhwal
Devi Chand 1720–1726 Made Afghani Daud Khan General of Kumaon , looted Moradabad , Mughal Empire and captured villages of Mughals
Ajit Chand 1726–1729
Kalyan Chand V 1729–1747 Defeated Rohillas
Deep Chand 1747–1777 Defeated Garhwal King Pradip Shah left him embarrassed
Mohan Chand 1777–1779 Defeated by King Lalit Shah of Garhwal
Pradyumn Chand 1779–1786 Son of king Lalit Shah of Garhwal
Mohan Chand 1786–1788 Overthrew Pradyumn Shah; Became king for second time
Shiv Chand 1788
Mahendra Chand 1788–1790 Defeated by Gorkhas

Karttikeyapur (Katyur) Kingdom (700–1065 CE)

The period of certain Katyuri rulers, is generally determined as below, although there is some ambiguity in respect to exact number of years ruled by each King[76]


  • Vasu Dev (700–849 CE)
  • Basantana Dev (850–870 CE)
  • Kharpar Dev (870–880 CE)
  • Abhiraj Dev (880–890 CE)
  • Tribhuvanraj Dev (890–900 CE)
  • Nimbarta Dev (900–915 CE)
  • Istanga (915–930 CE)
  • Lalitasura Dev (930–955 CE)
  • Bhu Dev (955–970 CE)
  • Salonaditya (970–985 CE)
  • Ichchhata Dev (985–1000 CE)
  • Deshat Dev (1000–1015 CE)
  • Padmata Dev (1015–1045 CE)
  • Subhiksharaja Dev (1045–1060 CE)
  • Dham Dev (1060–1064 CE)
  • Bir Dev (Very short period till 1065 CE)

Varman dynasty of Kannauj (c. 725–770 CE)

  • Yashovarman (c. 725–752 CE), founder of dynasty
  • Āma
  • Dunduka
  • Bhoja (ruled till 770 CE), last ruler of dynasty.[77]

Rashtrakuta Empire of Manyakheta (c. 735–982 CE)

  • Dantidurga (735–756 CE), founder of dynasty
  • Krishna I (756–774 CE)
  • Govinda II (774–780 CE)
  • Dhruva Dharavarsha (780–793 CE)
  • Govinda III (793–814 CE)
  • Amoghavarsha I (814–878 CE), he was the founded of Manyakheta city, which became the capital of the dynasty.[78]
  • Krishna II (878–914 CE)
  • Indra III (914–929 CE)
  • Amoghavarsha II (929–932 CE)
  • Govinda IV (930–935 CE)
  • Amoghavarsha III (934–939 CE)
  • Krishna III (939–967 CE)
  • Khottiga Amoghavarsha (967–972 CE)
  • Karka II or Amoghhavarsha IV (972–973 CE)
  • Indra IV (973–982 CE), was the only a claimer for the lost throne.

Tomar dynasty of Delhi (c. 736–1151 CE)

Various historical texts provide different lists of the Tomara kings:[79]

  • Khadag Rai’s history of Gwalior (Gopācala ākhyāna) names 18 Tomara kings, plus Prithvi Pala (who is probably the Chahamana king Prithviraja III). According to Khadag Rai, Delhi was originally ruled by the legendary king Vikramaditya. It was deserted for 792 years after his death, until Bilan Dev [Veer Mahadev or Birmaha] of Tomara dynasty re-established the city (in 736 CE).
  • The Kumaon-Garhwal manuscript names only 15 rulers of “Toar” dynasty, and dates the beginning of their rule to 789 CE (846 Vikram Samvat).
  • Abul Fazl’s Ain-i-Akbari (Bikaner manuscript, edited by Syed Ahmad Khan) names 19 Tomara kings. It places the first Tomara king in 372 CE (429 Vikram Samvat). It might be possible that the era mentioned in the original source used by Abul Fazl was Gupta era, which starts from 318 to 319 CE; Abul Fazl might have mistaken this era to be Vikrama Samvat. If this is true, then the first Tomara king can be dated to 747 CE (429+318), which is better aligned with the other sources.

As stated earlier, the historians doubt the claim that the Tomaras established Delhi in 736 CE.[80]

List of Tomara rulers according to various sources [81][82]

# Abul Fazl’s Ain-i-Akbari / Bikaner manuscript Gwalior manuscript of Khadag Rai Kumaon-Garhwal manuscript Ascension year in CE (according to Gwalior manuscript) Length of reign
Years Months Days
1 Ananga Pāla Bilan Dev 736 18 0 0
2 Vasu Deva 754 19 1 18
3 Gangya Ganggeva 773 21 3 28
4 Prithivi Pāla (or Prithivi Malla) Prathama Mahi Pāla 794 19 6 19
5 Jaya Deva Saha Deva Jadu Pāla 814 20 7 28
6 Nīra Pāla or Hira Pāla Indrajita (I) Nai Pāla 834 14 4 9
7 Udiraj (or Adereh) Nara Pāla Jaya Deva Pāla 849 26 7 11
8 Vijaya (or Vacha) Indrajita (II) Chamra Pāla 875 21 2 13
9 Biksha (or Anek) Vacha Raja Bibasa Pāla 897 22 3 16
10 Rīksha Pāla Vira Pāla Sukla Pāla 919 21 6 5
11 Sukh Pāla (or Nek Pāla) Go-Pāla Teja Pāla 940 20 4 4
12 Go-Pāla Tillan Dev Mahi Pāla 961 18 3 15
13 Sallakshana Pāla Suvari Sursen 979 25 10 10
14 Jaya Pāla Osa Pāla Jaik Pāla 1005 16 4 3
15 Kunwar Pāla Kumara Pāla 1021 29 9 18
16 Ananga Pāla (or Anek Pāla) Ananga Pāla Anek Pāla 1051 29 6 18
17 Vijaya Pāla (or Vijaya Sah) Teja Pāla Teja Pāla 1081 24 1 6
18 Mahi Pāla (or Mahatsal) Mahi Pāla Jyūn Pāla 1105 25 2 23
19 Akr Pāla (or Akhsal) Mukund Pāla Ane Pāla 1130 21 2 15
Prithivi Raja (Chahamana) Prithvi Pala 1151

Pala Empire (c. 750–1174 CE)

Most of the Pala inscriptions mention only the regnal year as the date of issue, without any well-known calendar era. Because of this, the chronology of the Pala kings is hard to determine.[83] Based on their different interpretations of the various epigraphs and historical records, different historians estimate the Pala chronology as follows:[84]

RC Majumdar (1971)[85] AM Chowdhury (1967)[86] BP Sinha (1977)[87] [failed verification] DC Sircar (1975–76)[88] D. K. Ganguly (1994)[83]
Gopala I 750–770 756–781 755–783 750–775 750–774
Dharmapala 770–810 781–821 783–820 775–812 774–806
Devapala 810–c. 850 821–861 820–860 812–850 806–845
Mahendrapala NA (Mahendrapala’s existence was conclusively established through a copper-plate charter discovered later.) 845–860
Shurapala I Deemed to be alternate name of Vigrahapala I 850–858 860–872
Gopala II NA (copper-plate charter discovered in 1995. Text of inscription published in 2009.)
Vigrahapala I 850–853 861–866 860–865 858–60 872–873
Narayanapala 854–908 866–920 865–920 860–917 873–927
Rajyapala 908–940 920–952 920–952 917–952 927–959
Gopala III 940–957 952–969 952–967 952–972 959–976
Vigrahapala II 960–c. 986 969–995 967–980 972–977 976–977
Mahipala I 988–c. 1036 995–1043 980–1035 977–1027 977–1027
Nayapala 1038–1053 1043–1058 1035–1050 1027–1043 1027–1043
Vigrahapala III 1054–1072 1058–1075 1050–1076 1043–1070 1043–1070
Mahipala II 1072–1075 1075–1080 1076–1078/9 1070–1071 1070–1071
Shurapala II 1075–1077 1080–1082 1071–1072 1071–1072
Ramapala 1077–1130 1082–1124 1078/9–1132 1072–1126 1072–1126
Kumarapala 1130–1140 1124–1129 1132–1136 1126–1128 1126–1128
Gopala IV 1140–1144 1129–1143 1136–1144 1128–1143 1128–1143
Madanapala 1144–1162 1143–1162 1144–1161/62 1143–1161 1143–1161
Govindapala 1158–1162 NA 1162–1176 or 1158–1162 1161–1165 1161–1165
Palapala NA NA NA 1165–1199 1165–1200


  • Earlier historians believed that Vigrahapala I and Shurapala I were the two names of the same person. Now, it is known that these two were cousins; they either ruled simultaneously (perhaps over different territories) or in rapid succession.
  • AM Chowdhury rejects Govindapala and his successor Palapala as the members of the imperial Pala dynasty.
  • According to BP Sinha, the Gaya inscription can be read as either the “14th year of Govindapala’s reign” or “14th year after Govindapala’s reign”. Thus, two sets of dates are possible.

Shilahara dynasty of Maharashtra (765–1265 CE)

Shilahara Kingdom was split into three branches:

  • First branch ruled North Konkan
  • Second branch ruled South Konkan (between 765 and 1029 CE)
  • Third branch ruled in modern districts of Kolhapur, Satara and Belgaum (between 940 and 1215 CE) after which they were overwhelmed by the Yadavas.[89]

South Konkan branch (c. 765–1020 CE)

List of rulers–

  1. Sanaphulla (765–795 CE)
  2. Dhammayira (795–820 CE)
  3. Aiyaparaja (820–845 CE)
  4. Avasara I (845–870 CE)
  5. Adityavarma (870–895 CE)
  6. Avasara II (895–920 CE)
  7. Indraraja (920–945 CE)
  8. Bhima (945–970 CE)
  9. Avasara III (970–995 CE)
  10. Rattaraja (995–1020 CE)

North Konkan (Thane) branch (c. 800–1265 CE)

List of rulers–

  1. Kapardin I (800–825 CE)
  2. Pullashakti (825–850 CE)
  3. Kapardin II (850–880 CE)
  4. Vappuvanna (880–910 CE)
  5. Jhanjha (910–930 CE)
  6. Goggiraja (930–945 CE)
  7. Vajjada I (945–965 CE)
  8. Chhadvaideva (965–975 CE)
  9. Aparajita (975–1010 CE)
  10. Vajjada II (1010–1015 CE)
  11. Arikesarin (1015–1022 CE)
  12. Chhittaraja (1022–1035 CE)
  13. Nagarjuna (1035–1045 CE)
  14. Mummuniraja (1045–1070 CE)
  15. Ananta Deva I (1070–1127 CE)
  16. Aparaditya I (1127–1148 CE)
  17. Haripaladeva (1148–1155 CE)
  18. Mallikarjuna (1155–1170 CE)
  19. Aparaditya II ( 1170–1197 CE)
  20. Ananta Deva II (1198–1200 CE)
  21. Keshideva II (1200–1245 CE)
  22. Ananta Deva III (1245–1255 CE)
  23. Someshvara (1255–1265 CE), last ruler of dynasty

Kolhapur branch (c. 940–1212 CE)

List of rulers–

  1. Jatiga I (940–960 CE)
  2. Naivarman (960–980 CE)
  3. Chandra (980–1000 CE)
  4. Jatiga II (1000–1020 CE)
  5. Gonka (1020–1050 CE)
  6. Guhala I (1050 CE)
  7. Kirtiraja (1050 CE)
  8. Chandraditya (1050 CE)
  9. Marsimha (1050–1075 CE)
  10. Guhala II (1075–1085 CE)
  11. Bhoja I (1085–1100 CE)
  12. Ballala (1100–1108 CE)
  13. Gonka II (1108 CE)
  14. Gandaraditya I (1108–1138 CE)
  15. Vijayaditya I (1138–1175 CE)
  16. Bhoja II (1175–1212 CE)

Ayudha dynasty of Kannauj (c. 770–810 CE)

  • Vajrayudha (770–783), founder of dynasty
  • Indrayudha
  • Chakrayudha (till 810)[90][91]

Chandela dynasty of Jejakabhukti (c. 831–1315 CE)

The Chandelas of Jejakabhukti were a dynasty in Central India. They ruled much of the Bundelkhand region (then called Jejakabhukti) between the 9th and the 13th centuries.

Based on epigraphic records, the historians have come up with the following list of Chandela rulers of Jejākabhukti (IAST names in brackets):[92][93]

  • Nannuka, (c. 831-845 CE)
  • Vakpati (Vākpati), (c. 845-865 CE)
  • Jayashakti (Jayaśakti) and Vijayashakti (Vijayaśakti), (c. 865-885 CE)
  • Rahila (Rāhila), (c. 885-905 CE)
  • Shri Harsha (Śri Harśa), (c. 905-925 CE)
  • Yasho-Varman (Yaśovarman), (c. 925-950 CE)
  • Dhanga-Deva (Dhaṅgadeva), (c. 950-999 CE)
  • Ganda-Deva (Gaṇḍadeva), (c. 999-1002 CE)
  • Vidyadhara (Vidyādhara), (c. 1003-1035 CE)
  • Vijaya-Pala (Vijayapāla), (c. 1035-1050 CE)
  • Deva-Varman, (c. 1050-1060 CE)
  • Kirtti-Varman (Kīrtivarman), (c. 1060-1100 CE)
  • Sallakshana-Varman (Sallakṣaṇavarman), (c. 1100-1110 CE)
  • Jaya-Varman, (c. 1110-1120 CE)
  • Prithvi-Varman (Pṛthvīvarman), (c. 1120-1128 CE)
  • Madana-Varman, (c. 1128-1165 CE)
  • Yasho-Varman II (c. 1164-65 CE); did not rule or ruled for a very short time
  • Paramardi-Deva, (c. 1165-1203 CE)
  • Trailokya-Varman, (c. 1203-1245 CE)
  • Vira-Varman (Vīravarman), (c. 1245-1285 CE)
  • Bhoja-Varman, (c. 1285-1288 CE)
  • Hammira-Varman (Hammīravarman), (c. 1288-1311 CE)
  • Vira-Varman II (c. 1311–1315 CE) (an obscure ruler with low titles, attested by only one 1315 CE inscription)[94]

Seuna (Yadava) dynasty of Devagiri (c. 850–1334 CE)

  • Dridhaprahara
  • Seunachandra (850–874)
  • Dhadiyappa (874–900)
  • Bhillama I (900–925)
  • Vadugi (Vaddiga) (950–974)
  • Dhadiyappa II (974–975)
  • Bhillama II (975–1005)
  • Vesugi I (1005–1020)
  • Bhillama III (1020–1055)
  • Vesugi II (1055–1068)
  • Bhillama III (1068)
  • Seunachandra II (1068–1085)
  • Airamadeva (1085–1115)
  • Singhana I (1115–1145)
  • Mallugi I (1145–1150)
  • Amaragangeyya (1150–1160)
  • Govindaraja (1160)
  • Amara Mallugi II (1160–1165)
  • Kaliya Ballala (1165–1173)
  • Bhillama V (1173–1192), proclaimed independence from Kalyani Chalukya
  • Jaitugi I (1192–1200)
  • Singhana II (1200–1247)
  • Kannara (1247–1261)
  • Mahadeva (1261–1271)
  • Amana (1271)
  • Ramachandra (1271–1312)
  • Singhana III (1312–1313)
  • Harapaladeva (1313–1318)
  • Mallugi III (1318–1334)

