Is on top of the list?


Definition of the top of one’s list. —used with on, at, near, etc., to say that something is the first and most important thing that one needs to do or among the first and most important things that one needs to do Studying for the test is on the top of my list for this weekend.

What is the difference between on and on top of? This definition tells us that over means that one thing is covering or laying on the top of something else. The definition is very similar to on. On is often used in place of over when it means “on top of.” Over also suggests movement or covering a larger area, such as driving over a bridge.

Likewise How do you use on top of?

on top of Definitions and Synonyms

  1. covering someone or something. His bike fell on top of him. …
  2. in addition to something else. On top of all his financial problems, his wife left him. …
  3. in control of what is happening. on top of things: …
  4. very close to someone or something. The truck was almost on top of me.

Is at or on top of my list? If something is at the top of the list, it is of highest priority, most important, most urgent, or the next in one’s line of attention. That has to be on the top of my list. Quiet was at the top of my list. This is at the top of my list.

What is another word for Top of the list?

synonyms for top of the list

  • head of the line.
  • number one.
  • outstanding.
  • paramount.
  • predominant.
  • preeminent.
  • supreme.
  • top-flight.

Where do we use on? How to Use In vs. On

Use: In On
Place enclosed spaces ; buildings; regions; space; nature; names of towns, cities, states, countries, and continents surfaces, roads, streets, islands, planets, public transportation, bikes, boats, stairs, planets

How do you use prepositions?

A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object.

Is on top a preposition? An important basic English lesson! In this essential video, we will look at the uses of the prepositions above , over , on , and on top of . … Though they all indicate a position or location that is higher than another, they have specific differences.

Is it on top of that formal?

Moreover (formal), furthermore (formal), on top of that (informal) and another thing is (informal) are used to give more information or ideas.

What is the sentence of on top of the world?

  • She was feeling on top of the world.
  • When I heard she’d been released I felt on top of the world!
  • Noa was on top of the world.
  • We are just sitting on top of the world.
  • Standing there, on top of the world, my tiredness vanished.
  • “To be on top of the world” is an idiom that means to be very happy.

Is it in my list or on my list?

This is because include has a strong tendency to be used with the preposition in, as in the expressions, “You are included in our thoughts and prayers,” and “It’s included in the price.” Except after include, I recommend that you use on the list.

What does it mean to top the list? Meaning: If something is at the top of the list, it is of highest priority, most important, most urgent, or the next in one’s line of attention.

What is correct on the list or in the list?

Yes. For example, if the list is a one-page schedule of things to be done, things are more likely to be “on” it, but if the list is a large volume meant to include all of something, things are more likely to be “in” it.

What is the definition of top tier? Definition of top-tier

: of the highest level or rank with regard to quality, reputation, or importance Top-tier wines are the result of artisanal production techniques that demand rigorous attention to detail and, on occasion, financial sacrifice.—

What means pre eminent?

Definition of preeminent

: having paramount rank, dignity, or importance : outstanding, supreme.

How do you use on?

What is the difference between in on?

In’ is a preposition, commonly used to show a situation when something is enclosed or surrounded by something else. ‘On’ refers to a preposition that expresses a situation when something is positioned above something else. Months, Years, Season, Decades and Century.

Will be back at or on? 2 Answers. You use on for dates. You use at for times. You would use in for months or years.

Are determiners?

A determiner is a word placed in front of a noun to specify quantity (e.g., “one dog,” “many dogs”) or to clarify what the noun refers to (e.g., “my dog,” “that dog,” “the dog”). All determiners can be classified as one of the following: An Article (a/an, the)

What is preposition place? A preposition of place is a preposition which is used to refer to a place where something or someone is located. There are only three prepositions of place, however they can be used to discuss an almost endless number of places. At – A preposition of place which is used to discuss a certain point.

How do you use over?

Over can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun or a pronoun): a bridge over the riverTwo men were fighting over her. (followed by a number or amount): It happened over a hundred years ago. as an adverb (without a following noun): He fell over and broke his arm.

How do you use in under?

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