Il s’agit d’une liste des pays du monde et de leurs territoires dépendants par zone, classés par superficie totale.
Les 10 plus grands pays occupent près de la moitié des terres du monde
Russie (11%) Chine (6,3%) États-Unis (6,1%) Canada (6,1 %) Brésil (5,6%) Australie (5,2%) Inde (2,0%) Argentine (1,8%) Kazakhstan (1,8%) Algérie (1,6%) Autre (52,5 %)
Les entrées de cette liste incluent, mais sans s’y limiter, celles de la norme ISO 3166-1 , qui comprend les États souverains et les territoires dépendants. Les 193 États membres des Nations Unies ainsi que les deux États observateurs reçoivent un numéro de rang. Les états largement non reconnus qui ne figurent pas dans l’ISO 3166-1 sont inclus dans la liste par ordre de classement. Les zones de ces États largement non reconnus sont dans la plupart des cas également incluses dans les zones des États plus largement reconnus qui revendiquent le même territoire; voir les notes dans la colonne “notes” pour chaque pays pour plus de précisions.
Ne sont pas inclus dans la liste les revendications de pays individuels sur des parties du continent de l’Antarctique ou des entités telles que l’ Union européenne [Note 1] qui ont un certain degré de souveraineté mais ne se considèrent pas comme des pays souverains ou des territoires dépendants.
Cette liste comprend trois mesures de surface :
- Superficie totale : la somme des superficies terrestres et aquatiques à l’intérieur des frontières internationales et des côtes.
- Superficie terrestre : l’ensemble de toutes les terres à l’intérieur des frontières internationales et des côtes, à l’exclusion de la superficie aquatique.
- Superficie de l’eau : la somme des superficies de toutes les masses d’eau intérieures (lacs, réservoirs et rivières) à l’intérieur des frontières internationales et des côtes. [2] Les eaux intérieures côtières peuvent être incluses. Les mers territoriales ne sont pas incluses, sauf indication contraire. Les zones contiguës et les zones économiques exclusives ne sont pas incluses.
Sauf indication contraire, les données proviennent de la Division de statistique des Nations Unies . [3]
Pays et dépendances par zone
Rang | Pays / Dépendance | Total en km 2 (mi 2 ) | Terrain en km 2 (mi 2 ) | Eau en km 2 (mi 2 ) | % l’eau | Remarques |
– | Monde | 510 072 000 (196 940 000) | 148 940 000 (57 510 000) | 361 132 000 (139 434 000) | 70,8 | |
1 | |
17 098 246 (6 601 670) | 16 378 410 (6 323 740) | 719 836 (277 930) | 4.21 | Le plus grand pays du monde (10,995 % de la masse terrestre mondiale) ; sa partie européenne est d’environ 4 000 000 km 2 , soit environ 40 % de la masse continentale totale de l’ Europe , faisant de la Russie le plus grand pays d’Europe ; et sa partie asiatique , qui couvre toute l ‘ Asie du Nord , est d’ environ 13 100 000 km 2 , faisant de la Russie le plus grand pays d’ Asie . |
– | |
14 200 000 (5 500 000) | 14 200 000 (5 500 000) | 0 (0) | 0 | 13 916 000 km 2 (5 373 000 milles carrés) (98 %) de la superficie terrestre sont recouverts de glace et de neige . Bien qu’il ne soit pas lui-même un pays, des zones sont revendiquées par un certain nombre de pays . [Note 2] |
2 | |
9 984 670 (3 855 100) | 9 093 507 (3 511 023) | 891 163 (344 080) | 8,93 | Le plus grand pays anglophone et le plus grand pays francophone ; le plus grand pays complètement dans l’ hémisphère occidental par sa superficie totale (le deuxième plus grand par sa superficie après les États-Unis ); avec la plus grande surface d’eau. Les chiffres de la superficie totale et de la superficie des eaux incluent la superficie couverte par l’eau douce uniquement et n’incluent pas les eaux intérieures (non douces) d’environ 1 600 000 km 2 , ni les eaux territoriales de 200 000 km 2 . [4] [5] |
3/4 _ | |
9 596 961 (3 705 407) | 9 326 410 (3 600 950) | 270 550 (104 460) | 2,82 | Le plus grand pays entièrement d’Asie et le deuxième plus grand pays du monde en termes de superficie. Exclut Taïwan , les territoires contestés avec l’ Inde et les îles contestées de la mer de Chine méridionale . Les chiffres relatifs à la superficie totale et à la superficie des eaux excluent également toutes les eaux côtières et territoriales. [Remarque 4] |
9 525 067 (3 677 649) – 9 833 517 (3 796 742) [7] |
9 147 593 (3 531 905) – 9 147 643 (3 531 925) [7] |
377 424 (145 724) – 685 924 (264 837) [7] |
