Liste des fusillades dans les écoles aux États-Unis


Cette liste chronologique des fusillades dans les écoles aux États-Unis comprend toutes les fusillades dans les écoles qui se sont produites dans une école publique ou privée de la maternelle à la 12e année , ainsi que dans les collèges et les universités , et dans les autobus scolaires . Sont exclus de cette liste :

  1. Incidents survenus pendant les guerres
  2. Incidents survenus à la suite d’ interventions policières
  3. Meurtres-suicides par des prétendants rejetés ou des conjoints séparés
  4. Suicides ou tentatives de suicide impliquant une seule personne.

Les fusillades par le personnel de l’école, où les seules victimes sont d’autres employés, sont couvertes par les meurtres sur le lieu de travail .

XIXe et XXe siècles 21e siècle

années 2000

Date Emplacement Décès Blessures La description
29 février 2000 Silex, Michigan 1 0 Abattage de Kayla Rolland : À l’école primaire Buell, un garçon de 6 ans a tué par balle sa camarade de classe de 6 ans, Kayla Rolland. À ce jour, le garçon est le plus jeune tireur d’école mortel documenté. [1] Voir 22 août 2013, ci-dessous.
26 mai 2000 Lake Worth, Floride 1 0 Étudiant d’honneur de 13 ans, Nathaniel Brazill a été renvoyé chez lui pour avoir lancé des ballons à eau, mais est retourné à son école intermédiaire de Lake Worth avec un pistolet familial. Il a tué par balle le professeur Barry Grunow, qui était populaire à l’école. [1] [2]
28 juin 2000 Seattle, Washington 2 [n 1] 0 Rodger C. Haggitt, directeur de la division de pathologie du centre médical de l’Université de Washington, âgé de 58 ans , a été abattu par un immigrant taïwanais de 42 ans, puis citoyen américain, Jian Chen, qui venait de terminer sa deuxième année de résidence en médecine légale et avait été informé du non-renouvellement de son contrat (ce qui, selon Chen, déshonorerait sa famille). Chen a continué à se suicider. [3] En 2001, la Rodger C. Haggitt Gastrointestinal Pathology Society a été nommée en mémoire du Dr Haggitt.
28 août 2000 Fayetteville, Arkansas 2 [n 1] 0 James Easton Kelly, 36 ans, doctorant en littérature comparée à l’Université de l’Arkansas , a tué John R. Locke, 67 ans, le professeur d’anglais supervisant ses cours. Kelly avait été renvoyé de ce programme de doctorat faute de progrès vers son diplôme. Kelly a tiré trois fois sur Locke avant de se suicider dans le bureau du directeur, qui avait été isolé par la police du campus. [4]
26 septembre 2000 La Nouvelle-Orléans, Louisiane 0 2 [n 1] Darrel Johnson et Alfred Anderson, 13 ans, ont d’abord été accusés de tentative de meurtre au premier degré, lors de l’assassinat de William Pennington, 15 ans. Pennington, après avoir été abattu, a pris le contrôle de l’arme et a tiré sur Johnson dans le dos. [5] Les frais ont été plus tard réduits à la batterie aggravée.

Pour prévenir la violence, l’école intermédiaire Carter G. Woodson a fait passer les élèves à travers des détecteurs de métaux à l’époque. Un étudiant de 13 ans, qui avait récemment été expulsé pour avoir combattu, a glissé l’arme, un revolver de calibre .38, à travers une clôture à mailles losangées. [6]

