Can you give me an example of complement?


In grammar, the complement of a link verb is an adjective group or noun group which comes after the verb and describes or identifies the subject. For example, in the sentence ‘They felt very tired‘, ‘very tired’ is the complement. In ‘They were students’, ‘students’ is the complement.

What are the 4 types of complements? Types of Complements. There are five main categories of complements: objects, object complements, adjective complements, adverbial complements, and subject complements. We’ll briefly look at each below. To learn more about them, continue on to their individual sections.

Likewise What is complement in the sentence?

The word or words complete a predicate in a sentence

In grammar, a complement is a word or word group that completes the predicate in a sentence. In contrast to modifiers, which are optional, complements are required to complete the meaning of a sentence or a part of a sentence.

What can be a complement? In grammar, a complement is a word, phrase, or clause that is necessary to complete the meaning of a given expression. Complements are often also arguments (expressions that help complete the meaning of a predicate).

What is an example of a complement in economics?

Two goods (A and B) are complementary if using more of good A requires the use of more good B. For example, ink jet printer and ink cartridge are complements. Two goods (C and D) are substitutes if using more of good C replaces the use of good D. For example, Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola are substitutes.

What is the complement of a noun? Noun complements are normally used with abstract nouns (nouns which represent an idea rather than a thing). The complement, or additional information, explains what that idea relates to. For example: I like the thought of kittens sneezing.

Are cars and gasoline complementary goods?

Gas and cars are complementary goods. When the price of one falls, the demand for the other increases. … This results in an increase in demand for cars in general, and less fuel efficient cars in particular.

Are cereal and milk complementary goods? Cereal and milk are complementary goods. An increase in the price of breakfast cereal would cause the demand for milk to decrease, shifting the demand curve to the left.

Are gold and silver substitutes or complements?

They are related goods but not direct substitute goods. As such we have seen the price of gold rise sharply over time, but silver not as much.

What is an adjective complement? An adjective complement (also called an adjective phrase complement) is defined as a functional part of a sentence that completes the meaning of, or complements, an adjective or adjective phrase.

What does it mean to be complementary?

English Language Learners Definition of complementary

: completing something else or making it better : serving as a complement. —used of two things when each adds something to the other or helps to make the other better. : going together well : working well together.

What is the difference between object and complement? The key difference between object and complement is that an object is a noun or noun equivalent denoting the goal or result of the action of a verb whereas complement is a noun, phrase or clause that adds additional information about the subject or object.

Are printers and ink complementary goods?

Yes. Ink and printers are complementary goods. A person can’t buy whatever ink they want, they need the ink that goes with their printer. At the same time, if ink prices go up $5 per cartridge, few people will go out and buy an entirely new printer.

What is a complement of bread? Bread and butter are complements since they are consumed together.

What is meant by complementary goods?

Meaning of Complementary Goods

An object used in combination with another product or service is a complementary good or service. Usually, when consumed alone, the complementary good has little or no value.

What is meant by complementary goods class 11? Complementary goods are those goods which are complementary to one another in the sense that they are used jointly or together such as car and petrol, pen and ink etc. There is an inverse relationship between the demand for the good and the price of its complements.

What are complementary products?

products that are sold separately but that are used together, each creating a demand for the other, for example, computers and computer programs: Technology firms that specialize in one product now join forces with other companies that focus on complementary products or services.

Is adverb a complement? Adverbial complements always appear after the verb they complement. If the verb is intransitive, the complement will appear directly after the verb; if the verb is transitive, the complement will appear after the verb’s direct object. … Yes—the adverbial is a complement.

What are adjectives give 10 examples?

Examples of adjectives

  • They live in a beautiful house.
  • Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today. This soup is not edible.
  • She wore a beautiful dress.
  • He writes meaningless letters.
  • This shop is much nicer.
  • She wore a beautiful dress.
  • Ben is an adorable baby.
  • Linda’s hair is gorgeous.

How do you become complementary? Complementary Characteristics

Someone always on the run and someone relaxed, Someone with a need for organization and someone who thrives in chaos. Someone who needs a shotlist and someone who relies on candid photos. Someone who loves to use the cooking utensils and someone who loves to keep them clean.

Can a person be complementary?

When someone is being complimentary, they are praising and flattering someone or something else: Sonia was quite complimentary about your friendliness and warmth to her when her spouse was ill.

Is 180 complementary? Supplementary angles are two angles whose sum is 180 degrees while complementary angles are two angles whose sum is 90 degrees.

Is a direct object a complement?

The direct object is one type of complement. It completes the meaning of a transitive verb. A direct object is a noun, pronoun, or word group that tells who or what receives the action of the verb.

Can an object be a complement? An object can act as a complement but a complement cannot act as an object. Hence complements are not that important for a sentence as objects are. Objects follow the verb in a sentence and they can be found anywhere in a sentence but in the case of complements, they are found in the predicates.

What are the examples of subject complement?

Examples of Subject Complement

  • “dog” is a noun.
  • “dog” is the subject complement.
  • “dog” follows the linking verb “is” (to be)
  • “dog” renames “Spot”

Are flashlights and batteries substitution or complementary goods?

Complementary products are pairs of products that are bought together. For example, batteries are a complement to battery-powered flashlights because flashlights cannot work without batteries.

Are peanut butter and jelly complements or substitutes? Remember that peanut butter and jelly are complements. Because we are consuming less peanut butter, we consume less jelly also, even though the price of jelly didn’t change. The demand for jelly decreases (jelly demand curve shifts inward).

Is water a substitute or complement for soda?

If you just have a glass of water instead of a cola, well, that is also a substitute. Pepsi would be a close substitute, while water, arguably would be a not so close substitute. Complements, on the other hand, are things that go well with, or must be used with, the good in question.

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