3,96–6,97 | Le plus grand pays anglophone par superficie et le plus grand pays de l’ hémisphère occidental par superficie (deuxième plus grand par superficie totale après le Canada ). Les chiffres secondaires pour la superficie totale et la superficie des eaux incluent toutes les eaux côtières et territoriales. [Remarque 4] | |
5 | |
8 515 767 (3 287 956) | 8 460 415 (3 266 584) | 55 352 (21 372) | 0,65 | Le plus grand pays de langue portugaise , le plus grand pays d’Amérique du Sud , le plus grand pays de l’ hémisphère sud [Note 5] et le plus grand territoire contigu des Amériques . [11] |
6 | |
7 692 024 (2 969 907) | 7 633 565 (2 947 336) | 58 459 (22 571) | 0,76 | Troisième plus grand pays anglophone et plus grand pays d’ Océanie , plus grand pays sans frontières terrestres et plus grand pays de l’ hémisphère sud . [Remarque 6] |
7 | |
3 287 263 (1 269 219) | 2 973 190 (1 147 960) | 314 073 (121 264) | 9.55 | Deuxième plus grand pays entièrement d’ Asie et plus grand pays d’Asie du Sud . [Note 7] Le plus grand pays de langue hindi et le pays hindou le plus peuplé . |
8 | |
2 780 400 (1 073 500) | 2 736 690 (1 056 640) | 43 710 (16 880) | 1,57 | Le plus grand pays hispanophone et le deuxième plus grand pays d’Amérique du Sud . [Remarque 8] |
9 | |
2 724 900 (1 052 100) | 2 699 700 (1 042 400) | 25 200 (9 700) | 0,92 | Le plus grand pays enclavé . [16] Deuxième plus grand pays russophone après la Russie , et le plus grand pays d’Asie centrale . Pays transcontinental situé en Asie et en Europe . |
dix | |
2 381 741 (919 595) | 2 381 741 (919 595) | 0 (0) | 0 | Le plus grand pays d’ Afrique ; aussi le plus grand du monde arabe et du bassin méditerranéen . [Remarque 9] |
11 | |
2 344 858 (905 355) | 2 267 048 (875 312) | 77 810 (30 040) | 3.32 | Deuxième plus grand pays francophone . Le plus grand pays d’Afrique centrale et subsaharienne . Deuxième plus grand pays d’Afrique, possède la plus grande ville francophone ( Kinshasa ). |
– | |
2 220 093 (857 183) | 2 220 072 (857 175) | 21 (8.1) | 0 | Le chiffre de l’ONU n’inclut pas l’ensemble de la zone du Royaume . |
– | |
2 166 086 (836 330) | 2 166 086 (836 330) [Remarque 10] | 0 (0) | 0 | La plus grande île du monde, le plus grand territoire du Royaume du Danemark et le plus grand territoire habité non souverain du monde. |
12 | |
2 149 690 (830 000) | 2 149 690 (830 000) | 0 (0) | 0 | Le plus grand pays d’ Asie occidentale . Deuxième plus grand du monde arabe après l’Algérie . |
13 | |
1 964 375 (758 449) | 1 943 945 (750 561) | 20 430 (7 890) | 1.04 | Deuxième plus grand pays hispanophone par superficie après l’Argentine ; plus grand pays hispanophone en nombre de locuteurs. |
14 | |
1 904 569 (735 358) | 1 811 569 (699 451) | 93 000 (36 000) | 4,87 | Pays transcontinental situé en Asie et en Océanie . Le plus grand pays d’Asie du Sud-Est . Le plus grand pays insulaire et État archipel du monde par sa superficie et sa population. [18] |
15 | |
1 861 484 (718 723) | 1 731 671 (668 602) | 129 813 (50 121) | 6,97 [Remarque 11] | Troisième plus grand pays d’ Afrique et troisième plus grand du monde arabe. [1] [19] |
16 | |
1 759 540 (679 360) | 1 759 540 (679 360) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
17 | |
1 648 195 (636 372) | 1 531 595 (591 352) | 116 600 (45 000) | 7.07 | Le plus grand pays de langue persane . Deuxième plus grand pays d’ Asie occidentale et quatrième plus grand d’ Asie après la Chine , l’Inde et l’Arabie saoudite . [Remarque 12] |
18 | |
1 564 110 (603 910) | 1 553 556 (599 831) | 10 560 (4 080) | 0,68 | Deuxième plus grand pays enclavé et le plus grand qui ne borde pas une mer fermée. |
19 | |
1 285 216 (496 225) | 1 279 996 (494 209) | 5 220 (2 020) | 0,41 | Troisième plus grand pays hispanophone et troisième plus grand pays d’Amérique du Sud . |
20 | |
1 284 000 (496 000) | 1 259 200 (486 200) | 24 800 (9 600) | 1,93 | Troisième plus grand pays enclavé et plus grand en dehors de l’Asie. Cinquième plus grand pays d’Afrique. |
21 | |
1 267 000 (489 000) | 1 266 700 (489 100) | 300 (120) | 0,02 | Le plus grand pays d’ Afrique de l’Ouest . |
22 | |
1 246 700 (481 400) | 1 246 700 (481 400) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
23 | |
1 240 192 (478 841) | 1 220 190 (471 120) | 20 002 (7 723) | 1.61 | |
24 | |
1 221 037 (471 445) | 1 214 470 (468 910) | 4 620 (1 780) | 0,38 | Le plus grand pays d’ Afrique australe . |
25 | |
1 141 748 (440 831) | 1 038 700 (401 000) | 100 210 (38 690) | 8.8 | |
26 | |
1 104 300 (426 400) | 1 000 000 (390 000) | 104 300 (40 300) | 0,7 | Le plus grand pays d’ Afrique de l’Est . [Remarque 13] |
