Why is the bride still Unravished?

In “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” the urn is described as a “still unravish’d bride” because the images on its sides are forever frozen in time, never to reach a conclusion.

Is Unravished a word? Definition of unravished in the English dictionary

The definition of unravished in the dictionary is not ravished, sexually assaulted, or violated, pure.

Likewise Why did the persona say do not grieve?

Through apostrophe, or the direct addressing of the inanimate “Bold Lover,” the speaker hints at the paradox: “Do not grieve,” he says. Yet the lover, because abstract and not alive, is as incapable of grief as he is of ever “winning near the goal.” Grief is the negative side life’s process: the painful result of love.

What can the lover on the urn never do? Imagined melodies are lovelier than those heard by human ears. Therefore the poet urges the musician pictured on the urn to play on. His song can never end nor the trees ever shed their leaves. The lover on the urn can never win a kiss from his beloved, but his beloved can never lose her beauty.

Who is the Unravished bride of quietness?

In the first stanza, the speaker stands before an ancient Grecian urn and addresses it. He is preoccupied with its depiction of pictures frozen in time. It is the “still unravish’d bride of quietness,” the “foster-child of silence and slow time.” He also describes the urn as a “historian” that can tell a story.

What is leaf fringed? Word. Meanings. 1. Leaf-fringed. An outer edge of leaves.

What do Tempe and Arcady refer to?

Tempe is a valley in Greece known for its pastoral lands of great beauty. Arcady refers to the ancient Greek state of Arcadia. The allusions to Arcadia and Tempe establishes the the old age of the urn and brings to mind images of pastoral, idealistic beauty.

What does ravishingly mean? : unusually attractive, pleasing, or striking.

Which word embodies the concepts of time and motion?

“Still” embodies two concepts–time and motion–which appear in a number of ways in the rest of the poem.

Why is the urn a friend to man? Why is the urn “a friend to man” (line 48)? Because it always reminds men of the possibility of escaping from their earthly reality into the eternal world of art and beauty.

Why does the speaker praise the urns immortality so much?

Why does the speaker praise the urns immortality so much? He praises it because it has everlasting beauty, and it only needs to know its own beauty to contribute a purpose to life.

What are the three images shown on the urn? The urn itself is referred to in a series of images:

  • As a ‘bride of quietness’
  • A ‘child of silence and .. Time’
  • As a teller of pastoral stories.
  • A shapely yet silent ‘tease’
  • A friend to humanity.
  • As a wise sooth-sayer.

What is happening to the maiden in Ode on a Grecian Urn?

The trees may never lose their leaves, but they are forever caught in spring, and so will never come to their full, summer fruition. The maiden will never elude the pursuing lover and his love will never fade, but he will never reach her: ‘never, never canst thou kiss, /Though winning near the goal’.

Why is the urn a foster child of silence and slow time? It is therefore “silent.” The urn is the foster-child of “slow time” because, having lasted so long with its images relatively unfazed, it is as if time has slowed down for the urn, making it seem more young/new than it actually is. … Thus, the foster-child (urn) is forever silent.

Who stirred and shook the air?

Answer: The voice of the Traveller stirred and shook the air.

What does Phantom listeners mean? Answer: t’s an actual spirit of a dead person. The other definition is that a phantom is a figment of the imagination. In relation to this poem, that means the phantom listeners are likely the ghostly spirits of the house’s former inhabitants, but the phantoms could be merely figments of the visitor’s imagination.

Who stood perplexed and still why?

Ans: The Traveller was expecting to be greeted by someone. c) Why was he ‘perplexed and still’? Ans: He was ‘perplexed and still’ because he was expecting an answer from the inmates of the house but despite repeated calls, there was no response.

Can your soul be silent and not? Consonance: Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds in the same line of poetry such as the sound of /l/ in “Will silent be; and not a soul to tell” and /n/ sound in “All breathing human passion far above.” … more happy, happy love!” and /i/ sound in “Attic shape! Fair attitude! With brede.”

What is the paradox in Ode on a Grecian Urn?

Paradox Examples in Ode on a Grecian Urn:

Here Keats presents both a double entendre and a paradox. Keats is comparing the silence through which the urn tells its stories to the sounds he imagines coming from the pipes painted on the urn. To Keats’s speaker, the silence is “sweeter.”

What does it mean to ravage a woman? To ravage is to pillage, sack, or devastate. The only time “ravaging” is properly used is in phrases like “when the pirates had finished ravaging the town, they turned to ravishing the women.” Which brings us to “ravish”: meaning to rape, or rob violently. … If a woman smashes your apartment up, she ravages it.

What is the longest word for beautiful?

physically beautiful; comely.

Can you say a man looks ravishing? Men can be called ravishing, the adjective itself is unisex but just unlikely to describe a man ravishing. English speakers will understand you, but it’s a word we would take notice to because it’s rare in people’s vocabulary.

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