1 décembre 2000 San Diego, Californie 0 1 [n 1] Un élève de 15 ans du lycée Junipero Serra qui a montré une arme de poing sur le campus et menacé de tirer sur un camarade de classe, a fini par se tirer une balle accidentellement, causant des blessures mineures. [7]
5 mars 2001 Santee, Californie 2 13 Fusillade au lycée Santana : un élève de 15 ans, Charles Andrew Williams, a tué deux élèves, Bryan Zuckor, 14 ans, et Randy Gordon, 15 ans, au lycée Santana . Au total, il en a blessé treize autres. Williams a été arrêté et reconnu coupable de meurtre et de tentative de meurtre. Il a été condamné à perpétuité avec possibilité de libération conditionnelle après avoir purgé cinquante ans. [8]
7 mars 2001 Williamsport, Pennsylvanie 0 1 Une étudiante de 14 ans, Elizabeth Catherine Bush, a blessé sa camarade Kimberly Marchese dans la cafétéria du lycée Bishop Neumann . [9] Bush a été libéré en 2004. [10]
22 mars 2001 El Cajon, Californie 0 6 [n 1] Un ancien élève de 18 ans, Jason Hoffman, a ouvert le feu au lycée Granite Hills , blessant cinq personnes, avant d’être blessé par balle par un policier. [11] Il a été reconnu coupable d’agression et condamné à la prison, où il s’est suicidé en 2002. [12]
30 mars 2001 Gary, Indiana 1 0 Donald Ray Burt Jr., 17 ans, a abattu Neal Boyd IV, d’une balle dans la tête, dans un parking à l’extérieur du lycée Lew Wallace . [13] Burt a été condamné à 57 ans de prison. [14]
16 mai 2001 Parc, Washington 2 [n 1] 0 Le professeur de musique et organiste de 40 ans, James D. Holloway, a été abattu à plusieurs reprises avec une arme de poing de calibre .22 à la Pacific Lutheran University par un homme de 55 ans de Tacoma . Le tireur n’était ni un étudiant ni un employé de l’université et s’est également suicidé. La victime a apparemment été choisie au hasard car le tireur avait eu une dispute personnelle avec un autre membre du personnel qui n’était pas sur le campus ce jour-là. [15]
15 janvier 2002 New York, New York 0 2 Vincent Rodriguez, 17 ans, a blessé deux élèves du lycée Martin Luther King, Jr. à Manhattan, avec un pistolet semi-automatique. Il a exercé des représailles contre les individus qui avaient harcelé sa petite amie. En février 2003, Rodriguez a été condamné à dix ans de prison pour agression et tentative d’agression. [16]
16 janvier 2002 Grundy, Virginie 3 3 Tir à l’école de droit des Appalaches : un étudiant diplômé récemment licencié, Peter Odighizuwa, 42 ans, a tué trois personnes à l’ école de droit des Appalaches . Le doyen de 42 ans, Anthony Sutin, et le professeur de 41 ans, Thomas Blackwell, ont été tués avec une étudiante de 33 ans, Angela Dales. Trois autres étudiants ont également été blessés. [17] En 2005, Odighizuwa a reçu trois condamnations à perpétuité et 28 ans supplémentaires sans possibilité de libération conditionnelle. [18]
20 février 2002 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1 0 Joseph Johnson Jr., un élève de 16 ans du Washington High School , a été tué par Phillip D. Jackson Jr., lorsque des violences ont éclaté entre des supporters rivaux sur le parking, après un match de basket entre Vincent High School . [19]
7 octobre 2002 Bowie, Maryland 0 1 Dans les attaques de tireurs d’ élite de Beltway , une victime sur plusieurs était Iran Brown, 13 ans, qui a été blessé à son arrivée au Benjamin Tasker Middle School à Bowie, Maryland . Sa tante, une infirmière qui venait de le déposer, l’a conduit aux urgences d’un hôpital. Malgré de graves blessures, Brown a survécu à l’attaque. [20] [21] Les tireurs, Lee Boyd Malvo et John Allen Muhammad , ont été plus tard reconnus coupables de nombreux meurtres sans rapport commis pendant leur tuerie. Muhammad a été exécuté en 2009, tandis que Malvo a été condamné à la prison à vie.
28 octobre 2002 Tucson, Arizona 4 [n 1] 0 Robert Stewart Flores Jr., étudiant en sciences infirmières en échec et vétéran de la guerre du Golfe , âgé de 40 ans, a tué trois professeurs adjoints d’infirmières à l’ Université de l’Arizona ; cela comprenait Robin Rogers, 50 ans, Cheryl McGaffic, 44 ans, et Barbara Monroe, 45 ans. Flores finit par retourner l’arme contre lui-même. [22]
29 octobre 2002 Ville de Jersey, New Jersey 0 1 Un étudiant de 15 ans a reçu une balle dans l’abdomen et a été blessé à l’intérieur du sous-sol du lycée Lincoln lors d’une dispute avec un autre étudiant. Un autre étudiant de 15 ans a été arrêté et accusé de tentative de meurtre. [23]
2 avril 2003 Washington DC 0 1 Un élève de 10e année a reçu une balle dans la jambe près du lycée Cardozo à Columbia Heights, ce qui a entraîné un verrouillage de trois heures dans six écoles publiques de DC pour permettre à la police de rechercher d’éventuels hommes armés. [24]
14 avril 2003 La Nouvelle-Orléans, Louisiane 1 3 Fusillade au lycée John McDonogh . Steven Williams, 18 ans, et James Tate, 17 ans, ont ouvert le feu avec un AK-47 et une arme de poing dans le gymnase du lycée John McDonogh , tuant un élève de 15 ans et blessant trois étudiantes. Williams a été condamné à la réclusion à perpétuité et Tate a été condamné à quinze ans. [25] [26] [27]
24 avril 2003 Lion rouge, Pennsylvanie 2 [n 1] 0 Un élève de 14 ans, James Sheets, est entré au lycée Red Lion Area Junior armé des pistolets de son beau-père. Il a tué le directeur de l’école, Eugene Segro, avant de se suicider. [28] [29]
9 mai 2003 Cleveland, Ohio 1 3 [n 1] Le 9 mai 2003, Biswanath Halder , un ancien élève de 62 ans de l’école de commerce de l’Université Case Western Reserve, a tué un étudiant diplômé, blessé un professeur et un autre étudiant à l’aide d’un fusil semi-automatique. Il a retenu le bâtiment et ses près de 100 occupants en otage pendant sept heures, et a échangé des coups de feu avec la police et des officiers du SWAT à plusieurs reprises au cours de l’incident, avant d’être blessé et appréhendé par une équipe du SWAT. Il a été condamné à la prison à vie. [30] [31]
24 septembre 2003 Source froide, Minnesota 2 0 Tournage au lycée Rocori : John Jason McLaughlin, 15 ans, a abattu Seth Bartell, un étudiant de première année de 15 ans, et Aaron Rollins, 17 ans, au lycée Rocori . Rollins a été tué immédiatement et Bartell est mort de ses blessures seize jours plus tard. McLaughlin a été condamné à la prison à vie avec possibilité de libération conditionnelle en 2038. [1]
2 février 2004 Washington DC 1 1 Thomas J. Boykin a été acquitté du meurtre de James Richardson, 17 ans, joueur de football au lycée Ballou dans le sud-est de Washington. [32] Un étudiant de 18 ans a également été écorché à la jambe par une balle. [33]
9 février 2004 East Greenbush, État de New York 0 1 Jon W. Romano, 16 ans, à East Greenbush, New York , a tiré deux balles avec un fusil de chasse avant de blesser un enseignant avec une troisième. Il a été abordé par le directeur adjoint et accusé d’un chef de tentative de meurtre. [34] [35]
7 mai 2004 Randallstown, Maryland 0 4 Deux étudiants ont été accusés d’une fusillade dans une école qui découlait d’une dispute après un match de basket-ball à Randallstown High School. Quatre personnes ont été blessées dont deux grièvement. Un étudiant a été paralysé de la taille aux pieds. [36]
8 février 2005 Chicago, Illinois 0 1 Une élève de 18 ans du lycée Bowen a reçu une balle dans la jambe alors qu’elle quittait l’école vers 14h30 [37]
2 mars 2005 Douvres, Tennessee 1 0 Jason Clinard, 14 ans, a tué son chauffeur de bus, Joyce Gregory, 47 ans, alors qu’elle s’arrêtait pour le prendre. Gregory avait précédemment dénoncé Clinard pour avoir utilisé du tabac à priser dans le bus scolaire. Clinard a été condamné à perpétuité. [38] mais il a depuis déposé une demande de redressement après condamnation [39]
21 mars 2005 Lac Rouge, Minnesota 10 [n 1] 7 Fusillade de Red Lake : Jeff Weise , étudiant de 16 ans , a tué le compagnon de son grand-père et de son grand-père à leur domicile, où il vivait, dans la réserve indienne de Red Lake . Il s’est ensuite rendu à l’école secondaire de Red Lake . Armé des armes de police de son grand-père, Weise a tué cinq étudiants, un enseignant et un agent de sécurité, en blessant sept autres, avant d’entrer dans une fusillade avec des policiers, qui l’a conduit à se suicider. [40]
18 juillet 2005 Newark, New Jersey 1 2 [n 1] Après avoir interrompu une bagarre entre un groupe de jeunes du lycée Weequahic , l’officier spécial Dwayne Reeves a été tué par balle et son partenaire blessé à la main par deux hommes qui se sont arrêtés à côté de lui dans une voiture. Bien qu’il ait été blessé, le partenaire de l’agent Reeves a pu riposter et frapper l’un des suspects à l’estomac. Le tireur a été reconnu coupable d’homicide involontaire et en 2007 a été condamné à 30 ans de prison. [41]
13 septembre 2005 Chicago, Illinois 0 1 Au lycée Harlan Community Academy , une bagarre a éclaté entre deux garçons de 15 ans dans le gymnase. Christopher Huff a sorti un pistolet, tirant sur l’autre jeune dans la jambe. Un policier en service à l’école a arrêté le tireur. Le tireur a été inculpé à l’âge adulte de coups et blessures aggravés avec une arme à feu. [42]
8 novembre 2005 Jacksboro, Tennessee 1 2 Fusillade à l’école secondaire du comté de Campbell : À l’intérieur du bureau de l’école secondaire du comté de Campbell, Kenneth Bartley, 15 ans, a tiré sur les écoles de l’époque, Gary Seale. Il a tourné les directeurs adjoints Ken Bruce et Jim Pierce. Bruce est mort plus tard de sa blessure. Bartley a été condamné à quarante-cinq ans de prison avec possibilité de libération conditionnelle après vingt-neuf ans. [43] [44] [45]
23 février 2006 Roseburg, Oregon 0 1 Vincent Wayne Leodoro, étudiant de première année de 14 ans, a tiré quatre fois dans le dos avec une arme de poing sur Joseph Monti, un étudiant de 16 ans, à l’école secondaire Roseburg . Leodoro s’est éloigné du campus de l’école et a été confronté près d’un restaurant par six policiers. Il menaça de se suicider mais fut persuadé de se rendre. [46] Il a été reconnu coupable de tentative de meurtre et d’agression en juillet 2006 et sera détenu en prison jusqu’à ce qu’il atteigne l’âge de vingt-cinq ans. [47]
14 mars 2006 Reno, Nevada 0 2 Fusillade au Pine Middle School : Dans le couloir du Pine Middle School, James Scott Newman, 14 ans, a blessé deux camarades de classe de 14 ans, Alexander Rueda et Kenzie McKeon, avec un revolver appartenant à ses parents. Deux étudiants ont été légèrement blessés. Newman a été maîtrisé par un professeur d’éducation physique. Le jeune a été arrêté et inculpé en tant qu’adulte pour tentative de meurtre, usage d’une arme mortelle et usage d’une arme à feu par un mineur. [48] ​​Plus tard, il a plaidé coupable à deux chefs d’accusation de coups et blessures avec une arme mortelle et a été condamné comme mineur. Newman a été condamné à l’assignation à résidence jusqu’à ce qu’il ait effectué deux cents heures de travaux d’intérêt général. [49]
24 août 2006 Jonction d’Essex, Vermont 2 3 [n 1] Christopher Williams, 26 ans, a abattu la mère de sa petite amie, Linda Lambesis, 57 ans, chez elle et de là, il est allé à l’école primaire d’Essex où Andrea, sa petite amie, travaillait. Après son arrivée à l’école élémentaire, qui n’était pas en session à l’époque, il a tiré et tué Mary Alicia Shanks, 56 ans, et a tiré sur Mary Snedeker, 52 ans, de manière non mortelle. Il a quitté l’école et aurait tiré sur Chad Johansen, 26 ans. Il a ensuite retourné l’arme contre lui-même, mais n’en est pas mort. [50] Williams a été condamné à la prison à vie sans libération conditionnelle en 2008. [51]
30 août 2006 Hillsborough, Caroline du Nord 1 2 Après avoir tiré et tué son père, l’adolescent de 18 ans Alvaro Castillo s’est rendu dans son lycée où il a blessé deux élèves. Il aurait été obsédé par la fusillade de Columbine et avait écrit un e-mail au directeur actuel du lycée de Columbine avant de commettre son propre crime. [52] il a été condamné à perpétuité sans libération conditionnelle. [53]
2 septembre 2006 Shepherdstown, Virginie-Occidentale 3 [n 1] 0 Douglas W. Pennington, 49 ans, s’est suicidé ainsi que ses deux fils, Logan P. Pennington, 26 ans, Benjamin M. Pennington, 24 ans, lors d’une visite sur le campus de l’ Université Shepherd . [54] [55]
17 septembre 2006 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie 0 5 Cinq basketteurs de Duquesne ont été abattus tôt dimanche matin lors d’un acte apparent de violence aléatoire sur le campus, laissant trois hospitalisés, dont deux dans un état critique. [56]
22 septembre 2006 Washington DC 0 1 Eugene Huff, 17 ans, et un étudiant de deuxième année anonyme de 16 ans se disputaient à l’une des entrées de Cardozo. Le combat a culminé quand Eugene a sorti une arme de poing et a tiré sur son camarade de classe dans la jambe. La fusillade a été enregistrée sur le système de surveillance de l’école et des témoins ont déclaré avoir entendu jusqu’à sept coups de feu. [57] [24]
27 septembre 2006 Bailey, Colorado 2 [n 1] 0 Crise des otages au lycée de Platte Canyon : un vagabond de 53 ans, Duane Roger Morrison, est entré dans le lycée de Platte Canyon et a pris six filles en otage. Pendant le siège qui a suivi, Morrison a agressé sexuellement toutes les filles. Lorsqu’une équipe SWAT a pris d’assaut la salle de classe, Morrison a tué Emily Keyes, 16 ans, puis s’est suicidée après avoir été blessée par balle par la police. [58]
29 septembre 2006 Cazenovia, Wisconsin 1 0 Fusillade Weston High School : Vers 8 heures du matin, un étudiant de première année de 15 ans, Eric Hainstock, entre à Weston High School . Il a pointé un fusil de chasse de calibre 20 sur le professeur d’études sociales, Chuck Keller, avant qu’il ne lui soit arraché par le gardien de l’école, Dave Thompson. Hainstock a ensuite tiré sur le directeur du lycée de 49 ans, John Alfred Klang, avec un revolver de calibre .22. Klang est décédé plus tard dans l’après-midi. [59] [60] Hainstock a été accusé et reconnu coupable de meurtre et purge une peine à perpétuité. Il sera éligible à la libération conditionnelle en 2037. [45] [61]
2 octobre 2006 Mines de nickel, Pennsylvanie 6 [n 1] 5 Fusillade à l’école de West Nickel Mines : un chauffeur de camion de lait de 32 ans, Charles Carl Roberts IV, a tué cinq filles amish et en a blessé cinq autres avant de se donner la mort dans une école amish du hameau de Nickel Mines, dans le canton de Bart, comté de Lancaster. [62]
9 octobre 2006 Joplin, Missouri 0 0 Thomas White, un élève de 13 ans, a tiré un coup de fusil MAK-90 sur le plafond d’un couloir du Memorial Middle School. Le coup de feu a touché une conduite d’eau et personne n’a été blessé. Il a également tenté à plusieurs reprises de tirer sur le directeur Stephen Gilbreth à bout portant alors que Gilbreth le faisait sortir de l’école. La police de Joplin a déclaré que la tentative avait été déjouée par un chargeur de munitions mal placé dans le fusil. Le principal n’a pas été blessé. White a été jugé en tant qu’adulte pour voies de fait et possession d’armes à feu et, en 2009, il a été condamné à dix ans de prison. [63]
3 janvier 2007 Tacoma, État de Washington 1 0 Douglas S. Chanthabouly, étudiant de 18 ans, a tué Samnang Kok, 17 ans, dans les couloirs du lycée Henry Foss à la suite d’un désaccord personnel. En 2009, Chanthabouly a été condamné à 23 ans de prison pour meurtre au deuxième degré. [64]
7 mars 2007 Compton, Californie 0 1 Au cours d’une dispute avec plusieurs non-étudiants et étudiants, un étudiant a reçu une balle dans le coude et a été blessé dans la salle à manger de l’école secondaire Centennial . La fusillade a eu lieu une heure après la fin des cours et les élèves participant à des activités parascolaires ont été renvoyés chez eux. [65]
16 avril 2007 Blacksburg, Virginie 33 [n 1] 23 Tuerie de Virginia Tech : Un étudiant de 23 ans, Seung-Hui Cho , armé de deux pistolets, un Glock 19 et un Walther P22 , tue trente-deux étudiants et membres du corps enseignant de Virginia Techet blessé dix-sept autres étudiants et membres du corps professoral dans deux attaques distinctes avant de se suicider. La première attaque a eu lieu au deuxième étage de West Ambler Johnston Hall, où il a tiré sur une jeune fille et un autre étudiant venu l’aider. Il a ensuite changé de vêtements, enregistré plusieurs vidéos indiquant qu’il “devait le faire pour ses frères et sœurs”, et a pris plusieurs photos de lui avec des marteaux, de grands couteaux et des fusils. Il a ensuite enchaîné les portes de Norris Hall et a tiré et tué trente autres étudiants et membres du personnel. Il a également tiré sur dix-sept autres étudiants et membres du personnel, les blessant. Six autres étudiants ont également été blessés par des blessures non par balle. Il a été décrit comme extrêmement calme et solitaire. Pendant le déchaînement, il portait un T-shirt noir, un gilet roux, une casquette de baseball à l’envers, un pantalon cargo militaire noir, des bottes noires, et gants de préhension. L’incident est la troisième fusillade la plus meurtrière par un tireur isolé et la fusillade la plus meurtrière dans une école de l’histoire moderne des États-Unis.
21 septembre 2007 Douvres, Delaware 1 1 Deux étudiants de première année de l’Université d’État du Delaware, âgés de 17 ans, ont été abattus sur le campus. L’un d’eux est décédé 32 jours plus tard, le 23 octobre, des suites de blessures graves subies lors de l’attaque. Un auteur présumé, Loyer D. Braden, un étudiant de première année d’ East Orange, New Jersey , a été arrêté et accusé de tentative de meurtre; les accusations ont été rejetées en mai 2009. [66]
10 octobre 2007 Cleveland, Ohio 1 [n 1] 5 Au lycée alternatif SuccessTech du centre-ville de Cleveland, une élève de 14 ans, Asa H. Coon, a abattu deux élèves et deux enseignants dans les couloirs et les salles de classe du quatrième étage du bâtiment. Coon a ensuite déménagé dans une autre pièce au même étage, où il s’est tué par balle. [67]
7 novembre 2007 Jardins de Miami, Floride 0 1 Au Miami Carol City Senior High School, un voleur a tiré sur un enseignant qui fumait une cigarette à l’extérieur du bâtiment du campus. Le voleur de 18 ans a volé le portefeuille de l’enseignant et a ensuite été arrêté. L’enseignant a survécu à la fusillade. [68] [69]
23 janvier 2008 Jonesboro, Arkansas 0 1 Alfred Louis, 20 ans, homme de ligne offensive de l’Université d’État de l’Arkansas, a été écorché dans le bas de la jambe gauche lorsque quelqu’un a tiré plusieurs balles avec une arme de poing de 9 mm dans une résidence. Il a été soigné dans un hôpital local. Les accusations ont ensuite été rejetées contre la personne accusée d’avoir tiré les coups de feu. [70]
4 février 2008 Memphis, Tennessee 0 1 À l’école secondaire de Hamilton, un élève a tiré dans la jambe d’un élève de 16 ans lors d’une dispute en classe au sujet de la musique rap. La blessure de la victime ne mettait pas sa vie en danger. [71]
8 février 2008 Bâton Rouge, Louisiane 3 [n 1] 0 Latina Williams, une étudiante en soins infirmiers de 23 ans au Louisiana Technical College, a tué deux camarades de classe et elle-même dans une salle de classe au deuxième étage. [72]
11 février 2008 Jardins de Miami, Floride 0 1 Le professeur d’algèbre de 11e année, 43 ans, Sergio Miranda, a été abattu par Patrick Lively, 19 ans, à l’extérieur du lycée Miami Carol City lors d’un vol, mais on s’attendait à ce qu’il survive. [73] [74] En 2011, Lively a été condamné à perpétuité. [75]
11 février 2008 Memphis, Tennessee 0 1 À la suite d’une querelle qui a commencé à l’extérieur du campus plus tôt dans la semaine, un senior de 19 ans a été abattu par un étudiant de deuxième année de 17 ans lors d’un cours de gym organisé à la cafétéria avec environ 75 autres étudiants de l’école secondaire Mitchell , avant de remettre le fusil à un entraîneur qui n’a pas tenté de fuir. La victime a subi au moins deux blessures par balle et était dans un état critique, le tireur présumé était en garde à vue. “Il s’est approché de lui, lui a tiré dessus et a déclaré à l’entraîneur que” c’est fini maintenant “”, a déclaré le directeur, Daniel Ware. [76]
12 février 2008 Oxnard, Californie 1 0 Meurtre de Larry King : Brandon McInerney, 14 ans, a tiré sur Lawrence “Larry” King, 15 ans, deux fois dans la tête dans le laboratoire informatique de l’ EO Green Junior High School . McInerney a été appréhendé dans un quartier voisin. King, qui était ouvertement homosexuel, est décédé deux jours plus tard. McInerney a d’abord été accusé de crime de haine , mais cette accusation a été abandonnée. McInerney a plaidé coupable de meurtre au deuxième degré et a été condamné à 21 ans de prison. [77]
14 février 2008 DeKalb, Illinois 6 [n 1] 21 Tuerie à l’université du nord de l’Illinois : Steven Kazmierczak, 27 ans, a abattu plusieurs personnes avec un fusil de chasse dans une salle de classe de l’université du nord de l’Illinois , tuant cinq personnes et en blessant 21, avant de se suicider. Kazmierczak n’était pas inscrit à l’université, mais l’avait fréquentée dans les années précédant l’attaque. [78]
27 février 2008 Petit Rocher, Arkansas 0 1 James Earl Matthews, 33 ans, a reçu une balle dans le ventre et les fesses à bout portant avec une arme de poing à l’ Université de l’Arkansas sur le petit campus de rock. Il a survécu. Gerald Pride Jr. a été condamné à 20 ans de prison pour plusieurs chefs d’accusation. [70]
14 août 2008 Voie fédérale, Washington 1 0 Omero Mendez, 26 ans, attendait sur le campus de Lakota Middle School pour récupérer le fils de sa petite amie. Il a été confronté à Luis F. Cosgaya-Alvarez, 16 ans, et à deux de ses amis, au volant d’un SUV . Cosgaya-Alvarez a montré des signes de gang à Mendez et lui a tiré une balle dans la tête. Mendez est décédé plus tard de ses blessures. Cosgaya-Alvarez a été arrêté quelques jours plus tard à Seattle et accusé de meurtre. Cosgaya-Alvarez a plaidé coupable de meurtre et d’améliorations d’armes, et a été condamné à dix-huit ans de prison. [79]
21 août 2008 Knoxville, Tennessee 1 0 Au Central High School , Jamar Siler, 15 ans, a tué Ryan McDonald, 15 ans. En 2011, Siler a été condamné à trente ans de prison après avoir plaidé coupable de meurtre dans le cadre d’un accord sur le plaidoyer. [80]
2 septembre 2008 Willoughby, Ohio 0 0 Un élève de 15 ans a apporté une arme de poing à South High School et a tiré deux coups, un dans le plafond et un brisant un étui à trophées. L’étudiant a alors mis le pistolet sur sa tempe. Ensuite, le directeur adjoint Jeff Lyons a dissuadé l’élève de faire du mal.
16 octobre 2008 Détroit, Michigan 1 3 Christopher Walker, 16 ans, a été tué et trois autres adolescents ont été grièvement blessés lors d’une fusillade en voiture près du lycée Henry Ford , peu après la fin des cours. Trois adolescents ont été arrêtés et inculpés en lien avec la fusillade. Le tireur, William Morton, 15 ans, a été condamné à perpétuité sans possibilité de libération conditionnelle et Devon Bell a été condamné à quarante-deux ans de prison. [81]
26 octobre 2008 Conway, Arkansas 2 1 Fusillade à l’Université de l’Arkansas central : quatre jeunes hommes ont abattu deux étudiants, Ryan Henderson, 18 ans, et Chavares Block, 19 ans, et blessé un visiteur du campus de 19 ans à la jambe, à l’extérieur du dortoir de l’Arkansas Hall de l’Université de Central Arkansas . [82]
12 novembre 2008 Fort Lauderdale, Floride 1 0 Amanda Collette, 15 ans, a été tuée dans le couloir du lycée Dillard . Le tireur, Teah Wimberly, 15 ans, a été condamné à vingt-cinq ans à perpétuité pour meurtre au premier degré. [83]
9 janvier 2009 Chicago, Illinois 0 5 Après que les participants aient quitté un match de basket-ball à Dunbar High School , un camion s’est arrêté et quelqu’un à l’intérieur a tiré sur la foule, blessant cinq personnes, dont trois grièvement. Georgio Dukes, 18 ans, a été arrêté et inculpé une semaine plus tard de cinq chefs de coups et blessures aggravés avec une arme à feu. La police pense que l’attaque était liée à un gang. [84]
26 avril 2009 Hampton, Virginie 0 3 Odane Greg Maye, 18 ans, ancien étudiant de l’université de Hampton , a suivi un livreur de pizza de 43 ans dans son ancien dortoir. Armé de trois fusils, Maye a blessé le livreur, puis le surveillant du dortoir. Enfin, Maye s’est tiré une balle dans une tentative de suicide. Il a survécu et a été reconnu coupable de deux chefs d’accusation de blessures malveillantes, de deux chefs d’utilisation d’une arme à feu dans un crime; cambriolage; et fusillade dans un immeuble occupé. Il a été condamné à quatorze ans de prison en novembre 2009 et a été condamné par un juge à verser plus de 62 000 dollars de dédommagement à ses victimes pour perte de salaire. [85]
18 mai 2009 Cambridge, Massachusetts 1 0 Jabrai Copney, 20 ans, Jason Aquino, 23 ans, et Blayn Jiggetts, 19 ans, de New York, ont invité Justin Cosby, 21 ans, de Cambridge, dans un dortoir du Harvard College . Après avoir essayé de lui voler une livre de marijuana, ils lui ont tiré dessus. La victime, Cosby, a été déclarée morte tôt le lendemain. Copney s’est rendu trois jours plus tard et a été reconnu coupable de meurtre. Ses partenaires ont plaidé coupables de vol à main armée et d’homicide involontaire. Sa petite amie, Brittany Smith, 21 ans, a plaidé coupable de complicité après coup , possession d’arme à feu et tromperie d’un grand jury. [86]
18 mai 2009 Larose, Louisiane 1 [n 1] 0 Justin Doucet, un élève de 15 ans de l’école intermédiaire Larose-Cut Off, a porté son sac à dos dans les toilettes, où il a enfilé des vêtements de camouflage et a sorti une arme de poing semi-automatique avant de faire irruption dans une salle de classe voisine. Il a tenté de tirer sur une enseignante, Jessica Plaisance, mais l’arme n’a pas tiré. Il est retourné aux toilettes et s’est tiré une balle dans la tête, mourant une semaine plus tard de ses blessures. [87] [88]
16 juin 2009 San Francisco, Californie 0 3 Après que les étudiants ont été libérés de l’International Studies Academy le premier jour des cours d’été, un homme a laissé une voiture et a ouvert le feu, blessant trois personnes, dont une étudiante de 17 ans. Un homme de 18 ans a été arrêté pour complicité de crime. [89]
3 septembre 2009 San Bruno, Californie 0 1 Un étudiant de 20 ans a été blessé sur le parking du Skyline College après une dispute entre lui et d’autres hommes. Le campus universitaire a été mis en quarantaine. Trois résidents de San Francisco , Germaine B. Benjamin, 18 ans, Dimaryea J. McGhee, 20 ans, et Jacori W. Bender, 18 ans, ont chacun été arrêtés et accusés d’infractions criminelles avec arme à feu. [90]

