What’s a word for looking smart?

1’you look very smart’ well dressed, well turned out, fashionably dressed, fashionable, stylish, chic, modish, elegant, neat, besuited, spruce, trim, dapper, debonair.

Simply so What’s another word for looking good? What is another word for good-looking?

beautiful lovely
winning appealing
beauteous comely
enchanting fair
handsome pretty

Is looking smart a compliment? Smart is usually referred as a personality rather than just physical appearance. Smart includes overall of you. It’s a good compliment and no wonder who ever has said you genuinely is a genuine fan of you.

also What is a precocious person? precocious prih-KOH-shus adjective. 1 : exceptionally early in development or occurrence. 2 : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age.

What does it mean when a man says you look smart?

Smart is usually referred as a personality rather than just physical appearance. Smart includes overall of you. It’s a good compliment and no wonder who ever has said you genuinely is a genuine fan of you.

What is looking sharp? Looking Sharp means ~Looking really very good, To pay attention to one’s surrounding. example :She looks very sharp in her new suit-like a model.

How can men look smarter?

Men’s Grooming: 8 Simple Ways To Look Sharp and Smart Instantly

  1. Layering is both functional and stylish. …
  2. Accessories reflect your personality. …
  3. Take care of yourself – style your beard and mustache. …
  4. A nice bag and wallet will make you instantly stylish. …
  5. Posture adds to the overall appearance.

What does draughty mean? adjective. A draughty room or building has currents of cold air blowing through it, usually because the windows and doors do not fit very well.

Is precocious a compliment?

Today, ‘precocious’ is mostly used to refer to children who exhibit adult like maturity. They are far more intelligent and skilled than children of their age. The word can be used as a compliment and to show disapproval as well.

What does Ignobility mean? 1 : characterized by baseness, lowness, or meanness. 2 : of low birth or common origin : plebeian.

What does it mean when someone calls you intelligent?

intelligent, clever, and brilliant mean having a good amount of mental ability. intelligent is used of a person who can handle new situations and solve problems. We need an intelligent person to run the company. clever is used of a person who learns very quickly.

What does an intelligent man look for in a woman? Intelligent men want a woman who knows what’s going on in the world. They want someone who cares about things outside her immediate orbit. This comes along with other attractive qualities like empathy, confidence, and engagement with the world around her.

Do guys like smart girls?

Men are not attracted to intelligent women unless they are good looking, a study has found. New research has confirmed the commonly held notion that the smarter a woman is, the less likely it is a man will fancy her.

What’s another word for looking sharp?

What is another word for looking sharp?

dressy formal
stylish ornate
ritzy swish
dashing modish
sharp sophisticated

What is the meaning of you look great? Look Good / Great / Fantastic

I said to her, “You look great!” This means that her appearance was good.

What does looking good mean? : having a pleasing or attractive appearance : pretty, handsome, or beautiful.

How can a girl look smart?

Look for inspiration from fashion websites that address makeup for working women, and only use makeup in that section. You don’t have to wear any makeup if you don’t want to. Avoid excessive piercings. Wear glasses if you need them.

How can a woman look smart? How can a lady look smart? Appearance can go a long way for making you look smart. Always go with clean, well-fitting clothes such as a casual dress instead of baggy clothes like sweatpants and a hoodie. If you wear glasses, put them on to enhance your image and make yourself look smarter.

How can I look smart and elegant?

20 tips to look posh and elegant on a budget

  1. Find your style. The foundation to look expensive is to find your style! …
  2. Nails. Nails can make any girl look classy. …
  3. Statement Sunnies. …
  4. Have one good classic wrist watch. …
  5. Diamond Studs. …
  6. Have a signature scent. …
  7. Neutral colour. …
  8. Simple makeup.

What is cramped room? adjective. A cramped room or building is not big enough for the people or things in it.

Can you describe an adult as precocious?

Showing unusually early development or maturity. The definition of precocious is a person who is more developed or more mature than expected for their age.

What is the synonym of precocious? advanced, old beyond one’s years, forward, ahead of one’s peers, mature, prematurely developed, ahead, gifted, talented, clever, intelligent, quick.

How do you use the word precocious in a sentence?

He is an alert and precocious child. A boy of 12 may not be sharp; he may not be precocious; he may make a very poor show before a number of older men. He began etching aged 14, copying his precocious brother’s drawings. She is a precocious child, wise beyond her years, but still internally conflicted.

What is the synonym of genius? brilliance, great intelligence, great intellect, great ability, cleverness, brains, erudition, wisdom, sagacity, fine mind, wit, artistry, flair, creative power, precocity, precociousness. stupidity. 2’that woman has a genius for organization’

Is there such a word as ignoble?

1 degraded, dishonorable, ignominious, contemptible.

What is ignoble character?

The definition of ignoble is capable of base or mean behavior. An example of someone who is ignoble is a person whose character is dishonorable. adjective. Ignoble is defined as common or not of royal birth. An example of something ignoble is a person born into a poor family.

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