Is first hand hyphenated in AP style?


I’d say “firsthand” as the stylebook suggests we use a hyphen when the word would otherwise sound confusing without it.

Simply so How do you use first hand in a sentence? (1) Most of the older reporters have experienced war first-hand. (2) I have first-hand experience of running a school. (3) Most of us have first-hand experience of teaching. (4) This gives a first-hand account of the war.

Should second hand be hyphenated? u201cSecond-handu201d (with a hyphen) is an adjective, referring to an object that was previously owned by someone else. … u201cSecondhandu201d (as a single word) is an alternate spelling of u201csecond-hand.u201d Whether you use the hyphen or combine the words together into a single compound word is a matter of convention and preference.

also Is first time ever hyphenated? First-time as an adjective is hyphenated if it is written before a noun (as in u201cfirst-time champu201d) but it is not hyphenated if it is written after the noun it describes (as in u201cchamp for the first time.u201d)

Can tell you first hand?

When you get information from someone who saw something happen or heard something said, that’s firsthand evidence. And anything you see or hear yourself is also firsthand.

What does first hand mean? Definition of firsthand

: obtained by, coming from, or being direct personal observation or experience a firsthand account of the war … had a firsthand view of the turmoil that wracked the region. — William W. Finan, Jr. Other Words from firsthand Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About firsthand.

Is it handily or handedly?

Handily is the standard term.

Does first hand have a space? The spelling of “firsthand” is exclusive to American English, and that’s whether you use it as an adjective or adverb. “First-hand” (with a hyphen) is the standard spelling for British English and most English-speaking regions outside the U.S.

What is first hand in Reading?

A firsthand account is written by someone who experienced the event and may include opinions. A secondhand account is written by someone with knowledge of an event or topic but who did not experience it.

Is first hand an idiom? Directly from the origin, without intervention or intermediary. For example, I prefer to hear his criticism at first hand, rather than having it passed on by my boss . This phrase uses hand in the sense of “person” (coming directly from one person).

What is a first hand account called?

▲ An account of a real incident or person, often humorous or interesting. anecdote. narrative.

What is handily mean? Definition of handily

1 : in a dexterous manner. 2 : easily defeated the other candidate handily. 3 : conveniently nearby.

Is Handely a word?

Of or pertaining to the hand; manual.

How do you say single-handedly?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for single-handedly, like: alone, unassisted, single-handed, solitarily, all by one’s lonesome, courageously, include, singlehandedly, solely, by-oneself and solo.

Is experientially a word? adj. Relating to or derived from experience. ex·pe′ri·en′tial·ly adv.

Should real life be hyphenated? The hyphen is necessary because real-life is an attribute to the noun experience. This device was a real life saver.

What is the difference between first hand and second hand learning?

if you experience something first hand, you experience it yourself. If you experience something second hand or third hand, someone else tells you about it.

How do you write a first hand account? In a firsthand account, the person writing a text is a part of the events. The passage is written using words like “I” and “we.” The author may include his or her feelings and thoughts on the subject. In a secondhand account, the person writing a text is not a part of the events.

What is an example of a first hand account?

I first explain that a firsthand account is a description of an event TOLD by someone who saw or experienced the event. Then, I let students share examples of firsthand accounts such as: autobiography, diary, email, journal, interview, letter, or photograph.

Which is correct on one hand or on the one hand? “On the one hand” is clearly a figure of speech. On the other hand, “on one hand” can be a literal reference to a person’s hand. As a native British English speaker, I would always use “on the one hand … on the other hand” in the OP’s context.

Is it in the first place or at the first place?

1 —used at the end of a sentence to indicate what was true or what should have been done at the beginning of a situation We should never have gone there in the first place. I didn’t care much for the job in the first place.

How do I use first hand experience? Example sentences first-hand experience

  1. Suddenly I was speaking to women who had first-hand experience telling me there might be hope. …
  2. This aligns precisely with my first-hand experience. …
  3. Everyone knows what pain is from first-hand experience. …
  4. British bakers have first-hand experience of it.

What is a third hand account?

(of information, etc.) not received directly but having been passed on by several different people, one after the other: The intelligence service relied too heavily on information that came through second- and third-hand accounts.

What is a first hand witness? 1. Firsthand is defined as experienced personally, or heard straight from the source. When you witness an accident with your own two eyes instead of hearing about it after the fact, this is an example of when you witnessed it firsthand. adverb.

What does high handedness mean?

Definition of high-handed

: having or showing no regard for the rights, concerns, or feelings of others : arbitrary, overbearing. Other Words from high-handed Synonyms & Antonyms Learn More About high-handed.

How do you use handily in a sentence?

Handily Sentence Examples

She handily won the competition and drew the attention of the local media. During the final jury vote, White handily beat the other two remaining players, Russell Hantz and Mick Trimming.

What is the synonym of handy? useful, convenient, practical, easy-to-use, well designed, user-friendly, user-oriented, helpful, functional, serviceable, utilitarian. informal neat, nifty. inconvenient. 2’it has eight pockets to keep everything you need handy’

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