What is the message of Persepolis?

Lesson Summary

Throughout Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical graphic novel, Persepolis, education is an important theme. The main messages are that education is essential for a person to have true freedom, but also that institutionalized education cannot always be trusted.

Simply so What life lessons can be learned by reading Persepolis? The most important part of the book

It is Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, after all. Marjane experiences many life lessons like the truth about death, the greater good and learning to fight for what you believe in.

What is the key and what does it represent in Persepolis? Negative Symbols

The golden key is a plastic key that was painted gold and given to a boy in Persepolis. The key was meant to symbolize the ”key to the kingdom” of heaven, which the boy could enter if he fought in the Iran/Iraq war to defend his country and the pure Islamic state.

also What lessons did Marjane learn in Persepolis? Marjane grows and grows from being a young tenager to a more mature and thoughtful teen. She later learned about forgiveness vs. justice from an experience with a friend that had a father who was in the Savak, an army that worked for the Shah. “It is not for you to do justice.

Why is the book Persepolis significant?

Persepolis is an important classroom tool for a number of reasons. First, it is a primary source detailing life in Iran during the Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War . Readers of all ages get a glimpse of what life is like under repressive regimes and relive this period in history from a different perspective.

What lesson does Marji learn truth? What lessons does Marji learn about “truth”? She learns both that “The truth is sometimes hard to accept.” and “Nobody will accept the truth.”

What does Marjane find important in life?

To achieve adulthood, Marjane has to find a balance between family and freedom, humor and horror, career and relationships, Iranian and Western. Her whole life is a balancing act, but we think she’s found her center of gravity by the end of the novel: her heritage, her family, and her ideals.

How does Marjane change in Persepolis? Persepolis is a coming of age story because Marjane, the main protagonist, experiences rebellion and violence as she transitions from childhood to adulthood which ultimately leads her to mature into an adult. Growing up Marjane has to endure violence which leads to her losing her innocence.

How would you describe Marji?

Marji is strong-willed and very well educated. Both of these attributes will serve her well at the end of the novel. Marji learns about the politics of her country. She learns its history, and how it punishes those who don’t conform to its ways.

What does it mean for Marjane Satrapi to be a prophet and how does she go about becoming a prophet throughout Persepolis? Her prophet nature can be seen by her relationship with her God, being a rebel against the revolution, and her desire to show Iran in a true light. … Marjane accomplishes becoming a prophet by writing her book “Persepolis” because the book itself is getting her story across to people all over the world.

How does Marjane lose her innocence?

When Marjane is a child, she was very obedient. She followed the rules of Islam and the rules that her parents had established. As Marjane grows older, she begins to lose her innocence. She grows into this girl who is rotten.

How does Marji’s relationship with God and her faith change through out the story? The Shift. As Marji begins to read more about Karl Marx and political theory, her relationship with God weakens. … The energy she used to give to God is overtaken by her family history and surrounding political warfare. We don’t see God again until Marji’s father is late coming home one night.

What is Marji’s personality?

Personality… bold, blunt, and curious, Marjane is never one to follow the rules just because someone told her to. She eagerly absorbs all the knowledge she can, and listens carefully to the wisdom her parents dispense, even if she doesn’t understand it completely yet.

Is Persepolis a true story?

Unlike so many other comics-turned-movies, this one is not only true to the spirit of the original work, but the author is actually one of the filmmakers, because (also unlike so many other comics) this one is based on a true story: her story.

What does Marji’s reaction at the end of Chapter 4 Persepolis reveal about her? What does Marji’s reaction at the end of Chapter 4 (Persepolis), reveal about her? She is excited about fighting in the war. What is the possible reason why Marji wanted to take a long bath? Because she was dirty.

How does Satrapi depict Marji’s maturing over the novel? Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis expresses Marji’s journey from youth to maturity as she loses her innocence and rebels against the repressive regime around her. This memoir reflects on just how much the world around you can influence how you mature, who you become, and how you change in your lifetime.

What realization does Marjane have at the end of this chapter What does she mean when she says I realized then that I didn’t understand anything?

When Marjane finds out Anoosh had been executed, she again realizes that the world is not fair to everyone. She realizes that even people who are amazing and unbreakable in her eyes are not immune to the world’s vast amount of cruelty.

What is the double meaning of the request outside the hospital to give blood? What is the double meaning here? The Iranian people needed blood for the hospital. The double meaning is an metaphor for the life blood of the country. … The hospital didn’t have the equipment for people needing open heart surgery, and it is difficult to get a passport to get medical care outside the country.

How is Persepolis a Bildungsroman?

Persepolis is an example of a bildungsroman because throughout the book Marjane experiences different encounters that shape her into a mature young woman overtime. Loss of innocence is an example of a bildungsroman, and when Marjane lost her beloved Uncle Anoosh, she lost a piece of her innocence as well.

What does the jewel symbolize in Persepolis? Jewelry as a Symbol of Wealth.

Does Marjane Satrapi believe in God?

Marjane is actually devoutly religious—she believes in God, and she has strong faith. … She believes that her faith in God doesn’t depend on how much hair shows through her veil.

What is the significance of Marji’s desire to become a prophet? Marji wants to be a prophet in Persepolis because she wants to do good for her family and the Iranian people.

What type of character is Marjane in Persepolis?

Marjane Satrapi Character Analysis. Marjane is a strong-willed, sometimes confused protagonist who we follow from childhood to burgeoning adulthood over the course of Persepolis.

What does the ending of Persepolis mean? At the end of Persepolis, Marjane divorces her husband and returns to Europe. But she’s not fleeing her life in a Lifetime Original Movie way (no crying in the shower here)—she’s leaving to regain her freedoms. … Marjane makes the sacrifice of leaving her family behind in order to forge ahead with her own life.

Why is Persepolis in black and white?

Persepolis utilizes black and white to communicate feeling, emotions, scenes, and situations in the entire story. Iran was in war and many people died there, and the author describes her experience in a story that portrays actions with the help of contrasting colours.

Was Marjane a communist?

Young Marjane is a stroppy, piss-taking, veil-wearing Marxist-anarchist who embraces her many contradictions with self-absorbed relish.

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