Can a person be an anomaly?


an anomalous person or thing; one that is abnormal or does not fit in: With his quiet nature, he was an anomaly in his exuberant family. an odd, peculiar, or strange condition, situation, quality, etc. an incongruity or inconsistency.

Simply so What is an anomaly on Randonautica? A Randonautica anomaly is a name given to describe either a void or an attractor. Fully known as an ‘Intention Driven Anomaly’, it refers to a found pattern in quantum number dates. In layman’s terms, it’s an area that’s believed to have been influenced by human thought.

Does anomaly have a girlfriend? For some reason, this wiki page was removed, and it is Anomaly’s personal life so don’t get too nosy, but Linda is currently Anomaly’s Fiancée.

also Is an anomaly bad? Are anomalies always bad? Although the word ‘anomaly’ may have negative connotations, it does not necessarily indicate something bad has happened. An anomaly can also mean that something very good has happened – a result better than expected – which has completely skewed the results.

What do dueling mean?

1 : a combat between two persons specifically : a formal combat with weapons fought between two persons in the presence of witnesses. 2 : a conflict between antagonistic persons, ideas, or forces also : a hard-fought contest between two opponents. duel. verb. dueled or duelled; dueling or duelling.

What does quantum mean in Randonautica? All three of these coordinates are determined using something called a “quantum point.” A quantum point is basically a coordinate that’s generated from a random number generator, and it’s thought to be non-deterministic, AKA completely random.

Is Randonautica used for human trafficking?

There have been some rumors that the app is being used for human trafficking. However, there have been no credible reports linking Randonautica to any cases of human trafficking.

Are Randonautica stories real? While many stories have been found and believed to be false, some Randonautica stories have proven to be true. Fans have been unable to conclude whether the random and spooky adventure of the application is true or not, however, such Randonautica stories keep coming up each passing day.

Is Linda anomaly’s sister or girlfriend?

Linda. She might be an unknown family member of Ludde, she showed up in video series of ANOMALY GOES TO JAPAN . Another theory is that she is the girlfriend of Ludde, but the true nature of their relationship remains a mystery. Linda says on her Twitter that she is “Anomaly’s sister/ boyfriend / cousin / caretaker“.

Does anomaly have autism? Anomaly on Instagram: “I’m actually autistic

What is the opposite of an anomaly?

anomaly. Antonyms: conformity, regularity, illustration, conformance, exemplification, specimen. Synonyms: irregularity, abnormity, exception, informality, peculiarity, eccentricity.

What is anomaly in geophysics? Definition: Area where geophysical properties (e.g. radiometric, magnetic, electromagnetic, gravity) differ from surrounding areas and which may be the result of mineralisation.

Is one anomaly enough to disprove a hypothesis?

If the hypothesis above about falling objects really were false, it is likely that this would be discovered sooner or later after enough objects had been dropped. It takes just one exception to disprove a hypothesis.

Why did Hamilton duel Burr?

Burr-Hamilton duel, duel fought between U.S. Vice Pres. … The two men had long been political rivals, but the immediate cause of the duel was disparaging remarks Hamilton had allegedly made about Burr at a dinner.

How do you talk in duel?

Does duel mean 2? dual/ duel

Dual is two, or double, but a duel is a fight. If you’re getting sick of your fair-weather friend’s dual personality, perhaps you should throw down your glove and challenge him to a duel at high noon.

What are Randonautica blind spots?

A Blind-Spot is a place in the real world that you would never normally encounter through any chain of causal experiences. … Using the Fatum Bot, Randonauts can generate a random coordinate location in an attempt to find Blind-Spots and uncover what lies outside the boundaries of everyday causal experience.

Who invented Randonautica? Is our power to manifest deeper than we know? Randonautica founders Joshua Lengfelder and Auburn Salcedo have fielded hundreds of questions from app users marveling over the synchronicities, coincidences, and mind-blowing experiences their app-generated journeys have uncovered.

What is the real Randonautica app?

Randonautica is the first ever quantumly generated adventure game that takes you on a journey of true randomness. The adventure is yours to have and the legend will be yours to tell. Welcome, future Randonauts! This app provides you with totally random coordinates within a set radius.

What is radon Nautica? For the uninitiated, Randonautica is an app that sends users to a randomly generated set of nearby coordinates, asking adventurers to set out with a goal in mind.

Who runs Randonautica?

Randonautica founders Joshua Lengfelder and Auburn Salcedo have fielded hundreds of questions from app users marveling over the synchronicities, coincidences, and mind-blowing experiences their app-generated journeys have uncovered.

How do you set an intention in Randonautica? The app encourages users to get out and explore their local areas by giving them a randomized set of coordinates to track down. To start, you’ll be asked to set an “intention” for your quest. That just means you’ll write in the app what you’d like to to see. From there, you can choose the location you’d like.

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