Paramara dynasty of Malwa (c. 8th century to 1305 CE)

According to historial ‘Kailash Chand Jain’, “Knowledge of the early Paramara rulers from Upendra to Vairisimha is scanty; there are no records, and they are known only from later sources.”[95] The Paramara rulers mentioned in the various inscriptions and literary sources include:

  • Upendra Krishnraja (late 8th to early 9th century CE)
  • Vairisimha (I) (early 9th century CE)
  • Siyaka (I) (mid of 9th century CE)
  • Vakpati (I) (late 9th or early 10th century CE)
  • Vairisimha (II) (middle 10th century CE)
  • Siyaka (II) (940–972 CE)
  • Vakpati (II) alias Munja (972–990 CE)
  • Sindhuraja (990–1010 CE)
  • Bhoja (1010–1055 CE), greatest ruler of dynasty and also wrote Samarangana-Sutradhara[96]
  • Jayasimha I (1055–1070 CE)
  • Udayaditya (1070–1086 CE)
  • Lakshmadeva (1086–1094 CE)
  • Naravarman (1094–1130 CE)
  • Yashovarman (1133–1142 CE)
  • Jayavarman I (1142–1143 CE)
  • Interregnum from (1143 to 1175 CE) under an usurper named ‘Ballala’ and later the Solanki king Kumarapala
  • Vindhyavarman (1175–1194 CE)
  • Subhatavarman (1194–1209 CE)
  • Arjunavarman I (1210–1215 CE)
  • Devapala (1218–1239 CE)
  • Jaitugideva (1239–1255 CE)
  • Jayavarman II (1255–1274 CE)
  • Arjunavarman II (1274–1285 CE)
  • Bhoja II (1285–1301 CE)
  • Mahalakadeva (1301–1305 CE), (after his death dynasty was ended in Malwa region)

Pala dynasty (Kamarupa) (900–1100 CE)

  • Brahma Pala (900–920), founder of dynasty
  • Ratna Pala (920–960)
  • Indra Pala (960–990)
  • Go Pala, also Gopalavarman (990–1015)
  • Harsha Pala (1015–1035)
  • Dharma Pala (1035–1060)
  • Jaya Pala (1075–1100), last ruler of dynasty

Paramara dynasty of Chandravati (Abu) (910–1220 CE)

  • Utpala-raja or Utpalarāja (910–930 )
  • Arnno-raja, or Aranya-raja (930–950)
  • Krishna-raja or Kṛṣṇarāja (950–979 )
  • Dhara-varaha or Dharani-varaha (970–990)
  • Dhurbhata or Dhūrbhaṭa (990–1000)
  • Mahi-pala or Mahīpāla (1000–1020), son of Dharavaraha
  • Dhandhuka or Dhaṃdhuka (1020–1040 )
  • Punya-pala or Purna-pala (1040–1050 )
  • Danti-varmman or Daṃtivarmman (1050–1060), son of Dhandhuka
  • Krishna-deva or Krishna-raja II (1060–1090), son of Dhandhuka
  • Kakkala-deva or Kakala-deva (1090–1115)
  • Vikrama-simha or Vikramāsiṃha (1115–1145)
  • Yasho-dhavala or Yaśodhavala (1145–1160), great-grandson of Dantivarman through Yogaraja and Ramadeva
  • Rana-simha or Raṇāsiṃha, (son of Vikramasimha; possibly a regent for Dharavarsha)
  • Dhara-varsha or Dhāravarṣa (1160–1220), son of Yashodhavala

Kingdom of Ladakh (c. 930–1842 CE)

Maryul dynasty of Ngari (c. 930–1460 CE)

Known Maryul rulers were:

  • Lhachen Palgyigon (c. 930 CE)
  • Lhachen Utpala (c. 1110 CE)

Namgyal dynasty (Gyalpo of Ladakh) (c. 1460–1842 CE)

The kings of the Namgyal dynasty along with their periods of reign are as follows:[97][98][99]

  1. Lhachen Bhagan (c. 1460–1485)
  2. Unknown (c. 1485–1510)
  3. Lata Jughdan (c. 1510–1535)
  4. Kunga Namgyal I (c. 1535–1555)
  5. Tashi Namgyal (‘BKra‐śis‐rnam‐rgyal, c. 1555-1575) son[100]
  6. Tsewang Namgyal I (Ts’e-dbaṅ‐rnam‐rgyal, c. 1575–1595) nephew[101]
  7. Namgyal Gonpo (rNam-rgyal-mgon-po, c. 1595–1600) brother
  8. Jamyang Namgyal (Jams-dbyang-rnam-rgyal, c. 1595–1616) brother[102]
  9. Sengge Namgyal (Seng-ge-rnam-rgyal, first time, 1616–1623) son[103]
  10. Norbu Namgyal (1623–1624) brother
  11. Sengge Namgyal (second time, 1624–1642)
  12. Deldan Namgyal (Bde-ldan-rnam-rgyal, 1642–1694) son
  13. Delek Namgyal (Bde-legs-rnam-rgyal, c. 1680–1691) son
  14. Nyima Namgyal (Ñi-ma-rnam-rgyal, 1694–1729) son
  15. Deskyong Namgyal (Bde‐skyoṅ‐rnam‐rgyal, 1729–1739) son
  16. Phuntsog Namgyal (P’un‐ts’ogs‐rnam‐rgyal, 1739–1753) son
  17. Tsewang Namgyal II (Ts’e‐dbaṅ-rnam‐rgyal, 1753–1782) son
  18. Tseten Namgyal (Ts’e‐brtan‐rnam‐rgyal, 1782–1802) son
  19. Tsepal Dondup Namgyal (Ts’e‐dpal‐don‐grub‐rnam‐rgyal, 1802–1837, 1839–1840) brother
  20. Kunga Namgyal II (Kun‐dga’‐rnam‐rgyal, 1840–1842) grandson
  • Later Ladakh was conquered by Sikh Empire in 1842 CE.'”

Solanki dynasty (Chalukyas of Gujarat) (c. 940–1244 CE)

The Chalukya rulers of Gujarat, with approximate dates of reign, are as follows:[104][105]

  • Mularaja (c. 940 – c. 995)
  • Chamundaraja (c. 996 – c. 1008)
  • Vallabharaja (c. 1008)
  • Durlabharaja (c. 1008 – c. 1022)
  • Bhima I (c. 1022 – c. 1064)
  • Karna (c. 1064 – c. 1092)
  • Jayasimha Siddharaja (c. 1092 – c. 1142)
  • Kumarapala (c. 1142 – c. 1171)
  • Ajayapala (c. 1171 – c. 1175)
  • Mularaja II (c. 1175 – c. 1178)
  • Bhima II (c. 1178 – c. 1240)
  • Tribhuvanapala (c. 1240 – c. 1244)

Kachchhapaghata dynasty (c. 950–1150 CE)

Simhapaniya (Sihoniya) and Gopadri (Gwalior) branch

  • Lakshmana (r. c. 950–975), first ruler of dynasty
  • Vajradaman (r. c. 975–1000)
  • Mangalaraja (r. c. 1000–1015)
  • Kirtiraja (r. c. 1015–1035)
  • Muladeva (r. c. 1035–1055)
  • Devapala (r. c. 1055–1085)
  • Padmapala (r. c. 1085–1090)
  • Mahipala (r. c. 1090–1105)
  • Ratnapala (r. c. 1105–1130)
  • Ajayapala (r. c. 1192–1194)
  • Sulakshanapala (r. c. 1196)

Dubkund (Dobha) branch

  • Yuvaraja (r. c. 1000)
  • Arjuna (r. c. 1015–1035)
  • Abhimanyu (r. c. 1035–1045)
  • Vijayapala (r. c. 1045–1070)
  • Vikramasimha (r. c. 1070–1100)

Nalapura (Narwar) branch

  • Gaganasimha (r. c. 1075–1090)
  • Sharadasimha (r. c. 1090–1105)
  • Virasimha (r. c. 1105–1125)
  • Tejaskarana (r. c. 1125–1150), last ruler of dynasty[106][107]

Kachwaha dynasty (c. 966–1949 CE)

Kachwahas King Sorha Dev and Dulha Rao defeated Meena of Dhundhar kingdom & established Kachwaha dynasty, which ruled for more than 1000 years & still ruling in Jaipur district of Rajasthan.[108][109]


  • 27 Dec 966 – 15 Dec 1006 ‘Sorha Dev’ (d. 1006)
  • 15 Dec 1006 – 28 Nov 1036 ‘Dulha Rao’ (d. 1036)
  • 28 Nov 1036 – 20 Apr 1039 ‘Kakil’ (d. 1039)
  • 21 Apr 1039 – 28 Oct 1053 ‘Hanu’ (d. 1053)
  • 28 Oct 1053 – 21 Mar 1070 ‘Janddeo’ (d. 1070)
  • 22 Mar 1070 – 20 May 1094 ‘Pajjun Rai’ (d. 1094)
  • 20 May 1094 – 15 Feb 1146 ‘Malayasi’ (d. 1146)
  • 15 Feb 1146 – 25 Jul 1179 ‘Vijaldeo’ (d. 1179)
  • 25 Jul 1179 – 16 Dec 1216 ‘Rajdeo’ (d. 1216)
  • 16 Dec 1216 – 18 Oct 1276 ‘Kilhan’ (d. 1276)
  • 18 Oct 1276 – 23 Jan 1317 ‘Kuntal’ (d. 1317)
  • 23 Jan 1317 – 6 Nov 1366 ‘Jonsi’ (d. 1366)
  • 6 Nov 1366 – 11 Feb 1388 ‘Udaikarn’ (d. 1388)
  • 11 Feb 1388 – 16 Aug 1428 ‘Narsingh’ (d. 1428)
  • 16 Aug 1428 – 20 Sep 1439 ‘Banbir’ (d. 1439)
  • 20 Sep 1439 – 10 Dec 1467 ‘Udharn’ (d. 1467)
  • 10 Dec 1467 – 17 Jan 1503 ‘Chandrasen’ (d. 1503)
  • 17 Jan 1503 – 4 Nov 1527 ‘Prithviraj Singh I’ (d. 1527)
  • 4 Nov 1527 – 19 Jan 1534 ‘Puranmal’ (d. 1534)
  • 19 Jan 1534 – 22 Jul 1537 ‘Bhim Singh’ (d. 1537)
  • 22 Jul 1537 – 15 May 1548 ‘Ratan Singh’ (d. 1548)
  • 15 May 1548 – 1 June 1548 ‘Askaran’ (d. 1599)
  • 1 June 1548 – 27 Jan 1574 ‘Bharmal’ (d. 1574)
  • 27 Jan 1574 – 4 Dec 1589 ‘Bhagwant Das’ (b. 1527 – d. 1589)
  • 4 Dec 1589 – 6 Jul 1614 ‘Man Singh’ (b. 1550 – d. 1614)
  • 6 Jul 1614 – 13 Dec 1621 ‘Bhau Singh’ (d. 1621)
  • 13 Dec 1621 – 28 Aug 1667 ‘Jai Singh I‘ (b. 1611 – d. 1667)
  • 10 Sep 1667 – 30 Apr 1688: ‘Ram Singh I’ (b. 1640 – d. 1688)
  • 30 Apr 1688 – 19 Dec 1699: ‘Bishan Singh’ (b. 1672 – d. 1699)
  • 19 Dec 1699 – 21 Sep 1743: ‘Jai Singh II’ (b. 1688 – d. 1743)
  • 1743 – 12 Dec 1750: ‘Ishwari Singh’ (b. 1721 – d. 1750)
  • 1750 – 5 Mar 1768: ‘Madho Singh I’ (b. 1728 – d. 1768)
  • 1768 – 13 Apr 1778: ‘Prithvi Singh II’ (b. c. 1762 – d. 1778)
  • 1778 – 1803: ‘Pratap Singh’ (b. 1764 – d. 1803)
  • 1803 – 21 Nov 1818: ‘Jagat Singh II’ (b. … – d. 1818)
  • 22 Dec 1818 – 25 Apr 1819: ‘Mohan Singh’ (regent) (b. 1809 – d. …)
  • 25 Apr 1819 – 6 Feb 1835: ‘Jai Singh III’ (b. 1819 – d. 1835)
  • Feb 1835 – 18 Sep 1880: ‘Ram Singh II’ (b. 1835 – d. 1880)
  • 18 Sep 1880 – 7 Sep 1922: ‘Madho Singh II’ (b. 1861 – d. 1922)
  • 7 Sep 1922 – 15 Aug 1947 (subsidiary): ‘Sawai Man Singh II’ (b. 1912 – d. 1970)
  • 15 Aug 1947 – 7 Apr 1949 (independent): ‘Sawai Man Singh II’ (b. 1912 – d. 1970)

He was the last ruler of Kachawa dynasty, he annexed Jaipur State with Union of India in 1949 CE.[110][111][112][113][114]

Titular rulers

  • 7 Apr 1949 – 24 Jun 1970: ‘Sawai Man Singh II’
  • 24 Jun 1970 – 28 Dec 1971: ‘Sawai Bhawani Singh’ (b. 1931 – d. 2011)

Titles were abolished in 1971 according to the 26th amendment to the Indian Constitution.

  • 28 Dec 1971 – 17 Apr 2011: ‘Sawai Bhawani Singh’ (b. 1931 – d. 2011)
  • 17 Apr 2011 – present: ‘Padmanabh Singh’ (b. 1998)

Kalachuri dynasty of Ratnapura (c. 1000–1225 CE)

The following is a list of the Ratnapura Kalachuri rulers, with estimated period of their reigns:[115]

  • Kalinga-raja (1000–1020 CE), founder of dynasty
  • Kamala-raja (1020–1045 CE)
  • Ratna-raja (1045–1065 CE), alias Ratna-deva I
  • Prithvi-deva I (1065–1090 CE), alias Prithvisha
  • Jajalla-deva I (1090–1120 CE) (declared independence)
  • Ratna-Deva II (1120–1135 CE)
  • Prithvi-deva II (1135–1165 CE)
  • Jajalla-deva II (1165–1168 CE)
  • Jagad-deva (1168–1178 CE)
  • Ratna-deva III (1178–1200 CE)
  • Pratapa-malla (1200–1225 CE)
  • Parmardi Dev (governor of Eastern Gangas)

Hoysala Empire (c. 1000–1343 CE)

  • Nripa Kama (1000–1045)
Hoysala Kings (1026–1343)
Nripa Kama II (1026–1047)
Vinayaditya (1047–1098)
Ereyanga (1098–1102)
Veera Ballala I (1102–1108)
Vishnuvardhana (1108–1152)
Narasimha I (1152–1173)
Veera Ballala II (1173–1220)
Vira Narasimha II (1220–1235)
Vira Someshwara (1235–1263)
Narasimha III (1263–1292)
Veera Ballala III (1292–1343)
Harihara Raya
(Vijayanagara Empire)

Lohara dynasty of Kashmir (c. 1003–1320 CE)

The Lohara dynasty were Hindu rulers of Kashmir from the Khasa tribe,[116][117] in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, between 1003 and approximately 1320 CE. The dynasty was founded by the Samgramaraja, the grandson of Khasha chief Simharaja and the nephew of the Utpala dynasty Queen Didda.

