How do you tell time in French?
Is time plural in French? As one is singular, we use heure. Except one, we use heures – they are plural. Use une instead of un for expressing 1 o’clock – the word heure is feminine. In a casual conversation, you can omit the il est (it is), but not the heure(s) [hour(s)].
Likewise How do we say 3 45 in French?
To tell the time in French, you use the phrase: il est … heures.
- Il est une heure – It’s one o’clock.
- Il est deux heures – It’s two o’clock.
- Il est trois heures – It’s three o’clock.
Do French use 24-hour clock? Generally speaking, French speakers also use the 24-hour clock when they speak. Sometimes the 12-hour clock is used orally, but only in informal circumstances. Since there is no one-to-one equivalent of “am” and “pm” in French, context must be relied on to figure out which one is meant.
How do you say 3 30 in French?
The French translation for “half past three (3:30)” is trois heures et demie. The French, trois heures et demie, can be broken down into 4 parts:”3 (three)” (trois), “hours; o’clock” (heures), “and” (et) and “half (feminine)” (demie).
What is the French word for 45? The French translation for “45 (forty-five)” is quarante-cinq.
How do you say 5pm in French?
Il est is the only correct phrase for telling time. You cannot say c’est une heure.
Telling time in French.
What time is it? | Quelle heure est-il ? | |
It’s 8 a.m. | Il est huit heures du matin | 8h00 |
It’s 5 p.m. | Il est cinq heures de l’après-midi Il est dix-sept heures | 17h00 |
How do you say 4 45 in French? Il est is the only correct phrase for telling time. You cannot say c’est une heure.
Telling time in French.
What time is it? | Quelle heure est-il ? | |
It’s 4:45 | Il est cinq heures moins le quart Il est quatre heures quarante-cinq | 4h45 |
It’s 5:10 | Il est cinq heures dix | 5h10 |
How do you say 10 30 in French?
The French translation for “half past ten (10:30)” is dix heures et demie. The French, dix heures et demie, can be broken down into 4 parts:”10 (ten)” (dix), “hours; o’clock” (heures), “and” (et) and “half (feminine)” (demie).
How do you say 4pm in French? The French generally express time using a 24-hour clock. So, 4 p.m. would be seize heures (16 hours). However, you can use du matin (in the morning) and du soir (in the evening) if you want to express time using the standard 12-hour clock.
Does Paris use military time?
Something special about French
You may know it as military time, but over there, it’s just time. While the French do use the 12-hour clock, you’ll see the 24-hour clock used on the digital clocks in France (as well as the rest of Europe). The 24-hour clock and the 12-hour clock are used interchangeably.
How do you say A in French?
How do you ask what is your name in French?
If you’d like to say “What is your name?” in French, you generally have two options. To pose the question formally, you’d say “Comment vous-appelez vous? Speaking informally, you can simply ask “Comment t’appelles-tu?”
Why do French say Quatre Vingt? Originally Answered: Why is the number 80 is named “quatre-vingts” (literally 4 times 20) in French? This is the Celtic way of counting, using base 20, as opposed to the Roman way of counting in base 10. It is an element of Gaulish culture that survived the Roman conquest of Gaul.
Why is counting in French so weird?
The number system in French is derived from that used in Gaulish, the Celtic language spoken in France before the modern Romance language drove it out. If you look at the counting systems of modern Celtic languages like Welsh or Scottish Gaelic, you’ll see a similar pattern to that in French.
How do you say 100 in France? The word for 100 in French is cent.
How do you say 12 00am in French?
French has specific words for noon and midnight: midi (noon) and minuit (midnight). Those two words are used without saying heures. For example: Il est minuit.
Does France use 24hr clock? France most commonly records the date using the day-month-year format with a oblique stroke as the separator with numerical values. The 24-hour clock is used to express time, using the letter h as the separator in between hours and minutes.
How do you say 3/15 French?
The French translation for “quarter past three (3:15)” is trois heures et quart. The French, trois heures et quart, can be broken down into 4 parts:”3 (three)” (trois), “hours; o’clock” (heures), “and” (et) and “quarter” (quart).
How do we say 5 30 in French? The French translation for “half past five (5:30)” is cinq heures et demie. The French, cinq heures et demie, can be broken down into 4 parts:”5 (five)” (cinq), “hours; o’clock” (heures), “and” (et) and “half (feminine)” (demie).
How do you say 2 45 in French?
For example: Il est trois heures moins le quart. (It is a quarter until 3; meaning 2:45.) To abbreviate a time in French, don’t use a colon between the hour and minutes like in English.
How do you say 19 in French Google Translate?