années 2010

Date Emplacement Décès Blessures La description
5 février 2010 Madison, Alabama 1 0 Un étudiant de 14 ans, Hammad Memon, a tué Todd Brown, 14 ans, au Discovery Middle School alors que les classes changeaient. La fusillade était peut-être liée à des activités de gangs. En mai 2013, Memon a plaidé coupable du meurtre et a été condamné à trente ans de prison. Après la sortie de prison de Memon, il est probable qu’il soit expulsé vers son Pakistan natal . [91]
19 février 2010 DeKalb, Illinois 0 1 Moins d’une semaine après que la Northern Illinois University ait célébré solennellement le deuxième anniversaire d’une fusillade de masse sur le campus qui a coûté la vie à cinq étudiants, l’école DeKalb a été le théâtre de nouvelles violences armées. L’étudiant de 24 ans du NIU, Brian Mulder, a refusé l’entrée à Zachary R. Isaacman, 22 ans, lorsqu’il avait tenté de suivre une résidente dans le Stevenson Residence Hall North, où ils vivaient, parce qu’il n’était pas un résident. Quelques instants plus tard, alors qu’il fumait à l’extérieur du dortoir avec un ami, Mulder a été abattu par Isaacman, avec une arme de poing dans la jambe au-dessus du genou. Isaacman a tenté de fuir, mais a été rattrapé par la police en quelques minutes. [92]
23 février 2010 Littleton, Colorado 0 2 Au Deer Creek Middle School , Bruco Strong Eagle Eastwood, 32 ans, a ouvert le feu avec un fusil dans un parking et blessé deux élèves de huitième Reagan Webber et Matt Thieu, avant d’être retenu par le professeur de mathématiques de 57 ans, David. Benke, et détenu jusqu’à son arrestation. Les blessures du garçon ont été critiques pendant les quatre jours qui ont suivi la fusillade. [93] En octobre 2011, Eastwood a été déclaré non coupable pour cause de folie. [94] [95]
11 mai 2010 Bladenboro, Caroline du Nord 0 1 Un élève du West Bladen High School a été abattu sur le campus alors que les élèves quittaient l’école pour la journée. Les enquêteurs ont déclaré que l’incident avait commencé lorsqu’une bagarre avait éclaté entre deux groupes d’élèves près de l’entrée du lycée. [96]
8 septembre 2010 Détroit, Michigan 0 2 Deux étudiants ont été blessés devant le lycée Mumford par Steven Jamal Hare, 17 ans. Il a été jugé comme un adulte et accusé d’agression avec intention de tuer. En 2012, Hare a été condamné à 27 ans de prison. [97]
28 septembre 2010 Austin, Texas 1 [n 1] 1 Un étudiant de deuxième année de 19 ans, Colton Tooley, brandissant un AK-47 et portant un masque de ski, a ouvert le feu puis s’est suicidé dans une bibliothèque de l’Université du Texas [98]
1 octobre 2010 Salinas, Californie 1 0 Jose Daniel Cisneros, un étudiant de 15 ans, a été tué après avoir reçu plusieurs balles sur un terrain de sport du lycée Alisal alors qu’il se rendait à l’école à pied. La police a déclaré que la fusillade était liée à un gang. [99]
8 octobre 2010 Carlsbad, Californie 0 2 Brendan O’Rourke, 41 ans, a escaladé une clôture et a ouvert le feu avec une arme de poing dans une cour de récréation de l’école élémentaire Kelly, qui comptait 230 élèves; deux étudiantes de deuxième année ont été écorchées dans les bras avant qu’O’Rourke ne soit maîtrisé par un ouvrier du bâtiment. Il a été reconnu coupable de sept chefs de tentative de meurtre et a été condamné à 189 ans de prison à vie. [100]
29 novembre 2010 Marinette, Wisconsin 1 [n 1] 0 Samuel Hengel, 15 ans, a pris 23 élèves et un enseignant en otage dans une salle de classe du lycée Marinette pendant cinq heures. Il avait fait irruption dans la classe, tirant avec une arme de poing sur un projecteur de cinéma. La police a persuadé Hengel de libérer les otages. Après que les agents soient entrés dans le bâtiment, Hengel s’est tiré une balle dans la tête. Il est mort le jour suivant. [101]
6 décembre 2010 Aurore, Colorado 0 1 Lors d’une attaque liée à un gang à l’extérieur de l’école secondaire Aurora Central , une jeune fille de 17 ans a été paralysée. Elle faisait partie d’un groupe d’élèves à l’extérieur de l’école. Luis Enrique Guzman-Rincon, 20 ans, avait tiré des coups de feu depuis une voiture en essayant de frapper des rivaux de gangs. Guzman-Ricon a été condamné à trente-cinq ans de prison. [102]
5 janvier 2011 Omaha, Nebraska 2 [n 1] 2 À l’école secondaire Millard South , un élève de 18 ans, Robert Butler Jr., a tué le directeur adjoint, le Dr Vicki Kaspar, et blessé le directeur Curtis Case avant d’ouvrir le feu sur la police dans la zone de la réception, blessant l’infirmière de l’école par balle. débris. Butler s’est ensuite rendu sur un parking et s’est suicidé alors que la police le coinçait. [103]
25 mars 2011 Martinville, Indiana 0 1 Michael Phelps, un élève suspendu de 15 ans, est retourné au Martinsville West Middle School avec une arme de poing. Dans l’entrée de l’école, Phelps a tiré deux fois dans l’abdomen de Chance Jackson, 15 ans, le blessant grièvement. Phelps s’est enfui de l’école et a laissé tomber l’arme de poing; il a été arrêté peu de temps après. Jackson a dû subir trois interventions chirurgicales pour sauver sa vie ; il souffre de trouble de stress post-traumatique . Phelps a été reconnu coupable de tentative de meurtre en août 2011 et condamné à trente ans de prison et cinq ans de probation. [104]
31 mars 2011 Houston, Texas 1 5 Plusieurs hommes armés ont ouvert le feu lors d’un match de football en poudre à Worthing High School . Un homme, un ancien élève de 18 ans nommé Tremaine De Ante’ Paul, est décédé. Cinq autres personnes ont été blessées. [105]
19 avril 2011 Houston, Texas 0 3 [n 1] Un garçon de 6 ans a pris un pistolet semi-automatique dans son sac à dos à Ross Elementary, plus tard ce matin-là alors que lui et plus de 40 autres enfants de la maternelle déjeunaient dans une cafétéria bondée, le garçon a accidentellement tiré avec le pistolet alors qu’il le montrait à des amis. Le garçon, ainsi qu’un autre garçon de 6 ans et une fille de 5 ans ont été blessés. La police de Houston a déclaré que l’arme appartenait à un ami de la famille du garçon. [106]
23 mai 2011 Pearl City, Hawaï 0 1 Un étudiant de 14 ans a été accusé d’avoir tiré avec une arme de poing sur le campus de l’école intermédiaire Highlands, blessant un étudiant. Le tireur a été arrêté, soupçonné de tentative de meurtre. Deux autres suspects ont été arrêtés en lien avec la fusillade. [107]
19 août 2011 Albany, Géorgie 0 1 Un étudiant de l’Université d’État d’Albany a été abattu sur le campus. [108]
24 octobre 2011 Fayetteville, Caroline du Nord 0 1 Fusillade au lycée Cape Fear : Catilyn Abercrombie, 15 ans, a reçu une balle dans le cou avec un fusil par un camarade de classe, Charles Underwood, 15 ans, au lycée Cape Fear. Elle a été hospitalisée pendant deux mois dans un état grave. Underwood a été arrêté et accusé de tentative de meurtre. Il a été reconnu coupable de tentative de meurtre au premier degré et condamné à quinze ans de prison. [109]
8 décembre 2011 Blacksburg, Virginie 2 [n 1] 0 Ross Truett Ashley, 22 ans, étudiant en commerce à temps partiel à l’Université de Radford , a tué un policier engagé dans un contrôle routier sans rapport sur le campus de Virginia Tech . Il s’est ensuite suicidé dans un parking voisin. [110]
9 décembre 2011 Édimbourg, Texas 0 2 Deux étudiants ont été abattus après l’école au Harwell Middle School à Edinburg, au Texas, alors qu’ils essayaient pour l’équipe de basket-ball de leur école. La fusillade aurait été commise par un adulte hors campus, qui tirait sur une cible. [111]
10 janvier 2012 Houston, Texas 0 1 Un étudiant a ouvert le feu avec une arme de poing à North Forest High School , blessant un autre étudiant. Le tireur a déclaré qu’il avait été confronté à trois étudiants qui l’avaient intimidé et qu’il avait tiré en état de légitime défense. Il a frappé un passant de 16 ans à la jambe. Le suspect de 18 ans a été accusé de voies de fait graves avec une arme mortelle. [112]
23 février 2012 Bremerton, Washington 0 1 Armin Jahr Elementary School : [113] Un garçon de 9 ans a accidentellement déclenché une arme à feu en classe après avoir claqué son sac à dos sur un bureau, frappant Amina Kocer-Bowman, 8 ans, à l’abdomen, la faisant passer 8 semaines dans un hôpital. Le garçon a dit qu’il avait pris l’arme parce qu’il prévoyait de s’enfuir de la maison de son oncle, où il vivait, et qu’il prévoyait d’apporter une arme avec lui pour se protéger. La mère du garçon, Jamie Lee Chaffin, un criminel, a finalement plaidé coupable à des accusations d’armes et a été condamnée à 14 mois de prison. [114] [115] [116] Le garçon a conclu un accord de plaidoyer avec les procureurs du comté de Kitsap, prenant la responsabilité d’amener l’école d’armes de poing et a été condamné à un an de probation sous surveillance judiciaire. [116]
27 février 2012 Chardon, Ohio 3 3 Fusillade au lycée de Chardon : Thomas “TJ” Lane, 17 ans, a apporté une arme de poing semi-automatique et un couteau au lycée de Chardon , où il a tiré dix coups de feu sur un groupe d’étudiants assis à la cafétéria. Il a tué trois garçons et blessé trois autres étudiants. Un jeune de 16 ans est décédé sur le coup, deux autres sont décédés le lendemain. Lane a été arrêté tôt le lendemain matin alors qu’il se tenait près de sa voiture. [117] Il a été accusé en tant qu’adulte de meurtre, de tentative de meurtre et d’infractions liées aux armes à feu. En mars 2013, il a été reconnu coupable et condamné à trois peines d’emprisonnement à perpétuité sans possibilité de libération conditionnelle. [118]
2 avril 2012 Oakland, Californie 7 3 Tir à l’université d’Oikos : One L. Goh, 43 ans, a été accusé d’avoir abattu sept étudiants avec une arme de poing et d’en avoir blessé trois autres à l’université d’Oikos , un collège chrétien. Il a fui les lieux, volant la voiture d’une victime, et a été appréhendé quelques heures plus tard à proximité. Goh a été accusé de sept chefs de meurtre. En janvier 2013, Goh a été jugé mentalement inapte à être jugé et renvoyé pour traitement. [119]
16 août 2012 Memphis, Tennessee 0 2 Deux élèves de la Hamilton High School ont été blessés dans le stationnement de l’école. On pense que l’attaque est liée à un gang. [120]
27 août 2012 Perry Hall, Maryland 0 1 Robert Gladden, 15 ans, a tiré deux coups de feu avec un fusil de chasse à l’intérieur de la cafétéria de l’école Perry Hall. Il a frappé un senior de 17 ans dans le bas du dos, lui causant des blessures graves. Le jeune a le syndrome de Down . Gladden a été maîtrisé par deux membres du corps professoral de l’école et arrêté. En février 2013, il a été condamné à trente-cinq ans de prison pour tentative de meurtre. [121]
7 septembre 2012 Normal, Illinois 0 0 Un élève de 14 ans a tiré plusieurs coups de feu dans le plafond d’une salle de classe de la Normal Community High School et a été plaqué par un enseignant. Personne n’a été blessé. L’étudiant a été arrêté et inculpé de seize chefs d’accusation. [122] [123]
19 octobre 2012 Chicago, Illinois 1 0 Un étudiant de 18 ans de la Banner Academy South, Terrance Wright, a été tué lors d’une tentative de vol. Wright a été approché par cinq voleurs potentiels alors qu’il quittait l’école vers 15h40. Il a reçu une balle dans la poitrine alors qu’il ripostait lorsqu’un assaillant fouillait ses poches. Wright avait été choisi dans son ancien lycée parce qu’il était gay, ce qui l’a amené à être transféré à Banner. [124]
31 octobre 2012 Los Angeles, Californie 0 4 Lors d’une fête d’Halloween sur le campus de l’ Université de Californie du Sud , une dispute s’est intensifiée et Brandon Spencer, 20 ans, a utilisé une arme de poing pour tirer sept fois sur un membre d’un gang rival, Geno Hall, le blessant gravement. Spencer a blessé trois autres personnes, aucune n’était étudiante à l’USC, elles ont été hospitalisées avec des blessures moins graves. Spencer a été arrêté quelques minutes après la fusillade, qui a eu lieu à l’extérieur de la grande salle de bal de l’USC vers 23h30. [125] En avril 2014, il a été reconnu coupable de tentative de meurtre et condamné à quarante ans de prison à vie. [126]
14 décembre 2012 Newtown, Connecticut 28 [n 1] 2 Tir à l’école élémentaire de Sandy Hook : Adam Lanza, 20 ans, a tué vingt-six personnes et lui-même. Il a d’abord tué sa mère dans leur maison commune avant de prendre quatre de ses armes et de se rendre à l’école, où il a tué 20 enfants de première année âgés de six et sept ans ainsi que six adultes, dont quatre enseignants, le directeur et le psychologue de l’école. Deux autres personnes ont été blessées. Lanza s’est ensuite suicidé alors que la police arrivait à l’école. [117] [127]
10 janvier 2013 Taft, Californie 0 2 Un élève de 16 ans, Bryan Oliver, est entré dans une classe de sciences du lycée Taft Union avec un fusil de chasse et a ouvert le feu, blessant grièvement Bowe Cleveland, un élève de 16 ans. Il a tiré mais a raté un autre élève. L’enseignant Ryan Heber a convaincu Oliver de laisser tomber son arme. Il a ensuite été arrêté. Le 14 janvier, il a été inculpé de deux chefs de tentative de meurtre et d’agression avec une arme à feu. [128] Il a été reconnu coupable et a accepté un accord de plaidoyer avec une peine de 27 ans et 4 mois. [129] Selon l’avocat [130] de la famille Cleveland, ils n’étaient pas satisfaits de la peine.
12 janvier 2013 Détroit, Michigan 0 1 Un élève de 16 ans du lycée Osborn a été blessé par balle après un match de basket. [128]
15 janvier 2013 Saint-Louis, Missouri 0 2 [n 1] Un homme armé de 34 ans a blessé un administrateur dans son bureau au quatrième étage du Stevens Institute of Business and Arts . Le tireur présumé, Sean Johnson, étudiant à temps partiel, s’est blessé dans une cage d’escalier. L’administrateur et Johnson ont été hospitalisés dans des conditions stables. Johnson a été reconnu coupable de trois chefs d’accusation, dont des voies de fait, et a été condamné à 60 ans de prison. [131] [132] [133]
15 janvier 2013 Danger, Kentucky 3 0 Deux personnes ont été tuées et une troisième a été blessée sur le parking du Hazard Community and Technical College . [134] La troisième victime, Taylor Cornett, âgée de 12 ans, est décédée des suites de ses blessures le lendemain. [135] Dalton Lee Stidham, 21 ans, a été arrêté et accusé de trois chefs de meurtre. Il a été condamné à la prison à vie sans libération conditionnelle en 2014. [136]
16 janvier 2013 Chicago, Illinois 1 0 Un garçon de 17 ans, Tyrone Lawson, a été tué dans un parking de la Chicago State University . La fusillade s’est produite après les matchs de basket-ball du lycée organisés sur le campus, où Lawson avait été spectateur. La police a arrêté deux frères, Michael McNabb, 33 ans, et Brian Hewlett (sous le pseudonyme de Stephen Gilbert), 30 ans après la fusillade et a récupéré une arme. [128] [137] [138]
22 janvier 2013 Houston, Texas 0 3 [n 1] Tir du Lone Star College à North Harris : À l’extérieur du Lone Star College à North Harris, deux hommes se sont disputés. L’un a blessé l’autre. Il a également blessé un homme d’entretien et s’est accidentellement tiré une balle dans la jambe. Le tireur s’est enfui dans les bois et a été arrêté quelques heures plus tard. Les charges retenues contre le suspect initial ont été abandonnées et un autre homme a été arrêté. [139]
31 janvier 2013 Atlanta, Géorgie 0 2 Un étudiant de 14 ans a été blessé à Price Middle School. Le tireur, un étudiant de 15 ans, se serait disputé avec l’autre étudiant avant d’utiliser une arme de poing pour lui tirer dessus. Un enseignant a également été blessé. Par la suite, le tireur a été désarmé par un agent des ressources scolaires et arrêté ; la police l’a accusé de voies de fait graves. [140] [141]
18 mars 2013 Orlando Floride 1 [n 1] 0 À l’ Université de Floride centrale , l’étudiant de 30 ans James Oliver Seevakumaran a déclenché une alarme incendie dans le dortoir de la tour One, pour attirer une foule. Il a pointé une arme de poing sur son colocataire et a menacé de lui tirer dessus dans leur chambre; il a libéré le colocataire, qui s’est enfui et a appelé le 9-1-1 . Seevakumaran s’est alors mortellement tiré une balle dans la tête. Les autorités ont trouvé une arme d’assaut, quelques centaines de cartouches et quatre bombes artisanales dans son sac à dos. [142]
12 avril 2013 Christiansburg, Virginie 0 2 Incident de fusillade au New River Community College : Deux femmes ont été blessées lors d’une fusillade sur le campus du New River Community College. Neil Allen MacInnis, 18 ans, a été arrêté. En juin 2014, il a été condamné à 38 ans de prison. [143]
16 avril 2013 Grambling, Louisiane 0 3 Trois étudiants ont été blessés sur le campus de la Grambling State University . [144]
18 avril 2013 Cambridge, Massachusetts 1 0 Trois jours après avoir commis l’ attentat du marathon de Boston , alors qu’ils étaient toujours en fuite, les frères Dzhokhar Tsarnaev et Tamerlan Tsarnaev ont tiré et tué l’officier de police du campus du Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sean Collier [145] dans sa voiture de patrouille près du Ray and Maria Stata Center du MIT . [146] Environ trois heures après la fusillade du MIT et après avoir détourné un véhicule, Tamerlan est mort dans une fusillade avec la police à Watertown, Massachusetts . Un autre officier a été grièvement blessé. Touché au cou et caché dans un bateau garé à proximité, Dzhokhar a été arrêté 18 heures plus tard et hospitalisé dans un état critique. [146]Il a été condamné à mort en 2015.
14 mai 2013 Birmingham, Alabama 0 0 Répondant prétendument à une bagarre entre étudiants, la mère d’un étudiant a tiré avec une arme sur le campus de l’école intermédiaire Ossie Ware Mitchell. Personne n’a été blessé. [147]
7 juin 2013 Santa Monica, Californie 6 [n 1] 4 2013 Fusillade à Santa Monica : John Zawahri, 23 ans, a commencé une tuerie chez lui. Après avoir tué son père de 55 ans, Samir “Sam” Zawahri, et son frère de 25 ans, Chris Zawahri, il a mis le feu à la maison. Vêtue de noir avec un gilet pare-balles et brandissant un fusil semi-automatique de type AR-15, Zawahri a détourné Laura Siska, 41 ans, tirant sur Debra Fine, 50 ans, alors qu’elle tentait d’intervenir, avant de forcer Siska à conduire au Collège de Santa Monica. À son arrivée sur le campus universitaire, Zawahri a commencé à tirer sur des véhicules qui passaient, dont une voiture de police et un bus de la ville, faisant trois blessés légers. Zawahri a ensuite pris pour cible un Ford Explorer, tuant le conducteur, le jardinier du campus de 68 ans, Carlos Navarro Franco, et blessant mortellement le passager, sa fille de 26 ans, Marcela Diaz-Franco, étudiante au collège, décédée deux jours plus tard. Margarita Gomez, 68 ans, qui ramassait des canettes à l’extérieur de la bibliothèque, est décédée après avoir reçu une balle dans l’abdomen et la poitrine. Zawahri a ouvert le feu sur des étudiants qui tentaient de s’enfuir. Cela s’est terminé à la bibliothèque du collège où il a ouvert le feu sur des étudiants en terminale, avant d’être mortellement blessé lors d’un échange de coups de feu avec des policiers qui ont répondu. [148]
