How do you spell Viejito?


1. viejo: viejo (vieja) m. old man.

How do you pronounce pelirrojo?

Likewise Does Trabajador mean hardworking?

hard-working | Translation of TRABAJADOR into English by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of TRABAJADOR in.

What is the opposite of Trabajador? The opposite of “trabajador” is “perezoso” in Spanish.Lo contrario de “trabajador” es “perezoso” en español.

How do you pronounce Trabajador?

What is Deportista in masculine form? Usage notes

The noun deportista is like several other Spanish nouns with a human referent and ending in a. The masculine articles and adjectives are used when the referent is known to be male, a group of males, a group of mixed or unknown gender, or an individual of unknown or unspecified gender.

What’s the opposite of Perezoso?

58 Cards in this Set

What is the opposite of serio tonto
opposite of perezoso trabajador
opposite of rubio moreno
opposite of antpatico simpatico
opposite of bajo alto

What’s the opposite of serio? There are several opposites of serio. The most frequent are informal, desenfadado and alegre. Informal (pronounced een- fohr-MAHL) does not change…

What’s the opposite of Viejo?

What is the opposite of viejo?

pristine new
modish unblemished
uncontaminated unmarred
unspoilt unstained
unsullied untarnished

What is the feminine form of paciente?

paciente no direct translation
feminine femenino

Is Serio masculine or feminine?


number feminine masculine
plural serias
singular seria serio

What is the plural of Trabajador? plural form of trabajador. trabajadores [m/pl]

What is Deportist?

noun. A person who actively participates in physical sports, possibly highly skilled in sports. athlete → deportista; atleta.

Is Deportista male or female? 4 Masculine and feminine forms of words

el dentista the ( male ) dentist
la dentista the (female) dentist
el deportista the sportsman
la deportista the sportswoman

How do you make Trabajador plural?


Singular Plural
Masculine trabajador trabajadores
Feminine trabajadora trabajadoras

What is the opposite of Bueno? Opposite of very good, especially to the point of being worthy of great respect or imitation. unworthy. deplorable. bad.

What’s the opposite of lazy in Spanish?

trabajador(ora) hard-working. adjective. trabajador. Translate opposite of lazy using machine translators.

What is the opposite of Grande? Grande means ‘big,’ and its opposite word in Spanish is pequeño (pronounced: peh-KEH-nyoh), which means ‘small’ or ‘little.

What is the opposite of Menor?

n the selling of goods to consumers; usually in small quantities and not for resale. Synonyms: detalle, reventa, venta al detall, venta al por menor Antonyms: venta al por mayor. the selling of goods to merchants; usually in large quantities for resale to consumers.

What is the opposite of Moreno? The opposite of “moreno” is “rubio.”Lo contrario de “moreno” es “rubio”.

What is the opposite of Feo?

The opposite of the Spanish word feo is hermosa. When translated to English, feo means ‘ugly’. ‘Hermosa’, on the other hand, means ‘beautiful’.

What is the opposite of Alto? The opposite of “alto” is “bajo”.

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