How do you say calculative?


Can pejorative people? A pejorative or slur is a word or grammatical form expressing a negative or a disrespectful connotation, a low opinion, or a lack of respect toward someone or something. It is also used to express criticism, hostility, or disregard.

Likewise What are pejorative words?

: a word or phrase that has negative connotations (see connotation sense 1) or that is intended to disparage or belittle : a pejorative word or phrase. pejorative. adjective.

What does it mean when a person is pedantic? Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What are pejorative prefixes?

Pejorative prefixes are the prefixes which carry pejorative meaning. The prefixes which are included in the group of pejorative prefixes are mis- which means ‘wrongly’ or ‘astray’, mal- that means ‘bad(ly)’, and pseudo- that means ‘false’ or ‘imitation.

What is the difference between pejoration and amelioration? As nouns the difference between amelioration and pejoration

is that amelioration is the act of making better while pejoration is the act or process of becoming worse; worsening or degeneration.

What permissiveness means?

Definition of permissive

1 archaic : granted on sufferance : tolerated. 2a : granting or tending to grant permission : tolerant. b : deficient in firmness or control : indulgent, lax.

What does derogative mean? adjective. lessening; belittling; derogatory.

What is a didactic person?

didactic Add to list Share. When people are didactic, they’re teaching or instructing. This word is often used negatively for when someone is acting too much like a teacher. When you’re didactic, you’re trying to teach something.

What does didactic mean in simple words? 1 : designed or intended to teach people something didactic poetry. 2 usually disapproving —used to describe someone or something that tries to teach something (such as proper or moral behavior) in a way that is annoying or unwanted Audiences were turned off by the movie’s didactic quality.

What does it mean to be called obtuse?

1 formal : stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple He is too obtuse to take a hint. an incredibly obtuse person. 2 mathematics : not ending in a sharp point : measuring between 90 degrees and 180 degrees an obtuse angle.

What are locative prefixes? In Proto-Bantu and most present day Bantu languages prefixes with a locative meaning have been analysed as noun class prefixes, and noun roots occurring with them placed into locative noun classes.

What is a privative prefix?

A privative, named from Latin privare, “to deprive”, is a particle that negates or inverts the value of the stem of the word. In Indo-European languages many privatives are prefixes; but they can also be suffixes, or more independent elements.

What is semantic bleaching? Semantic bleaching’ is the reduction of a word’s intensity—as when ‘very’ (from the Latin ‘verus’, “true”) is used for emphasis (“there aren’t very many stock photos of semantic bleaching in action”). … It’s an intensifier—a word that colors another but that, in this case, has little color itself.

What is elevation in linguistics?

In linguistics, amelioration is the upgrading or elevation of a word’s meaning, as when a word with a negative sense develops a positive one. Also called melioration or elevation.

What is an example of amelioration? Amelioration: a process whereby a positive meaning is associated with a word. An example from Middle English is nice which used to denote ‘foolish’ and now denotes ‘pleasant’. 4. Pejoration: a process whereby a negative meaning is associated with a word.

What is the meaning of requisite Lee?

British Dictionary definitions for requisite

requisite. / (ˈrɛkwɪzɪt) / adjective. absolutely essential; indispensable.

What does it mean when someone is nervy? English Language Learners Definition of nervy

: having or showing courage or confidence. —used to describe someone who says or does rude or shocking things that make other people angry or upset. : feeling unpleasantly nervous or excited : not calm.

What is a permissive person?

A permissive person, society, or way of behaving allows or tolerates things that other people disapprove of.

What is condescending attitude? Full Definition of condescending

: showing or characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others.

What does it mean when someone is simpering?

intransitive verb. : to smile in a silly, affected, or ingratiating manner Through force of will, she escaped the narrowness of Victorian daughterhood, the polite world of needlework and simpering over teacups that had always bored her.—

Is Deprecative a word? Tending or intending to belittle: deprecatory, depreciative, depreciatory, derogative, derogatory, detractive, disparaging, low, pejorative, slighting, uncomplimentary.

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