What is an example of continuation?

An extension by which something is carried to a further point. The sequel was a continuation of the story that had been established in the first book of the series. The act or fact of beginning again after stopping; resumption. The continuation of the game after a rain delay.

What does continuation mean in a sentence? 1 : the act or fact of continuing in or the prolongation of a state or activity. 2 : resumption after an interruption. 3 : something that continues, increases, or adds.

Likewise Is there such a word as continuation?

the act or state of continuing; the state of being continued. extension or carrying on to a further point: to request the continuation of a loan.

What is a word for continuation? In this page you can discover 105 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for continuation, like: prolongation, continuity, perseverance, maintenance, continuance, carry-over, going-on, maintaining, endurance, continuing and perpetuation.

Why do we need a continuation?

A continuation application is really just another patent application built on your previous one. … Because the Patent Office considers anything from before your filing date to be prior art that can be used against your application. So the earlier your filing date can be, the better.

What does Continuence mean? : the act of continuing for a long period of time. : the period of time when something continues. : a legal decision that a court case will continue at a later date.

When can you file continuation?

A continuation application can be filed at any point while at least one patent application in the family is pending. You can file continuation applications in sequence (e.g., as successive generations of continuation applications), in parallel (e.g., as “sibling” continuation applications), or some combination thereof.

What are continuation patents? In simple terms, a “continuation” application is a new patent application allowing one to pursue additional claims based upon the same description and priority date(s) as a pending “parent” application. Continuation applications are a flexible tool, useful for furthering numerous business objectives.

Can you file a continuation application on the issue date?

Applicants are encouraged to file any continuing applications no later than the date the issue fee is paid, to avoid issuance of the prior application before the continuing application is filed.

What is the difference between continuation and continuance? As nouns the difference between continuance and continuation

is that continuance is (uncountable) the action of continuing while continuation is the act or state of continuing; the state of being continued; uninterrupted extension or succession; prolongation; propagation.

What does continuance mean in court?

The suspension or postponement of a trial or court proceeding. Continuance is made on a case-by-case basis at the court’s discretion. Courts balance giving the moving party enough time; the need to make the trial timely and speedy; and the interests of justice. courts. criminal law.

What is the difference between a continuance and an adjournment? (US) the postponement or adjournment of a legal proceeding. CONTINUANCE, practice. The adjournment of a cause from one day to another is called a continuance, an entry of which is made upon the record.

What is the difference between a divisional and a continuation application?

A Continuation allows an inventor to modify the claims, so long as the specification remain unchanged. … A Divisional allows an inventor to split an application into two (or more) applications for patent, usually because the original application was attempting to claim multiple inventions simultaneously.

Is a continuation A separate patent? A continuation is a new patent application, with the same patent illustrations and written description of the drawings, and the same priority date, as the parent patent application.

Can you add inventors to a continuation application?

The inventorship in the continuation application must include at least one inventor named in the prior-filed application, and the continuation application must also claim the benefit of the prior-filed application under 35 U.S.C. 120, 121, 365(c), or 386(c).

How do you know if a patent is a continuation? A “continuation application” is a patent application filed by an applicant who wants to pursue additional claims to an invention disclosed in an earlier application of the applicant (the “parent” application) that has not yet been issued or abandoned.

Can a PCT application be a continuation application?

Thus, rather than submitting a national stage application under 35 U.S.C. 371, applicant may file a continuation, divisional, or continuation-in-part of the international (PCT) application under 35 U.S.C. 111(a). Such applications are often referred to as “bypass” applications.

When can a continuation-in-part patent application be filed? Continuation-in-part applications are generally filed in instances where applicants seek to add matter to the disclosure which is not supported by the disclosure of the international application as originally filed, as new matter may not be added to a U.S. national stage application. See 37 CFR 1.121(f).

What is a no fee continuation?

A continuation application can be filed without paying any upfront filing fees to the US Patent Office. If you later decide not to pursue the continuation application, you can simply not pay the fees, and the application will go abandoned. … A continuation filing can be completed with the original claims.

How do you use continuance and continuation? The judge ordered a continuance until Monday. The new building is a continuation of the original plans for the neighborhood.

Is a continuance a good thing?

A continuance in a criminal trial is a formal delay of the trial that can be requested by either side, before or during the trial. … Requesting a continuance and receiving one are two very different things; it is important to have a good reason behind the request because it is a good reason the judge will expect.

How do you write a motion for continuance? When writing a request for a continuance, include your name, the case name and number, what you are requesting and why. State the date of the currently scheduled court hearing and clearly request a new date. Give the reasons for your request.

Why would a sentencing hearing be continued?

Typical Reasons Why Defendants Ask for Continuances. Judges are often asked to continue a hearing or a trial for these reasons: At the arraignment, to secure counsel. … Defendants who have not secured counsel may ask for a postponement to give them time to hire a lawyer.

How do you draft a motion for continuance? When writing a request for a continuance, include your name, the case name and number, what you are requesting and why. State the date of the currently scheduled court hearing and clearly request a new date. Give the reasons for your request.

What does order for continuance mean?

A continuance is a grant of additional preparation time before or during a trial. Either the prosecution or the defense can request a continuance, and sometimes even the court can order a continuance of its own accord.

How do you ask a judge for more time?

File a declaration with the court asking for a continuance.

It should say why you need the continuance. Explain how you can better present evidence in your case if you have more time. Explain some of what you want to tell the court, in case you do not get a continuance.

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