Is Perezoso masculine or feminine?



number feminine masculine
plural perezosas perezosos
singular perezosa perezoso

Simply so How do you spell gross like disgusting? When something is gross, it’s disgusting. The noun, a gross, is the complete amount (before expenses), and the verb “to gross” is to bring in money.

Does Trabajador mean hardworking? hardworking, also UK: hard-working adj. trabajador/a adj.

also Does perezoso have an accent? A perezoso (accent on the second to the last syllable) is the Spanish word for sloth, yes sloth! And, just as in English, in Spanish the word also means lazy or sloth-like.

What’s the opposite of perezoso?

58 Cards in this Set

What is the opposite of serio tonto
opposite of perezoso trabajador
opposite of rubio moreno
opposite of antpatico simpatico
opposite of bajo alto

When did gross become slang? This connotation appears to have become popular as a slang term among teenagers in the ’60s/’70s, but its earliest usage appears to date from 1958: Meaning “disgusting” is first recorded 1958 in U.S. student slang, from earlier use as an intensifier of unpleasant things ( gross stupidity , etc.)

What are gross words?

29 of the most gross-sounding words in the English language

  • Moist.
  • Blog.
  • Lugubrious.
  • Yolk.
  • Gurgle.
  • Phlegm.
  • Fetus.
  • Curd.

What is a stronger word for gross? disgusting, repellent, repulsive, abhorrent, loathsome, detestable, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, stomach-churning, stomach-turning, off-putting, unpalatable, unappetizing, uninviting, unsavoury, distasteful, foul, nasty, obnoxious, odious. North American vomitous. informal yucky, icky, sick-making, gut-churning.

What is Deportista in masculine form?

Usage notes

The noun deportista is like several other Spanish nouns with a human referent and ending in a. The masculine articles and adjectives are used when the referent is known to be male, a group of males, a group of mixed or unknown gender, or an individual of unknown or unspecified gender.

What is the opposite of Trabajador? The opposite of “trabajador” is “perezoso” in Spanish.Lo contrario de “trabajador” es “perezoso” en español.

What is the feminine form of paciente?

paciente no direct translation
feminine femenino

What is the opposite of lazy in Spanish? trabajador(ora) hard-working. adjective. trabajador. Translate opposite of lazy using machine translators.

Does Serio mean serious?

Serious problems or situations are very bad and cause people to be worried or afraid.

Does Feo mean in Spanish?

ugly | Translation of FEO into English by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of FEO in Spanish.

What is the opposite of a Trabajador? The opposite of “trabajador” is “perezoso” in Spanish.Lo contrario de “trabajador” es “perezoso” en español.

What’s the opposite of serio? There are several opposites of serio. The most frequent are informal, desenfadado and alegre. Informal (pronounced een- fohr-MAHL) does not change…

Why is a gross called a gross?

The term can be abbreviated gr. or gro., and dates from the early 15th century. It derives from the Old French grosse douzaine, meaning “large dozen”.

What is the root word of gross? Origin of gross

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English, from Old French gros “large” (as noun, grosse “twelve dozen”), from Late Latin gross(us) “thick, coarse”

What does so gross mean?

(That is) very disgusting, nauseating, or repellant. A: “I stepped in dog poo while I was out for my walk.” B: “So gross!

What are the Cringiest words? Top 12 words that make us cringe

  1. Squirt – 55% Coming in at number one, the word squirt was voted the cringiest word in the English language in Buzzfeed’s survey. …
  2. Moist – 51% …
  3. Squelch – 45% …
  4. Secrete – 43% …
  5. TIE: panties – 35% and defecate – 35% …
  6. Flaccid – 33% …
  7. Yeast – 31% …
  8. Chunk – 29%

What is the nastiest word in the English dictionary?

1. Smegma. Definition: “The secretion of a sebaceous gland; specifically : the cheesy sebaceous matter that collects between the glans penis and the foreskin or around the clitoris and labia minora.” The top word on the list certainly doesn’t disappoint.

What are gross things? Here is a list of 30 things most people do every day that is just plain gross!

  • Reusing dirty jeans for weeks without washing them.
  • Wearing already-used workout clothes when you just ~don’t have time~ to do laundry.
  • Using your phone while sitting on the toilet.
  • And taking a phone call while you’re…still on the toilet.

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