First Lohara dynasty

Ruler Reign[12] Ascension year Notes
Sangramaraja (Samgramaraja / Kshamapati) 25 Years 1003 CE Nephew of Didda. Ascended the throne after her death, beginning Lohara dynasty’s rule over Kashmir
Hariraja 22 days 1028 CE
Ananta-deva 35 Years 1028 CE Abdicated the throne in favour of his son, but retained power through his minister Haladhara
Kalasha (Ranaditya II) 26 Years 1063 CE Rebelled against his parents, leading to the suicide of his father Ananta, followed by sati-suicide by his mother. His son Harsha revolted against him, and was imprisoned.
Utkarsha 22 days 1089 CE Second son of Kalasha. His half-brother Vijaymalla rebelled against him, and got Harsha released from prison. Utkarsha was imprisoned and committed suicide
Harsha 12 Years died in 1101 CE Harshadeva of Kashmir 1089-1101 CE In his early years, he was a sagacious king, and a patron of art and literature. The later years of his reign were marked by unsuccessful military campaigns, resulting in excessive taxation and plundering of temples. Revolts by his generals Uchchala and Sussala (of Lohara family) ended his reign. His son Bhoja was killed, and Harsha himself was killed by Uchchala’s men while hiding in a village.

Second Lohara dynasty

Ruler[12] Notes
Uchchala Made his brother Sussala the ruler of Lohara. Murdered by Radda.
Radda (Shankharaja) Usurped the throne, claiming to be a descendant of Yashaskara
Salhana Uchchala’s step-brother; became the king after Radda’s death. The real power lay in the hands of a noble named Gargachandra. Salhana was deposed and imprisoned.
Sussala Uchchala’s brother; ascended throne with Gargachandra’s support
Bhikshachara Harsha’s grandson, who had escaped Uchchala’s revolt. Brought up by Naravarman, the king of Malava. Deposed Sussala.
Sussala (2nd reign) Within 6 months of Bhikshachara’s ascension, Sussala recovered his capital, leading to a civil war
Jayasimha (Sinha-deva) Sussala’s son. In the early years of his reign, the actual power was held by Sussala. Kalhana’s account closes in the 22nd year of his reign.

Khasa Malla Kingdom (c. 10th to 14th century CE)

The list of Khas Malla kings mentioned by Giuseppe Tucci is in the following succession up to Prithvi Malla:[118]


  • Nāgarāja, (first known ruler of dynasty)
  • Chaap/Cāpa
  • Chapilla/Cāpilla
  • Krashichalla
  • Kradhichalla
  • Krachalla Deva (1207–1223 CE)
  • Ashoka Challa (1223–1287)
  • Jitari Malla
  • Ananda Malla
  • Ripu Malla (1312–1313)
  • Sangrama Malla
  • Aditya Malla
  • Kalyana Malla
  • Pratapa Malla
  • Punya Malla
  • Prithvi Malla
  • Abhaya Malla (14th century), (last ruler of dynasty)

Sena dynasty (c. 1070–1230 CE)

  • Hemanta Sen (1070–1096), founder of dynasty
  • Vijay Sen (1096–1159)
  • Ballal Sen (1159–1179)
  • Lakshman Sen (1179–1206)
  • Vishwarup Sen (1206–1225)
  • Keshab Sen (1225–1230), last ruler

Kakatiya dynasty (1083–1323)

  • Beta I (1000–1030)
  • Prola I (1030–1075)
  • Beta II (1075–1110)
  • Prola II (1110–1158)
  • Prataparudra I/Rudradeva I (1158–1195).[First independent ruler of this dynasty]
  • Mahadeva (1195–1198).[Brother of King Rudradeva]
  • Ganapati deva (1199–1261)[He changed capital from Hanumakonda to Orugallu(present day warangal)]
  • Rudrama Devi (1262–1296)[Only woman ruler of this dynasty]
  • Prataparudra II/ Rudradeva II (1296–1323). [Grandson of Queen Rudrama and last ruler of this dynasty]

Gahadavala dynasty (1089–1197 CE)

List of rulers–

  • Chandradeva (c. 1089–1103 CE), founder of dynasty
  • Madanapala (c. 1104–1113 CE)
  • Govindachandra (c. 1114–1155 CE
  • Vijayachandra (c. 1155–1169 CE), alias Vijayapala or Malladeva
  • Jayachandra (c. 1170–1194 CE), called Jaichand in vernacular legends
  • Harishchandra (c. 1194–1197 CE), last ruler of dynasty[119][120][121][122]

Karnata dynasty of Mithila (1097–1324 CE)

List of rulers–

S.N. Name of the rulers Timeline Notes
1 Nanyadeva.[123] 1097 – 1147 CE[124]
2 Gangadeva[123] 1147 – 1187 CE[124]
3 Narsimhadeva[123] 1187 – 1227 CE[124]
4 Ramasimhadeva[123] 1227 – 1285 CE[124]
5 Shaktisimhadeva[123] 1285 – 1295 CE[124]
6 Harisimhadeva[123] 1295 – 1324 CE[124]

Zamorin dynasty of Calicut (1124–1806 CE)

List of rulers–

No. of Zamorin Name Reign Important events
1 Mana Vikrama (Manikkan) N/A The legendary founder of the ruling family.
27 8 years Kozhikode city is established
65 1339–1347 Ibn Battuta at Kozhikode (1342–1347)
73 1402–1410 Ma Huan at Kozhikode (1403)
78 1442–1450 The visits of Abdur Razzak (1442) and Niccolò de’ Conti (1444)
81 Mana Vikrama the Great 1466–1474 Athanasius Nikitin (1468–1474) visits Kozhikode.
82 Mana Veda 1474–1482
84 1495–1500 The arrival of Vasco da Gama (1498)
85 1500–1513 The occupations of Kochi (1503–1504)
86 1513–1522 Treaty with Portuguese (1513), and the erection of the Portuguese fort at Calicut (1514)
87 1522–1529 The expulsion of Portuguese from Calicut
88 1529–1531 The building of Portuguese fort at Chaliyam (1531)
89 1531–1540 Battles with the Portuguese
90 1540–1548 Treaty with Portuguese (1540)
91 1548–1560 Adoption of the chief of Bardela (150) and the battles with the Portuguese.
92 Viraraya 1560–1562
93 Mana Vikrama 1572–1574 The expulsion of the Portuguese from Chaliyam (1571)
94 1574–1578 Battles with the Portuguese
95 1578–1588 The Portuguese allowed a factory at Ponnani (1584)
96 1588–1597 The settlement of the Portuguese at Calicut (1591)
97 1597–1599 Battles with Marakkar (1598–1599)
98 1599–1604 Capture of Marakkar’s stronghold (1600)
99 1604–1617 Siege of Cannanore (1604–1617) and treaties with the Dutch (1604 and 1608) and the English (1615)
100 Mana Vikrama 1617–1627
101 1627–1630
102 1630–1637
103 Mana Vikrama (Saktan Tampuran) 1637–1648 The uncle of the author of the Krishnanatakam
104 Tiruvonam Tirunal 1648–1655
105 Mana Veda 1655–1658 The author of the Krishnanatakam
106 Asvati Tirunal 1658–1662 The expulsion of the Portuguese from Kodungallur (1662)
107 Puratam Tirunal 16621666 The expulsion of Portuguese from Kochi (1663)
108 1666–1668 Battles with the Dutch
109 1668–1671 The destruction of the Cheraman Sword
110 Uttrattati Tirunal 1671–1684 Cession of Chetwai to the Dutch
111 Bharani Tirunal Mana Vikrama[125] 1684–1705 The terror of the Dutch. Two Mamankams (1694 and 1695)
112 Nileswaram Tirunal 1705–1711 Adoptions from Nileswaram (1706 and 1707)
113 1711–1729 The Dutch War (1715–1718)
114 Mana Vikrama 1729–1741
115 Zamorin from Kilakke Kovilakam 1741–1746
116 Putiya Kovilakam 1746–1758 The Dutch War (1753–1758)
117 Kilakke Kovilakam 1758–1766 Battles with Travancore and the invasion of Mysore, committed suicide. Annexed by Mysore.
118 Putiya Kovilakam 1766–1788
119 Kerala Varma Vikrama (Putiya Kovilakam) 1788–1798 Treaty of Seringapatam (1792)
120 Krishna Varma (Putiya Kovilakam) 1798–1806 Agreement of 1806 with EIC (died in 1816)


Kalachuri dynasty of Kalyani (c. 1130–1184 CE)

List of rulers–

  • Bijjala II (1130–1167), proclaimed independence from Kalyani Chalukyas in 1162 CE
  • Sovideva (1168–1176)
  • Mallugi → overthrown by his brother Sankama
  • Sankama (1176–1180)
  • Ahavamalla (1180–83)
  • Singhana (1183–84), last ruler

Jadeja Kingdom of Kutch (c. 1147–1948 CE)

List of rulers–

Cutch was ruled by the Jadeja Rajput dynasty of the Samma tribe[127] from its formation in 1147 until 1948 when it acceded to newly formed, India. The rulers had migrated from Sindh into Kutch in late 12th century. They were entitled to a 17-gun salute by the British authorities. The title of rulers was earlier Ja’am, which during British Raj changed to Maharao made hereditary from 1 Jan 1918.[128]

Rulers Accession
Lakho Jadani AD 1147
Ratto Rayadhan AD 1175
Othaji AD 1215
Rao Gaoji AD 1255
Rao Vehanji AD 1285
Rao Mulvaji AD 1321
Rao Kaiyaji AD 1386
Rao Amarji AD 1406
Rao Bhhemji AD 1429
Rao Hamirji AD 1472
Jam Raval AD 1524
Khengarji I AD 1548
Bharmalji I AD 1585
Bhojrajji AD 1631
Khengarji II AD 1645
Tamachi AD 1654
Rayadhan II AD 1665
1698–1715 Pragmalji I (b. 16 … – d. 1715)
1715–1719 Godji I (b. 16 … – d. 1718)
1718–1752 Deshalji I (b.1682 – d. 1752)
1741–1752 Lakhpatji (regent) (b. 1717 – d. 1761)
1752–1760 Lakhpatji (b. 1717 – d. 1761)
1760–1778 Godji II (b. 1734 – d. 1778)
1778–1786 Rayadhan III (1st time) (b. 1763 – d. 1813)
1786–1801 Prithvirajji (b. 1774 – d. 1801)
1786 − 5 October 1813 Fateh Muhammad (regent)
5 October 1813 − 30 October 1813 Rayadhan III (2nd time)
30 October 1813 – 6 November 1814 Husain Miyan (regent)
6 November 1814 − 25 March 1819 Bharmalji II (b. 1798 – d. 1846)
25 March 1819 − 26 July 1860 Deshalji II (b. 1814 – d. 1860)
26 July 1860 − 19 December 1875 Pragmalji II (b. 1839 – d. 1875)
19 December 1875 − 15 January 1942 Khengarji III (b. 1866 – d. 1942)
15 January 1942 − 26 February 1948 Vijayaraji (b. 1885 – d. 1948)
26 February 1948 − 1 June 1948 Madansinhji

Bhati kingdom of Jaisalmer (c. 1153–1947 CE)


  • Rawal Jaisal Singh

(1153–1168), founder of kingdom

  • Rawal Shalivahan Singh II (1168–1200)
  • Rawal Baijal Singh (1200–1200)
  • Rawal Kailan Singh (1200–1219)
  • Rawal Chachak Deo Singh (1219–1241)
  • Rawal Karan Singh I (1241–1271)
  • Rawal Lakhan Sen (1271–1275)
  • Rawal Punpal Singh (1275–1276)
  • Rawal Jaitsi Singh I (1276–1294)
  • Rawal Mulraj Singh I (1294–1295)
  • Rawal Durjan Sal (Duda) (1295–1306)
  • Rawal Gharsi Singh (1306–1335)
  • Rawal Kehar Singh II (1335–1402)
  • Rawal Lachhman Singh (1402–1436)
  • Rawal Bersi Singh (1436–1448)
  • Rawal Chachak Deo Singh II (1448–1457)
  • Rawal Devidas Singh (1457–1497)
  • Rawal Jaitsi Singh II (1497–1530)
  • Rawal Karan Singh II (1530–1530)
  • Rawal Lunkaran Singh (1530–1551)
  • Rawal Maldev Singh (1551–1562)
  • Rawal Harraj Singh (1562–1578)
  • Rawal Bhim Singh (1578–1624)
  • Rawal Kalyan Singh (1624–1634)
  • Rawal Manohar Das Singh (1634–1648)
  • Rawal Ram-Chandra Singh (1648–1651)
  • Rawal Sabal Singh (1651–1661)


  • Maharawal Amar Singh of Jaisalmer (1661–1702)
  • Maharawal Jaswant Singh of Jaisalmer (1702–1708)
  • Maharawal Budh Singh (1708–1722)
  • Maharawal Akhi Singh (1722–1762)
  • Maharawal Mulraj II (1762–1820)
  • Maharawal Gaj Singh (1820–1846)
  • Maharawal Ranjit Singh of Jaisalmer (1846–1864)
  • Maharawal Bairi Sal (1864–1891)
  • Maharawal Shalivahan Singh III (1891 –1914)
  • Maharawal Jawahir Singh (1914–1947)

Titular Kings

  • Girdhar Singh (1949–1950)
  • Raghunath Singh (1950–1982)
  • Brijraj Singh (1982–2020)
  • Chaitanya Raj Singh (2020–Till Present)[129][130]

Chero dynasty (1174–1813 CE)

  • Ghughulia (1174 CE), founder of dynasty
  • Raja Ramchandar Rai
  • Raja Sita Ram Rai
  • Raja Salabahim
  • Raja Phulchand
  • Raja Maharata Rai
  • Raja Kumkum Chand Rai
  • Raja Sambhal Rai
  • Raja Bhagwant Rai (1585–1605)
  • Raja Anant Rai (1605–1612)
  • Raja Shambhal Rai (1612–1627)
  • Raja Bhupal Rai (1637–1657)
  • Maharaja Medini Rai (1658–1674)
  • Raja Pratap Rai
  • Raja Rudra Rai (1674–1680)
  • Raja Dikpal Rai (1680–1697)
  • Raja Saheb Rai (1697–1716)
  • Raja Ranjit Rai (1716–1722)
  • Raja Devi Batesh Rai
  • Raja Jai Kishan Rai (1722–1770)
  • Raja Chitrajeet Rai (1771–1771)
  • Raja Gopal Rai (1771–1776)
  • Raja Gajraj Rai (1777–1780)
  • Raja Basant Rai (1780–1783)
  • Raja Churaman Rai (1783–1813), last ruler of dynasty[131][35][132]