20 août 2013 Decatur, Géorgie 0 0 Armé d’un fusil d’assaut de type AK-47 de 7,62 mm et de près de 500 cartouches, Michael Brandon Hill, 20 ans, est entré à la Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy peu après 13 h 00 et a pris plusieurs employés en otage dans la maison du directeur. Bureau. Hill a ordonné à ses otages d’appeler l’ affilié local d’ ABC News WSB-TV, déclarant qu’il voulait qu’une équipe de tournage l’enregistre en train de tuer des policiers. Lorsque les agents des forces de l’ordre sont arrivés à l’école, Hill a quitté le bureau et a tiré six coups sur la police, qui a immédiatement riposté; personne n’a été blessé lors de l’échange et Hill est retourné au bureau avec ses otages. Au cours de l’affrontement qui en a résulté avec la police, Hill a affirmé avoir une bombe dans sa voiture et dans l’école et a menacé à plusieurs reprises de se tuer ainsi que les otages. Au cours de l’affrontement, la police a réussi à évacuer les élèves et le personnel à l’arrière de l’école. Hill a finalement été persuadé de se rendre par l’un des otages, Antoinette Tuff, qui a partagé des histoires avec lui et a essayé de le garder calme pendant le siège. Après avoir plaidé coupable à de nombreuses accusations découlant de l’incident,[149][150]
August 22, 2013 Memphis, Tennessee 0 0 A 5-year-old kindergarten student fired a handgun in his elementary school cafeteria. The Westside Elementary School student brought the gun to school in his backpack. While waiting for the opening bell in the cafeteria, the gun accidentally discharged one time inside the boy’s backpack. There was no evidence of harmful intent and nobody was injured. To date, the boy is the youngest documented school shooter.[151]
August 23, 2013 Sardis, Mississippi 1 2 15-year-old student, Roderick Bobo, was killed during a football game at North Panola High School in what was termed a gang-related shooting. Two others were injured in the shooting. Three men were charged as being responsible for the crime.[152]
August 30, 2013 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 0 1 Un étudiant de 15 ans a été abattu au lycée Carver , à 14h30. Il a été hospitalisé avec des blessures mineures. [153] Un étudiant de 18 ans a été appréhendé sans autre incident. Le tireur présumé est accusé d’agression avec une arme mortelle infligeant des blessures graves, de port d’arme dissimulée, de possession et de décharge d’une arme à feu et de port d’une arme à feu sur une propriété éducative. La fusillade serait liée à une dispute entre le suspect et la victime. [154]
4 octobre 2013 Pine Hills, Floride 0 2 A 16-year-old student was shot in the hip outside Agape Christian Academy after a fight broke out at 2 p.m.. An innocent bystander was hit by a stray bullet or shrapnel. The two victims were treated for minor injuries. The suspected shooter reportedly fled in a car with several other males, and was not caught.[155]
October 21, 2013 Sparks, Nevada 2[n 1] 2 12-year-old seventh-grade student Jose Reyes opened fire with a handgun at the basketball courts of Sparks Middle School, injuring one student in the shoulder. Michael Landsberry, a teacher and veteran, tried to intervene and was killed by Reyes. Reyes also wounded a student trying to help the teacher. Reyes then committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.[117][153] The shooting happened before classes, and the school was evacuated and was closed for the week.
November 2, 2013 Greensboro, North Carolina 0 1 A 21-year-old student was wounded at North Carolina A&T State University. The victim was hospitalized for serious but non-life-threatening injuries. The university was temporarily locked down that night. No suspects are in custody.[156]
November 3, 2013 Lithonia, Georgia 0 2 A Stephenson High School student and a janitor were shot in an apparent confrontation between football team members and a group of teens who were not attending the school. Both were innocent bystanders.[157]
November 13, 2013 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 0 3 After classes ended, at least one gunman came out of the woods and opened fire on three students as they were walking to their cars at Brashear High School. One student was grazed in the head, another was struck in the neck and shoulder, and a third was hit in the leg and foot. Six people were taken into custody. The shooting is believed to be drug-related.[158]
December 4, 2013 Winter Garden, Florida 0 1 A 15-year-old student was wounded by a 17-year-old student near a soccer field on the campus of West Orange High School. The shooting occurred after a fight broke out between the two students. The 17-year-old suspected shooter was taken into custody several miles away from the school, and is charged with attempted murder, aggravated battery with a firearm, possession of a firearm by a minor and possession of a firearm on school grounds. In October 2014, the shooter was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison.[159]
December 13, 2013 Centennial, Colorado 2[n 1] 0 18-year-old Karl Pierson, shot 17-year-old student Claire Davis in the head, fatally injuring her, in a hallway in Arapahoe High School. Pierson then took his own life.[117] Pierson was armed with a shotgun, three Molotov cocktails, and a machete. His intention was to shoot the librarian who had disciplined him. Claire Davis died from her injuries on December 21, 2013.[160]
December 19, 2013 Fresno, California 0 1 Four teens (16, 16, 16 and 17 years old) entered Edison High School in what was believed as a gang-initiation process. After accosting a 62-year-old woman about a mile away from school grounds, they found an athletic trainer who taught at Edison High and shot him several times in the leg and stomach.[161]
January 9, 2014 Jackson, Tennessee 0 1 A 16-year-old student was charged with bringing a gun to school at Liberty Technology Magnet High School and shooting a classmate in the thigh. The incident occurred outside the front of the school.[162]
January 13, 2014 New Haven, Connecticut 0 1 A 14-year-old boy was shot outside of a basketball game at the Hillhouse High School athletic facility, suffering wounds in his hand and leg.[citation needed]
January 14, 2014 Roswell, New Mexico 0 3 Two people were wounded inside the gymnasium of Berrendo Middle School, at about 8:10 a.m.. An 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl were airlifted to a hospital in Lubbock, Texas in critical condition. The 12-year-old suspected shooter, Mason Campbell, a seventh grade student, was apprehended at the scene after he was talked down by a staff member and dropped the shotgun. A staff member received minor injuries. Campbell was charged with three counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. He was sentenced to a maximum sentence of confinement in a juvenile detention facility until he is twenty one years old.[163]
January 17, 2014 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 0 2 A student allegedly shot two other students in the gymnasium at Delaware Valley Charter School. Both victims, a male and a female, were shot in the arm. They were taken to a nearby hospital and are in stable condition, police say. Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said at a news conference that the shooter ran out of the school after the shooting but was taken into custody near his home. 17-year-old Raisheem Rochwell was arrested and charged as an adult for aggravated assault, recklessly endangering another person and firearms offenses. Rochwell was sentenced to two years of juvenile detention.[164]
January 20, 2014 Chester, Pennsylvania 0 1 One person was critically injured at Widener University. The incident occurred around 10 p.m. outside the university sport’s complex and led to an 8-hour university lock-down. The suspect was not immediately found.[165]
January 21, 2014 West Lafayette, Indiana 1 0 A 21-year-old student, Andrew Boldt, was killed in a classroom building on the campus of Purdue University. 24-year-old student Cody Cousins was found guilty of the murder and was sentenced to sixty-five years of prison. In October 2014, Cousins committed suicide in his cell.[166]
January 24, 2014 Orangeburg, South Carolina 1 0 A 20-year-old student was killed at South Carolina State University. A 19-year-old was arrested and charged with murder.[167]
January 25, 2014 Los Angeles, California 1 0 A man was killed at Los Angeles Valley College. Two suspects were arrested in the fatal shooting.[168]
January 27, 2014 Carbondale, Illinois 0 1 A group of students at Rebound High School got in an argument in the school’s parking lot. One student pulled out a gun and shot another student in the ensuing altercation. An 18-year-old suspect is facing charges of attempted murder.[169]
January 28, 2014 Nashville, Tennessee 0 1 One student was shot in the leg in an apparent altercation over a gambling debt at Tennessee State University.[170]
January 30, 2014 Palm Bay, Florida 0 1 Three students were fighting in a parking lot of Eastern Florida State College and one pulled out a gun and shot another of the students. All three students claimed self-defense.[171]
January 31, 2014 Des Moines, Iowa 0 1 After a basketball game at North High School, there was gunfire in a parking lot of the school. Six males in a black jeep had come moments before the shooting and returned at the time it happened. A 15-year-old girl was injured by a ricocheting bullet. While officers were gaining control of the area, teachers on the scene led students into the school building for safety.[172]
February 10, 2014 Salisbury, North Carolina 0 1 A 16-year-old student was shot in the stomach on the campus of Salisbury High School during a dispute in the school gym. 17-year-old suspect was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury, possession of a firearm on school property and discharging a weapon on school property.[173]
February 10, 2014 Lyndhurst, Ohio 0 0 Five shots were fired in the parking lot of Charles F. Brush High School, including one which hit an unoccupied police car. No one was reported to be injured, though a school basketball game was going on at the time.[174]
February 12, 2014 Los Angeles, California 0 1 A male victim was shot in the back in a possible gang-related drive-by shooting near the University of Southern California. The suspect fled into the University Campus. The victim was last reported in stable condition before being transported to a local hospital.[175]
February 22, 2014 Augusta, Georgia 0 1 A shooting involving a campus police officer occurred at a Georgia Regents University dormitory complex. A male suspect entered a vehicle and nearly struck an officer, who opened fire. The suspect was taken to Georgia Regents Medical Center with injuries that were not believed to be critical.[176]
March 25, 2014 College Park, Georgia 0 0 An argument between students led to shots being fired in a Benjamin Banneker High School parking lot during the afternoon. Investigators believe multiple people were present when shots were fired, but it was not known how many could face charges for the incident. No one was injured in the shooting.[177]
April 11, 2014 Detroit, Michigan 1 0 After a Friday evening student awards ceremony called “Grammy Night”, four men who were affiliated with a gang fired into a crowd in the parking lot of East English Village Preparatory Academy. One 19-year-old, Darryl Smith, was fatally shot in the head. Smith was not a student at the academy.[178]
May 4, 2014 Augusta, Georgia 0 1 Two men fired shots inside a dormitory at Paine College on Sunday, injuring one student in the head. Neither of the suspects were students at the college.[179]
May 5, 2014 Augusta, Georgia 0 1 An active shooter situation was reported at Paine College on Monday with one person reported to be shot. The suspect was apparently apprehended and in custody. It was the second shooting incident to occur at the college campus in two days.[180]
May 8, 2014 Lawrenceville, Georgia 0 1 A person was shot on a student parking lot roof at Georgia Gwinnett College, receiving an injury. The specific cause has not been identified.[181]
May 14, 2014 Richmond, California 0 1 A 14-year-old student was injured during a drive-by shooting in front of John F. Kennedy High School at 8:30 a.m.. He was shot as he was running towards the school campus after a fight took place. The student suffered a serious but stable injury to his leg. Police are searching for a suspect.[182]
June 5, 2014 Seattle, Washington 1 3 19-year-old students, Paul Lee and Sarah Williams, and 24-year-old student, Thomas Fowler, were shot inside a hallway of Otto Miller Hall at Seattle Pacific University.[183] Freshman Lee was rushed to Harborview Medical Center but later died. The shooter was subdued with pepper spray and tackled to the ground by student building monitor, Jon Meis, as he paused to reload his shotgun. 26-year-old Aaron Rey Ybarra was arrested at the scene and has been charged with premeditated and attempted murder.[184]
June 10, 2014 Troutdale, Oregon 2[n 1] 1 At around 8:30 a.m. shots were fired at Reynolds High School. 14-year-old freshman Emilio Hoffman was killed, a physical education teacher was injured, and the gunman, 15-year-old Jared Padgett, exchanged gunfire with police officers and then committed suicide in a restroom stall.[117][185]
September 9, 2014 Miami, Florida 0 1 Towards the end of the school day, one alternative school student in Miami was shot as a small group of students tussled. The injury was minor, requiring hospitalization, and five young adults were later questioned.[186]
September 11, 2014 Taylorsville, Utah 0 1 An elementary school teacher with a concealed weapon permit had her gun fire accidentally in a faculty bathroom. The bullet shattered a toilet, and fragments of both the bullet and the porcelain injured her leg.[187]
September 27, 2014 Terre Haute, Indiana 0 1 A 20-year-old Indiana State University student was shot by another student on Saturday inside a residence hall. The injuries were not fatal, and a full recovery was expected. The shooter was arrested on the following day.[188]
September 30, 2014 Albemarle, North Carolina 0 1 Two students got in an argument at Albemarle High School around 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, and one of the students shot the other twice including once in the leg. The student who committed the shooting was allegedly involved in a stabbing of a football player last year at West Montgomery High School, which is only 20 miles (32 km) away in Mount Gilead, North Carolina. The school had held an active shooter training over the summer, which prepared the school for this incident.[189]
September 30, 2014 Louisville, Kentucky 0 1 One student was injured at Fern Creek Traditional High School. The incident occurred around 1 p.m., reportedly after student became enraged in a hallway and pulled out a gun. The student was arrested later that day.[190]
October 3, 2014 Fairburn, Georgia 1 0 After a homecoming football game, a fatal shooting of 17-year-old Kristofer Hunter, occurred in the Langston Hughes High School parking lot. The assailant, 18-year-old Eric Dana Johnson Jr., turned himself in a week later.[191]
October 24, 2014 Marysville, Washington 5[n 1] 1 Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting. 15-year-old freshman, Jaylen Fryberg, shot five students in the school cafeteria of Marysville Pilchuck High School, fatally wounding four, before committing suicide.[117][192]
November 20, 2014 Tallahassee, Florida 1[n 1] 3 At around 12:40 a.m. EST, a gunman opened fired in or near the Strozier Library at Florida State University. Three people suffered gunshot injuries and were taken to a local area hospital. One was in critical condition, another was in good condition, and the third was shortly released after treatment. The gunman, later identified as Myron May, an alumnus from the school, started firing towards responding police officers and was fatally shot by them on the steps of the library.[193]
November 20, 2014 Miami, Florida 1 1 Two teens were shot during a fight at Miami Carol City High School. One of the boys died.[194]
December 12, 2014 Portland, Oregon 0 4 Rosemary Anderson High School shooting: A gunman shot three students and a man outside Rosemary Anderson High School in north Portland. A 16-year-old girl was in critical condition, while the others suffered minor injuries. Two men, aged eighteen and twenty-two, were arrested in connection with the shooting.[195]
January 15, 2015 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 0 3 A 15-year-old boy, a student’s father, and a teacher were each injured in the school parking lot at Wisconsin Lutheran High School. The student had unspecified injuries that were treated. The father was shot in the knee and the teacher was grazed in the toe. A 36-year-old man was charged in the shooting.[196]
January 16, 2015 Ocala, Florida 0 2 Two were injured in gunfire that occurred after a Friday night basketball game. One was injured directly by a bullet, the other by ricocheting glass.[197]
February 4, 2015 Frederick, Maryland 0 2 Two students were shot near the gymnasium of Frederick High School during a junior varsity (JV) boys’ basketball game. Approximately two hundred students, staff, and faculty were placed on lockdown for several hours after the shooting while police searched for the suspects. Brandon Earl Tyler, 21, and Chandler Tristan Davenport, 19 were charged with the shooting.[198][199]
February 14, 2015 Merced, California 1 0 16-year-old Benito Aguirre was found dead in the parking lot of Tenaya Middle School. The shooting was reported to have occurred after school hours.[200][201]
February 23, 2015 Daytona Beach, Florida 0 3 Two students argued outside the music building at Bethune-Cookman University when one pulled out a gun. Both had guns and it is not disclosed who did the shooting, injuring three students. A reward was offered to help solve this case.[202]
March 30, 2015 University City, Missouri 0 1 Police said one person has been arrested for a shooting at Pershing Elementary School. The shooting occurred in the parking lot, with a 34-year-old-man being shot in the buttocks.[203]
April 13, 2015 Goldsboro, North Carolina 1 0 A faculty member was killed with a rifle in the school library of Wayne Community College. The 20-year-old gunman, Kenneth Stancil, was arrested in Florida the next day. As of January 2017, Stancil, an admitted Neo-Nazi is being investigated for a hate crime.[204] Stancil was later sentenced to life without parole for the murder.[205]
April 16, 2015 Paradis, Louisiana 0 1 A police officer was shot outside a school in a school zone while he was directing School buses into J.B. Martin Middle School, and the suspect was apprehended at the scene.[206]
