Is tamely a word?


Submissive; docile; fawning: tame obedience.

What is the meaning of tidily? Meaning of tidily in English

in an ordered way, with everything arranged in the right place: Put your clothes away tidily.

Likewise What means embittered?

transitive verb. 1 : to excite bitter feelings in embittered by divorce. 2 : to make bitter. Other Words from embitter Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About embitter.

What is the adverb of tame? tamely.

Is tidily a Scrabble word?

Yes, tidily is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the opposite of tidily? Antonyms & Near Antonyms for tidily. sloppily, slovenly.

How do you spell Diddy?

nounplural noun diddies

A fool. ‘what a diddy! ‘

How do you embitter someone? Embitter is defined as to cause someone to feel resentful or angry, or to give something a sharp taste. When you steal someone’s boyfriend and make her resent you, this is an example of when you embitter. Lemon added to candy is an example of something that embitters. To make bitter in flavor.

What are synonyms for embittered?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for embittered, like: angry, acrimonious, unfriendly, resentful, rancorous, soured, envenomed, bitter, hard, virulent and attitude. Words That Rhyme With Orange.

Is frailness a word? The condition of being infirm or physically weak: debility, decrepitude, delicacy, delicateness, feebleness, flimsiness, fragileness, fragility, frailty, infirmity, insubstantiality, puniness, unsoundness, unsubstantiality, weakliness, weakness.

What does tame a girl mean?

1 changed by man from a naturally wild state into a tractable, domesticated, or cultivated condition. 2 (of animals) not fearful of human contact. 3 lacking in spirit or initiative; meek or submissive.

Is it more tame or tamer? Frequency: One who tames or subdues. Comparative form of tame: more tame.

Which term means tamed?

Definition of tame

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : reduced from a state of native wildness especially so as to be tractable and useful to humans : domesticated tame animals. 2 : made docile and submissive : subdued. 3 : lacking spirit, zest, interest, or the capacity to excite : insipid a tame campaign.

What is the opposite of unknowing? Adjective. ▲ Opposite of having no knowledge of a situation or fact. informed. conversant.

What is the opposite of shamefully?

Opposite of in an immoral or evil manner. honestly. sincerely. morally. truthfully.

Is ditty a word in English? noun, plural dit·ties. a poem intended to be sung. a short, simple song.

What is a dotty?

Definition of dotty

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : mentally unbalanced : crazy. b : amiably eccentric a dotty old relative. 2 : being obsessed or infatuated dotty fans.

What does Diddy mean in Scotland? In Scotland, ‘Diddy’ means: a female breast. “The gobshite shouted ‘Show us yer diddies’, so I kicked him in the shins.”

What is the opposite of embitter?

embitter. Antonyms: abate, alleviate, assuage, lessen, lighten, mitigate, moderate, reduce, relieve, remove, soften. Synonyms: aggravate, augment, enhance, heighten, increase, intensify, magnify, make worse.

What is the opposite of embittered? embitter. Antonyms: abate, alleviate, assuage, lessen, lighten, mitigate, moderate, reduce, relieve, remove, soften. Synonyms: aggravate, augment, enhance, heighten, increase, intensify, magnify, make worse.

How do you use embittered in a sentence?

cause to be bitter or resentful.

  1. Failure has embittered her.
  2. The loss of all his money embitter the old man.
  3. The artist was embittered by public neglect.
  4. He was embittered by his failures.
  5. These injustices embittered her even more.
  6. He died a disillusioned and embittered old man.

What is meaning of disaffected? Definition of disaffected

: discontented and resentful especially against authority : rebellious disaffected youth.

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