Do up in a sentence?


We spent our weekends doing up a 1934 Rolls Royce. He held a small parcel done up in coloured paper and ribbon. Her shiny dark hair was done up in a ponytail. She had spent hours doing herself up for the party.

Simply so Do over one word or two? noun The act of doing something again, often in an attempt to improve. When used as a noun, the phrase is usually hyphenated.

Do without in a sentence? I’ll do without a car after moving to the city center. The team has to do without the two best players in the final game.

also Do with sentences? Do with sentence example

  • Maybe lifting had nothing to do with it. …
  • Her sadness had nothing to do with not appreciating their fortune. …
  • I’m sure that had a lot to do with it – that and the connections. …
  • Maybe it had something to do with his investments.

Do yourself down Meaning?

to criticize someone in order to make them feel ashamed or to make other people lose respect: She felt that everyone in the meeting was trying to do her down. Stop doing yourself down.

What does do with STH mean? to need or want someone or something: I could do with a few days off work. be/have to do with sb/sth.

How do you do phrasal verbs?


  1. Don’t group them by verb. The most common method I’ve seen in textbooks, classrooms and online is to group the phrasal verbs by a particular verb. …
  2. Group them by particle (up, off, out, away, etc.) …
  3. Group them by topic. …
  4. Learn them in context. …
  5. Use them in a story.

Do away means? 1 : to put an end to : abolish, discontinue the motor did not do away with steam power— Roger Burlingame attempted to do away with the entire civic art program— Jules Langsner. 2 : to put to death : kill thousands of persons have been done away with in this manner — Manchester Guardian Weekly.

Do sth up meaning?

phrasal verb. If you do something up, you fasten it.

What is the sentence of behind? “The child was hiding behind the door.” “The performers were waiting behind the curtain.” “My keys fell behind the couch.” “He was standing behind me.”

Can sentences example?

Could sentence example

  • I wish you could hear yourself talking. …
  • What could he do about it but lose more sleep? …
  • How could she blame him? …
  • How could he find out? …
  • I never thought I could do it. …
  • I had let so much gas out of my balloon that I could not rise again, and in a few minutes the earth closed over my head.

Does sentence have example? Has sentence example

  • He has lived more than eighty years. …
  • Has anybody ever told you that you’re beautiful? …
  • If Len has time, maybe he could help me. …
  • He has a mind to spend the rest of his life in that country. …
  • If he has custody, she couldn’t get the money. …
  • It has GPS navigation. …
  • He has been received by the Emperor.

What are sentences in English examples?

Have or Has

  • “He has a pet dog.” “She has a boyfriend.” “It has rained all day” (present perfect) …
  • ‘You’ and ‘I’ use have. “You have a nice apartment.” “I have a problem.”
  • Plural nouns use have. “Dogs have better personalities than cats.” …
  • Singular nouns and uncountable nouns use has. “The traffic has made me late.”

Do up the house meaning?

to repair or decorate a building so that it looks attractive: I’d like to buy a run-down house and do it up. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples. to decorate a room, house, etc.

What is the meaning of look after yourself? look after somebody/something/yourself (especially British English) to be responsible for or to take care of somebody/something/yourself.

What’s dull witted? Definition of dull-witted

: mentally slow : dim-witted He tried to teach her how to pronounce his last name with a French twirl, and when her tongue could not master it he accused her of being dull-witted.—

Do without or make without?

To cope or manage to do something without all the resources that one would ideally like to have. “Make do” is often followed by “with” or “without,” depending on the context of the sentence.

How do you memorize verbs? The 8 Top Tricks for Remembering Irregular English Verbs

  1. Group common irregular verbs together. …
  2. Learn all new vocabulary with its tense forms. …
  3. Memorize the 10 most common irregular verbs first. …
  4. Turn memorizing into a game. …
  5. Learn in sentences. …
  6. Learn with songs. …
  7. Leave lists where you can see them. …
  8. Ask people to correct you.

What are the examples of idioms?

The most common English idioms

Idiom Meaning Usage
Better late than never Better to arrive late than not to come at all by itself
Bite the bullet To get something over with because it is inevitable as part of a sentence
Break a leg Good luck by itself
Call it a day Stop working on something as part of a sentence

Could do without meaning? To not want something, perhaps because it would make the situation worse, or would simply be very annoying. I could do without the CEO coming today of all days. I’ve got enough problems as it is!

Do yourself up meaning?

phrasal verb. do yourself up. (also get done up) (informal) to make yourself more attractive by putting on make-up, attractive clothes, etc. She did herself up in a white evening gown and diamonds.

Do something with your eyes closed? could (do something) with (one’s) eyes closed

Is able to do something with very little or no difficulty, or complete or accomplish something in a relaxed, carefree, or effortless manner.

Do up your hair meaning?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishdo your/somebody’s hair/nails/make-up etcdo your/somebody’s hair/nails/make-up etcto do something that improves your appearance or someone else’s appearance It must take her ages to do her make-up in the mornings.

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