What is the synonym of prisoner?


  • captive.
  • convict.
  • detainee.
  • hostage.
  • con.
  • culprit.
  • internee.
  • jailbird.

What is short form for presentation? PRESN. (redirected from presentation)

Likewise What is the British word for jail?

In the UK, as Gemma noted, people tend to use the two words interchangeably, though the actual places today are called prisons, since they are part of Her Majesty’s Prison System. The things I know of that are called gaols are no longer in use.

Where does Gaol come from? Both gaol and jail are borrowed from French. The first borrowing, gaol, came with the Norman Conquest when a lot of Norman French words to do with law and politics and governance were introduced into English. The second borrowing, jail, came about three centuries later from Parisian French.

What is the full form of PPT?

PowerPoint presentation (Microsoft)

PPT is a file extension for a presentation file format used by Microsoft PowerPoint, the popular presentation software commonly used for office and educational slide shows.

Should you use abbreviations in a presentation? It can be very helpful to use acronyms and abbreviations on PowerPoint slides during a presentation. This helps save time and space. The key is to be clear as to what they represent, and then be consistent in using them.

Can I use abbreviations in a speech?

In broadcast interviews or speeches, don’t use abbreviations that contain more syllables than the words themselves.

What is a British eraser? Here’s something else for Americans to be aware of: did you know that an eraser is called a rubber in Britain? A good British Mum makes sure her children go to school with a rubber in their pencil case.

What is D block in jail?

In prison days, D Block was the Treatment Unit for disciplinary cases. Alcatraz was a place for the country’s worst inmates, and D Block was where they kept the worst of the worst. Prisoners there were locked in their cells for 24 hours a day. There are three tiers to D Block.

What is a kite in jail? A Kite is mail or request sent to or received by someone in prison.

How do you pronounce gaol in English?

Is gaol still used? Gaol is an outdated spelling that is rarely used.

Both forms have been used over the past few centuries, but today, only jail is commonplace. Since gaol has an O in it, like the words old and outdated, you can use the word’s spelling as a reminder that it is no longer current.

Is the word gaol Irish?

Scottish Gaelic

From Middle Irish gáel (“relationship”). Cognate with Irish gaol.

What is the full form of PDF? PDF stands for “portable document format“. Essentially, the format is used when you need to save files that cannot be modified but still need to be easily shared and printed. Today almost everyone has a version of Adobe Reader or other program on their computer that can read a PDF file.

Can PPT be made on phone?

With the Google Slides app for Android you can create, edit and present your presentations from an Android device. Furthermore, it supports PowerPoint files, which can help you use this app as a free alternative to the Office 365 subscription based PowerPoint for Android app.

What is a PPT in school? A PPT is a Planning and Placement Team meeting at which parents, other professionals, and educators discuss and plan for a child’s educational program. Parents are equal members of the team.

How do you introduce an acronym in a speech?

If your acronym is unfamiliar to your audience, you should introduce it initially in full, and make explicit to your audience that you will be using the acronym for the rest of your speech. For example, “I’d like to talk now about Problems in Human Relationships, or ‘PHR’ for short.

How do you present an abbreviation? Introducing acronyms

Introduce every acronym before using it in the text. The first time you use the term, put the acronym in parentheses after the full term. Thereafter, you can stick to using the acronym.

What is the full form of speech?

Rating. SPEECH. Subject, Point, Enthusiasm, Exhibit, Concise, Humor.

Why are acronyms so popular? Today, acronyms are used for a variety of purposes. Government agencies often use them to make their names more easily recognizable, as do private organizations. … Acronyms are so common, in fact, that often people recognize the concept without knowing what all of the letters stand for.

Why using acronyms is bad?

In many cases, they can confuse and alienate unfamiliar audiences, and even well-intentioned writers and speakers may overestimate an audience’s familiarity with abbreviations. Abbreviations shouldn’t be completely avoided, but using them as a default can be problematic.

Why abbreviations and codes are important? But why do we tend to use acronyms and abbreviations so often? Because it takes less time to say or write the first initial of each word or an abbreviated form of the full word than to spell out every single word. So using acronyms and abbreviations in your everyday speech makes communication easier and faster.

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