Chutia (Sadiya) Kingdom of Assam (1187–1524 CE)

  • Birpal (1187–1224), founder of dynasty
  • Ratnadhwajpal (1224–1250)
  • Vijayadhwajpal (1250–1278)
  • Vikramadhwajpal (1278–1302)
  • Gauradhwajpal (1302–1322)
  • Sankhadhwajpal (1322–1343)
  • Mayuradhwajpal (1343–1361)
  • Jayadhwajpal (1361–1383)
  • Karmadhwajpal (1383–1401)
  • Satyanarayan (1401–1421)
  • Laksminarayan (1421–1439)
  • Dharmanarayan (1439–1458)
  • Pratyashnarayan (1458–1480)
  • Purnadhabnarayan (1480–1502)
  • Dharmadhajpal (1502–1522)
  • Nitypal (1522–1524), last ruler of dynasty

Bana dynasty ruled over Magadaimandalam (c. 1190–1260)

Kadava dynasty (c. 1216–1279)

  • Kopperunchinga I (c. 1216–1242)
  • Kopperunchinga II (c. 1243–1279)

Kingdom of Marwar (1226–1950)

Rathore dynasty of Jodhpur

Rulers from Pali & Mandore (1226–1438)

Name Notes Reign began Reign ended
1 Rao Siha He conquered Pali and became the first rao of the Rathore dynasty in Marwar. He died in the battle of Lakha Jhawar (1273) against Sultan Ghaus ud-din Balban. 1226 1273
2 Rao Asthan Conquered Kher from the Gohils and Idar from the Bhils. He died in battle against Jalaludin Khilji. 1273 1292
3 Rao Doohad He conquered more than 140 villages. He was killed in battle against the Parihars. 1292 1309
4 Rao Raipal He avenged his father by killing the ruler of the Parihars. During a famine in Marwar he distributed his own personal grains to the people. 1309 1313
5 Rao Kanhapal He suffered raids from the Turko-Afgan tribes and was killed in action defending his lands. 1313 1323
6 Rao Jalansi He defeated the Sodhas. He took the turban of the Sodha chief to mark his supremacy in the region. 1323 1328
7 Rao Chado 1328 1344
8 Rao Tida He was killed in battle against the sultan of Delhi. 1344 1357
9 Rao Kanha Dev 1357 1374
10 Rao Viram Dev He died in battle against the Johiyas. 1374 1383
11 Rao Chandra He conquered Mandore from the Turks in 1406. He further conquered the areas of Nagaur, Sambhar, Khatu, Nadol and Ajmer. He was killed in battle against Salim Shah of Multhan. 1383 1424
12 Rao Kanha Fought battles with his brothers. Died young in Mandore. 1424 1427
13 Rao Ranmal He consolidated his rule with the help of the Sisodiyas of Mewar. He was later assassinated on the orders of Rana Kumbha. 1427 1438

Rulers from Jodhpur (1459–1950)

Name Notes Reign began Reign ended
1 Rao Jodha Fought Rana Kumbha and reclaimed his lands. He later founded the city of Jodhpur and made it his capital. He subjugated the states of Jalore and Bundi and annexed Ajmer, Sambhar and Mohilavati. 12 May 1438 6 April 1489
2 Rao Satal Died from wounds after saving 140 women from Afghan raiders. 6 April 1489 March 1492
3 Rao Suja March 1492 2 October 1515
4 Rao Biram Singh Son of Bagha 2 October 1515 8 November 1515
5 Rao Ganga Assisted Rana Sanga in his campaigns against the Sultans of India. 8 November 1515 9 May 1532
6 Rao Maldeo Successfully repelled the invasions of Sher Shah Suri. Called as one of the most potent rulers of Hindustan by Ferishta. 9 May 1532 7 November 1562
7 Rao Chandra Sen He defended his kingdom for nearly two decades against relentless attacks from the Mughal Empire. 7 November 1562 1581
8 Raja Udai Singh Mota Raja He was the father in law of Jahangir and got married his daughter Mani Bai married to him, later on who became parents of Shah Jahan[133] 4 August 1583 11 July 1595
9 Sawai Raja Suraj-Mal 11 July 1595 7 September 1619
10 Maharaja Gaj Singh I The first to take the title Maharaja by himself 7 September 1619 6 May 1638
11 Maharaja Jaswant Singh He fought Aurangzeb in the Battle of Dharmatpur. 6 May 1638 28 December 1678
12 Maharaja Ajit Singh Became Maharaja of Marwar after 25 years of war with Aurangzeb. Durgadas Rathore played a key role in the war. 19 February 1679 24 June 1724
13 Raja Indra Singh Installed in opposition to Maharaja Ajit Singh by Emperor Aurangzeb but unpopular with people of Marwar 9 June 1679 4 August 1679
14 Maharaja Abhai Singh Defeated Sarbuland Khan and occupied all of Gujarat for a short time. 24 June 1724 18 June 1749
15 Maharaja Ram Singh First reign 18 June 1749 July 1751
16 Maharaja Bakht Singh He was the general of the Marwari forces against Sarbuland Khan and defeated him. In the Battle of Gangwana he defeated a combined army of Mughals and Kachwahas. July 1751 21 September 1752
17 Maharaja Vijay Singh First reign 21 September 1752 31 January 1753
18 Maharaja Ram Singh Second reign 31 January 1753 September 1772
19 Maharaja Vijay Singh Second reign – Was defeated by Mahadji Scindia and forced to surrender the fort and city of Ajmer. September 1772 17 July 1793
20 Maharaja Bhim Singh 17 July 1793 19 October 1803
21 Maharaja Man Singh Entered into treaty relations with the British on 6 January 1818. 19 October 1803 4 September 1843
22 Maharaja Sir Takht Singh Not in the direct line, but a great-great-great grandson of Ajit Singh. Formerly Regent of Ahmednagar. 4 September 1843 13 February 1873
23 Maharaja Sir Jaswant Singh II Kaisar-i-Hind 13 February 1873 11 October 1895
24 Maharaja Sir Sardar Singh Colonel in the British Indian Army 11 October 1895 20 March 1911
25 Maharaja Sir Sumair Singh Colonel in the British Indian Army 20 March 1911 3 October 1918
26 Maharaja Sir Umaid Singh Lieutenant-General in the British Indian Army 3 October 1918 9 June 1947
27 Maharaja Sir Hanwant Singh Ruler of Marwar (Jodhpur) until accession to the Union of India in 1949; died on 26 January 1952 9 June 1947 7 April 1949
28 (titular) Maharaja Gaj Singh II of Jodhpur Became head of the House on 26 January 1952 26 January 1952 Present


Delhi Sultanate (1206–1526 CE)

Mamluk dynasty (1206–1290 CE)

  • Qutb-ud-din Aibak (1206–1210)
  • Aram Shah (1210–1211)
  • Shams-ud-din Iltutmish (1211–1236)
  • Rukn-ud-din Firuz (1236)
  • Raziyyat ud din Sultana (1236–1240)
  • Muiz-ud-din Bahram (1240–1242)
  • Ala-ud-din Masud (1242–1246)
  • Nasir-ud-din Mahmud (1246–1266)
  • Ghiyas-ud-din Balban (1266–1286)
  • Muiz-ud-din Qaiqabad (1286–1290)

Khalji dynasty (1290–1320 CE)

  • Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji (1290–1296)
  • Alauddin Khilji (1296–1316)
  • Shihabuddin Omar Khan Khilji (1316)
  • Qutb ud din Mubarak Shah Khilji (1316–1320)
  • Khusro Khan khilji (1320)

Tughlaq dynasty (1321–1414 CE)

  • Ghiyas ud din Tughluq (1321–1325)
  • Muhammad Shah Tughuluq I (1325–1351)
  • Firuz Shah Tughluq (1351–1388)
  • Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughluq II (1388–1389)
  • Abu Bakr Shah (1389–1390)
  • Muhammad Shah Tughluq III (1390–1394)
  • Ala ud-din Sikandar Shah Tughluq (1394)
  • Muhammad Shah Tughuluq IV (1394–1413)

After the invasion of Timur in 1398, the governor of Multan, Khizr Khan abolished the Tughluq dynasty in 1414.

Jaunpur Sultanate (1394–1479 CE)

  • Malik Sarwar Shah (1394–1399)
  • Mubarak Shah (1399–1402)
  • Ibrahim Shah (1402–1440)
  • Mahmud Shah (1440–1457)
  • Muhammad Shah (1457–1458)
  • Hussain Shah (1458–1479)

Sayyid dynasty (1414–1451 CE)

  • Khizr Khan (1414–1421)
  • Mubarak Shah (1421–1434)
  • Muhammad Shah (1434–1445)
  • Alam Shah (1445–1451)

Lodi dynasty (1451–1526 CE)

  • Bahlol Khan Lodi (1451–1489)
  • Sikandar Lodi (1489–1517)
  • Ibrahim Lodi (1517–1526), defeated by Babur (who replaced the Delhi Sultanate with the Mughal Empire)

Ahom dynasty of Assam (1228–1826 CE)

  • Sukaphaa (1228–1268), founder of dynasty
  • Suteuphaa (1268–1281)
  • Subinphaa (1281–1293)
  • Sukhaangphaa (1293–1332)
  • Sukhrampha (1332–1364)
  • Interregnum (1364–1369)
  • Sutuphaa (1369–1376)
  • Interregnum (1376–1380)
  • Tyao Khamti (1380–1389)
  • Interregnum (1389–1397)
  • Sudangphaa (1397–1407)
  • Sujangphaa (1407–1422)
  • Suphakphaa (1422–1439)
  • Susenphaa (1439–1488)
  • Suhenphaa (1488–1493)
  • Supimphaa (1493–1497)
  • Swarganarayan (1497–1539)
  • Suklenmung (1539–1552)
  • Sukhaamphaa (1552–1603)
  • Pratap Singha (1603–1641)
  • Jayaditya Singha (1641–1644)
  • Sutingphaa (1644–1648)
  • Jayadhwaj Singha (1648–1663)
  • Chakradhwaj Singha (1663–1670)
  • Udayaaditya Singha (1670–1672)
  • Ramadhwaj Singha (1672–1674)
  • Suhunga (1674–1675)
  • Gobar (1675–1675)
  • Sujinphaa (1675–1677)
  • Sudoiphaa (1677–1679)
  • Ratnadhwaj Singha (1679–1681)
  • Gadadhar Singha (1681–1696)
  • Rudra Singha (1696–1714)
  • Siba Singha (1714–1744)
  • Pramatta Singha (1744–1751)
  • Rajeswar Singha (1751–1769)
  • Lakshmi Singha (1769–1780)
  • Gaurinath Singha (1780–1795)
  • Kamaleswar Singha (1795–1811)
  • Chandrakanta Singha (1811–1818)
  • Purandar Singha (1818–1819)
  • Chandrakanta Singha (1819–1821)
  • Jogeshwar Singha (1821–1822)
  • Purandar Singha (1833–1838), last ruler of dynasty

Vaghela dynasty (1244–1304 CE)

The sovereign Vaghela rulers include:

  • Visala-deva (1244–1262), founder of the dynasty
  • Arjuna-deva (1262–1275), son of Pratapamalla
  • Rama (1275), son of Arjunadeva
  • Saranga-deva (1275–1296), son of Arjunadeva
  • Karna-deva (1296–1304), son of Rama; also called Karna II to distinguish him from Karna Chaulukya.

Jaffna (Aryacakravarti) dynasty (1277–1619 CE)

List of rulers–

  • Kulasekara Cinkaiariyan(1277–1284), founder of dynasty
  • Kulotunga Cinkaiariyan (1284–1292)
  • Vickrama Cinkaiariyan (1292–1302)
  • Varodaya Cinkaiariyan (1302–1325)
  • Martanda Cinkaiariyan (1325–1348)
  • Gunabhooshana Cinkaiariyan (1348–1371)
  • Virodaya Cinkaiariyan (1371–1380)
  • Jeyaveera Cinkaiariyan (1380–1410)
  • Gunaveera Cinkaiariyan (1410–1440)
  • Kanakasooriya Cinkaiariyan (1440–1450 & 1467–1478)
  • Singai Pararasasegaram (1478–1519)
  • Cankili I (1519–1561)
  • Puviraja Pandaram (1561–1565 & 1582–1591)
  • Kasi Nayinar Pararacacekaran (1565–1570)
  • Periyapillai (1565–1582)
  • Ethirimana Cinkam (1591–1617)
  • Cankili II Cekaracacekaran (1617–1619), last ruler of dynasty[135]

Kingdom of Tripura (1280–1949 CE)

Manikya dynasty

List of rulers–

  • Ratna Manikya (1280 CE)
  • Pratap Manikya (1350 CE)
  • Mukul Manikya (1400 CE)
Kingdom of Tripura
Part of History of Tripura
Kings of Tripura
Maha Manikya c. 1400–1431
Dharma Manikya I 1431–1462
Ratna Manikya I 1462–1487
Pratap Manikya 1487
Vijaya Manikya I 1488
Mukut Manikya 1489
Dhanya Manikya 1490–1515
Dhwaja Manikya 1515–1520
Deva Manikya 1520–1530
Indra Manikya I 1530–1532
Vijaya Manikya II 1532–1563
Ananta Manikya 1563–1567
Udai Manikya I 1567–1573
Joy Manikya I 1573–1577
Amar Manikya 1577–1585
Rajdhar Manikya I 1586–1600
Ishwar Manikya 1600
Yashodhar Manikya 1600–1623
Interregnum 1623–1626
Kalyan Manikya 1626–1660
Govinda Manikya 1660–1661
Chhatra Manikya 1661–1667
Govinda Manikya 1661–1673
Rama Manikya 1673–1685
Ratna Manikya II 1685–1693
Narendra Manikya 1693–1695
Ratna Manikya II 1695–1712
Mahendra Manikya 1712–1714
Dharma Manikya II 1714–1725
Jagat Manikya 1725–1729
Dharma Manikya II 1729
Mukunda Manikya 1729–1739
Joy Manikya II c. 1739–1744
Indra Manikya II c. 1744–1746
Udai Manikya II c. 1744
Joy Manikya II 1746
Vijaya Manikya III 1746–1748
Lakshman Manikya 1740s/1750s
Interregnum 1750s–1760
Krishna Manikya 1760–1783
Rajdhar Manikya II 1785–1806
Rama Ganga Manikya 1806–1809
Durga Manikya 1809–1813
Rama Ganga Manikya 1813–1826
Kashi Chandra Manikya 1826–1829
Krishna Kishore Manikya 1829–1849
Ishan Chandra Manikya 1849–1862
Bir Chandra Manikya 1862–1896
Birendra Kishore Manikya 1909–1923
Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya 1923–1947
Kirit Bikram Kishore Manikya 1947–1949
1949–1978 (titular)
Kirit Pradyot Manikya 1978–present (titular)
Tripura monarchy data
Manikya dynasty (Royal family)
Agartala (Capital of the kingdom)
Ujjayanta Palace (Royal residence)
Neermahal (Royal residence)
Rajmala (Royal chronicle)
Tripura Buranji (Chronicle)
Chaturdasa Devata (Family deities)
  • v
  • t
  • e