27 | |
1 098 581 (424 164) | 1 083 301 (418 265) | 15 280 (5 900) | 1.39 | |
28 | |
1 030 700 (398 000) | 1 025 520 (395 960) | 4 480 (1 730) | 0,44 | |
29 | |
1 002 450 (387 050) | 995 450 (384 350) | 6 000 (2 300) | 0,6 | Pays transcontinental situé en Asie et en Afrique . |
30 | |
945 087 (364 900) | 885 800 (342 000) | 61 500 (23 700) | 6.49 | |
31 | |
923 768 (356 669) | 910 768 (351 649) | 13 000 (5 000) | 1.41 | |
32 | |
916 445 (353 841) | 882 050 (340 560) | 30 000 (12 000) | 3.29 | [Remarque 14] |
33 | |
881 913 (340 509) | 856 690 (330 770) | 25 223 (9 739) | 2,86 | [Remarque 15] |
34 | |
825 615 (318 772) | 823 290 (317 870) | 2 425 (936) | 0,12 | |
35 | |
801 590 (309 500) | 786 380 (303 620) | 13 000 (5 000) | 1,63 | |
36 | |
783 562 (302 535) | 769 632 (297 157) | 13 930 (5 380) | 1,78 | Pays transcontinental situé en Asie et en Europe . |
37 | |
756 102 (291 933) | 743 812 (287 187) | 12 290 (4 750) | 1,63 | [Remarque 16] |
38 | |
752 612 (290 585) | 743 398 (287 028) | 9 220 (3 560) | 1.23 | |
39 | |
676 578 (261 228) | 653 508 (252 321) | 23 070 (8 910) | 3.41 | |
40 | |
652 864 (252 072) | 652 864 (252 072) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
41 | |
644 329 (248 777) | 644 329 (248 777) | 0 (0) | 0 [Remarque 11] |
[Note 17] [21] |
42 | |
640 679 (247 368) | 640 427 (247 270) | 3 374 (1 303) | 0,52 | Les chiffres incluent la France métropolitaine (en Europe) ainsi que les cinq régions d’outre-mer . Cela n’inclut pas la Nouvelle-Calédonie (collectivité autonome sui generis ), les cinq collectivités autonomes d’outre-mer et les deux territoires inhabités (les Terres australes et antarctiques françaises et l’île de Clipperton ) qui sont répertoriés individuellement, bien que faisant également partie de la République française. [Note 18] Troisième plus grand pays d’Europe après la Russie et l’Ukraine, et le plus grand pays de l’Union européenne. |
43 | |
637 657 (246 201) | 627 337 (242 216) | 10 320 (3 980) | 1.62 | Les chiffres incluent le Somaliland . |
44 | |
622 984 (240 535) | 622 984 (240 535) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
45 | |
603 500 (233 000) | 579 300 (223 700) | 24 200 (9 300) | 4.01 | Deuxième plus grand pays d’Europe après la Russie. Le plus grand pays entièrement en Europe. |
46 | |
587 041 (226 658) | 581 540 (224 530) | 5 501 (2 124) | 0,94 | Le plus grand pays insulaire d’ Afrique et le 2e plus grand pays insulaire du monde. |
47 | |
581 730 (224 610) | 566 730 (218 820) | 15 000 (5 800) | 2,58 | [Remarque 19] |
48 | |
580 367 (224 081) | 569 140 (219 750) | 11 227 (4 335) | 1,93 | |
49 | |
555 000 (214 000) | 555 000 (214 000) | 0 (0) | 0 | Le deuxième plus grand pays de la péninsule arabique . [Note 20] La superficie avant la signature du Traité de Djeddah était de 527 968 kilomètres carrés. |
– | |
543 940 (210 020) | France métropolitaine (la partie de la France située en Europe) | |||
50 | |
513 120 (198 120) | 510 890 (197 260) | 2 230 (860) | 0,43 | |
51 | |
505 992 (195 365) | 498 980 (192 660) | 6390 (2470) | 1.26 |
Le plus grand pays d’ Europe du Sud et le deuxième plus grand État membre de l’Union européenne . |
52 | |
488 100 (188 500) | 469 930 (181 440) | 18 170 (7 020) | 3,72 | |
53 | |
475 442 (183 569) | 472 710 (182 510) | 2 730 (1 050) | 0,57 | |
54 | |
462 840 (178 700) | 452 860 (174 850) | 9 980 (3 850) | 2.16 | Troisième plus grand pays insulaire du monde. |
55 | |
450 295 (173 860) | 410 335 (158 431) | 39 960 (15 430) | 8,87 | Le plus grand pays d’Europe du Nord . Troisième plus grand État membre de l’Union européenne . |
56 | |
447 400 (172 700) | 425 400 (164 200) | 22 000 (8 500) | 4,92 | |
57 | |
446 550 (172 410) | 446 300 (172 300) | 250 (97) | 0,06 | N’inclut pas le Sahara occidental contesté , présenté séparément. [Remarque 21] |
58 | |
438 317 (169 235) | 437 367 (168 868) | 950 (370) | 0,22 | [Remarque 22] |
59 | |
406 752 (157 048) | 397 302 (153 399) | 9 450 (3 650) | 2.32 | |
60 | |
390 757 (150 872) | 386 847 (149 362) | 3 910 (1 510) | 1 | |
61 | |
385 207 (148 729) | 365 957 (141 297) | 19 520 (7 540) | 5,00 | Le Royaume de Norvège , y compris Jan Mayen et Svalbard , mais à l’ exclusion de l ‘ île Bouvet et des revendications territoriales antarctiques de l ‘ île Pierre Ier et de la Terre de la Reine Maud . [Remarque 23] |
62 | |
377 976 (145 937) | 364 546 (140 752) | 13 430 (5 190) | 3,55 | Le plus grand pays insulaire d’ Asie de l’Est et le 4ème plus grand pays insulaire du monde . [Remarque 24] |
