How do you spell Cansado?


How to Say I Am Tired in Spanish

  1. Estoy cansado. = I am tired.
  2. Estás cansado. = You are tired.
  3. Está cansado. = He/she is tired.
  4. Estamos cansado. = We are tired.
  5. Estáis cansado. = You all are tired.
  6. Están cansado. = They are tired.

What does the word Sueno mean in Spanish? Sueño is a noun that means sleep or dream and you can find out how to pronounce it here: Hamlet said, ‘To sleep: perchance to dream…’. In Spanish the connection between the two is so intimate that the same word – sueño – covers both: despertarse de un sueño profundo to wake from a deep sleep.

Likewise How do you pronounce cansado?

  1. kahn. sah. doh.
  2. kan. sa. ðo.
  3. can. sa. do.

What are you doing in Spanish slang? One is “¿Qué estás haciendo?” (it literally means “What are you doing?” in Spanish). The other one is “¿Qué hacés?”.

What is your name in Spanish translation?

What’s your name? = ¿Cómo te llamas?

Is sueño masculine or feminine? There fore we use cansada female form but for the sueno we have to use male form because it’s a noun.

How do you pronounce sueño?


  1. sweh. – nyoh.
  2. swe. – ɲo.
  3. sue. – ño.

What is sueño used for? Sueno is a nutritional supplement for insomnia that combines melatonin with three herbal extracts (Valerian, Passiflora and California poppy).

What does Jajaja mean in texting?

quicklist: 2title: Jajajaja text: Although the h and j are close together on your keyboard (we know you’re looking), jajaja is definitely not a typo. It basically means the person is laughing in Spanish. BUT, don’t be mistaken and read it out loud as yayaya, make sure you have strong j’s. The best way to laugh.

Do you say okay in Spanish? (= I agree) ¡vale! OK, OK! ¡vale, vale! ⧫ ¡ya, ya!

How do you say yo what’s up in Spanish?


How do you say my name is in Spanish if you’re a girl? Say “Mi nombre es,” followed by your name.

What is Makayla in Spanish?

The name Makayla consists of three “a’s”. The two on the end are short “a’s”, while the one in the middle is a long “a”. Ma-Kaay-la. In Spanish, the letter “a” has only one sound “ah”.

How do Spaniards answer the phone? Much like hola, aló is another common way to answer the phone in many Spanish-speaking countries, especially in Colombia, Chile, Peru, and Venezuela. … In fact, aló sounds similar to hello in English with the exception of a Spanish accent. Like hola, you can never go wrong when using aló to answer the phone.

What do UWU mean?

Uwu is an emoticon depicting a cute face. It is used to express various warm, happy, or affectionate feelings. A closely related emoticon is owo, which can more specifically show surprise and excitement.

Why do Spanish laugh like Jajaja? Because the Spanish letter “J” sounds like the English letter “H”. The Spanish letter “H” is silent. Therefore Spanish “JaJaJa” is pronounced the same as our English “HaHaHa”.

What country laughs like Jajaja?

This comes from ㅋㅋㅋ, short for 크크크, or keu keu keu — the Korean equivalent of the English “hahaha.” In spanish, j is pronounced like the English h, so “jajaja” is the direct analog of the English “hahaha.” Same deal. Same.

Why do they say Vale in Spain? It’s used as a way of agreeing or affirming what someone has said. (“We’re meeting at 11am tomorrow, vale?” or “Call me later to organize that.” Vale, I’ll call you.)

What does GX mean in Spanish?

“GX” translation into Spanish

go. gm. ox. ax. ex.

How do you say alright in Spanish slang?

  1. Guay. Guay is Spanish slang that normally refers to something or someone cool, and can even go as far as amazing. …
  2. Vale. A commonly used agreement word, similar to “ok” or “alright”. …
  3. Venga. …
  4. Hombre. …
  5. No pasa nada. …
  6. Puente. …
  7. Tío or Tía. …
  8. Guiri.

What’s up Mexican slang?

respectively, ¿qué pedo? And ¿qué onda? are questions you’ll hear all the time in Mexico. While they both mean ‘what’s up? ‘, ¿qué pedo? is perhaps slightly more accusative than ¿qué onda?, which is friendlier in tone.

What’s up in Dominican slang? Just like in English, the phrase “What’s up?” is used all over the world. Dominicans usually want to know what is going on with you. So next time you hear “¿Dime a ver?” you will be ready and able to tell what is going on with you.

What is the difference between Bien and Bueno in Spanish?

Buen is the apocopic (missing the final syllable) form of bueno, and means “good” or “fine.” Bien is an adverb. Buen/bueno is an adjective. If you remember this simple rule, bien vs bueno will become much easier to understand.

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