Is Moch a word?


adjective. Moist, damp; mouldy, putrescent; humid, muggy.

Simply so What is a Mach 20? The so-called X-plane would travel at Mach 20 — roughly 13,000 mph (20,900 kph) — allowing the military to reach any spot on the globe in less than an hour. … Thermal protection systems are a key requirement for hypersonic flight, which is traditionally defined as anything above Mach 5.

What does it mean to Moch someone? : to laugh at or make fun of (someone or something) especially by copying an action or a way of behaving or speaking. : to criticize and laugh at (someone or something) for being bad, worthless, or unimportant. mock.

also How do you pronounce Moch? Phonetic:

  1. mock.
  2. mach.
  3. mok.
  4. mac.
  5. mack.
  6. mauck.
  7. mauk.
  8. machi.

What does mosh mean?

Definition of mosh

intransitive verb. : to engage in uninhibited often frenzied activities (such as intentional collision) with others near the stage at a rock concert.

Is Mach 27 possible? So yes Mach 27 is possible at re-entry to Earth’s atmosphere by spacecrafts. Thirdly, the escape velocity of Earth is Mach 33. So space launches are always at or above Mach 33. Fourthly, if you are thinking in the conventional sense of aircrafts and missiles.

What is the highest Mach ever reached?

The greatest speed ever reached by a manned aircraft that is not a spacecraft is 7,270 km/h (4,520 mph) (Mach 6.7) by USAF Major William J. Knight in the experimental North American Aviation X-15A-2 on 3 October 1967 over the Mojave Desert, California, USA.

Is Mach 15 possible? Mach 15 is about 5104.35 meters per second. … The X-43D was envisioned to be able to reach Mach 15. However, it never proceeded beyond the feasibility study phase. Astronauts reach well over Mach 15 during re-entry: they can reach speeds as high as Mach 25.

What does it mean when a girl mocks you?

Mocking means to mimic, or parody someone, and can be done “behind someone’s back”. Teasing is any type of, generally playful, fun at someone’s expense, done face-to-face for the purpose of eliciting a response.

What is it called when someone is mocking you? If people are laughing at you, making fun of you, and acting as if you’re worthless, they’re treating you with derision. … Derision is more than just making fun of someone — it’s mocking someone so forcefully and with such venom that you discredit the person completely.

Does mock mean fake?

The definition of mock is something fake, or something arranged for practice. A knock-off of a designer purse is an example of a mock purse.

How do you pronounce mocha coffee?

What does nosh stand for?


Acronym Definition
NOSH Natural, Organic, Specialty and Healthy (grocery items)
NOSH Natural, Organic, Sustainable, Healthy (food industry)
NOSH National Occupational Safety and Health

Why is moshing a thing?

We mosh because we war dance. We are primordial in many ways and this war dance called moshing is not just a dance it is a culture embedded in our culture. The human reaction to extreme music is much like the human reaction to extreme consequences, war. In moshing, we simply practice the art of war amongst friends.

Why is it called a moshing? Etymology. The term mosh came into use in the early 1980s American hardcore scene in Washington, D.C. Early on, the dance was frequently spelled mash in fanzines and record liner notes, but pronounced mosh, as in the 1982 song “Total Mash” by the D.C.-based hardcore band Scream.

What speed is hypersonic? For aircraft speeds which are much greater than the speed of sound, the aircraft is said to be hypersonic. Typical speeds for hypersonic aircraft are greater than 3000 mph and Mach number M greater than five, M > 5.

What speed is mach5?

The Mach 5 is a unique car. With manual gears (as of The Secret Engine) and a top speed of ~250 mph (as of Speed Racer on snes) making this a capable machine.

Why is the US behind in hypersonic weapons?

How fast can a human go without dying?

This is a well documented field, and the average maximum survivable g-force is about 16g (157m/s) sustained for 1 minute. However this limit depends on the individual, whether the acceleration is applied to one’s entire body or just individual parts and the time in which the acceleration is endured over.

Who fast is Mach 1? Mach 1 is the speed of sound, which is approximately 760 miles per hour at sea level. An airplane flying less than Mach 1 is traveling at subsonic speeds, faster than Mach 1 would be supersonic speeds and Mach 2 would be twice the speed of sound.

What’s the fastest speed a human can endure?

Most of us can withstand up to 4-6G. Fighter pilots can manage up to about 9G for a second or two. But sustained G-forces of even 6G would be fatal. Astronauts endure around 3G on lift-off, one G of which is Earth’s own pull.

Who broke Mach 7? NASA’s scramjet hurtles to earth at Mach 7. An experimental aircraft smashed the speed record for a jet plane on Saturday, flying at seven times the speed of sound. NASA’s X-43A craft flew under its own power for ten seconds, reaching speeds of more than two kilometres per second.

How fast is hypersonic?

Hypersonic missiles travel at Mach 5, five times the speed of sound while maneuvering in the atmosphere. That’s faster than 3,800 mph. Ballistic missiles can reach 15,000 mph while ascending into space. Warheads travel at about 2,000 mph once they re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

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