On 9 September 1949, “Tripura Merger Agreement”, was signed and come in effect from 15 October 1949 & Tripura became part of Indian Union.[136]

Nayaka Kingdoms (c. 1325–1815 CE)

Musunuri Nayaka Kingdom (c. 1325–1368 CE)

There were two Musunuri Nayak:

  • Musunuri Prolaya Nayudu (1323–1333)
  • Musunuri Kapaya Nayak (1333–1368)

Recherla Nayaka Kingdom (c. 1368–1435 CE)

Known rulers are:

  • Anapota Nayaka

Gandikota Kingdom (Pemmasani Nayaks) (c. 1441–1685 CE)

This is the list of Pemmasani Kings:

  • Pemmasani Kumara Veera Timma Nayaka (1441–1462)
  • Pemmasani Chenna vibhudu (1462–1505)
  • Pemmasani Ramalinga Nayaka (1505–1540)
  • Pemmasani Bangaru Timma Nayaka (1540–1565)
  • Pemmasani Narasimha Nayaka (1565–1598)
  • Pemmasani Timma Nayaka (1598–1623)
  • Pemmasani Chinna Timma Nayaka (1623–1652)
  • Pemmasani Veera Kumara Timma Nayaka (1652–1685)

Keladi Nayaka Kingdom (c. 1499–1763 CE)

  • Chauda Gowda, (1499–1530)
  • Sadashiva Nayaka (1530–1566)
  • Sankanna Nayaka (1566–1570)
  • Chikka Sankanna Nayaka (1570–1580)
  • Rama Raja Nayaka (1580–1586)
  • Hiriya Venkatappa Nayaka (1586–1629)
  • Virabhadra Nayaka (1629–1645)
  • Shivappa Nayaka (1645–1660)
  • Chikka Venkatappa Nayaka (1660–1662)
  • Bhadrappa Nayaka (1662–1664)
  • Somashekara Nayaka I (1664–1672)
  • Keladi Chennamma (1672–1697)
  • Basavappa Nayaka (1697–1714)
  • Somashekara Nayaka II (1714–1739)
  • Kiriya Basavappa Nayaka (1739–1754)
  • Chenna Basappa Nayaka (1754–1757)
  • Queen Virammaji (1757–1763)

Gingee (Senji) Nayak Kingdom (c. 1509–1649 CE)

Some of the Nayakas in the Gingee line were:

  • Krishnappa Nayaka (1509–1521)
  • Chennappa Nayaka
  • Gangama Nayaka
  • Venkata Krishnappa Nayaka
  • Venkata Rama Bhupaala Nayaka
  • Thriyambamka Krishnappa Nayaka
  • Varadappa Nayaka
  • Ramalinga Nayani vaaru
  • Venkata Perumal Naidu
  • Periya Ramabhadra Naidu
  • Ramakrishnappa Naidu (- 1649)

Srinivasachari takes chronicles mentioned in copper plate grants into account and mentions the following Nayakas in the Gingee line, noting governorship of Gingee began in Saka era 1386 / CE 1464:

  • 1490 – Vaiyappa Nayak
  • 1490–1520 – Tubaki Krishnappa Nayaka (originally Bala / Vala Krishnappa who became Tubbaki / Dubakki / Dubala Krishnappa in local legends).
  • 1520–1540 – Achyuta Vijaya Ramachandra Nayak
  • 1540–1550 – Muthialu Nayak
  • 1570–1600 – Venkatappa Nayak
  • 1600–1620 – Varadappa Nayak
  • Appa Nayak – up to Muslim conquest.

Madurai Nayak dynasty (c. 1529–1736 CE)

  • Viswanatha Nayak (1529–1563)
  • Kumara Krishnappa Nayak (1563–1573)
  • Joint Rulers Group I (1573–1595)
  • Joint Rulers Group II (1595–1602)
  • Muttu Krishnappa Nayak (1602–1609)
  • Muttu Virappa Nayak (1609–1623)
  • Tirumala Nayak (1623–1659)
  • Muthu Alakadri Nayak (1659–1662)
  • Chokkanatha Nayak (1662–1682)
  • Rangakrishna Muthu Virappa Nayaka (1682–1689)
  • Rani Mangammal (1689–1704)
  • Vijaya Ranga Chokkanatha Nayak (1704–1731)
  • Queen Meenakshi (1731–1736)

Thanjavur Nayak kingdom (c. 1532–1673 CE)

  • Chevvappa Nayak a.k.a. Sevappa Nayak (1532–1580)
  • Achuthappa Nayak (1560–1614)
  • Raghunatha Nayak (1600–1634)
  • Vijaya Raghava Nayak (1634–1673)

Vellore Nayaka Kingdom (c. 1540–1601 CE)

The list of nayaks are unclear. Some of the Nayaks are:

  • Chinna Bommi Reddy
  • Thimma Reddy Nayak
  • Lingama Nayak

Chitradurga Nayaka Kingdom (c. 1588–1779 CE)

  • Timmanna Nayaka (1568–1589)
  • Obanna Nayaka I (1588–1602)
  • Kasturi Rangappa Nayaka I (1602–1652)
  • Madakari Nayaka II (1652–1674)
  • Obanna Nayaka II (1674–1675)
  • Shoora Kantha Nayaka (1675–1676)
  • Chikkanna Nayaka (1676–1686)
  • Madakari Nayaka III (1686–1688)
  • Donne Rangappa Nayaka (1688–1689)
  • Bharamanna Nayaka of Bilichodu (1689–1721)
  • Madakari Nayaka IV (1721–1748)
  • Kasturi Rangappa Nayaka II (1748–1758),
  • Madakari Nayaka (1758–1779)

Kandy Nayak Kingdom (c. 1739–1815 CE)

  • Sri Vijaya Rajasinha (1739–1747)
  • Kirti Sri Rajasinha (1747–1782)
  • Sri Rajadhi Raja Singha (1782–1798)
  • Sri Vikrama Rajasinha (1798–1815)[137][138]

Other Nayaka kingdoms

  • Nayakas of Shorapur
  • Nayakas of Kalahasti
  • Nayakas of Harappanahalli
  • Nayakas of Gummanayakana Palya
  • Nayakas of Kuppam
  • Nayakas of Rayalaseema
  • Nayakas of Jarimale
  • Nayakas of Gudekote
  • Nayakas of Nayakanahatti[139][140]

Reddy Kingdom (1325–1448 CE)

List of rulers–

  • Prolaya Vema Reddy (1325–1335), founder of dynasty
  • Anavota Reddy (1335–1364)
  • Anavema Reddy (1364–1386)
  • Kumaragiri Reddy (1386–1402)
  • Kataya Vema Reddy (1395–1414)
  • Allada Reddy (1414–1423)
  • Veerabhadra Reddy (1423–1448), last ruler of dynasty

Oiniwar (Sugauna) dynasty of Mithila (1325–1526 CE)

List of rulers–

According to historian Makhan Jha, the rulers of the Oiniwar dynasty are as follows:[141]

  • Nath Thakur, founder of dynasty in 1325 CE
  • Atirupa Thakur
  • Vishwarupa Thakur
  • Govinda Thakur
  • Lakshman Thakur
  • Kameshwar Thakur
  • Bhogishwar Thakur, ruled for over 33 years
  • Ganeshwar Singh, reigned from 1355; killed by his cousins in 1371 after a long-running internecine dispute
  • Kirti Singh
  • Bhava Singh Deva
  • Deva Simha Singh
  • Shiva Simha Singh (or Shivasimha Rūpanārāyana), took power in 1402, missing in battle in 1406[142][143]
  • Lakshima Devi, chief wife of Shiva Simha Singh, ruled as regent for 12 years. She committed sati after many years of waiting for her husband’s return.[142]
  • Padma Simha Singh, took power in 1418 and died in 1431[142]
  • Viswavasa Devi, wife of Padma Singh, died in 1443
  • Hara Singh Deva, younger brother of Deva Singh
  • Nara Singh Deva, died in 1460
  • Dhir Singh Deva
  • Bhairva Singh Deva, died in 1515, brother of Dhir Singh Deva
  • Rambhadra Deva
  • Laxminath Singh Deva, last ruler died in 1526 CE

Vijayanagara Empire (1336–1646 CE)

In Vijayanagara Empire four dynasties ruled for 310 years on whole South India.[144]

List of rulers–

Vijayanagara Empire
Sangama dynasty
Harihara I 1336–1356
Bukka Raya I 1356–1377
Harihara Raya II 1377–1404
Virupaksha Raya 1404–1405
Bukka Raya II 1405–1406
Deva Raya I 1406–1422
Ramachandra Raya 1422
Vira Vijaya Bukka Raya 1422–1424
Deva Raya II 1424–1446
Mallikarjuna Raya 1446–1465
Virupaksha Raya II 1465–1485
Praudha Raya 1485
Saluva dynasty
Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya 1485–1491
Thimma Bhupala 1491
Narasimha Raya II 1491–1505
Tuluva dynasty
Tuluva Narasa Nayaka 1491–1503
Vira Narasimha Raya 1503–1509
Krishna Deva Raya 1509–1529
Achyuta Deva Raya 1529–1542
Venkata I 1542
Sadasiva Raya 1542–1570
Aravidu dynasty
Aliya Rama Raya 1542–1565
Tirumala Deva Raya 1565–1572
Sriranga I 1572–1586
Venkata II 1586–1614
Sriranga II 1614
Rama Deva Raya 1617–1632
Venkata III 1632–1642
Sriranga III 1642–1646

Bahmani Sultanate (1347–1527 CE)

  • Ala-ud-Din Bahman Mohamed bin Laden Shah (1347–1358)
  • Muhammad Shah I (1358–1375)
  • Ala ud din Mujahid Shah (1375–1378)
  • Daud Shah I (1378)
  • Muhammad Shah II (1378–1397)
  • Ghiyas ud din Tahmatan Shah (1397)
  • Shams ud din Daud Shah II (1397)
  • Taj ud-Din Firuz Shah (1397–1422)
  • Ahmad Shah I Wali (1422–1435), established his capital at Bidar
  • Ala ud din Ahmad Shah II (1436–1458)
  • Ala ud din Humayun Shah (1458–1461)
  • Nizam-Ud-Din Ahmad III (1461–1463)
  • Muhammad Shah III Lashkari (1463–1482)
  • Mahmood Shah Bahmani II(1482–1518)
  • Ahmad Shah IV (1518–1521)
  • Ala ud din Shah (1521–1522)
  • Waliullah Shah (1522–1524)
  • Kalimullah Shah (1524–1527)

Malwa Sultanate (1392–1562 CE)

Ghoris (1390–1436 CE)

  • Dilavar Khan Husain (1390–1405)
  • Alp Khan Hushang (1405–1435)
  • Ghazni Khan Muhammad (1435–1436)
  • Masud Khan (1436)

Khaljis (1436–1535 CE)

  • Mahmud Shah I (1436–1469)
  • Ghiyath Shah (1469–1500)
  • Nasr Shah (1500–1511)
  • Mahmud Shah II (1511–1530)

Patna Kingdom (1360–1948 CE)

The rulers of Patna state of the Chauhan clan:[145]

  • Ramai Deva (1360–1380), founder of dynasty
  • Mahalinga Deva (1380–1385)
  • Vatsaraja Deva (1385–1410)
  • Vaijala Deva I (1410–1430)
  • Bhojaraj Deva (1430–1455)
  • Pratap Rudra Deva I (1455–1480)
  • Bhupal Deva I (1480–1500)
  • Vikramaditya Deva I (1500–1520)
  • Vaijal Deva II (1520–1540)
  • Bajra Hiradhara Deva (1540–1570)
  • Narsingh Deva (1570–1577)
  • Hamir Deva (1577–1581)
  • Pratap Deva II (1581–1620)
  • Vikramaditya Deva II (1620–1640)
  • Mukunda Deva (1640–1670)
  • Balaram Deva (1670–1678)
  • Hrdesha Deva (1678–1685)
  • Rai Singh Deva (1685–1762)
  • Prithviraj Deva (1762–1765)
  • Ramchandra Singh Deo I (1765–1820)
  • Bhupal Singh Deo (1820–1848)
  • Hiravajra Singh Deo (1848–1866)
  • Pratap Singh Deo (1866–25 November 1878)
  • Ramchandra Singh Deo II (25 November 1878 – 1895)
  • Lal Dalganjan Singh Deo (1895–1910)
  • Prithviraj Singh (1910–1924)
  • Rajendra Narayan Singh Deo (1924–1 January 1948), last official ruler of dynasty & merge kingdom in India in 1948 CE.[146]

Baro-Bhuyan kingdoms (1365–1632 CE)

List of Kingdoms and their rulers as–

Baro-Bhuyan of Assam (1365–1440 CE)

  • Sasanka (Arimatta) (1365–1385 CE)
  • Gajanka (1385–1400 CE)
  • Sukranka (1400–1415 CE)
  • Mriganka (1415–1440 CE)

Baro-Bhuyan of Bengal (1576–1632 CE)

  • Isa Khan
  • Musa Khan (Bengal Ruler)
  • Masum Khan

Tomara dynasty of Gwalior (1375–1523 CE)

The Tomara rulers of Gwalior include the following.[147][148]

Name in dynasty’s inscriptions (IAST) Reign Names in Muslim chronicles and vernacular literature
Vīrasiṃha-deva 1375–1400 CE or (c. 1394–1400 CE) Virsingh Dev, Bir Singh Tomar, Bar Singh (in Yahya’s writings), Har Singh (in Badauni’s writings), Nar Singh (in Firishta’s and Nizamuddin’s writings).[149]
Uddharaṇa-deva 1400–1402 CE Uddharan Dev, Usaran or Adharan (in Khadagrai’s writings)[150]
Virāma-deva 1402–1423 CE Viram Dev, Biram Deo (in Yahya’s writings), Baram Deo (in Firishta’s writings)
Gaṇapati-deva 1423–1425 CE Ganpati Dev
Dungarendra-deva alias Dungara-siṃha 1425–1459 CE Dungar Singh, Dungar Sen
Kirtisiṃha-deva 1459–1480 CE Kirti Singh Tomar
Kalyāṇamalla 1480–1486 CE Kalyanmal, Kalyan Singh
Māna-siṃha 1486–1516 CE Mana Sahi, Man Singh
Vikramāditya 1516–1523 CE Vikram Sahi, Vikramjit

Kingdom of Mysore (1399–1950 CE)

Wadiyar dynasty (first rule, 1399–1761 CE)

List of rulers–

  • Yaduraya Wodeyar or Raja Vijaya Raj Wodeyar (1399–1423 CE)
  • Hiriya Bettada Chamaraja Wodeyar I (1423–1459 CE)
  • Thimmaraja Wodeyar I (1459–1478 CE)
  • Hiriya Chamaraja Wodeyar II (1478–1513 CE)
  • Hiriya bettada Chamaraja Wodeyar III (1513–1553 CE)
  • Thimmaraja Wodeyar II (1553–1572 CE)
  • Bola Chamaraja Wodeyar IV (1572–1576 CE)
  • Bettada Devaraja Wodeyar (1576–1578 CE)
  • Raja Wodeyar I (1578–1617 CE)
  • Chamaraja Wodeyar V (1617–1637 CE)
  • Raja Wodeyar II (1637–1638 CE)
  • Ranadhira Kantheerava Narasaraja Wodeyar I (1638–1659 CE)
  • Dodda Devaraja Wodeyar (1659–1673 CE)
  • Chikka Devaraja Wodeyar (1673–1704 CE)
  • Kantheerava Narasaraja Wodeyar II (1704–1714 CE)
  • Dodda Krishnaraja Wodeyar I (1714–1732 CE)
  • Chamaraja Wodeyar VI (1732–1734 CE)
  • Immadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar II (1734–1766 CE), ruled under Hyder Ali from 1761 CE
  • Nanajaraja Wodeyar (1766–1772 CE), ruled under Hyder Ali
  • Bettada Chamaraja Wodeyar VII (1772–1776 CE), ruled under Hyder Ali
  • Khasa Chamaraja Wodeyar VIII (1776–1796 CE), ruled under Hyder Ali until 1782 CE, then under Tipu Sultan until his deposition in 1796 CE.

