What is Tonto English?

Noting that tonto in Spanish means “stupid” or “crazy,” some people have pointed out that kemosabe sounds a lot like the Spanish phrase quien no sabe, “he who doesn’t understand.” (In Spanish-language versions of The Lone Ranger, Tonto is called Toro, Spanish for bull.)

What is the opposite of Bueno? Opposite of very good, especially to the point of being worthy of great respect or imitation. unworthy. deplorable. bad.

Likewise Is Tonto rude?

It is exactly the same as calling someone “fool”. Sometimes is offensive and sometimes it is not. ‘Tonta’ I think is a playful word because my ex-sister-in-law calls me ‘tonta’.

Is Tonto masculine or feminine? Variations

number feminine masculine
plural tontos
singular tonta tonto

Is Bueno Spanish or Italian?

Kinder Bueno (Kinder is German for “children”, bueno is Spanish for “good”) is a chocolate bar made by Italian confectionery maker Ferrero.

Can Bueno mean hello? However, in Mexico in paticular, it is common for people to answer the phone with “bueno.” In this context, bueno is loosely translated to “hello” or “yes”.

What language is bien?

Bien and Bon are two very small, but very common French words. Basically: Bien = Well. Bon = Good.

What does Tonto mean in Indian? Tonto is a fictional character; he is the Native American (either Comanche or Potawatomi) companion of the Lone Ranger, a popular American Western character created by George W. … In Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, “tonto” translates as “a dumb person“, “moron”, or “fool”.

How do you say the B word in Spanish?

How do you say “bitch” in Spanish? – It could be “perra”, “cabrona”, or “zorra.”¿Cómo se dice “bitch” en español? – Podría ser “perra”, “cabrona” o “zorra”.

What color is Pelirrojo in English? Translation of pelirrojo – Spanish-English dictionary

red [noun, adjective] (of hair or fur) (of) a colour/color which varies between a golden brown and a deep reddish-brown.

What does going Tonto mean?

/a [ˈtonto] adjective. stupid ⧫ silly ⧫ dumb.

What is the difference between Bueno and Bien? Buen is the apocopic (missing the final syllable) form of bueno, and means “good” or “fine.” Bien is an adverb. Buen/bueno is an adjective. If you remember this simple rule, bien vs bueno will become much easier to understand.

Who made kinder?

Throughout our history we have always placed family, quality and innovation at the heart of what we do. The Kinder story starts in 1968, in the heart of the small town of Alba, Italy. Here, Michele Ferrero developed a heartfelt idea that would grow into the Kinder brand we know today.

What does Kinder mean in Italian? Kinder Chocolate (Italian: Kinder Cioccolato; “Kinder” is German for “children” or “children’s”) is a brand of chocolate bars produced by Italian multinational confectionery company Ferrero. Created by Michele Ferrero, the Kinder name was originally developed in Alba, Italy in 1968.

Can you say Bueno as a greeting?

¿Bueno? Is used as a greeting when answering the phone (primarily in Mexico). ¡Buenas! As a short form of buenos/as (días|tardes|noches) is used as greeting in some regions of Spain and Latin America (Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Mexico).

Do Puerto Ricans say buen dia? In some Latin American countries, such as Puerto Rico and Bolivia, the phrase “buen día” is used for “good morning” in casual, familiar settings. This greeting is extremely informal, and typically considered slang, so the best time to use it is when talking to friends or close acquaintances around your own age.

Is Bueno a word?

interjection Spanish. good; all right.

How do you use Buen? As we mentioned before, buen and bueno are actually the same word, and they are both used to describe singular masculine nouns. The difference is where you’ll put them in the sentence. Bueno goes after the noun and buen before.

Do you say okay in Spanish?

(= I agree) ¡vale! OK, OK! ¡vale, vale! ⧫ ¡ya, ya!

Why does Tonto say kemosabe? In the program, the Lone Ranger and his Native American friend Tonto referred to each other as kemosabe, a friendly term they had shared for years. … According to Striker’s son, his father used kemosabe to mean “trusty scout” in fan letters and to his children.

What is the lone rangers name?

A small history was created for their character: he was a former Texas ranger but one who now worked alone. Hence his moniker—the Lone Ranger. Later, via his first film appearances in 1938, the Ranger’s back story was even more fully fleshed out. His real name was John Reid.

Was Tonto white? But six decades after Silverheels was routinely upstaged by a white steed named Silver, Johnny Depp has given Tonto a nervy makeover that could ruffle some feathers. In the blockbuster reboot of The Lone Ranger, opening July 3, he’s a white actor playing a red man in whiteface with a dead crow on his head.

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