May 12, 2015 Jacksonville, Florida 0 2 Police report that a 16-year-old shot five bullets into a school bus and injured two students. Apparently, there was an argument that touched on previous events.[207]
May 24, 2015 Flint, Michigan 0 7 In the early morning hours of Memorial Day weekend, a group of people were at Southwestern Classical Academy in the parking lot. Shots rang out and seven were injured, with two men being apprehended and charged.[208]
August 27, 2015 Savannah, Georgia 1 0 22-year-old student Christopher Starks was fatally shot in a student union building at Savannah State University. Justin Stephens was charged with the murder.[209][210]
September 3, 2015 Sacramento, California 1 2 A man was arguing with at least one other person escalated into a physical fight on the parking lot of Sacramento City College. A man opened fire, killing a 25-year-old student and wounding two others. The shooting suspects: Tevita Kaihea and Charlie Hola (both 19 years old) were not arrested for the shooting until December of that year and in 2018 Kaihea was sentenced to 112 years to life in prison and hola was sentenced to 49 years to life.[211][212][213][214]
September 30, 2015 Harrisburg, South Dakota 0 1 A principal was shot in the arm and wounded at Harrisburg High School after an argument with a student. The suspect, 16-year-old Mason Buhl at the school, was taken into custody and was charged with first-degree attempted murder and sentenced to 25 years with 15 years suspended on supervised probation.[215][216]
October 1, 2015 Roseburg, Oregon 10[n 1] 9 Umpqua Community College shooting: At around 10:40 a.m. PDT, a gunman, later identified as 26-year-old student Christopher Harper-Mercer, opened fire in a hall on the Umpqua Community College campus, killing eight students and one teacher, and injuring nine others. The gunman later committed suicide after engaging responding police officers in a brief gunfight.[217]
October 9, 2015 Flagstaff, Arizona 1 3 Northern Arizona University shooting: One student died and three others were wounded in a shooting at Northern Arizona University. It is unclear what sparked the shooting, which took place near Mountain View Hall, a dormitory that houses most of the campus’ students involved in Greek organizations. An 18-year-old student was arrested and charged with murder and aggravated assault.[218]
October 9, 2015 Houston, Texas 1 1 One person died and another person was injured after someone opened fire outside a Texas Southern University dorm.[219]
October 22, 2015 Nashville, Tennessee 1 3 One person was killed and three others were wounded in a shooting at an outdoor courtyard at Tennessee State University. The shooting may have stemmed from an argument over a dice game. A suspect has not been identified or arrested.[220]
November 1, 2015 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 1 1 One person died and another person was injured, after someone opened fire on the campus of Winston-Salem State University. A 21-year-old non-student suspect is sought.[221]
November 20, 2015 North Las Vegas, Nevada 1 0 A 16-year-old student was fatally shot during a fight after school hours that involved multiple people on the campus of Mojave High School.[222]
January 22, 2016 Indianapolis, Indiana 0 1 A 15-year-old male was shot in the leg and injured during a night-time basketball game at Lawrence Central High School.[223]
January 29, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 0 0 A gunshot was fired during a fight in a stairwell at Franklin High School, and no injuries were reported. Three people were detained.[224]
February 9, 2016 Muskegon Heights, Michigan 0 4 Four people, including two students, were injured during a basketball game event in the parking lot of Muskegon Heights High School.[225]
February 12, 2016 Glendale, Arizona 2[n 1] 0 Two 15-year-old girls died in an apparent Murder-suicide at Independence High School.[226]
February 29, 2016 Middletown, Ohio 0 4 15-year-old Cameron Smith, and 14-year-old Cooper Caffrey, were shot when 14-year-old James Austin Hancock, opened fire in the Madison High School cafeteria with a .380 caliber handgun. 15-year-old Brant Murray, and 14-year-old Katherine Douchette, also suffered shrapnel injuries.[227] Hancock was apprehended in a nearby wooded field.[228]
April 23, 2016 Antigo, Wisconsin 1[n 1] 2 Two students at a prom at Antigo High School were shot and injured by 18-year-old former student Jakob Wagner. Wagner later exchanged fire with a school resource officer in the school’s parking lot, and was captured after being shot and wounded by police. He died hours later in a hospital.
June 1, 2016 Los Angeles, California 3[n 1] 0 2016 UCLA shooting. Mainak Sarkar, age 38, a Ph.D. student, killed his former professor, William S. Klug, age 39, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, in an engineering building at UCLA. Sarkar then killed himself. Sarkar, who lived in Minnesota, also killed his ex-wife, Ashley Hasti, age 31, in her Brooklyn Park, Minnesota home.[229][230]
June 8, 2016 Dorchester, Massachusetts 1 3 One student was killed and three other individuals were injured when gunfire erupted outside of the Jeremiah Burke High School following a fire-alarm causing an evacuation of the school. Two suspects have been arrested.[231]
September 9, 2016 Alpine, Texas 1[n 1] 2 A 14-year-old female student shot a 16-year-old girl in an Alpine High School restroom before committing suicide. A police officer accidentally shot another officer during the incident.[232]
September 28, 2016 Townville, South Carolina 2 2 Townville Elementary School shooting: Two students and one teacher were wounded after a teen opened fire at Townville Elementary School. The suspect’s father was found dead at his home soon after the shooting. One of the victims, six-year-old Jacob Hall, died 3 days after the shooting.[233][234]
October 11, 2016 Mobile, Alabama 0 1 A student was shot in the abdomen and wounded at Vigor High School. The suspect, a 16-year-old boy, turned himself in and was charged with assault.[235]
October 13, 2016 Columbus, Ohio 0 2 Two students were shot and wounded on the front lawn of Linden McKinley STEM Academy. One was shot in the shoulder and the other shot in the chest; both were hospitalized in stable condition.[236]
October 18, 2016 San Francisco, California 0 4 Four students were shot outside June Jordan High School for Equity, a San Francisco public high school. One female victim was in critical condition, while three male victims suffered minor injuries.[237] Two people were arrested in the shooting.[238]
October 25, 2016 Sandy, Utah 0 1 Police say the two teens ages 14 and 16 were involved in a confrontation on the far north end of Union Middle School. The boys got into an argument. The argument lead to a shooting. The 14-year-old shot the 16-year-old twice. He was sent to the hospital in critical but stable condition.[239]
December 1, 2016 Bountiful, Utah 0 0 At Mueller Park Junior High School, a 15-year-old student fired one shot into the ceiling and then pointed the weapon at his own neck. The student was confronted verbally by a teacher and another student and later arrested in possession of a shotgun, a handgun, and ammunition for each and was sentenced to spend time in a Juvenile Justice Services facility.[240][241]
January 20, 2017 West Liberty, Ohio 0 1 A 17-year-old student was charged with attempted murder and other crimes after bringing a gun to West Liberty-Salem High School and firing two shots at a 17-year-old student in a bathroom with a shotgun. The victim was injured. The student “also is accused of discharging the weapon in the school’s hallway before returning to the bathroom, where he was eventually taken into custody.”[242]
January 20, 2017 Seattle, Washington 0 1 A 34-year-old man was shot in Red Square at University of Washington while protesting the visit of controversial journalist Milo Yiannopoulos. The shooter turned himself in to the university police and was later questioned and released without being charged with a crime.[243]
January 27, 2017 Naperville, Illinois 1 0 A 37-year-old Oswego man, Matthew Lange, was shot at Scullen Middle School, which is a part of Indian Prairie School District 204, at about 7:30 PM. At the time of the shooting, there were two non-district organizations renting the building out. The victim was killed in his car while waiting to pick his son up from a weekly Polish culture class. The shooter’s identity is still unknown.[244][245]
March 21, 2017 King City, California 0 1 An 18-year-old King City High School student was shot outside the school’s auditorium. The gunman ran across the school’s campus and baseball field, and fled the area. The school was then placed on lockdown. The victim was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries.[246] A suspect was arrested in August 2017.[247]
April 10, 2017 San Bernardino, California 3[n 1] 1 North Park Elementary School shooting: Cedric Anderson, age 53, of Riverside, California, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after shooting and killing his estranged wife, Karen Elaine Smith, age 53, in a classroom. An eight-year-old student was also fatally shot, and a seven-year-old student was injured.[248]
May 4, 2017 Irving, Texas 2[n 1] 0 North Lake College: Adrian Victor Torres killed a 20-year-old student, Janeera Nickol Gonzalez, whom he was stalking. He fatally shot her three times and the college went into lockdown before discovering that the suspect has died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.[249]
June 14, 2017 Chicago, Illinois 0[n 1] 2 Two girls, 7 and 13, were shot and wounded on a playground of Warren Elementary during an end-of-the-year picnic. Police speculated they may have been bystanders. Three arrests were made.[250]
September 13, 2017 Rockford, Washington 1 3 Freeman High School: Three students were injured and one killed after a shooter opened fire. The suspect was armed with an AR-15 and a Pistol. He shot one student with the AR-15, but the gun jammed so he switched to his pistol. He killed one student after shooting him twice in the stomach and once in the head. He was stopped by a janitor. The suspect, a 15-year-old student, (Caleb Sharpe) was taken into police custody.[251]
September 20, 2017 Mattoon, Illinois 0 1 Mattoon High School: A 14-year-old male student was subdued by a female teacher when he attempted to open fire in the school cafeteria at 11:33 a.m. Multiple shots were fired in the process, and one student was struck in the chest and was driven to a nearby hospital suffering non-life-threatening wounds. The student was taken into custody without further incident.[252][253]
November 13, 2017 Albany, Georgia 0 2 Two people were shot on the Albany State University campus.[254]
November 14, 2017 Rancho Tehama Reserve, California 6[n 1] 18 Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings: Neighbor on a rampage injured one student at Rancho Tehama Elementary School and fatally shot five adults at several locations.[255] The secretary heard the gunfire near the school and ordered the school to go on lockdown. After a custodian and the teachers put it into action, 43 year-old Kevin Neal rammed a truck into the gate of the school and fired at the classrooms hitting one student when a bullet pierced the wall. Neal fatally shot himself after sheriff’s deputies rammed his vehicle during a pursuit.[255][256]
December 7, 2017 Aztec, New Mexico 3[n 1] 0 Aztec High School shooting: William Atchison, 21-year-old former male student snuck into Aztec High School disguised as a student and hid in an unlocked washroom with a Glock 9mm handgun hidden in his bag. He retreated from the washroom after being spotted by a school custodian who chased him shouting “active shooter” and “lockdown”. Atchinson was able to shoot and kill two students who were caught in the hallway before he killed himself.[257][258] He had been investigated in 2016 by the FBI when he asked “where to find cheap assault rifles for a mass shooting” on an online forum.[259]
January 10, 2018 Denison, Texas 0 0 A criminal justice club student picked up a loaded gun, belonging to an advisor, which the student thought was an unloaded training weapon. She then shot at a wall target, unintentionally firing a bullet, which went through the wall and broke a window. The advisor was a licensed peace officer permitted to carry a firearm on campus.[260]
January 20, 2018 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 1 0 A student was fatally shot at a party at 1 a.m. on the campus of Wake Forest University.[261]
January 22, 2018 Italy, Texas 0 1 A 16-year-old male student fired at a 15-year-old female classmate that he had briefly dated in the cafeteria of Italy High School. The gunman left the school immediately after opening fire and was arrested.[262][263][264]
January 22, 2018 New Orleans, Louisiana 0 1 Shots were fired from a truck in the parking lot of NET Charter High School, targeting a crowd of students during lunch time. One student was slightly injured, apparently from injuries unrelated to gunfire. One person was arrested in connection with the shooting.[261]
January 23, 2018 Marshall County, Kentucky 2 18 Marshall County High School shooting: Gabriel Ross Parker,[265] a 15-year-old male student shot 16 people in the lobby at Marshall County High School and caused non-gunshot injuries to four others. Two 15-year-old students died: one killed at the scene, another died of wounds at Vanderbilt Medical Center.[266][267][268]
January 31, 2018 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1 0 A fight began in the school parking lot outside a basketball game, and the school went into lockdown after shots were fired. A 32-year-old male was transported by private vehicle to Nazareth Hospital with two gunshot wounds in his leg. He was transferred by helicopter to another hospital, but died from his injuries. Police announced that they are searching for an adult male suspect.[269]
February 1, 2018 Los Angeles, California 0 5 Two 15-year-old students, a boy and a girl, were shot and injured inside a classroom at Sal Castro Middle School, which shares a campus with Belmont High School. Three other people suffered injuries unrelated to gunfire. A 12-year-old girl was arrested and charged with negligent discharge of a firearm.[270]
February 5, 2018 Oxon Hill, Maryland 0 1 A student was taken to the hospital after exiting Oxon Hill High School and going to speak to individuals in a vehicle who then attempted to rob, and subsequently shot and wounded him in the school’s parking lot. Two other students were arrested and charged with attempted murder and robbery.[271]
February 9, 2018 Nashville, Tennessee 0 1 Pearl-Cohn High School: A student was shot five times in the parking lot.[272]
February 14, 2018 Parkland, Florida 17 17 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting: A 19-year-old former student (Nikolas Cruz) whose behavior had led to his expulsion began shooting students and staff members with a semi-automatic rifle at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Seventeen people were killed, and 17 others were injured. The suspect shot the students in hallways and classrooms on the first and third floor of the complex. The suspected shooter blended in with the crowd of fleeing students and was arrested in a residential area of neighboring Coral Springs after walking away from the school.[273] He was later charged with murder and attempted murder.[274] The suspect had sat down at a McDonald’s, then went to a nearby Subway.
February 24, 2018 Savannah, Georgia 1 0 Savannah State University: A non-student was shot on campus and later died.[275]
February 27, 2018 Itta Bena, Mississippi 0 1 Mississippi Valley State University: A person was shot in a recreation center. The injury was not life-threatening.[276]
February 27, 2018 Norfolk, Virginia 0 1 Norfolk State University: A student was shot from an adjacent dorm room while doing homework. He was not seriously injured.[277]
March 2, 2018 Mount Pleasant, Michigan 2 0 Central Michigan University shooting: 19-year-old student James Eric Davis Jr. shot and killed his mother and father when they came to campus to take him home for spring break. After the shooting Davis fled and the campus was placed on lockdown. Around 15 hours later police arrested him and took him to a local hospital. The incident disrupted the travel plans of students and campus activities for several days. Davis was charged with two counts of murder and one count of unlawful possession of a firearm used to commit murder however the judge found Davis insane and was put in a Psychiatric facility.[278][279][280][281]
March 7, 2018 Birmingham, Alabama 1 2 Huffman High School: One student was killed and another injured when shots were fired in the school building, prompting the school to go into lockdown shortly after the bell rang for school dismissal. Law enforcement originally labeled the shooting as “accidental”.[282] Subsequently, 17-year-old male student Michael Barber was charged with manslaughter and was charged as “being a certain person forbidden to possess a pistol”.[283] Although the school has metal detectors, they were not being used that day.[284] School resource officers were onsite at the time of the shooting.[283] Barber was sentenced to 12 months in jail.[285]
March 7, 2018 Jackson, Mississippi 0 1 Jackson State University: A student was shot inside a dormitory. His injuries were not life-threatening.[286]
March 8, 2018 Mobile, Alabama 0 1 University of South Alabama: One person was hospitalized after a shooting on campus.[287]
March 9, 2018 Lexington, Kentucky 0 1[n 1] Frederick Douglass High School: A 16-year-old male student unintentionally shot himself with a gun he had smuggled into a classroom, sustaining an injury to his left thumb. Police announced they were charging him with wanton endangerment and possession of a weapon on school property. After the shooting, the school superintendent announced that stationary metal detectors would be installed and all students would be required to enter through them.[288]
March 13, 2018 Seaside, California 0 1 Seaside High School: A teacher accidentally discharged a firearm while teaching a public safety class, injuring one student.[289]
March 20, 2018 Great Mills, Maryland 2[n 1] 1 Great Mills High School: The school was placed on lockdown after a shooting occurred in the morning. A 17-year-old male student, armed with a handgun, shot and fatally injured a female student (with whom he had a prior relationship) and wounded a male student. The student shot himself in the head, fatally, while the school resource officer simultaneously shot at him.


