What are two synonyms for antonym?

Synonyms & Antonyms of antonym

  • antipode,
  • antithesis,
  • contrary,
  • counter,
  • negative,
  • obverse,
  • opposite,
  • reverse.

What are the example of synonyms and antonyms? Example Synonym and Antonym Charts

Word Synonym Antonym
difficult hard easy
new recent used
clean tidy dirty
safe secure dangerous

• Jan 28, 2019

Likewise What are 2 synonyms for synonym?


  • compatible.
  • identical.
  • identified.
  • interchangeable.
  • one and the same.
  • alike.
  • apposite.
  • coincident.

What opposite means? Adjective. opposite, contradictory, contrary, antithetical mean being so far apart as to be or seem irreconcilable. opposite applies to things in sharp contrast or in conflict.

What are 10 examples of synonyms?

Synonym Examples

amazing: astounding, surprising, stunning fertile, fruitful, abundant, productive
cohesive: united, connected, close-knit intelligent: brilliant, clever, smart
cunning: keen, sharp, slick kindle: ignite, inflame, burn
destitute: poor, bankrupt, impoverished loyal: faithful, ardent, devoted

What are 5 pairs of synonyms? Synonym Examples H-M

  • happy – content, joyful, mirthful, upbeat.
  • hardworking – diligent, determined, industrious, enterprising.
  • hate – abhor, loathe, detest, despise.
  • honest – honorable, fair, sincere, trustworthy.
  • however – nevertheless, nonetheless, yet.
  • hypocrisy – duplicity, falseness, deceit.

Which means synonym?

What is another word for which means?

meaning that the corollary being that
which argues which attests
which conveys which determines
which expresses which implies
which indicates which insinuates

What’s the antonym for antonym? The opposite of antonym is synonym, which is a word that has the same meaning as another word. For example, a synonym of the word fast would be quick—both describe something that moves with speed.

What does not synonymous mean?

adjective. 1Of two or more words, expressions, etc.: not having the same meaning. 2Genetics. Designating a point mutation (base-pair change) in a codon that results in a change in the amino acid produced during translation.

What is the opposite of 4? For example, the opposite of 4 is -4, or negative four. On a number line, 4 and -4 are both the same distance from 0, but they’re on opposite sides. This type of opposite is also called the additive inverse.

What is the opposite of 10?

The opposite of 10 is -10.

Why is Ka opposite? “I know! Sarah told everyone about her pregnancy two weeks ago.”

What is the opposite of why?

I know we know
I already know we already know

What is an antonym example?

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. For example, the word small means of limited size, while big means of large size. Happy, a feeling of gladness, is an antonym of sad, a feeling of sorrow. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs can all have antonyms, though not all do.

Whats is an antonym? English Language Learners Definition of antonym

: a word with a meaning that is opposite to the meaning of another word.

What are the 20 antonyms?

List of Antonyms

Word Antonym-1 Antonym-3
Accept Refuse Deny
Accurate Inaccurate Unreliable
Advantage Disadvantage Impotence
Alive Dead Sluggish

What is a pair of antonyms? An antonym is one of a pair of words with opposite meanings. Each word in the pair is the antithesis of the other. A word may have more than one antonym. … Where the two words have definitions that lie on a continuous spectrum of meaning, they are gradable antonyms.

Whats is an antonym?

English Language Learners Definition of antonym

: a word with a meaning that is opposite to the meaning of another word.

Which can lead to synonym? What is another word for lead to?

produce catalyse UK
yield result in
bring about bring on
contribute to set in motion
translate into give rise to

Which is which synonym?

What is another word for which?

that said
such the aforementioned
the aforesaid the assumed
the beforementioned the beforesaid
the forenamed the mentioned

What is a meaning of synonym? 1 : a word that has the same meaning as another word in the same language “Small” and “little” are synonyms. 2 : a word, name, or phrase that very strongly suggests a particular idea, quality, etc.

Where can I find synonyms and antonyms?

Thesaurus.com is the world’s largest and most trusted free online thesaurus brought to you by Dictionary.com. For over 20 years, Thesaurus.com has been helping millions of people improve their mastery of the English language and find the precise word with over 3 million synonyms and antonyms.

What are the 5 examples of synonyms? II. Examples of Synonyms

  • Bad: awful, terrible, horrible.
  • Good: fine, excellent, great.
  • Hot: burning, fiery, boiling.
  • Cold: chilly, freezing, frosty.
  • Easy: Simple, effortless, straightforward.
  • Hard: difficult, challenging, tough.
  • Big: large, huge, giant.
  • Small: tiny, little, mini.

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