n. Enlargement of the breast.
What is a Esophagocele in medical terms? [ ĭ-sŏf′ə-gō-sēl′ ] n. Protrusion of the mucous membrane of the esophagus through a rupture in the muscular coat.
Likewise What does Pilocystic mean?
Definition of pilocystic
of a dermoid tumor. : encysted and containing hair.
What does lateral mean in medical terms? Lateral means to the side of, or away from, the middle of the body.
What does Gastr mean in medical terms?
Gastr/o = stomach.
What is Fibrogenic? Medical Definition of fibrogenic
: promoting the development of fibers the fibrogenic action of silica— A. C. Heppleston.
What is Duodenotomy?
Incision of the duodenum.
What does PYLO mean? Pyelo: a prefix that means that a term is related to the renal pelvis, e.g. pyelonephritis, pyelogram.
What does trich O mean in medical terms?
Tricho- (prefix): Pertaining to hair. As in trichobezoar (a hair ball), trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling), trichoepithelioma (a tumor from a hair follicle), etc. From the Greek thrix, trichos, meaning hair.
What does Rhytid o mean? rhytid/o (combining form) wrinkle (rhytidectomy)
What is the lateral view?
Definition: lateral view. lateral view (lat-er-al) A visual perspective from the side.
Does lateral mean left? Lateral: 1. In anatomy, the side of the body or a body part that is farther from the middle or center of the body. Typically, lateral refers to the outer side of the body part, but it is also used to refer to the side of a body part.
Which way is laterally?
Lateral means relating to the sides of something, or moving in a sideways direction.
Is Gastr a prefix or suffix? Additional Gastrointestinal suffixes and prefixes
Term | Definition |
Gastro-, gastr- | stomach |
Sigmoid- | sigmoid colon |
-pancreat | pancreas |
-phagia | to eat or swallow |
What does megal mean?
Megal- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “large, great, grand, abnormally large.” It is used in a few scientific and medical terms. Megal- ultimately comes from the Greek mégas, meaning “great, large.”
What does Chondr I mean in medical terms? chondr(i/o), cartilag/o. cartilage.
What is hepatic fibrogenesis?
Hepatic fibrosis is overly exuberant wound healing in which excessive connective tissue builds up in the liver. The extracellular matrix is overproduced, degraded deficiently, or both. The trigger is chronic injury, especially if there is an inflammatory component.
What is the myofibroblast? Myofibroblasts are large cells with ruffled membranes and highly active endoplasmic reticulum (Figure 1B). Myofibroblasts are not part of normal cardiac tissue and appear only following cardiac injury.
Can fibrosis be cured?
What is the most important thing everyone should know about pulmonary fibrosis? There is no cure for pulmonary fibrosis. Current treatments are aimed at preventing more lung scarring, relieving symptoms and helping you stay active and healthy. Treatment cannot fix lung scarring that has already occurred.
How do you fix a perforated ulcer? Ulcers can be treated with a surgical procedure called Omental patching. Omental patching is a surgical procedure for treating perforated ulcers. It is also called a Graham patch after the surgeon who first performed this technique. This procedure uses a patch of the omentum to repair the injury because it is durable.
What is an incision into the duodenum called?
Duoden/o/tomy = incision into the duodenum.
What is being removed during a Gastroenterostomy? A gastroenterostomy is the surgical creation of a connection between the stomach and the jejunum. The operation can sometimes be performed at the same time as a partial gastrectomy (the removal of part of the stomach).