Is available to or for?


Examples: Quora is available to all beings with Internet access and at least three brain cells. Monika is available to advise you on all aspects of quantum physics. Use ‘available for’ when something can be accessed for a particular activity and/or during a time period.

What is the sentence of obtainable? About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury.

Likewise What do you mean by available?

1 : present or ready for immediate use available resources. 2a : accessible, obtainable articles available in any drugstore. b : free and able to do something at a particular time should be available to meet next Tuesday.

Is available in or at? It depends on where the information can be found. If you are directing someone to look in a book or brochure, then “the information is available in the brochure.” If one must go somewhere to get the information, then “the information is available at the main office.”

Are you available to or for?

Either one is correct, depending on the context. “The information is available to you” is more of a permission-granting sentence.

What is a obtainable? When something is obtainable, you can get your hands on it. Most information is easily obtainable or gettable on the internet these days. It’s just a click away! Obtainable comes from the Latin obtinere meaning to “hold, take hold of, acquire.” When something is obtainable, you are able to take hold of it.

What does it mean by obtained?

transitive verb. : to gain or attain usually by planned action or effort The information was difficult to obtain. We obtained a copy of the original letter. intransitive verb. 1 : to be generally recognized or established : prevail Those ideas no longer obtain for our generation.

What is the word obtainable mean? adjective. If something is obtainable, it is possible to get or achieve it. The dried herb is obtainable from health shops. Synonyms: available, to be had, procurable More Synonyms of obtainable.

When it will be available meaning?

The first is an adverb meaning “at what time”, and the second, a conjunction meaning “at the time that”. In other words, the first means that the field will contain a projected date for the item’s arrival, and the second means that the field will contain a marker for “available” or “unavailable”.

What is the concept of availability? Availability is the probability that an item will be in an operable and committable state at the start of a mission when the mission is called for at a random time, and is generally defined as uptime divided by total time (uptime plus downtime).

What is the preposition of available?

In 21% of cases available to is used

Available to all in that first link. This list is available to the public. This high-resolution data has generally not been available to the public until now. If a will was filed in the court, it will almost always be available to the public.

How do you use in under?

Which preposition is used with available?

If a prepositional clause after available starts with for, that’s usually an “adverb of purpose” – for example, how / why something is to be used, as in The data is available for verification.

Will you be available meaning? The next expression is “would you be available.” “Would you be available.” “Would you be available” is an expression that we use to ask about someone else’s schedule.

When you will be available to talk?

The phrase “Call me when you are available to talk” implies that you want someone to call you once their situation allows it. The wording sounds a bit formal, but it would be acceptable in just about any situation.

How do I ask about availability? How To Ask If Someone Is Available

  1. Expressions. Examples. Are you…? Are you free tomorrow? …
  2. Are you. free. available. at this time? …
  3. Can you. give me. a second? a minute? …
  4. Do you. have. time? a second? …
  5. Is this. a good time. to talk? …
  6. May I. have a word. with you? …
  7. Let me know. when you are. free. …
  8. Is your schedule open. at this time? now?

What does it mean in season?

1. At the point in the year when the item being discussed is being harvested and/or at its peak ripeness, most plentiful, etc. Tomatoes won’t be in season until late summer.

What part of speech is obtain? part of speech: transitive verb. inflections: obtains, obtaining, obtained.

Is Obtainability a word?

Meaning of “obtainability” in the English dictionary

Obtainability is a noun. A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality.

What is an example of obtain? The definition of obtain is to get or acquire. To get a passport in order to travel abroad is an example of obtain.

What means self obtained?

: acquired by oneself or for one’s own use and benefit.

What is the same thing as obtain? access, achieve, attain, collect, earn, gain, gather, glean, have, pick up, procure, purchase, reach, realize, reap, receive, recover, retrieve, secure, seize.

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