What does calando mean in music?

Definition of calando

: diminishing in loudness and sometimes tempo —used as a direction in music.

What is Stringendo music? Definition of stringendo

: with quickening of tempo (as to a climax) —used as a direction in music.

Likewise What does Cedez mean in music?

[French, yield] A musical directive to the performer to yield, or slow down.

What does a Piacere mean in music? Definition of a piacere

: at pleasure : ad libitum —used in reference to a musical performance.

What does Maestoso mean in music?

Definition of maestoso

: majestic and stately —used as a direction in music.

What does Sforzato mean in music? Sforzando (musical direction), in musical notation to play a note with sudden, strong emphasis.

What does Retenu mean in music?

The French musical command retenu literally means “retained; held back,” and is an indication to temporarily decrease the tempo or overall expressiveness of a song for dramatic effect. See légèrement retenu. Also Known As: ritenuto (It) en retenant (Fr)

What does Mesto mean in music? : sad and pensive —used as a direction in music.

What does sonore mean in music?

sonore. resonant; with rich tone.

What does Mouvt mean? à plein son: a full sound. au mouvt: with movement/A tempo. *avec sourdine: muted. cèdez: go slower.

What does Allargando mean in music?

Definition of allargando

: becoming gradually slower and more stately —used as a direction in music.

What does scherzando mean in music? Definition of scherzando

(Entry 1 of 2) : in sportive manner : playfully —used as a direction in music indicating style and tempo allegretto scherzando.

What does Veloce mean in music?

Definition of veloce

: in a rapid manner —used as a direction in music.

What does Grandioso mean in music? Definition of grandioso

: in a broad and noble style —used as a direction in music.

What does Animato mean in music?

Definition of animato

: with animation —used as a direction in music.

What does sfz stand for? Sforzando sfz is an indication to make a strong, sudden accent on a note or chord. Sforzando literally means subito forzando (fz), which translates to “suddenly with force.” The effect of sfz may be interpreted and explained in both dynamics (volume) and articulation.

How do you play Sforzato?

What does Fermata mean in music? Definition of fermata

: a prolongation at the discretion of the performer of a musical note, chord, or rest beyond its given time value also : the sign denoting such a prolongation. — called also hold.

What is douce et Expressif?

very soft and very expressive.

What does moins vite mean in music? Translation of “moins vite !” in English. slow down!

What does assez mean in music?

Definition of assez

: to a sufficient or moderate extent : fairly —used in musical directions assez vite.

What does largo e mesto mean? Beethoven gives the pianist the instruction that it is Largo e mesto, which means broad (slow) and sad.

What does Misterioso mean in music?

Definition of misterioso

: in a mysterious manner —used as a direction in music.

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