How do you say I miss you in Kamba?


We missed you. ‘” Ko tũteĩla kũmwona tene!

Simply so How do you say my love in Kikuyu? A collection of useful phrases in Kikuyu (Gĩkũyũ), a Bantu language spoken mainly in the Central Province of Kenya.

Useful phrases in Kikuyu.

Phrase Gĩkũyũ (Kikuyu)
I miss you
I love you nĩngwendete
Get well soon hona na ihenya
Go away! thiĩ!

How do you say my love in Taita? Mine is ‘nakukunde‘ – ‘I love you’ in Taita.

also How are you kimeru? Sample phrases

English Kimeru
How are you doing? Ũrĩ o mwega ?
I am hungry Ndĩna mpara
Help me Nteithia/Ntethia
I am good Ndĩ mwega

How do you say goodbye in Kikuyu?

A collection of useful phrases in Kikuyu (Gĩkũyũ), a Bantu language spoken mainly in the Central Province of Kenya.

Useful phrases in Kikuyu.

Phrase Gĩkũyũ (Kikuyu)
Good night koma wega
Goodbye (Parting phrases) tigoi na wega
Good luck! nĩwega

How do you speak in Kikuyu?

How do you greet in Kikuyu?

How do you speak Kikuyu?

What is Meru?

(mythology, religion, usually with “Mount”) The abode of the gods at the center of the universe in Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist traditions.

How do you greet in kimeru? “Muga.” “Muga mono/muno.” That’s the common Kimeru Greeting.

What is wildebeest in Kikuyu?

Noun. ngatata 9 or 10 (plural ngatata) gnu, wildebeest Synonym: ngati.

How do you say beautiful in Kikuyu? Beautiful in Kikuyu

  1. Muthaka. Simon Kagara.
  2. Nyarari. waithaka.

How do you say goodnight in Luo?

A collection of useful phrases in Dholuo (Luo), a Nilo-Saharan language spoken in Kenya, Sudan and Tanzania.

Useful phrases in Dholuo.

Phrase Dholuo
Good night Goyo Oriti Oriti (May he protect you – sg) Oriti ahinya (sg – reply) Oriti uru (pl) Oriti ahinya (reply – pl) Oriti inind maber (Sleep well)

Are there Kikuyus in Congo?

A Niger-Congo language and a Bantu member of the Benue-Congo family, spoken by over 4 million people in Kenya; also known as Kuyu, Gikuyu, Gigikuyu and Gekoyo. Kikuyu is a tonal language. …

How do you say God bless you in Kikuyu? ni NGAI urthimaga

ki It’s God who blesses.

What do Kikuyu eat? Some of the common Kikuyu foods include: Githeri (maize and beans), Mukimo (mashed green peas and potatoes), Kimitu (mashed beans and potatoes), Irio (mashed dry beans, corn and potatoes), Mutura (sausage made using goat intestines, meat and blood), and Ucuru (fermented porridge made from flour of corn, millet or …

How do you say thank you in Kikuyu?

Is Mount Meru the same as Mount Kailash? Mount Kailash (Kailasa) is known as Mount Meru in Buddhist texts. It is central to its cosmology, and a major pilgrimage site for some Buddhist traditions.

Who has climbed Meru?

Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin, and Renan Ozturk made history in 2011 by becoming the first people ever to reach the summit of the central peak of Mount Meru, a nearly 22,000-foot-tall mountain in the Gharwal Himalayas.

How do you say I miss you in Meru language? “i miss you” na kimeru

How do you say hi in Luhya?

Mulembe: 10 Ways to say “Hello” in Bukusu. Mulembe is the quintessential Luhya greeting. As we explored in this article on the True meaning of mulembe, mulembe is a greeting that communicates our ethos, spirit and essence as a people.

What is Impala in Swahili? volume_up. swala. impala (also: issue, gazelle)

What is Ngare in Kikuyu?

noun. en automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver.

What is Zebra in Kikuyu? Wambũi – Of the Zebra, The Kikuyu refer to the Zebra as Wambui Micoore.

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