The reign of the Kings of Mysore (Wodeyar line) was interrupted from 1761 to 1799 CE.

Hyder Ali’s dynasty of Mysore (1761–1799 CE)

  • Hyder Ali (1761–1782 CE)
  • Tipu Sultan (1782–1799 CE), son of Hyder Ali.

Wodeyar dynasty (second rule, 1799–1950 CE)

  • Mummudi Krishnaraja Wodeyar III (1799–1868 CE)
  • Chamaraja Wodeyar IX (1868–1894 CE)
  • H.H. Vani Vilas Sannidhana, queen of Chamaraja Wodeyar IX served as regent from (1894 to 1902 CE)
  • Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV (1894–1940 CE)
  • Jayachamaraja Wodeyar Bahadur (1940–1950 CE)

Gajapati Empire of Orissa (1434–1541 CE)

List of rulers–

  • Kapilendra Deva (1434–1467 CE), founder of dynasty
  • Purushottama Deva (1467–1497 CE)
  • Prataparudra Deva (1497–1540 CE)
  • Kalua Deva (1540–1541 CE)
  • Kakharua Deva (1541 CE), last ruler of dynasty

Rathore dynasty of Bikaner (1465–1947 CE)

List of rulers–

Name Reign Began (in CE) Reign Ended (in CE)
1 Rao Bika 1465 1504
2 Rao Narayan Singh 1504 1505
3 Rao Luna Karana Lon-Karan 1505 1526
4 Rao Jait Singh Jetasi 1526 1542
5 Rao Kalyan Mal – Acknowledged the suzerainty of Emperor Akbar at Nagaur in November 1570 1542 1574
6 Rao Rai Singh I Rai Rai Singh – Important General in the Mughal army Similar to Raja Man Singh I of Amber 1574 1612
7 Rai Dalpat Singh Dalip 1612 1613
8 Rai Surat Singh Bhuratiya 1613 1631
9 Rao Karan Singh Jangalpat Badhshah – Deposed by Emperor Aurangzeb for dereliction of duty at Attock, 11 January 1667. Exiled to his betel gardens at Karanpura in the Deccan 1631 1667
10 Maharaja Rao Anup Singh – To be the first to be granted the title “Maharaja” by Emperor Aurangzeb. Served in the Deccan campaign at Salher in 1672, Bijapur in 1675, and the siege of Golconda in 1687. He was administrator of Aurangabad from 1677 to 1678, ‘Hakim’ of Adoni in 1678, Imtiazgarh and Adoni from 1689 to 1693, and of Nusratabad and Sukkar from 1693 to 1698 CE 1669 1698
11 Maharaja Rao Sarup Singh – He died from smallpox at Adoni in the Deccan on 15 December 1700 1698 1700
12 Maharaja Rao Sujan Singh – Ordered to attend Emperor Aurangzeb in the Deccan, where he remained for ten years. Faced invasions from Maharaja Abhai Singh of Jodhpur and Maharaja Bakht Singh of Nagaur, but successfully repulsed both 1700 1735
13 Maharaja Rao Zorawar Singh 1735 1746
14 Maharaja Rao Gaj Singh – the first of his line granted permission to mint his own coinage by Emperor Alamgir II 1746 1787
15 Maharaja Rao Rai Singh II Raj Singh 1787 1787
16 Maharaja Rao Pratap Singh – Reigned under the Regency of his uncle Surat Singh who poisoned him to assume the throne 1787 1787
17 Maharaja Rao Surat Singh – He incurred huge debts due to his military adventures which had reduced his state to near anarchy. Entered the protection of the East India Company with a subsidiary alliance on 9 March 1818 1787 1828
18 Narendra Maharaja Rao Ratan Singh – Received the hereditary title of Narendra Maharaja from Emperor Akbar Shah II and assisted the British by furnishing them with supplies during the First Afghan War of 1841 1828 1851
19 Narendra Maharaja Rao Sardar Singh – Assisted the British during the Indian Uprising of 1857 and served in person during many of the battles. Removed the name of the Mughal Emperor from his coinage, replacing the words with Aurang Arya Hind wa Queen Victoria. 1851 1872
20 Narendra Maharaja Rao Dungar Singh – Assisted the British during the Second Afghan War. 1872 1887
21 General Narendra Maharaja Sir Rao Ganga Singh – Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) for Bikaner, 1952–1977. On 28 December 1971, India amended its Constitution to remove the position of the rulers of princely states and their right to receive privy-purse payments, thus making him the last ruler of Bikaner. Imperial Conferences and at the League of Nations. 1887 1943
22 Lieutenant-General Narendra Maharaja Sir Rao Sadul Singh – Signed the Instrument of Accession to the Dominion of India on 7 August 1947. Merged his state into the present state of Rajasthan, India on 30 March 1949. 1943 1947
23 Rao Karni Singh 1947 1971

Shahi dynasties (1490–1686 CE)

Dynasties are as follow–

Barid Shahi dynasty (1490–1619 CE)

  • Qasim Barid I 1490–1504
  • Amir Barid I 1504–1542
  • Ali Barid Shah I 1542–1580
  • Ibrahim Barid Shah 1580–1587
  • Qasim Barid Shah II 1587–1591
  • Ali Barid Shah II 1591
  • Amir Barid Shah II 1591–1601
  • Mirza Ali Barid Shah III 1601–1609
  • Amir Barid Shah III 1609–1619

Imad Shahi dynasty (1490–1572 CE)

  • Fathullah Imad-ul-Mulk (1490–1504)
  • Aladdin Imad Shah (1504–1530)
  • Darya Imad Shah (1530–1562)
  • Burhan Imad Shah (1562–1574)
  • Tufal Khan 1574

Adil Shahi dynasty (1490–1686 CE)

  • Yusuf Adil Shah (1490–1511)
  • Ismail Adil Shah (1511–1534)
  • Mallu Adil Shah (1534)
  • Ibrahim Adil Shah I (1534–1558)
  • Ali Adil Shah I (1558–1579)
  • Ibrahim Adil Shah II (1580–1627)
  • Mohammed Adil Shah, Sultan of Bijapur (1627–1657)
  • Ali Adil Shah II (1657–1672)
  • Sikandar Adil Shah (1672–1686)

Nizam Shahi dynasty (1490–1636 CE)

  • Malik Ahmad Nizam Shah I 1490–1510
  • Burhan Nizam Shah I 1510–1553
  • Hussain Nizam Shah I 1553–1565
  • Murtaza Nizam Shah I 1565–1588
  • Hussain Nizam Shah II 1588–1589
  • Ismail Nizam Shah 1589–1591
  • Burhan Nizam Shah II 1591–1595
  • Ibrahim Nizam Shah 1595–1596
  • Malik Ahmad Nizam Shah II 1596
  • Bahadur Nizam Shah 1596–1600
  • Murtaza Nizam Shah II 1600–1610
  • Burhan Nizam Shah III 1610–1631
  • Hussain Nizam Shah III 1631–1633
  • Murtaza Nizam Shah III 1633–1636

Qutb Shahi dynasty (1518–1686 CE)

  • Sultan Quli Qutbl Mulk (1518–1543)
  • Jamsheed Quli Qutb Shah (1543–1550)
  • Subhan Quli Qutb Shah (1550)
  • Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah (1550–1580)
  • Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah (1580–1612)
  • Sultan Muhammad Qutb Shah (1612–1626)
  • Abdullah Qutb Shah (1626–1672)
  • Abul Hasan Qutb Shah (1672–1686)

Gatti Mudalis of Taramangalam (15th–17th century CE)

List of known rulers–

  • Vanagamudi Gatti
  • Immudi Gatti
  • Gatti Mudali

Kingdom of Cochin (c. 1503–1948 CE)

Veerakerala Varma, nephew of Cheraman Perumal Nayanar, is supposed to have been the first king of Cochin around the 7th century. But the records we have start in 1503.[citation needed]

  1. Unniraman Koyikal I (?–1503)
  2. Unniraman Koyikal II (1503–1537)
  3. Veera Kerala Varma (1537–1565)
  4. Keshava Rama Varma (1565–1601)
  5. Veera Kerala Varma (1601–1615)
  6. Ravi Varma I (1615–1624)
  7. Veera Kerala Varma (1624–1637)
  8. Godavarma (1637–1645)
  9. Veerarayira Varma (1645–1646)
  10. Veera Kerala Varma (1646–1650)
  11. Rama Varma I (1650–1656)
  12. Rani Gangadharalakshmi (1656–1658)
  13. Rama Varma II (1658–1662)
  14. Goda Varma (1662–1663)
  15. Veera Kerala Varma (1663–1687)
  16. Rama Varma III (1687–1693)
  17. Ravi Varma II (1693–1697)
  18. Rama Varma IV (1697–1701)
  19. Rama Varma V (1701–1721)
  20. Ravi Varma III (1721–1731)
  21. Rama Varma VI (1731–1746)
  22. Veera Kerala Varma I (1746–1749)
  23. Rama Varma VII (1749–1760)
  24. Veera Kerala Varma II (1760–1775)
  25. Rama Varma VIII (1775–1790)
  26. Shaktan Thampuran (Rama Varma IX) (1790–1805)
  27. Rama Varma X (1805–1809), Vellarapalli-yil Theepetta Thampuran (King who died in “Vellarapali”)
  28. Veera Kerala Varma III (1809–1828), Karkidaka Maasathil Theepetta Thampuran (King who died in “karkidaka” month (Kollam Era))
  29. Rama Varma XI (1828–1837), Thulam-Maasathil Theepett1a Thampuran (King who died in “Thulam” month (ME))
  30. Rama Varma XII (1837–1844), Edava-Maasathil Theepett1a Thampuran (King who died in “Edavam” month (ME))
  31. Rama Varma XIII (1844–1851), Thrishur-il Theepetta Thampuran (King who died in “Thrishivaperoor” or Thrishur)
  32. Veera Kerala Varma IV (1851–1853), Kashi-yil Theepetta Thampuran (King who died in “Kashi” or Varanasi)
  33. Ravi Varma IV (1853–1864), Makara Maasathil Theepetta Thampuran (King who died in “Makaram” month (ME))
  34. Rama Varma XIV (1864–1888), Mithuna Maasathil Theepetta Thampuran (King who died in “Mithunam” month (ME))
  35. Kerala Varma V (1888–1895), Chingam Maasathil Theepetta Thampuran (King who died in “Chingam” month (ME))
  36. Rama Varma XV (1895–1914), a.k.a. Rajarshi, abdicated (d. in 1932)
  37. Rama Varma XVI (1915–1932), Madrasil Theepetta Thampuran (King who died in Madras or Chennai)
  38. Rama Varma XVII (1932–1941), Dhaarmika Chakravarthi (King of Dharma), Chowara-yil Theepetta Thampuran (King who died in “Chowara”)
  39. Kerala Varma VI (1941–1943), Midukkan (syn: Smart, expert, great) Thampuran
  40. Ravi Varma V (1943–1946), Kunjappan Thampuran (Brother of Midukkan Thampuran)
  41. Kerala Varma VII (1946–1948), Ikya-Keralam (Unified Kerala) Thampuran
  42. Rama Varma XVIII (1948–1964), Pareekshit Thampuran

Koch dynasty (c. 1515–1949 CE)

Rulers of undivided Koch kingdom (c. 1515–1586)

  • Biswa Singha (1515–1540)
  • Nara Narayan (1540–1586)

Rulers of Koch Bihar (c. 1586–1949)

  • Lakshmi Narayan
  • Bir Narayan
  • Pran Narayan
  • Basudev Narayan
  • Mahindra Narayan
  • Roop Narayan
  • Upendra Narayan
  • Devendra Narayan
  • Dhairjendra Narayan
  • Rajendra Narayan
  • Dharendra Narayan
  • Harendra Narayan
  • Shivendra Narayan
  • Narendra Narayan
  • Nripendra Narayan[151]
  • Rajendra Narayan II
  • Jitendra Narayan (father of Gayatri Devi)
  • Jagaddipendra Narayan (ruled till 1949)

Rulers of Koch Hajo (c. 1581–1616 CE)

  • Raghudev (son of Chilarai, nephew of Nara Narayan)
  • Parikshit Narayan

Rulers of Darrang

  • Balinarayan (brother of Parikshit Narayan)
  • Mahendra Narayan
  • Chandra Narayan
  • Surya Narayan

Rulers of Beltola

  • Gaj Narayan Dev (brother of Parikshit Narayan, ruler of Koch Hajo, brother of Balinarayan, first Koch ruler of Darrang).
  • Shivendra Narayan Dev (Son of Gaj Narayan)
  • Gandharva Narayan Dev (Son of Shivendra Narayan)
  • Uttam Narayan Dev (Son of Gandharva Narayan Dev)
  • Dhwaja Narayan Dev (Son of Uttam Narayan Dev)
  • Jay Narayan Dev (Son of Dhwaja Narayan Dev)
  • Lambodar Narayan Dev (Son of Jay Narayan Dev)
  • Lokpal Narayan Dev (Son of Lambodar Narayan Dev)
  • Amrit Narayan Dev (Son of Lokpal Narayan Dev)
  • Chandra Narayan Dev (Son of Lokpal Narayan Dev) (died 1910 CE)
  • Rajendra Narayan Dev (Son of Chandra Narayan Dev) (died 1937 CE)
  • Lakshmipriya Devi (wife of Rajendra Narayan Dev) (reign:1937–1947 CE died: 1991 CE)

Rulers of Bijni

The Bijni rulers reigned between the Sankosh and the Manas rivers, the region immediately to the east of Koch Bihar.

