Is recognizability a word?


(countable) The result of being recognizable. (uncountable) The quality of being recognizable.

What does being recognized mean? 1 : to acknowledge formally: such as. a : to admit as being lord or sovereign. b : to admit as being of a particular status.

Likewise How do you say recognizability?

What part of speech is recognizable? Able to be recognized.

How do you recognize someone?

Face recognition is its most studied aspect, but is only one of a number of access points to the process of recognizing people. One can identify people by their voice, their name, and other cues such as body habitus, personal belongings, handwriting, gait and body motion (Ardila, 1993; Bruyer, 1990).

How do you describe someone recognizing you? If you recognize someone or something, you know who that person is or what that thing is. The receptionist recognized him at once. If someone says that they recognize something, they acknowledge that it exists or that it is true.

Is it recognize or RecogniSe?

British English lists an alternate spelling as recognise, but the main entry is recognize. North Americans (yes, that includes Canada) prefer the ize spelling, and this is accepted everywhere. However, outside North America some prefer the ise spelling and it is not incorrect.

How do you use Recognisable in a sentence? It’s not an exact likeness, but it’s recognisable as my father. 7. The voice down the line was instantly recognisable, and instantly unwelcome.

What is a recognizable language?

Recognizable Language A Turing machine M recognizes language L if L = L(M). We say L is Turing-recognizable (or simply recognizable) if there is a TM M such that L = L(M). Decidable Language A Turing machine M decides language L if L = L(M) and M halts on all inputs.

Is it Recognisable or recognizable? As adjectives the difference between recognisable and recognizable. is that recognisable is able to be recognised while recognizable is able to be recognized.

What does it mean when someone doesn’t recognize you?

“Barely recognize you” simply means that they haven’t seen you for a long time, and they are exaggerating the effects of that time apart. You’ve grown up so much in the time you have been apart that your appearance has noticeably changed.

How can I recognize my face better?

How do you describe something noticing?

synonym study for notice

Notice, discern, perceive imply becoming aware of, and paying attention to, something.

What’s the word for noticing things? What is another word for noticing?

attentive observant
heedful mindful
aware focused US
vigilant acute
heeding perceptive

What is it called when someone notices everything?

(əbzɜrvənt ) adjective. Someone who is observant pays a lot of attention to things and notices more about them than most people do.

How do u spell ANOF? Correct pronunciation for the word “ANOF” is [ˈanɒf], [ˈanɒf], [ˈa_n_ɒ_f].

Is recognize an American word?

When to Use Recognise

Recognise is an alternate spelling of the same verb. It means the same thing and can be used in all the same contexts. Recognise is more common in British English than it is in American English. That said, even the British prefer recognize—and have for some time.

How do you spell recognize in Australia? Please let us know of any more by sending us an email.


American Spelling Australian Spelling
recognize recognise
stylized stylised
summarize summarise
theater theatre

How do you use governance in a sentence?

Governance sentence example

  1. The strong governance set up by Henry II. …
  2. Certain municipalities have, however, obtained special acts for their governance . …
  3. The bewildering succession of health service reforms has changed the fundamental governance and accountability arrangements of the NHS.

Is L accept recognizable? Thus, L is a Turing Recognizable Language (since the TM M recognizes it).

What is a recognizer Turing Machine?

Turing Recognizable means there is a Turing Machine that accepts all strings in that language. Note that the machine does not have to reject strings which are not in the language, in other words, this machine is allowed to loop forever on strings which are not in the language.

Is ETM Turing recognizable? ETM is not Turing-recognizable. Rice’s Theorem: Every nontrivial property of the Turing-recognizable languages is undecidable.

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