63 | |
357 114 (137 882) | 348 672 (134 623) | 8 350 (3 220) | 2.34 | Le plus grand pays d’Europe centrale . Avant la réunification allemande de 1990 , l’Allemagne de l’Ouest comptait 248 577 (95 976) et l’Allemagne de l’Est 108 333 (41 828). |
64 | |
342 000 (132 000) | 341 500 (131 900) | 500 (190) | 0,15 | |
65 | |
338 425 (130 667) | 303 816 (117 304) | 34 330 (13 250) | 10h15 | [Remarque 25] |
66 | |
331 212 (127 882) | 310 070 (119 720) | 21 140 (8 160) | 6.38 | |
67 | |
330 803 (127 724) | 329 613 (127 264) | 1 190 (460) | 0,35 | |
– | |
323 802 (125 021) | 304 282 (117 484) | 19 520 (7 540) | 6.03 | Norvège continentale , à l’ exclusion de Jan Mayen , du Svalbard et des dépendances . [Remarque 23] |
68 | |
322 463 (124 504) | 318 003 (122 782) | 4 460 (1 720) | 1.38 | |
69 | |
312 696 (120 733) | 311 888 (120 421) | 791 (305) | 3.07 | |
70 | |
309 500 (119 500) | 309 500 (119 500) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
71 | |
301 339 (116 348) | 294 140 (113 570) | 7 200 (2 800) | 2.39 | |
72 | |
300 000 (120 000) | 298 170 (115 120) | 1 830 (710) | 0,61 | |
73 | |
276 841 (106 889) | 256 369 (98 985) | 6 720 (2 590) | 2.37 | [Remarque 26] |
74 | |
274 222 (105 878) | 273 602 (105 638) | 620 (240) | 0,23 | [Remarque 27] |
75 | |
270 467 (104 428) | 262 443 (101 330) | 4 395 (1 697) | 1,65 | [Remarque 28] |
76 | |
267 668 (103 347) | 257 667 (99 486) | 10 000 (3 900) | 3,74 | |
– | |
266 000 (103 000) | 266 000 (103 000) | 0 (0) | 0 | Territoire contesté. Le contrôle administratif est limité à environ un tiers de cette zone, le reste étant contrôlé par le Maroc . |
77 | |
245 857 (94 926) | 245 717 (94 872) | 140 (54) | 0,06 | |
78 | |
242 495 (93 628) | 241 930 (93 410) | 1 680 (650) | 0,69 |
Le plus grand pays insulaire d’ Europe et de l’hémisphère occidental . [Remarque 29] |
79 | |
241 550 (93 260) | 197 100 (76 100) | 43 938 (16 965) | 18.23 | |
80 | |
238 533 (92 098) | 227 533 (87 851) | 11 000 (4 200) | 4.61 | |
81 | |
238 397 (92 046) | 231 291 (89 302) | 7 100 (2 700) | 2,97 | |
82 | |
236 800 (91 400) | 230 800 (89 100) | 6 000 (2 300) | 2.53 | Seul pays enclavé d’Asie du Sud-Est . |
83 | |
214 969 (83 000) | 196 849 (76 004) | 18 120 (7 000) | 8.43 | |
84 | |
207 600 (80 200) | 202 900 (78 300) | 4 700 (1 800) | 2.26 | Le plus grand pays enclavé d’ Europe . |
85 | |
199 951 (77 202) | 191 801 (74 055) | 8 150 (3 150) | 4.08 | |
86 | |
196 722 (75 955) | 192 530 (74 340) | 4 192 (1 619) | 2.13 | |
87 | |
185 180 (71 500) | 183 630 (70 900) | 1 550 (600) | 0,84 | [Remarque 30] |
88 | |
181 035 (69 898) | 176 515 (68 153) | 4 520 (1 750) | 2.5 | |
89 | |
176 215 (68 037) | 175 015 (67 574) | 1 200 (460) | 0,68 | |
– | |
176 120 (68 000) | [Remarque 31] | |||
90 | |
163 820 (63 250) | 156 000 (60 000) | 7 820 (3 020) | 4,77 | Le plus petit pays d’Amérique du Sud . |
91 | |
163 610 (63 170) | 155 360 (59 980) | 8 250 (3 190) | 5.04 | |
92 | |
148 460 (57 320) | 134 208 (51 818) | 14 252 (5 503) | 9.6 | [Remarque 32] |
93 | |
147 181 (56 827) | 143 351 (55 348) | 3 830 (1 480) | 2.6 | Le Népal est le plus grand pays de la chaîne himalayenne . Le gouvernement du Népal donne sa superficie à 147 516 kilomètres carrés (56 956 milles carrés), ce qui comprend 335 kilomètres carrés supplémentaires de territoire contesté sous administration indienne. [31] |
94 | |
143 100 (55 300) | 141 510 (54 640) | 2 590 (1 000) | 1,81 | |
95 | |
131 957 (50 949) | 130 647 (50 443) | 1 310 (510) | 0,99 | |
96 | |
130 373 (50 337) | 119 990 (46 330) | 10 380 (4 010) | 7,96 | Le plus grand pays d’Amérique centrale . |
97 | |
120 540 (46 540) | 120 538 (46 540) | 2 (0,77) | 0,11 | Exclut la créance sur la Corée du Sud. |
98 | |
118 484 (45 747) | 94 080 (36 320) | 24 404 (9 422) | 20.6 | |
99 | |
117 600 (45 400) | 101 000 (39 000) | 16 600 (6 400) | 14.12 | |
100 | |
114 763 (44 310) | 114 305 (44 133) | 457.569 (176.668) | 0,40 | [Remarque 33] |
101 | |
112 492 (43 433) | 111 890 (43 200) | 200 (77) | 0,18 | |
102 | |
111 369 (43 000) | 96 320 (37 190) | 15 049 (5 810) | 13.51 | |
103 | |
111 002 (42 858) | 108 612 (41 935) | 2 390 (920) | 2.16 | |
104 | |
109 884 (42 426) | 109 884 (42 426) | 0 (0) | 0,00 | Le plus grand pays des Antilles . |
105 | |
108 889 (42 042) | 107 159 (41 374) | 1 730 (670) | 1,59 | |
106 | |
103 000 (40 000) | 100 250 (38 710) | 2 750 (1 060) | 2,67 | |
107 | |
100 210 (38 690) | 99 909 (38 575) | 301 (116) | 0,3 | Exclut la créance sur la Corée du Nord. |