April 12, 2018 Raytown, Missouri 0 1 South Middle School: A man was shot in the stomach in the parking lot during a track meet.[291]
April 20, 2018 Ocala, Florida 0 1 Forest High School: A student shot through the door of the school with a Sawed-off shotgun shortly before a national school walkout for gun control measures. The student had recently dropped out and had planned a much more serious school shooting. His injuries were not life-threatening. Sky Bouche, the 19-year-old former student was arrested.[292]
May 11, 2018 Palmdale, California 0 1 Highland High School: A 14-year-old former student allegedly fired a semi-automatic rifle shortly before classes were to begin. A 15-year-old was struck in the shoulder but went into surgery and was expected to recover fully. The suspect ditched the gun in a field and was arrested nearby, and faces a charge of attempted murder.[293]
May 16, 2018 Dixon, Illinois 0 1[n 1] Dixon High School: A 19-year-old student recently kicked off the football team allegedly fired shots prior to graduation rehearsal. A school resource officer shot the suspect, who suffered non-life-threatening injuries.[294][295]
May 18, 2018 Santa Fe, Texas 10 13[n 1] Santa Fe High School shooting: The school was evacuated when fire alarms were pulled at 7:45 am after a gunman opened fire on multiple students with a Remington 870 shotgun and a .38 caliber revolver, killing ten people. The accused shooter, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis, started shooting in the art room, then went through the art hallway. Responding police officers then engaged Pagourtzis in a gunfight which lasted for 25 minutes, before Pagourtzis was wounded and taken into custody.[296] Multiple IEDs, pressure cookers, Molotov cocktails, pipe bombs, propane tanks, and other homemade explosives were also found around the school and parking lot.[297] Pagourtzis is currently awaiting trial for capital murder and faces a sentence of up to 40 years to life in prison.
May 18, 2018 Jonesboro, Georgia 1 3 Mount Zion High School: An argument led to a shooting in a parking lot after a high school graduation ceremony for graduates of Perry Learning Center. Mount Zion High School provided overflow parking for people attending the ceremony.[298]
May 25, 2018 Noblesville, Indiana 0 2 Noblesville West Middle School shooting: Two people were shot and injured in a shooting at Noblesville West Middle School in Noblesville, Indiana. The shooter is an unnamed middle school student who exited his science classroom and re-entered with a gun. When he returned, he shot a female student and the science teacher, identified as Jason Seaman. Seaman was shot in the abdomen, hip, and forearm. The gun was wrestled away by Seaman after both he and the female student were shot.[299][300]
August 4, 2018 Edgewood, Maryland 1 0 19-year-old Thailek Jacob Willis was found in a car in the parking lot of Edgewood High School suffering from a gunshot wound to the upper torso and later died at a local hospital.[301] 15-year-old Jaylin Jerome Brown and 16-year-old Yasin Wallace Powell were later charged with murder and armed robbery as they each were accused of shooting the victim in after attempting to rob him during a drug deal.[302] Brown was found guilty and convicted of second-degree murder, first-degree assault, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony or violent crime, and the possession of a firearm by a person under age 21 and Powell plead guilty to armed robbery and use of a handgun in a felony and was sentenced to 20 years in prison with all but five years suspended.[303]
August 17, 2018 Wellington, Florida 0 2 Two people were shot and injured at a football game in Palm Beach Central High School in Wellington, Florida.[304]
August 20, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia 0 0 A shootout erupted on the campus of Georgia State University the night before classes started.[305]
August 30, 2018 San Francisco, California 0 1 One student was injured when two students were joking around about guns, and one student discharged a firearm at Balboa High School in San Francisco, California. 4 students were arrested in this incident, and 2 were allowed to go back to school. The school was on lockdown along with three other schools in the area for two hours.[306]
September 5, 2018 Providence, Rhode Island 1 1[n 1] William Parsons, a 15-year-old student at Central High School, was shot and killed outside Providence Career and Technical Academy in Providence, Rhode Island. Police said that two young men got into an altercation and shots were fired, hitting the victim, who was uninvolved. The 16-year-old shooter Joel Leocra accidentally shot and injured himself while trying to get away, under a mile from the scene.[307] Leocra was sentenced to life in prison plus 10 years and must serve at least 25 years before being eligible for parole.[308]
September 10, 2018 Memphis, Tennessee 0 1 A teen girl was injured after shots were fired into school bus full of students attending Fairley High School.[309]
September 11, 2018 North Las Vegas, Nevada 1 0 18-year-old student Dalvin Brown was shot at Canyon Springs High School near the baseball field and later died of his injuries at a hospital.[310] 16-year-old Kayin French was arrested in connection to Brown’s death shortly after the incident. His trial was scheduled for February 3, 2020.[311]
October 29, 2018 Matthews, North Carolina 1 1 A David W. Butler High School freshman, 16-year-old Jatwan Craig Cuffie, fatally shot sophomore Bobby McKeithen. Cuffie is in custody and charged with first-degree murder.[312][313] Cuffie was sentenced to 80 to 108 months in prison after pleading guilty to manslaughter.[314]
December 13, 2018 Richmond, Indiana 1[n 1] 0 14-year-old Brandon Clegg[315] attempted a shooting on Dennis Intermediate School. He took two guns and threatened to kill his mother’s ex-boyfriend if he did not drive him to the school.[316] After his mother called 911, police arrived just before he was able to begin his attack. After exchanging shots with officers, Clegg shot his way through a locked glass door and entered the school, where he continued to shoot at officers. After he was cornered in one of the school’s stairwell, Clegg committed suicide by shooting himself.[317]
January 2, 2019 Jersey City, New Jersey 0 0 School resource officer Dana Jackson, assigned to Snyder High School, was cleaning his service weapon when it discharged. No injuries were reported. Jackson was removed from his assignment at the school.[318]
January 3, 2019 Miami, Florida 0 0 Two men were involved in an altercation on the campus of Florida International University when one of the men pulled out a gun and fired into the air. Both men were detained, and no injuries were reported.[319]
January 4, 2019 Columbus, Mississippi 0 1 A former student at the Mississippi University for Women was shot and injured, causing a multi-hour lockdown and a search for a gunman. Police stated they were investigating whether the wound was self-inflicted. No one has been detained in relation to the crime.[320]
January 7, 2019 Belmont, California 1 0 Seventeen-year-old Mohammad Othman was fatally shot in the parking lot of Central Elementary School. Police believe the shooter had a connection to Othman, but neither the shooter nor Othman had a relation to the elementary school.[321]
January 11, 2019 Eugene, Oregon 1[n 1] 0 A man involved in a custody battle arrived at Cascade Middle School and became enraged. As he was being escorted from the school by police, he began struggling and pulled a gun, according to authorities. The man was shot and killed by the officers. No one else was injured.[322]
January 19, 2019 Overland Park, Kansas 0 2 A 16-year-old boy was shot in the head, and a 15-year-old boy was also injured, in a possible robbery incident in a parking lot of Lakewood Middle School in Overland Park, Kansas. The school was not in session at the time. Both victims are expected to recover.[323]
January 25, 2019 Mobile, Alabama 0 2 Two males were wounded after basketball game at Davidson High School, but between Blount High School and Murphy High School, the 15-year-old suspect fled the scene before law enforcement arrived and was not arrested until February 8. His mother was arrested for harboring a fugitive.[324][325]
January 30, 2019 Lithonia, Georgia 0 1 A man running on the Miller Grove High School track saw someone trying to break into his car, which was parked on school property. When the man confronted the person breaking into his car, he was shot once. The man was taken to a local hospital and listed in stable condition.[326]
January 30, 2019 Prairie View, Texas 0 0 Shots were fired at Prairie View A&M University’s Village 1 basketball court, according to officials. No injuries were reported. Officials are still searching for suspects.[327]
January 31, 2019 Memphis, Tennessee 0 1 At Manassas High School, a 14-year-old student was shot by a pellet gun.[328]
January 31, 2019 Humble, Texas 0 1 Seventeen-year-old Mikael Neciosup, a student at Atascocita High School, was arrested after shooting a 16-year-old classmate who was trying to buy marijuana from him. The victim suffered wounds to the foot and torso which were not life-threatening. Neciosup posted Snapchat videos mocking deputies and bragging about the shooting as he was being arrested. He was charged with aggravated assault and is being held on bond.[329]
February 8, 2019 Baltimore, Maryland 0 1 A 25-year-old was confronted by an adult staff member of Frederick Douglass High School as to his purpose on being on school grounds. In response, the gunman shot and injured the staff member.[330]
February 11, 2019 Seaside, California 0 0 A student fired a gun in Seaside High School during a verbal altercation with other students. Nobody was injured in the incident.[331]
February 12, 2019 Kansas City, Missouri 1 0 During a basketball game at the Central Academy of Excellence, an argument between two groups led to the groups being escorted out in a staggered fashion. However, as the second group was being escorted out 15-year-old Anjanique Wright in the group was shot and later pronounced dead at the hospital. Two female students (Jamya D. Norfleet, 21 and Taylor McMillon, 18) were charged with her murder.[332][333][334][335] In February 2021 Norfleet pled guilty to second degree murder and unlawful use of a weapon and was sentenced in April to 28 years in prison. McMillon pled guilty in March to voluntary manslaughter and was scheduled for sentencing in June.[336]
February 14, 2019 Rio Rancho, New Mexico 0 0 Sixteen-year-old student Joshua Owen discharged a single shot in the hallway of Cleveland High School prior to classes beginning. The school was evacuated to a soccer field and then to a nearby arena where students were reunited with their parents. Authorities have not commented on whether Owen was targeting anyone or a possible motive. Owen faced charges of attempted murder, unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon, and unlawful possession of a handgun. Owens suffers from mental illness and was found not fit to stand trial. No injuries were reported.[337][338][335]
February 17, 2019 Arapahoe County, Colorado 1 0 Two adult men in an ongoing dispute about a parking space agreed to meet at Eaglecrest High School to settle the dispute. During the argument, 31-year-old Marcus Johnson produced a handgun and shot 46-year-old Anthony “T.J.” Cunningham. Johnson then fled the campus, returned home and called 911 to report the shooting. He was arrested when deputies arrived at his home. Cunningham, a former CU football player drafted by the Seattle Seahawks, died the next day of his wounds. Johnson is charged with first-degree murder.[337][339][340]
February 26, 2019 Montgomery, Alabama 0 1 At Robert E. Lee High School, Michael Woods a 17-year-old student was shot and wounded in the arm. The gunman, a fellow student, had previously shot another student at the school in less than a two-year period.[328][335]
February 28, 2019 Cheyenne, Wyoming 0 0 A 17-year-old student at Cheyenne South High School fired a gun toward an unoccupied vehicle in the school parking lot, shattering its window. The student was arrested on suspicion of discharging a firearm in city limits, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, felony burglary, and larceny. No injuries were reported.[337][341]
March 7, 2019 Grambling, Louisiana 0 1 A Grambling State University student was injured after an accidental discharge in a dorm by a friends gun.[342]
March 22, 2019 Blounstville, Alabama 0 1 A substitute teacher at Blountsville Elementary School, unlawfully brought a small-caliber weapon into the classroom, which discharged while in his pocket. One student reportedly had minor injuries, and the substitute was arrested.[343]
March 27, 2019 Holmes County, Mississippi 0 1 A 10-year-old student was struck in the hand by gunfire that some claim was fired by another student on the bus, while school district officials claim it was a drive-by shooting.[344]
April 1, 2019 Prescott, Arkansas 0 1 A 14-year-old male student with a concealed weapon shot a 14-year-old classmate at Prescott High School in what police described as a “premeditated attack”. The victim was airlifted to a nearby hospital and is in stable condition. The shooter was apprehended by school resource officers.[345] the shooter was charged as a juvenile[335]
April 25, 2019 Texas City, Texas 0 3 At College of the Mainland, a police cadet student, 21-year-old Clayton Whatley, reached into his backpack and accidentally discharged a loaded handgun. Two other students were shot in the leg, and a third was grazed.[346]
April 25, 2019 Stone Mountain, Georgia 0 10 At a teen armed with a pellet gun fired at Wynbrooke Elementary School inflicting minor injuries on 10 children. The shooter pled guilty to 10 counts of aggravated assault.[347][348]
April 30, 2019 Charlotte, North Carolina 2 4 University of North Carolina at Charlotte shooting: A shooter on the University of North Carolina at Charlotte campus killed two and injured four on the last day of classes.[349] Riley Howell, a student in the classroom, was credited with stopping the shooter.[328]
May 4, 2019 Eugene, Oregon 1 0 A 21-year-old Lane Community College student was killed outside a fraternity house at the University of Oregon.[350]
May 6, 2019 Riverview, Florida 0 0 A person shot through a window of an elementary school bus with 11 kids inside.[351]
May 7, 2019 Highlands Ranch, Colorado 1 8 STEM School Highlands Ranch shooting: Two shooters killed 1 student and injured 8 others at STEM School Highlands Ranch.[352]
May 7, 2019 Savannah, Georgia 0 1 A man who was not a student at Savannah State University shot and wounded a student at a residence hall.[328]
May 8, 2019 Chicago, Illinois 0 1 A 19-year-old student was shot in the neck and jaw at Second Chance High School when he and two friends were leaving the school by 18-year-old student Andres Salazar who was driving a car. Salazar was charged with attempted first-degree murder and aggravated battery with a firearm.[353]
May 17, 2019 Jacksonville, Florida 0 1 Arthur Davin Jones III, a 19-year-old student shot Shamon Micken, a 16-year-old student at Raines High School. Jones fled the state and was arrested days later in Georgia.[354] Jones is being charged with attempted murder and pled not guilty.
June 21, 2019 Flint, Michigan 0 1 During a basketball competition in the gym of Carman-Ainsworth High School during a fight involving dozens of people, shots were fired and Eithan Williams, a 15-year-old student was hit in the chest. Williams left the hospital four days later and doctors said he was lucky to be alive. Four students aged 14–16 were arrested.[355]
July 2, 2019 Anchorage, Alaska 0 1 At Williwaw Elementary School, a fight broke out on the basketball court which resulted in a teen being shot and injured.[356]
July 19, 2019 San Diego, California 0 0 At Monroe Clark Middle School, a teen fired a BB gun at the school, causing minor damage to the campus, then fled the scene, nobody was killed or injured in the incident.[357]
August 8, 2019 Montgomery, Alabama 0 0 38-year-old Isaiah Johnson, dropped his son off at Blount Elementary School, and then got into an argument with another father over a traffic dispute. He discharged a firearm into the father’s vehicle.[358][359][360][328]
August 27, 2019 Los Angeles, California 0 1 A student was standing in the lunch line was struck in the jaw by a bullet fired from off campus.[361][362]
August 30, 2019 Toledo, Ohio 0 1 As spectators were leaving a football game Central Catholic High School. a 16-year-old boy was shot by another teen, neither of the students attended Central Catholic High School and no fights happened before the shooting, no arrests were made.[363][364]
August 31, 2019 Mobile, Alabama 0 10 17-year-old Deangelo Dejuan Parnell shot 9 people during a confrontation at a stadium where a high school football game was being played. A tenth person suffered a stroke.[365]
September 6, 2019 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1 0 Near the end of a football game at Jeannette High School, Damien Williams and Greg Harper got into an argument outside the stadium, the argument escalated to the point where Williams was shot in the chest by Harper after Williams allegedly punched Harper twice. Williams died and Harper is charged with homicide and reckless endangerment. Harper pled not guilty and is claiming he acted in self-defense.[366]
September 13, 2019 Newport News, Virginia 0 3 After a football game at the school stadium, shots were fired and three teens ages 14 and 19 were injured. No arrests have been made.[367]
September 14, 2019 Fort Worth, Texas 0 2 As a youth football game was happening at Eastern Hills High School, parents got into a fight and shots were fired, injuring a woman and her 12-year-old daughter. Thirty-nine-year-old Chanita Holly was arrested and charged with making terroristic threats; a man who was reportedly wearing a skeleton mask is also a suspect in the incident and is believed to be the trigger man.[368]
September 20, 2019 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 0 2 During the second quarter of a football game between Imhotep Institute Charter High School and Mastery Gratz high school at Marcus memorial stadium, multiple gunshots were fired, a 15-year-old was shot in the thigh and a 14-year-old in the foot. The Police said multiple shell casings were found but it is unclear if the shooting happened in or outside the stadium. No suspects have been arrested.[369]
September 27, 2019 Richmond, California 0 3 As people were leaving a football game at De Anza High School against Pinole Valley High School a fight broke out, Gunshots were fired and three teens were injured, A 17-year-old boy was shot in the back of the head, A 16-year-old girl in the upper torso, and another 17-year-old boy in the leg. no arrests were made.[370]
October 13, 2019 Nashville, Tennessee 1 0 A 19-year-old student was found unconscious with a bullet wound to his abdomen. Authorities said there were no reports of a shooting or suspicious activity on campus. another student George Wells was later charged with reckless homicide.[371][372]
October 22, 2019 Santa Rosa, California 0 1 A 16-year-old student was shot twice, at least once in the abdomen, by a 17-year-old classmate across the street from Ridgway High School, an alternative school next to Santa Rosa High School. The victim was hospitalized in stable condition. The 17-year-old was arrested in a classroom, and the gun used was found later that night in a bush three miles away. He is charged with attempted murder.[373][374]
November 5, 2019 Hazleton, Pennsylvania 0 1 Four people were charged after a fight in Luzerne County that left three students hurt, one of them 19-year-old Noberto Polanco-Rodriguez admitted to shooting one of the students with an orange flare gun that caused a serious injury to one of the student’s arms and is charged with aggravated assault. Luis Arizmendy-Nunez, 22; Christhofany Maria, 19; and Jose Antonio Vargas,19, were charged with simple assault.[375]
November 11, 2019 Baltimore, Maryland 0 1 A 19-year-old student who was outside Reginald F. Lewis High School was approached by a masked man who shot him in the leg.[376]
November 13, 2019 Los Angeles, California 1 0 A man who was carrying a sword was Fatally shot by a deputy at the courtyard of Esteban Torres High School.[377]
November 14, 2019 Santa Clarita, California 3[n 1] 3 Saugus High School shooting: Five people were injured, two fatally, in a shooting at a courtyard of Saugus High School. The shooter, a 16-year-old male student, attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head. He was taken into custody and died the next day during hospitalization. The gun used was suspected by police to be a ghost gun.[378][379]
November 15, 2019 Pleasantville, New Jersey 1 2 Five men opened fire during a playoff game between the Camden Panthers and the Pleasantville Greyhounds at Pleasantville High School, injuring a 15-year-old boy, a 27-year-old male, and fatally injuring a 10-year-old boy. All five were later arrested for the random act of violence however the injured 27 year-old (who is believed to be the shooters target) has also been charged with unlawful possession of a handgun.[380][381][382][335] The alleged shooter Alvin Wyatt has been charged with murder and attempted murder.[374]
November 23, 2019 Union City, California 2 0 Two boys, aged 11 and 14-years-old were shot in the parking lot of the Searles Elementary School around 1 am, while sitting in a minivan. Both boys died of their wounds, one at the scene and the other at the hospital.[383] 18-year-old Jason Cornejo of Castro Valley and a 17-year-old juvenile from Hayward were arrested on February 14, 2020. The shooing had possible gang motivations.[384]
November 26, 2019 Salmon Creek, Washington 2[n 1] 1 At Sarah J. Anderson Elementary school, Keland Hill shot and killed his estranged wife Tiffany and wounded Tiffany’s mother in while Tiffany and Keland’s three children were with them while they were in a vehicle in the schools parking lot. Tiffany had a restraining order against Keland for domestic violence. Keland shot and killed himself after a short car chase with deputies.[385]
December 2, 2019 Waukesha, Wisconsin 0 1[n 1] A 17-year-old male student who brought a handgun to Waukesha South High School was shot by a police officer after pointing his gun at him and was in stable condition. The gun was later determined to be a pellet gun.[386]
December 3, 2019 Oshkosh, Wisconsin 0 2[n 1] Grant Fuhrman, a 16-year-old male student at Oshkosh High School was shot by resource officer Mike Wissink after stabbing him with a barbecue fork and was in stable condition. Fuhrman was charged with attempted intentional homicide.[387][388]
December 4, 2019 Jackson, Mississippi 0 1 An individual who was not a student was shot at the edge of campus by a shooter driving a Honda Accord. This resulted in a campus lockdown. One person was injured and transported to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries.[389]
December 16, 2019 New Haven, Connecticut 0 1 A man dropping off his child at the Catholic Academy of New Haven was shot and wounded, and 7 of 10 bullets that were fired in the incident struck the school building. A bullet tore into the walls of a pre-school classroom; no children were hurt.[390]
December 19, 2019 Naples, Florida 1 0 A 28-year-old woman was shot and killed at Lely High School and her shooter, 50-year-old Jose Alfredo Avila Pena who was in a relationship with the victim was charged with second-degree murder. The Principal of the school said the shooting was the result of a domestic violence incident.[389][391] Pena was sentenced to life in prison.[392]


