What is the meaning of dolore?

[doˈlore ] masculine noun. (fisico) pain. (morale) distress ⧫ sorrow ⧫ grief.

What is Post cibos? post cibos {adv} <p.c., PC> [after meals]

Likewise What does the phrase sotto voce mean?

Definition of sotto voce

1 : under the breath : in an undertone also : in a private manner. 2 : very softly —used as a direction in music.

What does undertone mean in English? Definition of undertone

1 : a low or subdued utterance or accompanying sound. 2 : a quality (as of emotion) underlying the surface of an utterance or action. 3 : a subdued color specifically : a color seen through and modifying another color.

What does Incalzando mean?

[Italian, pressing on, chasing] A directive to a musician to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a pressing or chasing manner.

What is mean by Primo mane? July 8, 2019 at 11:36 AM · Primo mane meaning. (a) Every morning.

What is the meaning of Fiat Mistura?

fiat mistura (Latin: let a mixture be made)

What does Mitte mean on a prescription? P.O. is the Latin abbreviation for “ per os” which translates as by mouth or orally. And Mitte followed by a numerical amount translates as “send”, meaning “give the patient the following amount”.

What does the word Soto mean in Italian?

sotto adjective, preposition, adverb. under, below, beneath, underneath, bottom.

How do you use sotto voce in a sentence? (1) The remark was uttered sotto voce. (2) ‘You’ll be sorry,’ he muttered sotto voce. (3) ‘No, it was Daniel,’ she continued, sotto voce. (4) Scholars who know better are cowed, indifferent or, sotto voce, disdainful.

What’s the opposite of sotto voce?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for sotto voce. openly, publicly.

What are overtones and undertones? The figurative meanings of these two words are very similar and usually interchangeable. Undertone in its literal sense means “a low or quiet voice”: … Overtone’s literal sense has to do with sounds, also called harmonics, that add color and dimension to a voice or musical note.

What are cool shades?

You’ve most likely seen makeup products with shades like “cool linen” or “warm bisque,” and these descriptions refer to skin undertones. A cool undertone is generally associated with skin that has hints of blue, pink, or a ruddy red complexion. A warm undertone is more peachy, golden, or yellow.

What does sinister undertone mean? a particular but not obvious characteristic that a piece of writing or speech, an event, or a situation has: I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.

What does vivo mean music?

/ (ˈviːvəʊ) / adjective, adverb. music (in combination) with life and vigourallegro vivo.

What does ten mean in music? Ten. is short for tenuto which means holding. In Beethoven it probably means you should hold the note for its full length instead of leaving a little gap between the notes.

What does Stringendo mean in music?

Definition of stringendo

: with quickening of tempo (as to a climax) —used as a direction in music.

What is the meaning of Quartis horis? quartis horis. QUARTIS HORIS= प्रति चार घंटे [pr.

What does PTC stand for?


Acronym Definition
PTC Professional Testing Corporation
PTC Phenylthiocarbamide
PTC Piece to Camera (journalism)
PTC Phase Transfer Catalysis

What is the meaning of nocte? Pharmacy Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
n. or nocte at night
n.et m. night and morning
narist. nasal drops
NP or n.p. proper name

What is the English meaning of Haustous?

haus·tus. (haws’tŭs), A potion or medicinal draft. [L. a drink, draft]

What is Hora Somni? Hora Somni (Latin: At Bedtime or Just Before Sleep)

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