108 | |
93 028 (35 918) | 89 608 (34 598) | 3 420 (1 320) | 3,68 | |
109 | |
92 226 (35 609) | 91 119 (35 181) | 1 107 (427) | 1.2 | |
110 | |
89 342 (34 495) | 88 802 (34 287) | 540 (210) | 0,6 | |
111 | |
88 361 (34 116) | 88 246 (34 072) | 115 (44) | 0,13 | Le plus grand pays ex-yougoslave et serbo-croate . Comprend le Kosovo . [Remarque 34] |
112 | |
86 600 (33 400) | 86 100 (33 200) | 500 (190) | 0,13 | Le plus grand pays du Caucase . Pays transcontinental situé en Asie et en Europe . [Note 35] |
113 | |
83 871 (32 383) | 82 445 (31 832) | 1 426 (551) | 1.7 | |
114 | |
83 600 (32 300) | 83 600 (32 300) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
115 | |
78 871 (30 452) | 77 199 (29 807) | 1 672 (646) | 2.12 | |
116 | |
75 417 (29 119) | 74 340 (28 700) | 1 080 (420) | 1.43 | Pays transcontinental d’Amérique du Nord et d’Amérique du Sud . |
117 | |
71 740 (27 700) | 71 620 (27 650) | 120 (46) | 0,17 | |
118 | |
70 273 (27 133) | 68 883 (26 596) | 1 390 (540) | 1,98 | Le chiffre indiqué concerne la République d’Irlande ; l’ île d’Irlande mesure 84 421 km 2 ou 32 595 milles carrés. [34] |
119 | |
69 700 (26 900) | 69 700 (26 900) | 0 (0) | 0 | Pays transcontinental situé en Asie et en Europe . [Note 36] |
120 | |
65 610 (25 330) | 62 732 (24 221) | 2 878 (1 111) | 4.4 | |
121 | |
65 300 (25 200) | 62 680 (24 200) | 2 620 (1 010) | 4.01 | |
122 | |
64 559 (24 926) | 62 249 (24 034) | 2 340 (900) | 3.62 | |
– | |
62 045 (23 956) | 62 045 (23 956) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Remarque 37] |
123 | |
56 785 (21 925) | 54 385 (20 998) | 2 400 (930) | 4.23 | |
124 | |
56 594 (21 851) | 55 974 (21 612) | 620 (240) | 1.1 | |
125 | |
51 209 (19 772) | 51 187 (19 763) | 10 (3,9) | 0,02 | |
126 | |
51 100 (19 700) | 51 060 (19 710) | 40 (15) | 0,08 | |
127 | |
49 037 (18 933) | 48 105 (18 573) | 930 (360) | 1.9 | |
128 | |
48 671 (18 792) | 48 320 (18 660) | 350 (140) | 0,72 | |
129 | |
45 227 (17 462) | 42 388 (16 366) | 2 840 (1 100) | 6.28 | |
130 | |
43 094 (16 639) | 42 434 (16 384) | 660 (250) | 1,53 | Inclut uniquement le Danemark proprement dit , mais exclut les territoires autonomes du Royaume de Danemark , présentés séparément. |
131 | |
41 850 (16 160) | 33 893 (13 086) | 7 650 (2 950) | 18h41 | Comprend les municipalités spéciales , mais exclut les autres pays du Royaume des Pays-Bas , indiqués séparément. [Remarque 38] |
132 | |
41 284 (15 940) | 39 997 (15 443) | 1 280 (490) | 3.1 | [Remarque 39] |
133 | |
38 394 (14 824) | 38 394 (14 824) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
36 193 (13 974) | 32 260 (12 460) | 3 720 (1 440) | 10.34 | Entre 1945 et 1949, la République de Chine comprenait la Chine continentale , la Mongolie , Taïwan et d’autres régions, totalisant 11 418 174 km 2 (4 408 582 milles carrés). [Remarque 40] |
134 | |
36 125 (13 948) | 28 120 (10 860) | 8 005 (3 091) | 22.16 | |
135 | |
33 846 (13 068) | 32 891 (12 699) | 960 (370) | 2,84 | [Remarque 41] |
136 | |
30 528 (11 787) | 30 278 (11 690) | 250 (97) | 0,82 | |
137 | |
30 355 (11 720) | 30 355 (11 720) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
138 | |
29 743 (11 484) | 28 342 (10 943) | 1 401 (541) | 4.71 | |
139 | |
28 896 (11 157) | 27 986 (10 805) | 910 (350) | 3.15 | |
140 | |
28 748 (11 100) | 27 398 (10 578) | 1350 (520) | 4.7 | |
141 | |
28 051 (10 831) | 28 051 (10 831) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
142 | |
27 834 (10 747) | 25 680 (9 920) | 2 150 (830) | 7.73 | |
143 | |
27 750 (10 710) | 27 560 (10 640) | 190 (73) | 0,68 | |
144 | |
26 338 (10 169) | 24 668 (9 524) | 1 670 (640) | 6.34 | |
145 | |
25 713 (9 928) | 25 433 (9 820) | 280 (110) | 1.09 | |
146 | |
23 200 (9 000) | 23 180 (8 950) | 20 (7,7) | 0,09 | |
147 | |
22 966 (8 867) | 22 806 (8 805) | 160 (62) | 0,7 | |
148 | |
21 041 (8 124) | 20 721 (8 000) | 320 (120) | 1.52 | Le plus petit pays du continent américain . |
149 | |
20 770 (8 020) | 20 330 (7 850) | 440 (170) | 2.12 | [Remarque 42] |
150 | |
20 273 (7 827) | 20 151 (7 780) | 122 (47) | 0,6 | |
– | |
18 575 (7 172) | 18 275 (7 056) | 300 (120) | 1.62 | |
151 | |
18 272 (7 055) | 18 274 (7 056) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
152 | |
17 818 (6 880) | 17 818 (6 880) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
153 | |
17 364 (6 704) | 17 204 (6 643) | 160 (62) | 0,92 | |
154 | |
14 919 (5 760) | 14 919 (5 760) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
