What does Bobo mean in Puerto Rico?

fool. More meanings for bobo. fool noun. tonto, necio, idiota, imbécil, bufón.

Simply so What is Puerto Rico considered to be? The political status of Puerto Rico is that of an unincorporated territory of the United States. As such, the island of Puerto Rico is neither a sovereign nation nor a U.S. state.

Why do Puerto Rican say bendicion? For those who are not aware, most Puerto Rican children (and even adults) greet their parents & elders with “Bendicion” (translation: “blessing” in Spanish). It is a way for a child to request a blessing. The response from the adult is usually, “Dios te bendiga” (God bless you), or something along those lines.

also How do you say my love in Puerto Rico? Mi amor, cariño, cielo

‘My love’, ‘my darling’ and ‘my sky’ are some of the most regularly used when Spaniards want to refer to their other halves.

How do you say excuse me in Puerto Rico?

Perdón (pear DOHN): Sorry/excuse me.

Can I travel to Puerto Rico without a passport? United States citizens and permanent residents don’t need a passport to travel to Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands. … Travelers from other countries visiting Puerto Rico have the same visa and passport requirements that would apply if visiting the mainland United States.

Is a person born in Puerto Rico an American citizen?

In addition to being United States nationals, people born in Puerto Rico are both citizens of the United States and citizens of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. …

Are Puerto Ricans Spanish? Puerto Rico has developed a unique version of Spanish. The language was greatly influenced by Puerto Rico’s history. Puerto Ricans integrated thousands of Taíno words, adopted some pronunciation habits from African dialects, and incorporated English words or phrases (known as “Spanglish”) into the language.

Why do Puerto Rican celebrate in June?

Every June 23d, Puerto Ricans celebrate la Noche de San Juan – an eve of a feast for Saint John, the Baptist’s birth.

How do you say Bendición? bendición

  1. behn. – dee. – syohn.
  2. ben. – di. – sjon.
  3. ben. – di. – ción.

How do you respond to Dios la bendiga?

If you’re wishing it to someone, say “Que Dios te bendiga;” if it’s in response to a sneeze, just say “Salúd,” which in Spanish, literally means “health.” If you’re referring to what you say when someone sneezes, most people say “salud.” The older, more religious generation would say “Jesús.”

What do Puerto Ricans call girls? Nene / Nena

You’ve probably learned niño and niña or chico and chica to mean boy and girl in Spanish. But Puerto Ricans refer to a little boy as nene and a little girl as a nena. It can be used in the same way kid is used in English.

How do you tell a girl you like her in Spanish?

Here are some other useful phrases to use in expressing your love to your Spanish-speaking lover. Estoy enamorado/a de ti (roughly the same meaning as “te amo”) – I’m in love with you. Eres el amor de mi vida – You are the love of my life. Te quiero con todo mi corazón – I love you with all my heart.

How can I propose a girl in Spanish?


  1. Te quiero (mucho). – I love you (a lot / very much).
  2. Te amo (mucho).- I love you (a lot / very much). – More serious.
  3. Eres mi todo. …
  4. Eres el amor de mi vida. …
  5. Te quiero con todo mi alma. …
  6. Cada diํa te quiero mas. …
  7. Estoy enamorado(a) de ti. …
  8. Soy feliz de compartir cada instante de mi vida a tu lado.

Is Puerto Rico sitting on a volcano? Puerto Rico was formed by a volcano but there are no active volcanos on the island. Puerto Rico lies on the boundary of the Caribbean and North American plates. When those plates shift, there is potential for earthquakes!

How do you say watermelon in Puerto Rico? Watermelon’ is commonly translated as sandía (pronounced: sahn-DEE-ah) in Spanish. However, if you’re in Colombia, Venezuela, Puerto Rico or…

How do you say stop in Puerto Rico?

Use “¡Alto!” as in interjection meaning “Stop!” The word alto can mean something more like “halt,” giving it a little more urgency than some of the other Spanish words that mean “stop.” The word appears on stop signs in Mexico.

Can you drink on beach in Puerto Rico? Puerto Rico relaxes COVID curfew, reopens beaches but bans alcohol in certain public spaces. … Pedro Pierluisi stressed alcohol will be banned at beaches and other places, and that social distancing is required between people who are not family members, with no large groups allowed to gather.

Can you drink at 17 in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico’s drinking age is 18. Drinking culture in Puerto Rico is more relaxed and not as strict as the United States.

Can I drink the water in Puerto Rico? The water in Puerto Rico is safe to drink—but read this first. … If you’re in the countryside and you’ve got a soft stomach, drink bottled water instead of tap. Note: We had no problem drinking the tap water in San Juan.

What are Puerto Ricans mixed with?

Puerto Ricans are a beautiful mix of indigenous Taínos, Africans, and Spanish ancestry; and they come in all shades and skin tones.

Can a Puerto Rican become president? In addition, an April 2000 report by the Congressional Research Service, asserts that citizens born in Puerto Rico are legally defined as natural-born citizens and are therefore eligible to be elected President, provided they meet qualifications of age and 14 years residence within the United States.

What is my nationality if I was born in Puerto Rico?

In other words, people born in Puerto Rico were born outside of the United States, but still considered U.S. citizens. It wasn’t until 1940 that Congress enacted legislation conferring birthright, or “jus soli” (right of soil) citizenship on people born in Puerto Rico.

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