What is opposite of demur?

demur. Antonyms: accede, accept, accord, acquiesce, admit, agree, approve, assent, coincide, combine, comply, concur, consent, harmonize. Synonyms: contend, contradict, decline, deny, differ, disagree, dispute, dissent, oppose, protest, refuse.

Simply so How can I remember my demur? Mnemonic Tip to Learn Demur

A sentence to remember this better-“The defying murmur in the audience rose to a demur against the manager’s suggestion. The word demur means to object or oppose. Your mother asks you to pick up your room. You refuse: you demur.

What are synonyms for demur? synonyms for demur

  • hesitate.
  • vacillate.
  • waver.
  • balk.
  • cavil.
  • challenge.
  • combat.
  • complain.

also What is the synonym of word demur? Some common synonyms of demur are compunction, qualm, and scruple. While all these words mean “a misgiving about what one is doing or going to do,” demur implies hesitation caused by objection to an outside suggestion or influence.

What is the opposite of brawl?

Opposite of a rough or noisy fight. agreement. calm. harmony.

What does the word penetrative mean? Definition of penetrative

1 : tending to penetrate : piercing. 2 : acute penetrative observations. 3 : impressive a penetrative speaker.

How do you remember belie?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for belie

The “Bee” “lied” that he doesn’t sting people when he has killed over 1 million people.

What does do not obviate mean? : to anticipate and prevent (something, such as a situation) or make (an action) unnecessary The new medical treatment obviates the need for surgery.

What does carping mean?

Definition of carping

: marked by or inclined to querulous and often perverse criticism.

Which is the closest antonym for the word brazenly? antonyms for brazen

  • humble.
  • meek.
  • modest.
  • quiet.
  • retiring.
  • shy.
  • timid.
  • shamed.

What is the best definition for belied?

Definition of belie

1a : to give a false impression of Her gentleness belies her strength. b : to present an appearance not in agreement with His manner and appearance belie his age. 2a : to show (something) to be false or wrong The evidence belies their claims of innocence.

What is the synonyms of alter? Some common synonyms of alter are change, modify, and vary. While all these words mean “to make or become different,” alter implies a difference in some particular respect without suggesting loss of identity.

What is inert force?

1 : lacking the power to move. 2 : very slow to move or act : sluggish. 3 : deficient in active properties especially : lacking a usual or anticipated chemical or biological action.

What is the opposite of enigma?

Antonyms: answer, axiom, explanation, proposition, solution. Synonyms: conundrum, paradox, problem, puzzle, riddle.

What is a brawl fight? A brawl is a fight, especially a big one involving a lot of people. Brawl can also be used as a verb meaning to fight or to participate in a brawl. … Other rare senses of brawl include its use as a noun referring to a loud, bubbling noise, like water flowing in a stream, or as a verb meaning to make such a noise.

What’s opposite of acute? Acute conditions are severe and sudden in onset. … A chronic condition, by contrast is a long-developing syndrome, such as osteoporosis or asthma. Note that osteoporosis, a chronic condition, may cause a broken bone, an acute condition.

How do you use belie in a sentence?

Belie in a Sentence

  1. Janice hoped her smile would belie the sadness she felt.
  2. In an attempt to belie the vehicle’s high mileage, the car salesman turned back the speedometer on the car.
  3. The woman hoped her excessive shopping would fool her friends and belie the truth about her empty bank account.

What does the word belie most likely mean? Definition of belie

1a : to give a false impression of Her gentleness belies her strength. b : to present an appearance not in agreement with His manner and appearance belie his age. 2a : to show (something) to be false or wrong The evidence belies their claims of innocence.

What part of speech is belie?


part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: belies, belying, belied
definition 1: to give a false impression of. His youthful appearance belies his age. synonyms: misrepresent antonyms: bespeak, reveal similar words: betray, camouflage, conceal, disguise, exaggerate, falsify, mask, understate

Is obviate the need redundant? Garner’s Modern American Usage (2009) notes that phrases like obviate the necessity or obviate the need are sometimes considered redundant, but “these phrases are not redundancies, for the true sense of obviate the necessity is ‘to prevent the necessity (from arising),’ hence to make unnecessary.”

How do you use obviate?

prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening.

  1. A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.
  2. The practice above suggested should obviate this.
  3. I obviate the need to travel.
  4. They obviate the need to walk about with a small shovel and separate bags.

What does harping on it mean? Definition of harp on

: to talk about (a subject) constantly or repeatedly in an annoying way She’s always harping on the importance of a good diet. He seems to enjoy harping on my shortcomings.

What does pedantic mean?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

How do you use carping in a sentence? Carping in a Sentence

  • My carping mother-in-law is constantly criticizing my housekeeping skills.
  • As a carping wife, Norma was never happy with anything her husband did for her.
  • The troubled teenager ran away from home because he was tired of listening to carping comments from his mother.

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