What does define face mean?

1a : the front part of the head that in humans extends from the forehead to the chin and includes the mouth, nose, cheeks, and eyes. b : the face as a means of identification : countenance would know that face anywhere. 2 archaic : presence, sight. 3a : facial expression a friendly face.

What is the meaning of flies in the face of? Fly in the face of means to directly challenge something or act in defiance of something, as in His bold behavior flies in the face of everything we expect from a vice president.

Likewise What is considered the face?

The front of the human head is called the face. … The distinctive human nose shape, nostrils, and nasal septum. The cheeks, covering the maxilla and mandibula (or jaw), the extremity of which is the chin. The mouth, with the upper lip divided by the philtrum, sometimes revealing the teeth.

What is face in sociology? Face refers to a sociological concept in general linked to the dignity and prestige that a person has in terms of their social relationships.

What is part of your head?

A head is the part of an organism which usually includes the ears, brain, forehead, cheeks, chin, eyes, nose, and mouth , each of which aid in various sensory functions such as sight, hearing, smell, and taste, respectively.

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Anatomical terminology

Is face part of head? face, front part of the head that, in vertebrates, houses the sense organs of vision and smell as well as the mouth and jaws. In humans it extends from the forehead to the chin.

What is the lower part of your face called?

Chin /t n/ ʃɪ – The bottom part of your face, below your mouth.

What is face in Japanese culture? However, Japan along with other Asian cultures has the concept of “face” (mentsu). To disagree with someone in public, thus causing them embarrassment, is to make them “lose face” (mentsu wo ushinau).

What is face in intercultural communication?

Ting-Toomey defines face as. the interaction between the degree of threats or considerations one party offers to another party, and the degree of claim for a sense of self-respect (or demand for respect toward one’s national image or cultural group) put forth by the other party in a given situation. ( 1990)

How does Goffman define face? Goffman (1955, p. 213) defines face as “the positive social value a person effectively claims. for himself by the line others assume he has taken during a particular. contact.

What is Headsex?

DEFINITIONS1. to use your mouth and tongue on someone’s sex organs in order to give them pleasure.

What is the average size of a man’s head? According to Wikipedia, one study in the United States shows, the average adult head circumference to be 55cm (21 3⁄4 ) in females and 57cm (22 1⁄2 in) in males. Another study conducted in UK shows a slightly different result: with the average female head size being 55.2 cm and the average male head size being 57.2 cm.

What is the back of the head called?

The occipital bone is a bone that covers the back of your head; an area called the occiput. The occipital bone is the only bone in your head that connects with your cervical spine (neck). The occipital bone surrounds a large opening known as the foramen magnum.

What is the thing in your neck called? The neck is the start of the spinal column and spinal cord. The spinal column contains about two dozen inter-connected, oddly shaped, bony segments, called vertebrae. The neck contains seven of these, known as the cervical vertebrae.

What are the organs in face?

The temporal branch supplies the facial muscles superior to the zygomatic arc including the forehead muscles and the orbicularis oculi. The zygomatic branch innervates the muscles in the zygomatic, orbital, and infraorbital regions. The buccal branch supplies the buccinators and the muscles of the upper lip.

What are the bones in the face? The primary bones of the face are the mandible, maxilla, frontal bone, nasal bones, and zygoma. Facial bone anatomy is complex, yet elegant, in its suitability to serve a multitude of functions.

What is side of the face called?

cheek. noun. the soft part on each side of your face below your eyes.

What is face China? The Chinese concept of “face” (aka 面子 or miànzi) refers to a cultural understanding of respect, honor and social standing. Actions or words that are disrespectful may cause somebody to “lose face” while gifts, awards and other respect-giving actions may “give face”. … Defining Face to a Western Audience.

What is the concept of face in China?

The concept of face (mianzi) in Chinese culture is a complex one. It can perhaps be most closely defined as “dignity” or “prestige”, but no translation can aptly cover all its fine nuances. … As a foreigner, it will often be assumed and accepted that you do not mean to cause someone to lose face.

What does face mean in slang? As a slang term, face has many senses. It can be a shortened form of the common retort, in your face! It can also refer to oral sex, or consuming something (like food or weed) quickly. In drag culture, serving or giving face is slang for delivering a powerful, fierce look.

What is the role of face in communication?

Face-to-face communication is the distinction of being able to see the other party or parties in a conversation. It allows for a better exchange of information since both speaker and listener are able to see and interpret body language and facial expressions.

Why is face work important? One of the key advantages of face to face communication at work is that it allows you to perceive thoughts and feelings. No matter how much you focus on making eye contact over video, it’s always going to be more difficult to understand body language and facial expressions.

What are the four faces of face negotiation theory?

Specifically, the theoretical formulation of the four faces of face first introduced by Ting-Toomey – face-restoration (self autonomy), face-saving (other autonomy), face-giving (other inclusion) and face-assertion (self inclusion) are used to discuss how they affect mediators.

What is Facework theory? The theory posited “face”, or self-image when communicating with others, as a universal phenomenon that pervades across cultures. In conflicts, one’s face is threatened; and thus the person tends to save or restore his or her face. This set of communicative behaviors, according to the theory, is called “facework”.

What is a face-threatening act?

A Face-threatening Act (FTA) is an act (linguistic or non-linguistic) that threatens someone’s positive or negative face. It may be bald or mitigated, and it may be on record or off record.

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