155 | |
13 943 (5 383) | 10 010 (3 860) | 3 870 (1 490) | 27,88 | |
156 | |
13 812 (5 333) | 13 452 (5 194) | 360 (140) | 2.61 | |
157 | |
12 189 (4 706) | 12 189 (4 706) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
12 173 (4 700) | 12 173 (4 700) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
158 | |
11 586 (4 473) | 11 586 (4 473) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
159 | |
11 295 (4 361) | 10 000 (3 900) | 1 295 (500) | 11h47 | Le plus petit pays d’ Afrique continentale . |
160 | |
10 991 (4 244) | 10 831 (4 182) | 160 (62) | 1.46 | |
– | |
10 887 (4 203) | [Remarque 43] | |||
161 | |
10 452 (4 036) | 10 230 (3 950) | 170 (66) | 1,63 | Deuxième plus petit pays d’ Asie continentale . |
162 | |
9 251 (3 572) | 9 241 (3 568) | 10 (3,9) | 0,11 | [Remarque 44] |
– | |
9 104 (3 515) | 9 104 (3 515) | 3 054 (1 179) | 35.2 | Territoire américain, la troisième plus grande île des États-Unis après la grande île d’Hawaï et l’île Kodiak en Alaska . Aussi la plus petite partie de l’Amérique hispanique . |
– | |
8 660 (3 340) | [Remarque 45] | |||
– | |
7 747 (2 991) | 7 668 (2 961) | 79,8 (30,8) | 1.03 | Exclut le claim sur la Terre Adélie en Antarctique. [Remarque 46] |
– | |
6 959,41 (2 687,04) | 34,2 (13,2) | 6 937 (2 678) | 99,68 | |
163 | |
6 020 (2 320) | 6 000 (2 300) | 220 (85) | 3.9 | [Note 47] |
164 | |
5 765 (2 226) | 5 265 (2 033) | 500 (190) | 8,67 | |
165 | |
5 130 (1 980) | 5 128 (1 980) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
4 167 (1 609) | 3 827 (1 478) | 340 (130) | 8.16 | |
– | |
4 163 (1 607) | [Remarque 48] | |||
166 | |
4 033 (1 557) | 4 033 (1 557) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
3 903 (1 507) | 3 903 (1 507) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Remarque 17] |
– | |
3 900 (1 500) | [Note 49] | |||
– | |
3 355 (1 295) | [Note 50] | |||
– | |
3 170 (1 220) | 3 170 (1 220) | – | – | Le Haut-Karabakh est internationalement reconnu comme faisant partie de l’Azerbaïdjan et n’a pas de reconnaissance internationale en tant qu’État |
167 | |
2 842 (1 097) | 2 821 (1 089) | 10 (3,9) | 0,35 | |
– | |
2 755 (1 064) | 1 106 (427) | 1 649 (637) [41] | 59,8 | |
168 | |
2 586 (998) | 2 586 (998) | 0 (0) | 0 | Le plus petit pays qui n’est pas un micro-État européen ou un pays insulaire . |
– | Bir Tawil ( terra nullius ) | 2 060 (800) | 2 060 (800) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
169 | |
2 040 (790) | 2 030 (780) | 10 (3,9) | 0,49 | [Note 51] |
170 | |
1 862 (719) | 1 862 (719) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Remarque 52] |
– | |
1 580 (610) | [Remarque 53] | |||
– | |
1 393 (538) | 1 393 (538) | Négligeable | Négligeable | [Remarque 54] |
171 | |
964 (372) | 964 (372) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
948 (366) | 430 (170) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 17] |
172 | |
811 (313) | 811 (313) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 55] |
173 | |
785 (303) | 785 (303) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
174 | |
751 (290) | 751 (290) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
175 | |
747 (288) | 717 (277) | 30 (12) | 4.02 | |
176 | |
728 (281) | 716 (276) | 10 (3.9) | 1.43 | |
177 | |
702 (271) | 702 (271) | Negligible | Negligible | |
178 | |
616 (238) | 606 (234) | 10 (3.9) | 1.62 | [Note 56] |
– | |
572 (221) | 572 (221) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
549 (212) | 544 (210) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
179 | |
468 (181) | 468 (181) | 0 (0) | 0 | European microstate. |
– | |
464 (179) | 464 (179) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
180 | |
459 (177) | 459 (177) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
181 | |
452 (175) | 455 (176) | 0 (0) | 0 | Smallest country in Africa. |
– | |
444 (171) | 444 (171) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 38] |
182 | |
442 (171) | 442.6 (170.9) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
183 | |
430 (170) | 431 (166) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
412 (159) | 412 (159) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 17] |
184 | |
389 (150) | 389 (150) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
377 (146) | 377 (146) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
347 (134) | 346 (134) | 1,564 (604) | 81.88 | |
185 | |
344 (133) | 344 (133) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
