How do you politely confirm?


Use these phrases to indicate that you would like to rephrase what someone has said in order to make sure you have understood something correctly. Can I rephrase what you said/have/said? Let me see if I’ve understood you correctly. You …

Simply so What is the synonym of explain? synonyms for explain

  • analyze.
  • clarify.
  • define.
  • demonstrate.
  • describe.
  • disclose.
  • expound.
  • illustrate.

How do you say confirm in email? They just want you to acknowledge that you have received the mail . Anything along the lines of “I have received the mail ” or “ I confirm that the e-mail has been received and read ” or “I have received the email . I will correspond/be in touch with you shortly , thank you ”will do fine .

also Can you please confirm that you have received? “Please confirm upon receipt” is the correct sentence. This sentence is asking the recipient to tell the person who sent the item to confirm or tell them that they have received the item. Means: “kindly, acknowledge receipt of this email” or “Please confirm receipt”.

How do you confirm a statement in an email?

Usually, the sender simply wants to know that you have seen the email and expects a simple acknowledgement from you. This kind of emails may end with, “Please acknowledge receipt of this message”, “Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email” or “Please acknowledge receipt of this email”.

What is the synonym of elaborate? complicated, detailed, intricate, complex, involved, tortuous, convoluted, serpentine, tangled, knotty, confusing, bewildering, baffling. painstaking, careful. inextricable, entangled, impenetrable, Byzantine, Daedalian, Gordian. rare involute, involuted.

Which means synonym?

What is another word for which means?

meaning that the corollary being that
which argues which attests
which conveys which determines
which expresses which implies
which indicates which insinuates

Can’t be explained synonym? synonyms: indefinable, indescribable, unspeakable, untellable, unutterable inexpressible, unexpressible.

How do you respond to a confirmation?

If it’s asking for your confirmation of receipt, just reply with “Received, thank you”. A confirmation email is the sender saying, “I have received your email, and will respond as soon as possible”. If this is what someone has sent you (or something along these lines), you do not need to respond to it.

How do you reply to please confirm? How do we respond to “please confirm receipt?” A confirmation email response can be done by simply writing “thank you” or “acknowledged” which is better off when communicating with close individuals. A more formal way is to include “I have received the email/payment/file successfully” before “thank you.”

Can you say confirming receipt?

This is not correct. Don’t use this phrase. If you want to confirm that you have received something, it’s better to say, “In my letter, I confirmed the receipt of this item.”

How do you say received email? If you want simply to confirm that you have received her email, a few of the choices you have are:

  1. Thank you, I’ve received your message.
  2. I confirm that I’ve received your message. (a bit more formal)
  3. Receipt confirmed. (a bit curt and. distant)
  4. Thank you for the information.

How do you reply to confirm receipt?

How do we respond to “please confirm receipt?” A confirmation email response can be done by simply writing “thank you” or “acknowledged” which is better off when communicating with close individuals. A more formal way is to include “I have received the email/payment/file successfully” before “thank you.”

What does confirm receipt mean?

It also means to confirm whether a piece of information, document or payment has been received successfully. Like a freelancer or a corporate firm, an individual usually uses this phrase to establish contact or note receipt. … “Please confirm receipt” is a common tenet of formal business correspondence.

How do you respond to a confirmation email? Here are the basic steps on how to reply to an email to confirm an appointment:

  1. Adjust the subject line. …
  2. Address the recipient. …
  3. Acknowledge their statement. …
  4. State the time of the appointment. …
  5. Reference the topic of the appointment. …
  6. Review details about the location. …
  7. Provide your contact information.

How do you confirm a formal meeting? Here are ten tips to confirm appointments by emails:

  1. 1 – Come out Clear. Come out clear to confirm your appointment in the best way you can. …
  2. 2 – Be Brief and Specific. …
  3. 3 – Make It a Reminder Mission. …
  4. 4 – Be Detailed. …
  5. 5 – Don’t Make It Too Long. …
  6. 6 – Get to The Point. …
  7. 7 – Follow a Professional Format. …
  8. 8 – Use a Formal Language.

What is the best synonym for Expand?


  • bolster.
  • broaden.
  • develop.
  • enlarge.
  • grow.
  • increase.
  • open.
  • spread.

Can you please elaborate meaning? To elaborate (‘rate’ pronounced like ‘date’) is “to add more details” or “to explain something more.” Someone might say, “Please elaborate,” which means, “Please tell me in more detail.” or “Please give me more information.” You might also hear someone say, “Allow me to elaborate.” This means they want to explain in …

Would you care to elaborate meaning?

1 : to expand something in detail would you care to elaborate on that statement. 2 : to become elaborate (see elaborate entry 1) transitive verb. 1 : to work out in detail : develop elaborate a theory.

What is a mean person called? Noun. A mean (unkind) person. meanie. villain. rogue.

Which can lead to synonym?

What is another word for lead to?

produce catalyse UK
yield result in
bring about bring on
contribute to set in motion
translate into give rise to

What is a better word for evil? OTHER WORDS FOR evil

1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 9 disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.

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