  • Chandra Narayan (son of Parikshit Narayan)
  • Joy Narayan
  • Shiv Narayan
  • Bijoy Narayan
  • Mukunda Narayan
  • Haridev Narayan
  • Balit Narayan
  • Indra Narayan
  • Amrit Narayan
  • Kumud Narayan
  • Jogendra Narayan
  • Bhairabendra Narayan

Rulers of Khaspur

The rulers of the Koch kingdom at Khaspur were:[152]

  • Kamal Narayan (Gohain Kamal, son of Biswa Singha, governor of Khaspur)
  • Udita Narayan (declared independence of Khaspur in 1590)
  • Vijay Narayana
  • Dhir Narayana
  • Mahendra Narayana
  • Ranjit
  • Nara Singha
  • Bhim Singha (his only issue, daughter Kanchani, married a prince of Kachari kingdom, and Khaspur merged with the Kachari kingdom)

Khandwala (Raj Darbhanga) dynasty of Mithila (1526–1947 CE)

List of rulers–

  • Raja Mahesh Thakur (Approx. 1526–1557)
  • Raja Gopal Thakur (Approx. 1557–1600)
  • Raja Parmanand Thakur (Approx. 1600–1607)
  • Raja Purushottam Thakur (ruled 1607–1623)
  • Raja Narayan Thakur (ruled 1623–1642).
  • Raja Sundar Thakur (ruled 1642–1662)
  • Raja Mahinath Thakur (ruled 1662–1684)
  • Raja Nirpat Thakur (ruled 1684–1700)
  • Raja Raghu Singh (ruled 1700–1736)
  • Raja Bishnu Singh (ruled 1736–1740)
  • Raja Narendra Singh (ruled 1740–1760)
  • Raja Pratap Singh (ruled 1760–1776)
  • Raja Madho Singh (ruled 1776–1808)
  • Maharaja Chhatra Singh Bahadur (ruled 1808–1839)
  • Maharaja Rudra Singh Bahadur (ruled 1839–1850)
  • Maharaja Maheshwar Singh Bahadur (ruled 1850–1860)
  • Maharaja Lakshmeshwar Singh Bahadur (ruled 1860–1898)
  • Maharaja Rameshwar Singh Bahadur (ruled 1898–1929)
  • Maharaja Kameshwar Singh Bahadur (ruled 1929–1947), last ruler of dynasty[153]

Mughal Empire (1526–1857 CE)

  • Babur (1526–1530), founder of the dynasty
  • Humayun (1530–1540)
  • Akbar (1556–1605)
  • Jahangir (1605–1627)
  • Shah Jahan (1627–1657)
  • Aurangzeb (1658–1707)
  • Muhammad Azam Shah (1707)
  • Bahadur Shah I (1707–1712)
  • Jahandar Shah (1712–1713)
  • Farrukh Siyar (1713–1719)
  • Rafi ud Darajat (1719)
  • Rafi ud Daulah (1719)
  • Nikusiyar (1719)
  • Muhammad Shah (first rule, 1719–1720)
  • Muhammad Ibrahim (1720)
  • Muhammad Shah (restored) (1720–1748)
  • Ahmad Shah Bahadur (1748–1754)
  • Alamgir II (1754–1759)
  • Shah Jahan III (1760)
  • Shah Alam II (1759–1806)
  • Akbar Shah II (1806–1837)
  • Bahadur Shah Zafar II (1837–1857), last of Mughals

Sur Empire (1540–1555 CE)

  • Sher Shah (1540–1545), seized the Mughal Empire after defeating the second Mughal Emperor Humayun
  • Islam Shah Suri (1545–1554)
  • Firuz Shah Suri (1554)
  • Muhammad Adil Shah (1554–1555)
  • Ibrahim Shah Suri (1555)
  • Sikandar Shah Suri (1554–1555)
  • Adil Shah Suri (1555–1556), last ruler of dynasty

Bhoi dynasty (1541–1947 CE)

Gajapati of Odisha

  • Govinda Vidyadhara (1541–1548), founder of dynasty
  • Chakrapratapa (1548–1557)
  • Narasimha Ray Jena (1557–1558)[154]
  • Raghuram Ray Chotaraya (1558–1560)[155]

Khurda Kingdom

  • Ramachandra Deva I (Abhinav Indradyumna) (1568–1600)
  • Purusottam Deva (1600–1621)
  • Narasingha Deva (1621–1647)
  • Balabhadra Deva (1647–1657)
  • Mukunda Deva I (1657–1689)
  • Divyasingha Deva I (1689–1716)
  • Harekrushna Deva (1716–1720)
  • Gopinath Deva (1720–1727)
  • Ramachandra Deva II (1727–1736)
  • Birakesari Deva I (Bhagirathi Deva) (1736–1793)
  • Divyasingha Deva II (1793–1798)
  • Mukundeva Deva II (1798–1804)

Dhenkanal State

List of rulers of the Dhenkanal princely state of the Bhoi dynasty branch:[156]

  • Harisingh Vidyadhara (1530 -1594)
  • Loknath Ray Singh Bharamarbar (1594 – 1615)
  • Balabhadra Ray Singh (1615 – 1641)
  • Nilakantha Ray Singh (1641 – 1682)
  • Nrusingh Bhramarbar (1682 – 1708)
  • Kunja Behari Bhramarbar (1708 – 1728)
  • Braja Behari Bhramarbar (1728 – 1741)
  • Damodar Bhramarbar (1741 – 1743)
  • Trilochna Dev Mahendra Bahadur (1743 – 1785)
  • Ramchandra Mahendra Bahadur (1796 – 1807)
  • Krishna Chandra Mahendra Bahadur (1807 – 1822)
  • Shyam Chandra Mahendra Bahadur (1822 – 1830)
  • Bhagiratha Mahendra Bahadur (1830 – 1873)
  • Pitambar Deo (1873 – 1877)
  • Dinabandhu Mahendra Bahadur (1877 – 1885)
  • Surya Pratap Mahendra Bahadur (1885 – 1918)
  • Shankar Pratap Singh Dev Mahendra (1918 – 1948)


  • Shankar Pratap Singh Dev Mahendra (1948 – 1965)
  • Kamakhya Prasad Singh Deo (born 3rd August 1965)

Puri Estate

  • Mukundeva Deva II (1804–1817) (exiled and continues as Raja of Puri)
  • Ramchandra Deva III (1817–1854)
  • Birakesari Deva II (1854–1859)
  • Divyasingha Deva III (1859–1882)
  • Mukundeva Deva III (1882–1926)
  • Ramchandra Deva IV (1926–1947), last official ruler of dynasty[157]

Titular rulers

  • Ramchandra Deva IV (1947–1956)
  • Birakisore Deva III (1956–1970)
  • Divyasingha Deva IV (1970–current, Current Raja of Puri and Titular Gajapati)

Chogyal Kingdom of Sikkim (1642–1975 CE)

  • Phuntsog Namgyal (1642–1670): Ascended the throne and was consecrated as the first Chogyal of Sikkim. Made the capital in Yuksom.
  • Tensung Namgyal (1670–1700): Shifted capital to Rabdentse from Yuksom.
  • Chakdor Namgyal (1700–1717): His half-sister Pendiongmu tried to dethrone Chakdor, who fled to Lhasa, but was reinstated as king with the help of Tibetans.
  • Gyurmed Namgyal (1717–1733): Sikkim was attacked by Nepalis.
  • Phuntsog Namgyal II (1733–1780): Nepalis raided Rabdentse, the then capital of Sikkim.
  • Tenzing Namgyal (1780–1793): Chogyal fled to Tibet, and later died there in exile.
  • Tsugphud Namgyal (1793–1863): The longest-reigning Chogyal of Sikkim. Shifted the capital from Rabdentse to Tumlong. Treaty of Titalia in 1817 between Sikkim and British India was signed in which territories lost to Nepal were appropriated to Sikkim. Darjeeling was gifted to British India in 1835. Two Britons, Dr. Arthur Campbell and Dr. Joseph Dalton Hooker were captured by the Sikkimese in 1849. Hostilities between British India and Sikkim continued and led to a treaty signed, in which Darjeeling was ceded to the British Raj.
  • Sidkeong Namgyal (1863–1874)
  • Thutob Namgyal (1874–1914): John Claude White appointed as the first political officer in Sikkim in 1889. Capital shifted from Tumlong to Gangtok in 1894.
  • Sidkeong Tulku Namgyal (1914): The shortest-reigning Chogyal of Sikkim, ruled from 10 February to 5 December 1914. Died of heart failure, aged 35, in most suspicious circumstances.
  • Tashi Namgyal (1914–1963): Treaty between India and Sikkim was signed in 1950, giving India suzerainty over Sikkim.
  • Palden Thondup Namgyal (1963–1975): The last Chogyal of Sikkim.

Maratha Empire (1674–1947 CE)

Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj era

  • Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaja (born on 19 February 1630, crowned on 6 June 1674; and died on 3 April 1680)
  • Sambhaji Maharaja (1680–1689), elder son of Shivaji
  • Rajaram Chhatrapati (1689–1700), younger son of Shivaji
  • Tarabai, regent (1700–1707), widow of Chhatrapati Rajaram
  • Shivaji II (b. 1696, ruled 1700–14); first of the Kolhapur Chhatrapatis

The Empire was divided between two branches of the family (c. 1707–1710); and the division was formalized in 1731.

Bhosale Chhatrapatis at Kolhapur (1700–1947 CE)

  • Shivaji II (b. 1696, ruled 1700–14)
  • Sambhaji II of Kolhapur (b. 1698, r. 1714–60)
  • Rajmata Jijibai of Kolhapur|Rajmata Jijibai, regent (1760–73), senior widow of Sambhaji II
  • Rajmata Durgabai of Kolhapur|Rajmata Durgabai, regent (1773–79), junior widow of Sambhaji II
  • Shahu Shivaji II of Kolhapur (r. 1762–1813); adopted by Jijibai, his predecessor’s senior widow
  • Sambhaji III of Kolhapur (b. 1801, r. 1813–21)
  • Shivaji III of Kolhapur (b. 1816, r. 1821–22) (council of regency)
  • Shahaji I of Kolhapur (b. 1802, r. 1822–38)
  • Shivaji IV of Kolhapur (b. 1830, r. 1838–66)
  • Rajaram I of Kolhapur (r. 1866–70)
  • Council of regency (1870–94)
  • Shivaji V of Kolhapur (b. 1863, r. 1871–83); adopted by his predecessor’s widow
  • Rajarshi Shahu IV of Kolhapur (b. 1874, r. 1884–1922); adopted by his predecessor’s widow
  • Rajaram II of Kolhapur (b. 1897 r. 1922–40)
  • Indumati Tarabai of Kolhapur, regent (1940–47), widow of Rajaram II
  • Shivaji VI of Kolhapur (b. 1941, r. 1941–46); adopted by his predecessor’s widow
  • Shahaji II of Kolhapur (b. 1910, r. 1947, d. 1983); formerly Maharaja of Dewas Senior; adopted by Indumati Tarabai, widow of Rajaram II

The state acceded unto the Dominion of India following the independence of India in 1947.

Bhosale Chhatrapatis at Satara (1707–1950 CE)

  • Shahu I (1708–1749). Son of Sambhaji I.
  • Ramaraja (1749–1777). Grandson of Rajaram and Tarabai; adopted son of Shahu I.
  • Shahu II of Satara (1777–1808). Son of Ramaraja.
  • Pratapsinh (1808–1839)
  • Shahaji III (1839–1848)
  • Pratapsinh I (adopted)
  • Rajaram III
  • Pratapsinh II
  • Raja Shahu III (1918–1950)

The Peshwas (1713–1858 CE)

Technically they were not monarchs, but hereditary prime ministers, though in fact they ruled instead of the Chhatrapati (Maratha emperor) after death of Chattrapati Shahu, and were hegemon of the Maratha confederation.

  • Balaji Vishwanath (1713–2 April 1720) (b. 1660, died 2 April 1720)
  • Peshwa Bajirao I (17 April 1720 – 28 April 1740) (b. 18 August 1700, died 28 April 1740)
  • Balaji Bajirao (4 July 1740 – 23 June 1761) (b. 8 December 1721, d. 23 June 1761)
  • Madhavrao Ballal (1761–18 November 1772) (b. 16 February 1745, d. 18 November 1772)
  • Narayanrao Bajirao (13 Dec 1772 – 30 August 1773) (b. 10 August 1755, d. 30 August 1773)
  • Raghunath Rao Bajirao (5 Dec 1773–1774) (b. 18 August 1734, d. 11 December 1783)
  • Sawai Madhavrao (1774–27 October 1795) (b. 18 April 1774, d. 27 October 1795)
  • Baji Rao II (6 Dec 1796 – 3 June 1818) (d. 28 January 1851)
  • Nana Sahib (1 July 1857 – 1858) (b. 19 May 1825, d. 24 September 1859)

Gaekwad dynasty of Baroda (1721–1947 CE)

  • Pilaji Rao Gaekwad (1721–1732)
  • Damaji Rao Gaekwad (1732–1768)
  • Govind Rao Gaekwad (1768–1771)
  • Sayaji Rao Gaekwad I (1771–1789)
  • Manaji Rao Gaekwad (1789–1793)
  • Govind Rao Gaekwad (restored) (1793–1800)
  • Anand Rao Gaekwad (1800–1818)
  • Sayaji Rao Gaekwad II (1818–1847)
  • Ganpat Rao Gaekwad (1847–1856)
  • Khande Rao Gaekwad (1856–1870)
  • Malhar Rao Gaekwad (1870–1875)
  • Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III (1875–1939)
  • Pratap Singh Gaekwad (1939–1951)

Scindia of Gwalior (1731–1947 CE)

  • Ranojirao Scindia (1731–19 July 1745)
  • Jayapparao Scindia (1745–25 July 1755)
  • Jankojirao I Scindia (25 July 1755 – 15 January 1761). Born 1745
  • Meharban Dattaji Rao Scindia, Regent (1755–10 January 1760). Died 1760
  • Vacant 15 January 1761 – 25 November 1763
  • Kedarjirao Scindia (25 November 1763 – 10 July 1764)
  • Manajirao Scindia Phakade (10 July 1764 – 18 January 1768)
  • Mahadaji Scindia (18 January 1768 – 12 February 1794). Born c. 1730, died 1794
  • Daulatrao Scindia (12 February 1794 – 21 March 1827). Born 1779, died 1827
  • Jankoji Rao Scindia II (18 June 1827 – 7 February 1843). Born 1805, died 1843
  • Jayajirao Scindia (7 February 1843 – 20 June 1886). Born 1835, died 1886
  • Madho Rao Scindia (20 June 1886 – 5 June 1925). Born 1876, died 1925
  • George Jivajirao Scindia (Maharaja 5 June 1925 – 15 August 1947, Rajpramukh 28 May 1948 – 31 October 1956, later Rajpramukh). Born 1916, died 1961

Following the independence of India in 1947, the state acceded unto the Dominion of India.