Date Location Deaths Injuries Description
January 8, 2020 Belle Glade, Florida 0 1 An individual who was not a student accidentally shot himself in the leg in the parking lot of Glades Central High School.[393]
January 11, 2020 Dallas, Texas 1 1 A 15-year-old has been arrested after two people were wounded by gunfire during a fight at a high school basketball game between South Oak Cliff and Kimball High School. An 18-year-old man was badly wounded in the shooting, and a Dallas ISD police officer was grazed by a bullet fragment. The 15-year-old suspect, who turned himself in at Dallas police headquarters, was initially charged with aggravated assault;[394] however, after the 18-year-old student died from his injuries, the suspect was charged with murder.[395]
January 14, 2020 Bellaire, Texas 1 0 A 19-year-old student was shot in the chest and killed at Bellaire High School. A 16-year-old student was arrested and charged with manslaughter.[396][397]
January 14, 2020 Fort Worth, Texas 0 2 An adult male and a 10-year-old child were injured at North Crowley Ninth Grade Campus after a youth basketball game.[398][399]
January 23, 2020 Oxnard, California 0 1 A stray bullet fired during a street altercation struck a 9-year-old student at McAuliffe Elementary School.[400]
January 31, 2020 Antioch, California 1 0 A 16-year-old student was killed after a large fight broke out after a basketball game at Deer Valley High School.[401]
February 3, 2020 Commerce, Texas 2 1 Jacques Dshawn Smith, 21, gained access to Pride Rock Residence hall at Texas A&M University–Commerce, where he is suspected of shooting his ex-girlfriend Abbaney Matts, 20, and her sister Deja Matts, 19, to death. Abbaney’s two-year-old son was also injured during the shooting.[402][403]
February 4, 2020 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1 0 A 22-year-old employee of the Louisiana Culinary Institute was killed in the Institutes parking lot by the ex-boyfriend of his girlfriend. The ex-boyfriend was later arrested, and claimed he didn’t know the weapon was loaded and planned to use it as a scare tactic.[404]
March 5, 2020 Weston, Florida 0 1 A school security officer was with a school maintenance worker in the parking lot of Sagemount School when he unintentionally shot the worker in the eye. The officer was unauthorized to have the weapon on campus.[405]
March 11, 2020 Shenango Township, Pennsylvania 0 2 A school van carrying seven elementary school students was shot at by Byron Benetas, two bullets hit the van however nobody was hit although two children were injured by flying glass, Benetas was arrested a short time later and later pled guilty to aggravated assault and reckless endangerment in exchange for other charges, including attempted murder, being dropped and he was sentenced to three to six years imprisonment and two years’ probation.[406][407]
March 15, 2020 Humble, Texas 1 0 A large group of men jumped a fence to gain access to Atascocita High Schools football field, when an argument escalated and a 19-year-old was killed.[408]
July 27, 2020 Oro Valley, Arizona 1 0 A worker fixing the roof of Canyon del Oro High School was fatally wounded after his unholstered weapon accidentally discharged.[409]
July 29, 2020 Collinsville, Illinois 0 1 Responding officers to a report of a student in distress at Collinsville High School, opened fire after a 17-year-old pointed a weapon at them, wounding the teenager.[410]
September 16, 2020 Sonora, California 1 0 At Sonora High School in downtown Sonora, a student named Eric Aguiar, 17, was shot and killed in the High School’s parking lot.[411]
September 16, 2020 Macomb, Illinois 0 1 Kavion Poplous, 18, was arrested and charged with attempted first-degree murder, aggravated battery, and aggravated discharge of a firearm in the shooting of a student in a dorm at Western Illinois University.[412][413]
September 19, 2020 San Francisco, California 0 0 At Krouzian-Zekarian-Vasbouragan Armenian School, a shooting happened and it is believed to be a hate crime targeting the Armenian people, nobody was killed or injured in the shooting.[414][415]
December 17, 2020 Birmingham, Alabama 1 0 A 20-year-old University of Alabama at Birmingham student was shot and killed in a campus parking lot outside the student center. Investigators believed the shooting occurred during an arranged meeting to sell headphones.[416]
February 26, 2021 New Orleans, Louisiana 1 0 A Tulane University police officer was shot and killed after trying to break up a fight at a high school basketball game at George Washington Carver High School.[417]
March 1, 2021 Pine Bluff, Arkansas 1 0 A 15-year-old student was killed in a targeted shooting at Watson Chapel Junior High School.[418]
March 8, 2021 Chesterfield, South Carolina 0 1 A woman wounded her son-in-law in the parking lot of Edwards Elementary School while school was in session, before fleeing the area.[419]
April 12, 2021 Knoxville, Tennessee 1[n 1] 1 A student armed with a handgun was shot and killed after a confrontation with a police officer at Austin-East High School. One officer was shot but survived.[420]
April 26, 2021 Plymouth, Minnesota 0 0 An unidentified 6th-grade student fired several shots from a handgun into the ceiling in a hallway within Plymouth Middle School. He was taken into custody by police without incident. There were no reported casualties.[421]
April 27, 2021 Smyrna, Delaware 1 0 A man shot and killed his wife in the parking lot of Smyrna Middle School after an argument prior to them picking up their child for a doctors appointment. Police later determined that he had killed a female friend of his wife. The man was killed in a car crash attempting to flee from police.[422]
May 6, 2021 Rigby, Idaho 0 3 Two students and one custodian were shot and wounded by a 6th-grade female student who opened fire inside Rigby Middle School in the morning hours of May 6, 2021. The perpetrator was disarmed by a teacher and taken into custody by police.[423]
August 13, 2021 Albuquerque, New Mexico 1 0 A 13-year-old student allegedly shot and killed another 13-year-old student, Bennie Hargrove, during a lunch hour at Washington Middle School.[424][425]
August 18, 2021 Orangeburg, South Carolina 0 3 A 14-year-old student allegedly opened fire in the parking lot of Orangeburg-Wilkinson High School while students were leaving for the day, wounding three.[426]
August 27, 2021 Woodridge, Virginia 0 2 A teenager wounded two others in the parking of Freedom High School after two groups got into a fight after a football game.[427]
August 27, 2021 Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania 1 4 A drive by shooting following a high school football game at Academy Park High School wounded a civilian, resulting in police at the game firing back. Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer says there is a “high probability” that the police gunfire struck four people, including a 8-year-old girl who was killed.[428][429]
August 27, 2021 Wilmington, North Carolina 0 1 A student was shot during a fight at New Hanover High School. Another student, Chance Debalo was charged with attempted murder.[430] Deablo plead guilty to intent to kill with a deadly weapon, resulting in injury, and discharging a firearm on school grounds and he was sentenced to over four years in prison.[431]
September 1, 2021 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 1 0 A student was shot and killed at Mount Tabor High School. Suspect, another student at the school, has been taken into custody.[432]
September 4, 2021 Towson, Maryland 0 3 Three people, including one student, were shot on the campus of Towson University during a gathering at 2 am. The gathering was not organized by the university or any student organization.[433]
September 7, 2021 Buena Park, California 1[n 1] 0 Cedric Baxter drove his SUV into a school bus driven by his estranged wife then opened fire on it, a six-year old child was also on the bus though neither the child or the driver were injured by the gunfire, Baxter then drove away from the scene which resulted in a high speed chase until the car crashed and Baxter was killed by the police in a shootout [434]
September 20, 2021 Newport News, Virginia 0 4 Two people were wounded after a shooting at Heritage High School. Another two students were hospitalized for non-shooting injuries.[435]
September 21, 2021 Wichita, Kansas 0 3 Two students were shot and a third grazed outside Wichita East High School.[436]
September 24, 2021 Fairfield, Alabama 0 1 A man was wounded during a football game at Fairfield High Preparatory School, while tailgating in the parking lot. The gunfire seemed to come from off of the school campus.[437]
September 30, 2021 Memphis, Tennessee 0 1 One student was shot in Cummings Elementary School.[438]
September 30, 2021 Newton, Mississippi 0 1 A 7-year-old student was injured after a gun accidentally discharged from the backpack of another student at Newton Elementary School.[439]
October 1, 2021 Houston, Texas 0 1 A former student walked into the YES Prep Southwest school and opened fire wounding the principal as he attempted to lock down the school.[440]
October 6, 2021 Arlington, Texas 0 4 An adult shooter opened fire in Mansfield Timberview High School after a fight escalated; four people were injured, including a 15 year-old and a teacher.[441]
October 12, 2021 Chicago, Illinois 0 2 Someone across the street from Wendell Phillips Academy High School in Bronzeville opened fire during dismissal, wounding a student and a security guard.[442]
October 13, 2021 Grambling, Louisiana 1 1 An eighteen-year-old opened fire at Grambling State University and wounded a 16-year-old and killed a 19-year-old before fleeing campus.[443]
October 17, 2021 Grambling, Louisiana 1 7 A gunman opened fire at Grambling State University in the early morning outside a dining hall where students were celebrating homecoming. One person was killed and seven wounded.[444]
November 1, 2021 Madison, Mississippi 0 0 A woman accidentally fired her gun while reaching for her phone during a basketball game at the Rosa Scott School. No one was injured.[445]
November 19, 2021 Aurora, Colorado 0 3 Three students were shot in the parking lot of Hinkley High School. No fatalities were reported.[446]
November 26, 2021 Campbell, California 0 2 Two men were wounded in the parking lot of Westmont High School during a football game.[447]
November 29, 2021 Phoenix, Arizona 0 1 A student wounded another in a bathroom of Cesar Chavez High School after a gun-sale gone bad. The wounded individual realized that the money he received in the sale was fake and was shot in the argument.[448]
November 30, 2021 Oxford Township, Michigan 4 7 Oxford High School shooting: A 15-year-old sophomore was taken into custody. Seven people, including a teacher, were injured, and four died. An investigation is ongoing as of December 1, 2021.[449]
November 30, 2021 Humboldt, Tennessee 1 2 A man was killed and two others wounded two hours into a pair of basketball games between Humboldt High School and North Side. The shooting occurred outside the gym near the concessions.[450]
December 6, 2021 Wilmington, California 1 2 A 12-year-old was killed and his step-mother wounded when a teenager opened fire on their vehicle outside the Wilmington Park Elementary School. A 9-year-old in the playground was also injured.[451]
December 8, 2021 Kansas City, Missouri 0 2 Two teenagers were wounded in the parking lot of Ewing Marion Kauffman School during a basketball game.[452]
January 4, 2022 Rockford, Illinois 0 2 Two 17-year-olds were wounded while sitting in a car, in the parking lot of Auburn High School around 1pm. Three juveniles fled and were later arrested.[453]
January 9, 2022 Murfreesboro, North Carolina 0 0 An unknown individual discharged a gun in a Chowan University dorm room, no injuries were reported and the bullet was located later in a fridge.[454]
January 11, 2022 Albuquerque, New Mexico 0 0 A shooting occurred in the parking lot of Valley High School during a basketball game, no injuries were reported.[455]
January 19, 2022 Sanford, Florida 0 1 A 16-year-old student wounded an 18-year-old student around noon at Seminole High School over a disagreement about a dead relative.[456]
January 19, 2022 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1 0 A 15-year-old boy boarded a school van to go home when school was being dismissed at Oliver Citywide Academy. Two masked gunmen approached the van and shot the boy twice in the chest. The boy was taken to the hospital where he later died.[457]
January 21, 2022 Derwood, Maryland 0 1 A 17-year-old boy shot and wounded a 15-year-old boy in a bathroom at Colonel Zadok Magruder High School. The victim was hospitalized, and the shooter was taken into custody.[458]
January 29, 2022 Beloit, Wisconsin 1 0 A 19-year old man (suspected to be Amaree Goodall) shot and killed another 19-year-old man, Jion Broomfield in the parking lot of Beloit Memorial High School. The victim was admitted to a nearby hospital around 9:07 P.M. CST with a gunshot wound to his leg and died shortly after. As of March 3, 2021, Goodall, a native of Madison, has not been captured at this time, although a warrant has been issues for his arrest.[459][460][461][462]
February 1, 2022 Richfield, Minnesota 1 1 At the South Education Center, a fight broke out which resulted in 15-year old student Jahmari Rice being killed and a 17-year old student critically injured.[463][464]
February 1, 2022 Bridgewater, Virginia 2 1[n 1] Two campus police and security officers were shot and killed at Bridgewater College. The shooter was taken into custody and hospitalized for non-life-threatening injuries.[465]
February 8, 2022 Catonsville, Maryland 0 1 A 16-year-old was wounded in an apparent targeted shooting in Catonsville High Schools parking lot shortly after 3pm.[466]
March 4, 2022 Olathe, Kansas 0 3[n 1] An 18-year-old senior at Olathe East High School was called to the office on suspicion of carrying a gun. Upon arriving at the office, the senior, identified as Jaylon Elmore, shot and critically wounded a school resource officer and the principal. Though wounded, the school resource officer returned fire with his service pistol, injuring Elmore. All three persons were expected to recover. Elmore has since been charged with attempted capital murder.[467]
March 7, 2022 Des Moines, Iowa 1 2 Around 2:42 P.M. CST, shooters from multiple vehicles opened fire on a group of teenagers in front of East High School in a drive-by shooting. 3 teenagers, a 15-year-old targeted male, a 16-year-old female, and an 18-year-old female, were shot and transferred to hospitals where they were reported to be in critical condition. The targeted victim shortly died to his injuries. 6 teenagers were arrested in the following hours where they were later charged as adults for murder.[468]
March 31, 2022 Greenville, South Carolina 1 0 A 12-year-old student shot and killed another student at Tanglewood Middle School. The shooter was found under a deck at a nearby home.[469]
April 5, 2022 Erie, Pennsylvania 0 1 A student was wounded after multiple shots were fired at Erie High School around 9:20 am. No perpetrator was immediately identified and police were searching for a person who had fled campus shortly after the shooting.[470]

