How do you say newspaper in Spanish?


periódico | Translation of NEWSPAPER into Spanish by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of NEWSPAPER in.

How do u say paper in Spanish?

Likewise What is the meaning of periódico?

adjective. periodic [adjective] happening, done etc occasionally.

How do you say news paper?

What is a Spanish definite article?

In Spanish, you have to choose between four definite articles: el, la, los and las. … In Spanish, all nouns (including words for things) are either masculine or feminine – this is called their gender. And just as in English they can also be either singular or plural.

How do u say movies in Spanish? I wish you would help me to improve my Spanish.

Translation by Vocabulix.

English Spanish
the movie la pelicula

Why is it La Leche and not El Leche?

providing milk rather than their male counterparts (bulls, billies, etc.) … Leche is a feminine noun, therefore it needs the feminine article (la) not the masculine article (el).

Is Ciudad FEM or MASC? Rocío: The rules are: generally words ending in “o” are masculine, for example “el perro, el libro”. There are always exceptions, for example “la mano”. Feminine, words ending in “a, dad, ción”, for example “la casa, la ciudad, la lección” are generally feminine.

What are 4 indefinite articles in Spanish?

In Spanish, you have to choose between four indefinite articles: un, una, unos and unas.

How do you say to watch movies in Spanish?

What is the movie film in Spanish?

movie → película, cine. movie → cine, película, filme, film.

How do you say im watching a movie in Spanish? Estoy viendo una película sobre los pandas.

Why is it el agua?

It is el agua in order to separate the article from the noun, if you said la agua in practice it would be l’agua. Agua is still feminine, but it carries el because the masculine article ends in L instead of a, so that way the division between the words remains.

Is it manzana or LA? La is for eminine, el for masculine, lo for neutral but with words la rythm with words ending in a, el with words ending in e, o. La manzana, el hombre, el sombrero. Of course, there are always exceptions, for example, el mar, la mar, el radio (the device), la radio (meaning the institution, entity.

What words are feminine in Spanish?

General rules for feminine nouns

  • Generally, words ending in -A: la silla, la manzana, la mesa.
  • Ending in -CIÓN, -SIÓN, -ZÓN: la canción, la pasión, la razón (exceptions: el corazón, el buzón)
  • Words ending in -DAD and -TAD: la felicidad, la amistad, la verdad.
  • Ending in -EZ and -TRIZ: la vejez, la actriz.

Is La Casa masculine? If it ends in an O it is masculine. If it ends in an A it is feminine. E.g. Mundo (world), Trabajo (job), Perro (dog) are all masculine, and Casa (house), Palabra (word), Hora (hour) are all feminine. We use the article El for a masculine noun, and La for a feminine noun.

Is it un CASA or una casa?

We will use the noun casa (house), which is feminine and singular. … Una is what we were looking for, and that gives us Una casa (a house).

How do you pronounce la ciudad?

Is El definite or indefinite?

In this instance we are still talking about something in particular, but there is more than one so we use the plural form of the noun and the corresponding plural form article, so the correct definite article is ‘los’.

Definite articles.

Singular Plural
El Hombre Los Hombres

• Nov 2, 2020

What does EN mean in Spanish? The Spanish preposition en frequently means “in” or “on” when referring to physical locations. En can also be used to mean “in” in certain time expressions. En is so used in phrases and following certain verbs with translations that aren’t always predictable.

What is the difference between UN and El?

It sounds like you already know that el goes to masculine singulars, las goes in front of feminine plurals, un is a/an for masculine singulars, etc. You don’t always have to put these in front of nouns.

How do you say do you want to watch a movie in Spanish? Do you want to watch movie | Spanish Translator. ¿Quieres ver una película?

What does movie theater mean in Spanish?

movie theater {noun}

sala de cine {f} [form.]

How do you say im watching a show in Spanish? Estoy viendo la televisión.

Do you love Diego in Spanish duolingo?

Objects pronouns are ‘me/te/lo/la/nos/os/los las’. ‘Do you love Diego?’ = ¿Tú amas a Diego?; ‘Do you love him?’

How do you spell books in Spanish?

  1. libro, el ~ (m) Noun.
  2. tomo, el ~ (m) Noun.

How do you say movie theater in Spanish? ‘Movie theater’ in Spanish is el cine. The term cine is also used when talking about movie stars (estrella de cine) or about movies in general. You…

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