What’s the female version of cuckold?

Although a female version of the word cuckold exists (it’s cuckquean), it’s little used, probably because, as far as the larger sense of the word’s meaning is concerned, there has been no female equivalent of the cuckold. Wronged wives typically have been figures of sympathy, not jest.

What is the female word for cuckold? cuckquean (KUK-wean) n. a female cuckold.

Likewise What is Urban Dictionary?

The Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced website that records new words and their meanings. It began life in 1999 as a parody of Dictionary.com but has since become an important resource on the Web. … Part of Urban Dictionary’s appeal is its informal approach, which allows both definitions and descriptions of words.

What does SIS mean in slang? Summary of Key Points

Definition: Sister
Type: Abbreviation
Guessability: 1: Easy to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What does simp mean in slang?

Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially out of a failed hope of winning some entitled sexual attention or activity from them.

What does FSE mean in text? Image for FSE

FSE means something is extremely funny.

What is British slang for sister?

Because nuns often served as nurses, in British English, sister is still synonymous with nurse. … Sis is an informal abbreviation, often used in direct address by a sibling, as is sissy, though this term acquired the pejorative connotation of an effeminate man.


In Morse Code, “SOS” is a signal sequence of three dits, three dats, and another three dits spelling “S-O-S”. The expression “Save Our Ship” was probably coined by sailors to signal for help from a vessel in distress.

What is a sista?

sista in British English

(ˈsɪstə ) noun. African-American slang. an African-American woman.

Can a woman be a simp? A simp, by definition, is someone who does way too much for someone they like. … It never specifies a gender, but everyone knows simp is used exclusively to describe men, and men’s behaviour towards women. The term is used jokingly, sometimes to describe even the bare minimum level of respect between a man and a woman.

Is being nice to a girl a simp?

Typically when you’re called a simp they’re either insulting you or joking. A simp is when a man revolves his whole life around a Woman who either doesn’t know who his is or will never be with him. With that said being nice does not make you a simp.

What does POV mean? point of view: used especially in describing a method of shooting a scene or film that expresses the attitude of the director or writer toward the material or of a character in a scene.

What does FCE mean in Instagram?

#fce- meaning ” Favourite Couple Ever.” ❤️

What does FCE stand for? FCE

Acronym Definition
FCE First Certificate in English
FCE Fondo de Cultura Económica (Spanish: Economic Culture Fund)
FCE Faculty of Civil Engineering (various schools)
FCE Foundation for Creative Expression (Arizona)

What does FSE stand for in school?


Acronym Definition
FSE Faculty of Science & Engineering (various universities)
FSE Fire Safety Engineering
FSE Fire Support Element
FSE Feuilles de Soins Électroniques (French: Electronic Care Sheets; healthcare)

What does prim and proper mean? /prɪm/ primmer | primmest. very formal and correct in behavior and easily shocked by anything rude: She’s much too prim and proper to drink pints of beer. Synonyms.

What does it mean when a guy calls a girl his homegirl?

1 slang : a girl or woman from one’s neighborhood, hometown, or region broadly : a female friend. 2 slang : a girl or woman who is a member of one’s peer group.

What is the denotative meaning of milk? 1a : a fluid secreted by the mammary glands of females for the nourishment of their young. b(1) : milk from an animal and especially a cow used as food by people. (2) : a food product produced from seeds or fruit that resembles and is used similarly to cow’s milk almond/coconut/soy/nut milk.

What does SOL stand for?


Acronym Definition
SOL Standard of Living
SOL Sooner Or Later
SOL Standards Of Learning
SOL Solicitation

What is a brotha mean? Noun. brotha (plural brothas) (slang, African-American Vernacular or Jamaican) Pronunciation spelling of brother.

What is sibling love called?

While the American Psychological Association does not use the term, GSA is what it sounds like: a phenomenon that occurs when two family members, who were separated early in life, eventually meet and experience an intense sexual attraction to each other — though not all act on it.

Can we call sister as sista? Sista may refer to: “Sister”, spelled in eye dialect.

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