186 | |
316 (122) | 316 (122) | 0 (0) | 0 | European microstate. Smallest European Union member state. |
– | |
308 (119) | 308 (119) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 57] |
187 | |
300 (120) | 298 (115) | 0 (0) | 0 | Smallest country in Asia. |
– | |
294 (114) | 294 (114) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 38] |
– | |
264 (102) | 264 (102) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
188 | |
261 (101) | 261 (101) | 0 (0) | 0 | Smallest country in the Americas and the Western Hemisphere. |
– | |
260 (100) | 260 (100) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 58] |
– | |
253.8 (98.0) | not determined | not determined | not determined | There is a salt lake and some wetlands of unknown area. |
– | |
242 (93) | 242 (93) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
236 (91) | 236 (91) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 59] |
– | |
199 (77) | 199 (77) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
189 | |
181 (70) | 181 (70) | 11,673 (4,507) | 98.47 | |
– | |
180 (69) | 180 (69) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 38] |
190 | |
160 (62) | 160 (62) | 0 (0) | 0 | European microstate. |
– | |
151 (58) | 151 (58) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
142 (55) | 142 (55) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
135 (52) | 135 (52) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 60] |
– | |
116 (45) | 116 (45) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
102 (39) | 102 (39) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
91 (35) | 91 (35) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
78 (30) | 78 (30) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
191 | |
61 (24) | 61 (24) | 0 (0) | 0 | European microstate. |
– | |
60 (23) | 60 (23) | 54,340 (20,980) | 99.89 | [Note 61] |
– | |
54 (21) | 54.4 (21.0) | Negligible | Negligible | [Note 17] |
– | |
54 (21) | 54 (21) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
49 (19) | 49 (19) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 17] |
– | |
47 (18) | 47 (18) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 62] |
– | |
36 (14) | 36 (14) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
34 (13) | 34 (13) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 38] |
– | |
31.3 (12.1) | 28.2 (10.9) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 63] |
192 | |
26 (10) | 26 (10) | 0 (0) | 0 | Smallest Commonwealth realm. |
193 | |
21 (8.1) | 21 (8.1) | 0 (0) | 0 | Smallest island country, smallest republic and smallest country that is not a city-state |
– | |
21 (8.1) | not determined | not determined | not determined | [Note 17] |
– | |
21 (8.1) | not determined | not determined | not determined | [Note 38] |
– | |
14 (5.4) | 14 (5.4) | 0 (0) | 0 | [Note 60] |
– | |
13 (5.0) | not determined | not determined | not determined | [Note 38] |
– | |
12 (4.6) | 12 (4.6) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
6 (2.3) | 6.5 (2.5) | 0 (0) | 0 | British Overseas Territory |
– | |
6 (2.3) | 2 (0.77) | 4 (1.5) | 66.67 | |
– | |
5 (1.9) | 5 (1.9) | 0 (0) | 0 | |
– | Spratly Islands (disputed) | < 5 (< 1.9) |
< 5 (< 1.9) |
0 (0) | 0 | |
– | |
< 3 (< 1.2) |
< 3 (< 1.2) |
0 (0) | 0 | |
194 | |
2.02 (0.78) | 2.02 (0.78) | 0 (0) | 0 | European microstate. Smallest country with a coastline. Smallest United Nations member state. |
195 | |
0.49 (0.19) | 0.49 (0.19) | 0 (0) | 0 | European microstate. Smallest country in the world.[Note 64] |
The charts below are based on the CIA World Factbook[44] as of 15 February 2005.
Sovereign states with areas greater than 100,000 km2 are shown in green. In addition, non-sovereign territories are included for purposes of comparison, and are shown in gray. Areas include inland water bodies (lakes, reservoirs, rivers). Claims to parts of Antarctica by various countries are not included.
Countries larger than 1.5 million km2
Countries between 100,000 km2 and 1.5 million km2
See also
- List of countries and dependencies by population density
- List of countries and dependencies by population
- List of largest empires
- List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area
- List of sovereign states
- Orders of magnitude (area)
Explanatory notes
- ^ The European Union is a unique supranational union. It covers a total area of 4,479,968 km2 (1,729,725 sq mi),[1] and would be ranked 7th if it were included (3.0% of world’s total land area).
