Is Muzzy a real word?


adjective, muz·zi·er, muz·zi·est. Informal. confused; muddled.

What does Muzzy mean in England? muzzy in British English

(ˈmʌzɪ ) adjectiveWord forms: –zier or -ziest. blurred, indistinct, or hazy. confused, muddled, or befuddled.

Likewise Where is Muzzy from?

Muzzy, a large extraterrestrial with greenish-blue fur, who eats clocks and metallic objects, arrives from outer space to visit Gondoland, which is ruled over by the King and Queen. Their daughter is Princess Sylvia; Bob is their gardener; and Corvax is a scientist who works for the King.

What is the antonyms of groggy? Antonyms. energetic active clearheaded distinct clear physical strenuous. stuporous unenrgetic dazed lethargic logy. groggy (English)

Where are Muzzy bows made?

Every Muzzy Broadhead is proudly made in Cartersville, Georgia USA!

What age is Muzzy for? The predominant idea at that time was that MUZZY was good for children aged 5 and over. Parents proved that this was wrong. Even though it was not recommended for children of less than 5 years old, parents introduced MUZZY to their children at 3 and many even at 2 years old.

Can adults learn with Muzzy?

Using all native speakers, MUZZY surrounds your child with language, and children pick up words and phrases effortlessly. Of course, you can also learn right along with your child if you like. Just remember that as an adult, learning through immersion may be more challenging.

How much does Muzzy cost?

Muzzy BBC Pricing
Subscription Length Price
3 -months $14.66/month
6-months $11.50/month
1-year $8.25/month

Is Droggy a real word?

English Language Learners Definition of groggy

: not able to think or move normally because of being tired, sick, etc.

Which is the closest synonym for the word groggy? synonyms for groggy

  • befuddled.
  • confused.
  • dazed.
  • shaky.
  • tired.
  • unsteady.
  • wobbly.
  • woozy.

Is grogginess a word?

grogginess Add to list Share. A state of feeling dizzy and confused is grogginess. … The noun grogginess comes from grog, an old-fashioned alcoholic drink favored by 18th-century sailors. Grogginess was originally a state of being under the influence of grog — tipsy, weak, or dazed.

What does AMS Bowfishing stand for? AMERICAN MADE~ We may well live in a world market today but, at AMS, we believe that part of our mission is still to create jobs right here in America. So, we’re proud to say all of AMS products are made in the USA!

Who invented Muzzy broadheads?

The philosophy on which John Musacchia Sr. founded Muzzy — to deliver a never-fail broadhead — still serves the company well today. “We’re one of the best-known fixed-blade broadhead companies because we build broadheads that work,” James said. “Our 100-grain 3-blade is still a favorite of many Muzzy fans today.

Are Muzzy broadheads made in the USA? Muzzy Bowhunting 3 Blade Archery Arrow Broadhead 100 or 125 Grain – 6 Pack. MADE IN THE USA -Founded in 1984, Muzzy is the number one name in fixed-blade broadheads, and proudly made in the USA!

Where are Muzzy broadheads made?

Every Muzzy Broadhead is proudly made in Cartersville, Georgia USA!

Does Muzzy have Russian? Muzzy Russian program is available on all devices and can be viewed online or offline.

How many videos are in Muzzy?

The story builds the foundation for the 12 video stories that follow, helping children understand what is being said in each episode. Because repetition is so important to learning, The Big MUZZY Story should be read over and over, either online or via hard copy if you print it.

How do I cancel BBC Muzzy? (c) Cancellation of Membership and General Billing Provisions. You may cancel your Membership at any time by emailing us at:; or calling us at: 1-888-339-2366.

Is there a muzzy app?

‎MUZZY BBC on the App Store.

How many episodes of Muzzy are there BBC? The story builds the foundation for the 12 video stories that follow, helping children understand what is being said in each episode. Because repetition is so important to learning, The Big MUZZY Story should be read over and over, either online or via hard copy if you print it.

Is Muzzy on Roku?

MUZZY BBC | TV App | Roku Channel Store | Roku.

Is it Droggy or groggy? If you feel a little confused or foggy-headed you can say that you are groggy. When you first wake up, you might be groggy until you get up and start moving around. The adjective groggy comes from the noun grog, which was what the sailors back in the 1700’s called rum diluted with water.

Where did the term groggy come from?

Meaning unwell the term groggy denotes a hangover from the alcoholic drink grog. The word grog comes from “Old Grog,” which was the nickname sailors gave to Admiral Vernon, the commander in chief of the West Indies.

How do you spell Graugy? adjective, grog·gi·er, grog·gi·est. staggering, as from exhaustion or blows: a boxer groggy from his opponent’s hard left jab. dazed and weakened, as from lack of sleep: Late nights always make me groggy the next morning.

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