How do you use first hand in a sentence?


(1) Most of the older reporters have experienced war first-hand. (2) I have first-hand experience of running a school. (3) Most of us have first-hand experience of teaching. (4) This gives a first-hand account of the war.

Simply so What does 2nd hand mean? : buying or selling things that have already been owned or used. : not original : taken from someone who was not directly involved.

Is it first hand or at first hand? First-hand is an alternative way to spell firsthand. It means the same thing and can be used in all the same situations. British writers appear to prefer first-hand, while Americans use firsthand.

also How do I use first hand experience? Example sentences first-hand experience

  1. Suddenly I was speaking to women who had first-hand experience telling me there might be hope. …
  2. This aligns precisely with my first-hand experience. …
  3. Everyone knows what pain is from first-hand experience. …
  4. British bakers have first-hand experience of it.

Where do you get first hand information?

When you get information from someone who saw something happen or heard something said, that’s firsthand evidence. And anything you see or hear yourself is also firsthand.

What does Thirdhand mean? 1 : received from or through two intermediaries thirdhand information. 2a : acquired after being used by two previous owners. b : dealing in thirdhand merchandise.

What is a third hand story?

if you experience something first hand, you experience it yourself. If you experience something second hand or third hand, someone else tells you about it.

What is an example of secondhand? after another user or owner: He bought it secondhand. indirectly; at second hand: He heard the news secondhand.

Is first hand an idiom?

Directly from the origin, without intervention or intermediary. For example, I prefer to hear his criticism at first hand, rather than having it passed on by my boss . This phrase uses hand in the sense of “person” (coming directly from one person).

Is it handily or handedly? Handily is the standard term.

Does first hand have a space?

The spelling of “firsthand” is exclusive to American English, and that’s whether you use it as an adjective or adverb. “First-hand” (with a hyphen) is the standard spelling for British English and most English-speaking regions outside the U.S.

What does first experience mean? /ˈfɜrstˈhænd/ obtained personally, or directly from someone who is personally involved in something: He has firsthand experience of what war is like.

What is second hand experience?

Second-hand stories, information, or opinions are those you learn about from other people rather than directly or from your own experience.

What is handson experience?

Hands-on experience or work involves actually doing a particular thing, rather than just talking about it or getting someone else to do it.

Why first hand information is important? First-hand experience supplies information to update trust through biological and personal processes and performance assessments, while secondary sources provide information about other people’s experiences, filtered through lenses that take an active role in crafting information.

What is first hand data called? Primary data is data that is collected by a researcher from first-hand sources, using methods like: Creative works (paintings, movie reels, music etc.)

What is a fourth hand account?

Definition of fourth hand

: the fourth player in various card games to have the right to bid or to play to any trick.

What is secondhand information called? buzz. gossip. grapevine report. hearsay.

What is a second hand experience?

Second-hand stories, information, or opinions are those you learn about from other people rather than directly or from your own experience.

What is second hand knowledge? Epistemologically speaking, second-hand knowledge is a mediated, unempirical type of knowledge, gained without direct insight into the subject. … Firsthand knowledge is gained through perception and experience; second-hand knowledge by believing what someone else tells us.

What does 2nd Nature mean?

Definition of second nature

: an acquired deeply ingrained habit or skill after a while, using the gearshift becomes second nature. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About second nature.

Is Secondhandly a word? 1. Previously used by another; not new.

What is an example of second hand learning?

Second-hand stories, information, or opinions are those you learn about from other people rather than directly or from your own experience. He conceded that second-hand accounts are leading to rumour and counter-rumour.

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