See also

  • List of School shootings in the United States by death toll
  • List of school-related attacks
  • Mass shootings in the United States
  • List of mass shootings in the United States
  • List of unsuccessful attacks related to schools


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh Including the suspect or perpetrator


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  • Breaux, Kia Shant’e. “3 die in Missouri abbey shooting |”. Retrieved November 28, 2016.
  • Chalmers, Phil (2009). Inside the Mind of a Teen Killer (illustrated ed.). Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson. ISBN 978-1-59555-152-8.
  • Crews, Gordon A. (2016). Critical Examinations of School Violence and Disturbance in K-12 Education. Hershey, Pennsylvania: Information Science Reference. ISBN 978-1-4666-9935-9.
  • Davies, Kim (2008). The Murder Book: Examining Homicide (illustrated ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-172401-3.
  • Dixon, David (2005). Never Come to Peace Again: Pontiac’s Uprising and the Fate of the British Empire in North America. University of Oklahoma Press (illustrated ed.). Norman, Oklahoma. ISBN 978-0-8061-3656-1.
  • Finley, Laura (2011). Encyclopedia of School Crime and Violence (1st ed.). Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-0-313-36239-2.
  • Finley, Laura (2014). School Violence: A Reference Handbook, 2nd Edition (2nd ed.). Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-61069-624-1.
  • Klein, Jessie (2013). The Bully Society: School Shootings and the Crisis of Bullying in America’s Schools (reprint ed.). New York, New York: New York University Press. ISBN 978-0-8147-6371-1.
  • Lebrun, Marcel (2008). Books, Blackboards, and Bullets: School Shootings and Violence in America (1st ed.). Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Education. ISBN 978-1-57886-904-6.
  • Middleton, Richard (2007). Pontiac’s War: Its Causes, Course and Consequences. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-97914-6.
  • Nash, Jay Robert (1992). World Encyclopedia of 20th Century Murder (1st ed.). Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-1-59077-532-5.
  • Perline, Irvin H.; Goldschmidt, Jona (2004). The Psychology and Law of Workplace Violence: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals and Employers (illustrated ed.). Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas Publisher. ISBN 978-0-398-07432-6.
  • Van Brunt, Brian (2012). Ending Campus Violence: New Approaches to Prevention. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-136-51494-4.

External links

  • School Safety Interim Study Committee – Indiana Legislative Services Agency (September 24, 2013)
  • Rapport fédéral sur la criminalité et la sécurité dans les écoles – Council for American Private Education (CAPE) (janvier 2015)
  • Indicateurs de la criminalité et de la sécurité à l’école : 2014 – National Center for Education Statistics (9 juillet 2015)
  • Indicateurs de la criminalité et de la sécurité à l’école : 2014 – Council of State Governments Justice Center (15 juillet 2015)
  • Conclusions sélectionnées des indicateurs de la criminalité et de la sécurité à l’école : 2014 – Symposium du Centre for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) (17 août 2015)
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