What is mitigation with example?

Definition: Mitigation means reducing risk of loss from the occurrence of any undesirable event. This is an important element for any insurance business so as to avoid unnecessary losses.

What is another way to say mitigate? Some common synonyms of mitigate are allay, alleviate, assuage, lighten, and relieve. While all these words mean “to make something less grievous,” mitigate suggests a moderating or countering of the effect of something violent or painful.

Likewise What types of things are usually mitigated?

The primary types of mitigation actions to reduce long-term vulnerability are:

  • Local plans and regulations.
  • Structural projects.
  • Natural systems protection.
  • Education programs.
  • Preparedness and response actions.

How do you use the word mitigate? Mitigate in a Sentence ud83dudd09

  1. The doctor gave me a prescription to mitigate the pain.
  2. When I was a kid, my mother’s voice used to always mitigate my stomach ache.
  3. The United Nations will try and mitigate the crisis between the two countries.

How do you mitigate a tornado?

Tornado mitigation strategies

  1. Meet building codes. …
  2. Install good windows. …
  3. Strengthen entry doors. …
  4. Install impact-resistant patio doors. …
  5. Install strong garage doors. …
  6. Stiffen double-wide doors. …
  7. Properly repair roofing. …
  8. Make an inventory of your possessions.

What does it mean to mitigate a risk? Risk mitigation is defined as the process of reducing risk exposure and minimizing the likelihood of an incident. … Mitigation often takes the form of controls, or processes and procedures that regulate and guide an organization.

Can Tornadoes be mitigated?

These measures may include bracing and strapping the roof, adding fasteners or roof covers as building components are maintained, making entry doors more wind-resistant, or building a safe room to protect against tornados.

Can you stop a tornado with a bomb? No one has tried to disrupt the tornado because the methods to do so could likely cause even more damage than the tornado. Detonating a nuclear bomb, for example, to disrupt a tornado would be even more deadly and destructive than the tornado itself.

What should you not do during a tornado?

Things to Avoid Doing During a Tornado

  • Not taking tornado warnings seriously. There are tornado warning false alarms all of the time. …
  • Look out the window. …
  • Open the windows of your house. …
  • Try to outrun a tornado. …
  • Take cover underneath an overpass.

Can you say mitigate the risk? mitigate a risk in Insurance

If something or someone mitigates a risk, they make the effects of a loss or risk less unpleasant, harmful, or serious.

What are the 4 different strategies to mitigate risk?

The four types of risk mitigating strategies include risk avoidance, acceptance, transference and limitation.

Why do we need to mitigate risk? Risk mitigation is important to stop risks from turning into issues that can affect business operations and negatively impact the bottom line. … If you look to be carrying a lot of risk without strong risk mitigation strategies, they may be less interested in working with you.

How do you mitigate a hurricane?


  1. What you should be doing during a “watch” and “warning.”
  2. Create an emergency survival kit.
  3. Determine whether or not to evacuate.
  4. Protect your home: strengthen your roof and garage door.
  5. Protect your home: secure your windows.
  6. Pick up the lawn chairs: clear your yard of possible debris.
  7. Stay indoors.

Can we prevent tornadoes from causing damage and injury? Protect Your Property

Retrofitting may include bracing and strapping the roof to the walls; adding recommended fasteners, ties, reinforcements, roof covering and anchors; making entry doors and overhead doors more wind-resistant.

What causes a tornado?

The Short Answer:

A tornado forms from a large thunderstorm. Inside thunderclouds, warm, humid air rises, while cool air falls–along with rain or hail. These conditions can cause spinning air currents inside the cloud.

What would happen if two tornadoes collide? When two tornadoes meet, they merge into a single tornado. It is a rare event. When it does occur, it usually involves a satellite tornado being absorbed by a parent tornado, or a merger of two successive members of a tornado family.

What is an F5 tornado?

This is a list of tornadoes which have been officially or unofficially labeled as F5, EF5, or an equivalent rating, the highest possible ratings on the various tornado intensity scales. … F5 tornadoes were estimated to have had maximum winds between 261 mph (420 km/h) and 318 mph (512 km/h).

Can you fly through a tornado? The answer to this question is an easy NO. Planes can’t withstand the extreme turbulence of anything rated above an EF1. The danger of a tornado isn’t just the wind speed, but also the flying debris and drastic change of wind speed when entering/leaving it.

Why hide in a ditch during a tornado?

The ditch is safer than out in the open, as you are much less likely to be hit by flying debris, or become flying debris yourself. “NOTHING” is “SAFE” during a tornado in your vicinity.

What happens if a tornado picks you up? Being sucked up by a tornado would result in probable death. Originally Answered: What happened if a tornado hit a person? A Tornado will not hit a person, but will pick them up with other debris which can hit you either on the ground or while being carried by the Tornado.

Is a bathtub safe during a tornado?

If you don’t have a tornado shelter at home, the safest place to take cover from a tornado would be on the lower level of a building in a room with the most interior walls. If your bathroom lacks windows and is surrounded by interior walls then, yes, the bathtub might be a safe place to hide during a tornado.

What does mitigate mean in law? Mitigation in law is the principle that a party who has suffered loss (from a tort or breach of contract) has to take reasonable action to minimize the amount of the loss suffered.

What foes mollify mean?

Definition of mollify

transitive verb. 1 : to soothe in temper or disposition : appease mollified the staff with a raise. 2 : to reduce the rigidity of : soften Shaving cream mollifies the beard. 3 : to reduce in intensity : assuage, temper Time mollified his anger.

How do you find the means to mitigate the risks? Risk mitigation best practices

  1. Make sure stakeholders are involved at each step. …
  2. Create a strong culture around risk management. …
  3. Communicate risks as they arise. …
  4. Ensure risk management policy is clear so employees are able to follow it. …
  5. Continuously monitor possible risks.

How do you mitigate a currency risk?

5 ways to reduce your exposure to currency risk

  1. Buy an S&P 500 index fund. …
  2. Diversify globally. …
  3. Tread carefully with foreign bonds. …
  4. Invest in currency hedged funds. …
  5. Invest in countries with strong currencies.

How do you mitigate social risk?

These five recommendations can help identify and mitigate social risk:

  1. Know who you are and what you stand for. …
  2. Create an ecosystem of diverse partners. …
  3. Ask, don’t tell. …
  4. Communicate constantly. …
  5. Act with humanity.
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