What is a precocious person?

precocious prih-KOH-shus adjective. 1 : exceptionally early in development or occurrence. 2 : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age.

What is the meaning of Grum? : morose, glum, sour, surly a very grum countenance— Mary S. Watts.

Likewise How do you say precocity?

What does Ignobility mean? 1 : characterized by baseness, lowness, or meanness. 2 : of low birth or common origin : plebeian.

What does groomer mean?

: a person who cleans and cares for an animal.

What is the meaning of gram seed? : any of several leguminous plants (such as a chickpea) grown especially for their seed also : their seeds.

What does the word Preciosity mean?

fastidious or carefully affected refinement, as in language, style, or taste.

Is precocious a negative word? Precocious, per its definition, describes a child in a positive light. But in practice, many tend to use it in a negative way, and I feel the negative connotation outweighs the positive. So even when you say ‘precocious talent’, it sounds like you’re saying it out of spite.

What is the synonym of precocious?

advanced, old beyond one’s years, forward, ahead of one’s peers, mature, prematurely developed, ahead, gifted, talented, clever, intelligent, quick.

Is Ignobly a word? adj. 1. Not noble in quality, character, or purpose; base or dishonorable.

What word can mean signey and ignoble * * * *?

Some common synonyms of ignoble are abject, mean, and sordid.

What does the prefix IG mean? ig- “not” ignoble, “not noble” ignorant, (from roots meaning) “not knowing

What glooming means?

a state of melancholy or depression; low spirits. … to look sad, dismal, or dejected; frown. verb (used with object) to fill with gloom; make gloomy or sad; sadden. to make dark or somber.

What is Groomer TikTok? TikTok dance challenge with hidden message shows how easy it is to miss the signs of online grooming. … Online grooming is when an adult befriends children online and builds their trust, often leading to sexual abuse, both online and in-person.

Can a teenager be groomed?

Teens can be groomed too – learn how to identify teen sexual grooming behaviors. … It generally refers to behaviors that child molesters use to get access to children and prepare them for abuse without being detected. It is estimated that as much as 50% of all child abuse involves sexual grooming.

What is the meaning of grab in Odia? Grab. କ୍ଷୀପ୍ର ଗତିରେ କାବୁ କରିବା Kshipra Gatire Kabu Kariba. verb.

How do you spell gramme?

A gramme is a unit of weight. One thousand grammes are equal to one kilogramme. A football weighs about 400 grammes.

What is ML English? A milliliter is a unit of volume for liquids and gases that is equal to a thousandth of a liter. A milliliter is a thousandth of a liter. The abbreviation ml stands for milliliter. A milliliter is a unit of volume for liquids and gases that is equal to a thousandth of a liter.

What does no ifs ands or buts mean?

Definition of no ifs, ands, or buts

—used to indicate certainty As far as I’m concerned, she’s the most qualified candidate, and there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it!

What does the word precise?

1 : exactly or sharply defined or stated. 2 : minutely exact. 3 : strictly conforming to a pattern, standard, or convention. 4 : distinguished from every other at just that precise moment.

Can you describe an adult as precocious? Showing unusually early development or maturity. The definition of precocious is a person who is more developed or more mature than expected for their age.

Is precocious a compliment or insult?

Today, ‘precocious’ is mostly used to refer to children who exhibit adult like maturity. They are far more intelligent and skilled than children of their age. The word can be used as a compliment and to show disapproval as well.

What does it mean to be precautious? : using precaution : precautionary.

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