  • Madhavrao Scindia (6 February 1949; died 2001)
  • Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia (born 1 January 1971)

Holkar rulers of Indore (1731–1948 CE)

  • Malharrao Holkar (I) (r. 2 November 1731 – 19 May 1766)
  • Malerao Khanderao Holkar (r. 23 August 1766 – 5 April 1767)
  • Punyaslok Rajmata Ahilyadevi Holkar (r. 5 April 1767 – 13 August 1795)
  • Tukojirao Holkar (I) (r. 13 August 1795 – 29 January 1797)
  • Kashirao Tukojirao Holkar (r. 29 January 1797 – 1798)
  • Yashwantrao Holkar (I) (r. 1798–27 November 1811)
  • Malharrao Yashwantrao Holkar II (r. November 1811–27 October 1833)
  • Martandrao Malharrao Holkar (r. 17 January 1834 – 2 February 1834)
  • Harirao Vitthojirao Holkar (r. 17 April 1834 – 24 October 1843)
  • Khanderao Harirao Holkar II (r. 13 November 1843 – 17 March 1844)
  • Tukojirao Gandharebhau Holkar II (r. 27 June 1844 – 17 June 1886)
  • Shivajirao Tukojirao Holkar (r. 17 June 1886 – 31 January 1903)
  • Tukojirao Shivajirao Holkar III (r. 31 January 1903 – 26 February 1926)
  • Yashwantrao Holkar II (r. 26 February 1926 – 1961)

Following the independence of India in 1947, the state acceded unto the Dominion of India. The monarchy was ended in 1948, but the title is still held by Usha Devi Maharaj Sahiba Holkar XV Bahadur, Maharani of Indore since 1961.

Bhosale Maharajas of Nagpur (1738–1854 CE)

  • Raghoji I (1738–1755)
  • Janoji (1755–1772)
  • Sabaji (1772–1775)
  • Mudhoji I (1775–1788)
  • Raghoji II (1788–1816)
  • Parsoji Bhonsle (1800–1850)
  • Mudhoji II (1816–1818)
  • Raghoji III (1818–1853)

The kingdom was annexed by the British on 13 March 1854 under the Doctrine of Lapse.[158]

Thanjavur Maratha kingdom (c. 1674–1855 CE)

The Thanjavur Marathas were the rulers of Thanjavur principality of Tamil Nadu between the 17th and 19th centuries. Their native language was Thanjavur Marathi. Venkoji, Shahaji’s son and Shivaji’s half brother, was the founder of the dynasty.[159]

List of rulers

  • Venkoji
  • Shahuji I of Thanjavur
  • Serfoji I
  • Tukkoji
  • Pratapsingh of Thanjavur
  • Thuljaji
  • Serfoji II
  • Shivaji II of Thanjavur

Sinsinwar Jat Kingdom of Bharatpur (1683–1947 CE)

List of rulers

Sinsinwar Jats of Bharatpur & Deeg
Raja Ram Sinsinwar (1683–1688)
Churaman (1695–1721)
Muhkam Singh (1721–1722)
Badan Singh (1722–1755)
Suraj Mal (1755–1763)
Jawahar Singh (1764–1768)
Ratan Singh (1768–1769)
Kehri Singh (1769–1778)
Ranjit Singh (1778–1805)
Randhir Singh (1805–1823)
Baldeo Singh (1823–1825)
Balwant Singh (1825–1853)
Jaswant Singh (1853–1893)
Ram Singh (1893–1900)
Kishan Singh (1918–1929)
Brijendra Singh (1929–1947)
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The Muslim vassals of the Mughal/British Paramountcy (c. 1707–1856 CE)

Nawabs of Bengal (1707–1770 CE)

  • Murshid Quli Jafar Khan (1707–1727)
  • Sujauddin Khan (1727–1739)
  • Sarfraz Khan (1739–1740)
  • Alivardi Khan (1740–1756)
  • Siraj Ud Daulah (1756–1757)
  • Mir Jafar (1757–1760)
  • Mir Qasim (1760–1763)
  • Mir Jafar (1763–1765)
  • Najm ud Daulah (1765–1766)
  • Saif ud Daulah (1766–1770)

Nawabs of Oudh (1719–1858 CE)

  • Saadat Ali Khan I (1719–1737)
  • Safdarjung (1737–1753)
  • Shuja-ud-Daula (1753–1775)
  • Asaf-ud-Daula (1775–1797)
  • Wazir Ali Khan (1797–1798)
  • Saadat Ali Khan II (1798–1814)
  • Ghazi-ud-Din Haider (1814–1827)
  • Nasiruddin Haider (1827–1837)
  • Muhammad Ali Shah (1837–1842)
  • Amjad Ali Shah (1842–1847)
  • Wajid Ali Shah (1847–1856)
  • Birjis Qadra (1856–1858)

Nizams of Hyderabad (1720–1948 CE)

  • Mir Qamaruddin Khan, Nizal ul Mulk, Asif Jah I (1720–1748)
  • Mir Ahmed Ali Khan Nasir Jang Nazam-ud-Dowlah (1748–1750)
  • Nawab Hidayat Mohuddin Sa’adu’llah Khan Bahadur, Muzaffar Jang (1750–1751)
  • Nawab Syed Mohammed Khan, Amir ul Mulk, Salabat Jang (1751–1762)
  • Nawab Mir Nizam Ali Khan Bahadur, Nizam ul Mulk, Asif Jah II (1762–1803)
  • Nawab Mir Akbar Ali Khan Sikandar Jah, Asif Jah III (1803–1829)
  • Nawab Mir Farkhonda Ali Khan Nasir-ud-Daulah, Asif Jah IV (1829–1857)
  • Nawab Mir Tahniat Ali Khan Afzal ud Daulah, Asif Jah V (1857–1869)
  • Nawab Mir Mahboob Ali Khan, Asif Jah VI (1869–1911)
  • Nawab Mir Osman Ali Khan, Asif Jah VII (1911–1948)

Kingdom of Travancore (1729–1949 CE)

List of rulers–

  • Marthanda Varma (1729–1758 CE), founder of kingdom
  • Dharma Raja (1758–1798 CE)
  • Balarama Varma (1798–1810CE)
  • Gowri Lakshmi Bayi (1810–1815 CE)
  • Gowri Parvati Bayi (1815–1829 CE)
  • Swathi Thirunal (1829–1846 CE)
  • Uthram Thirunal (1846–1860 CE)
  • Ayilyam Thirunal (1860–1880 CE)
  • Visakham Thirunal (1880–1885 CE)
  • Moolam Thirunal (1885–1924 CE)
  • Sethu Lakshmi Bayi (1924–1931 CE)
  • Chithira Thirunal (1931–1949 CE)

Sikh Empire (1801–1849 CE)

List of rulers-

  • Maharaja Ranjit Singh (b. 1780, crowned 12 April 1801; d. 1839 CE), founder of Sikh Empire
  • Kharak Singh (b. 1801, d. 1840 CE), eldest son of Ranjit Singh
  • Nau Nihal Singh (b. 1821, d. 1840 CE), grandson of Ranjit Singh
  • Chand Kaur (b. 1802, d. 1842 CE) was briefly Regent
  • Sher Singh (b. 1807, d. 1843 CE), son of Ranjit Singh
  • Duleep Singh (b. 1838, crowned 1843, d. 1893 CE), youngest son of Ranjit Singh

The British Empire annexed the Punjab in 1845–49 CE; after the First and Second Anglo-Sikh Wars

Dogra dynasty of Jammu and Kashmir (1846–1952 CE)

Ruler Reign Notes
Gulab Singh Maharaja Gulab Singh of Jammu and Kashmir.jpg 1846–1856 CE Founder of Dogra dynasty and the first Maharaja of the Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir, the second largest princely state under the British Raj, which was created after the defeat of the Sikh Empire in the First Anglo-Sikh War. The Treaty of Amritsar (1846) formalised the sale by the British to Gulab Singh for 7,500,000 Nanakshahee Rupees of all the lands in Jammu and Kashmir that were ceded to them by the Sikhs by the Treaty of Lahore.
Ranbir Singh Maharajah Ranbir Singh of Jammu and Kashmir.jpg 1856–1885 CE Ascended the throne in 1856 after Gulab Singh’s abdication due to poor health. He allied with the British during the Sepoy Mutiny. Unlike European women and children, Indian mutineers were not allowed to take refuge in his state. He also sent his troops to help the British to besiege Delhi. He was subsequently rewarded for his behaviour during the mutiny. He went on to annex Gilgit which had previously witnessed a rebellion against the state. He also established a modern judicial system. Civil and criminal laws were compiled into the Ranbir Penal Code during his reign.
Pratap Singh Maharaja Partab Singh (1848 - 1925).jpg 1885–1925 CE Reigned for 40 years from 1885 to 1925, the longest of all the Dogra rulers. Out of the four Dogra rulers, Maharaja Pratap Singh’s era was a period of enlightenment for his subjects, particularly for Kashmiris. He established local self governing bodies, democratic processes, educational systems, health care and hygiene and infrastructure development during his reign. A beginning was made in local self-government by establishing municipalities at Jammu, Srinagar, Sopore and Baramulla. By 1925, then Kashmir, particularly Srinagar had undergone significant social and cultural transformation.
Hari Singh Maharaja hari singh ji.jpg 1925–1952 CE Ascended the throne following the death of his uncle, Maharaja Pratap Singh in 1925. He made primary education compulsory in the state, introduced laws prohibiting child marriage, and opened places of worship to the low castes. He signed the Instrument of Accession of Jammu and Kashmir to the Union of India on 26 October 1947, through which the Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir became a part of the Dominion of India. He remained the titular Maharaja of the state until 1952, when the monarchy was abolished by Government of India under Jawaharlal Nehru.
Karan Singh
(Prince Regent)
Dr-Karan-Singh-sept2009.jpg 1949–1952 CE Appointed as Prince Regent of Jammu and Kashmir in 1949, at age of eighteen and served till the monarchy’s abolition in 1952. He was appointed ‘Sadr-e-Riyasat’ (‘Head of State’) in 1952 and Governor of the State in 1964 CE.

Emperors/Empresses of India (1857–1947 CE)

  • Queen-Empress Victoria (1876–1901 CE)
  • King-Emperor Edward VII (1901–1910 CE)
  • King-Emperor George V (1910–1936 CE)
  • King-Emperor Edward VIII (1936 CE)
  • King-Emperor George VI (1936–1947 CE)[nb 1]

Dominion of India (1947–1950 CE)

  • George VI, King of India (1947–1950 CE) retained the title “Emperor of India” until 22 June 1948.

Dominion of Pakistan (1947–1956 CE)

  • George VI, King of Pakistan (1947–1952)
  • Elizabeth II, Queen of Pakistan (1952–1956)

See also

  • Greater India
  • History of India
  • History of Hinduism
  • History of Pakistan
  • History of Sri Lanka
  • History of South India
  • List of Tamil monarchs
  • List of rulers of Assam
  • List of rulers of Malwa
  • List of rulers of Bengal
  • List of rulers of Odisha
  • Middle kingdoms of India
  • Timeline of Indian history
  • List of wars involving India
  • Outline of South Asian history
  • List of Rajput dynasties and states
  • List of Hindu empires and dynasties


  1. ^ The title “Emperor of India” did not disappear with Indian independence from Great Britain in 1947, but in 1947, as when India became the Dominion of India (1947–1950) after independence in 1947, George VI retained the title “Emperor of India” until 22 June 1948, and thereafter he remained monarch of India until it became the Republic of India in 1950.[160]


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  154. ^ India), Asiatic Society (Kolkata (1901). Journal.
  155. ^ Cultural Heritage of [Orissa]: pts. 1-2. Katak. State Level Vyasakabi Fakir Mohan Smruti Samsad. 2002. ISBN 978-81-902761-5-3.
  156. ^ Cultural Heritage of [Orissa]: Dhenkanal. State Level Vyasakabi Fakir Mohan Smruti Samsad. 2002. ISBN 978-81-902761-5-3.
  157. ^ Bhaskar Mishra (July 2011), The Traditional Role of Gajapati Maharaja in Shri Jagannath Temple (PDF), Orissa Review
  158. ^ Prabhakar Gadre (1994). Bhosle of Nagpur and East India Company. Jaipur, India: Publication Scheme. p. 257. ISBN 978-81-85263-65-6. Cogent arguments were advanced against the lapse of Nagpur State. But … the view of the Governor-General, Lord Dalhousie, pravailed and the Nagpur kingdom was annexed on 13th March, 1854.
  159. ^ Anwar, Kombai S. (26 April 2018). “Thanjavur emerged as a thriving cultural capital under the Marathas”. The Hindu. ISSN 0971-751X. Retrieved 16 April 2021.
  160. ^ “No. 38330”. The London Gazette. 22 June 1948. p. 3647. Royal Proclamation of 22 June 1948, made in accordance with the Indian Independence Act 1947, 10 & 11 GEO. 6. CH. 30.(‘Section 7: …(2)The assent of the Parliament of the United Kingdom is hereby given to the omission from the Royal Style and Titles of the words ” Indiae Imperator ” and the words ” Emperor of India ” and to the issue by His Majesty for that purpose of His Royal Proclamation under the Great Seal of the Realm.’). According to this Royal Proclamation, the King retained the Style and Titles ‘George VI by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas King, Defender of the Faith’, and he thus remained King of the various Dominions, including India and Pakistan, though these two (and others) eventually chose to abandon their monarchies and became republics.


  • Gnyawali, Surya Bikram (1 December 1971) [1962], “The Malla Kings of Western Nepal” (PDF), Regmi Research Series, 3 (12): 265–268
  • Handa, O. C. (Omacanda) (2002). History of Uttaranchal. New Delhi: Indus Publishing. ISBN 9788173871344.
  • Pande, Badri Datt (1993). History of Kumaun : English version of “Kumaun ka itihas”. Almora: Shyam Prakashan. ISBN 81-85865-01-9.
  • Stein, Mark Aurel (1989a) [1900]. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini: a chronicle of the kings of Kasmir, Volume 1 (Reprinted ed.). Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 978-81-208-0369-5. Retrieved 11 July 2011.
  • Stein, Mark Aurel (1989b) [1900]. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini: a chronicle of the kings of Kasmir, Volume 2 (Reprinted ed.). Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 978-81-208-0370-1. Retrieved 10 July 2011.
  • Thakur, Laxman S. (1990). “The Khaśas: An Early Indian Tribe”. In K. K. Kusuman (ed.). A Panorama of Indian Culture: Professor A. Sreedhara Menon Felicitation Volume. Mittal Publications. pp. 285–293. ISBN 978-81-7099-214-1.
  • Tucci, Giuseppe (1956), Preliminary Report on Two Scientific Expeditions in Nepal, David Brown Book Company, ISBN 9788857526843

Sources and external links

  • Adrian Fletcher’s Paradoxplace–Great Mughal Emperors of India

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