- ^ The following countries have territorial claims in Antarctica: Argentina (969,000 km2 or 374,000 sq mi), Australia (5,896,500 km2 or 2,276,700 sq mi), Chile (1,250,000 km2 or 480,000 sq mi), France (432,000 km2 or 167,000 sq mi), New Zealand (450,000 km2 or 170,000 sq mi), Norway (including Peter I Island) (2,500,000 km2 or 970,000 sq mi) and United Kingdom (1,395,000 km2 or 539,000 sq mi), which to some extent overlap. The area from 90°W to 150°W (2,100,000 km2 or 810,000 sq mi) is currently unclaimed territory. These areas usually have no human inhabitants, excluding scientists.
- ^ With its surface area including all or parts of 17 of the world’s 40 largest freshwater lakes, Canada is smaller than China and the United States in land area.
- ^ a b The following two primary sources (non-mirrored) represent the range (min./max.) of estimates of China’s and the United States’ total areas. Both sources (1) exclude Taiwan from the area of China; (2) exclude China’s coastal and territorial waters. However, the CIA World Factbook includes the United States coastal and territorial waters, while Encyclopædia Britannica excludes the United States coastal and territorial waters.
- The Encyclopædia Britannica lists China as world’s third-largest country (after Russia and Canada) with a total area of 9,572,900 km2,[6] and the United States as fourth-largest at 9,525,067 km2.[7]
- The CIA World Factbook lists China as fourth-largest country (after Russia, Canada, and the United States) with a total area of 9,596,960 km2,[8] and the United States as the third-largest at 9,833,517 km2.[9]
Notably, Encyclopædia Britannica specifies the United States’ area (excluding coastal and territorial waters) as 9,525,067 km2, which is less than either source’s figure given for China’s area.[7] Therefore, while it can be determined that China has a larger area excluding coastal and territorial waters, it is unclear which country has a larger area including coastal and territorial waters.
The United Nations Statistics Division’s figure for the United States is 9,833,517 km2 and China is 9,596,961 km2. These closely match the CIA World Factbook figures and similarly include coastal and territorial waters for the United States, but exclude coastal and territorial waters for China.
Further explanation of disputed ranking: The dispute for world’s third-largest country arose from the inclusion of coastal and territorial waters for the United States. This discrepancy was deduced from comparing the CIA World Factbook and its previous iterations[10] against the information for United States in Encyclopædia Britannica, particularly its footnote section.[7] In sum, according to older versions of the CIA World Factbook (from 1982 to 1996), the U.S. was listed as the world’s fourth-largest country (after Russia, Canada, and China) with a total area of 9,372,610 km2. However, in the 1997 edition, the U.S. added coastal waters to its total area (increasing it to 9,629,091 km2). And then again in 2007, the U.S. added territorial water to its total area (increasing it to 9,833,517 km2). During this time, China’s total area remained unchanged. In other words, no coastal or territorial water area was added to China’s total area figure. The United States has a coastal water area of 109,362 km2, and a territorial water area of 195,213 km2, for a total of 304,575 km2 of additional water space. This is larger than entire countries like Italy, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Adding this figure to the U.S. will boost it over China in ranking since China’s coastal and territorial water figures are currently unknown (no official publication) and thus cannot be added into China’s total area figure.
- ^ Approx. 7% of Brazil’s land is located in the Northern Hemisphere. Its Southern Hemisphere portion (approx. 7,920,000 km2) is still significantly bigger than Australia. Although the U.S. has American Samoa, Jarvis Island, and a small portion of its territorial sea south of Baker Island in the Southern Hemisphere, it is not generally regarded as a Southern Hemisphere country.
- ^ Figures exclude the external territories of Norfolk Island, Ashmore and Cartier Islands, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Coral Sea Islands Territory, and Heard Island and McDonald Islands,[12] each shown separately. Excludes the claim of the Australian Antarctic Territory (5,896,500 km2 or 2,276,700 sq mi). The UN’s previous data,[13] as well as the current data shown by the World Bank and the CIA,[1][14] give the figure as 7,741,220 km2 (2,988,900 sq mi).
- ^ The total area given is from Encyclopædia Britannica and includes disputed territories not under Indian control but claimed by India. The total area claimed by India, according to the figure given by the United Nations and the Indian government, totals 3,287,263 km2 (1,269,219 sq mi).[15]
- ^ Excludes claims on Argentine Antarctica (969,000 km2 or 374,000 sq mi), on Malvinas/Falkland Islands (12,173 km2 or 4,700 sq mi) and on South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (3,903 km2 or 1,507 sq mi).
- ^ The area of internal waters is officially reported as 0[17] even though several seasonal lakes and permanent reservoirs exist in the country.
- ^ A total of 1,755,636 km2 (677,855 sq mi) (81%) of the land area is covered by ice; the ice-free area amounts to 410,450 km2 (158,480 sq mi).[14]
- ^ a b The water area percentage of Sudan prior to the secession of South Sudan was 5.18.
- ^ The area given is from the 2007 data and the CIA World Factbook.[1][13] The UN Demographic Yearbook lists a figure of 1,628,750 km2 (628,860 sq mi), which refers to land area only.
- ^ Excluding the Ilemi Triangle (14,000 km2 or 5,400 sq mi).
- ^ Excludes claims on Guayana Esequiba (160,000 km2 or 62,000 sq mi)
- ^ By default, internationally sourced and published statistics include data for the Pakistani-administered territories of Kashmir: Azad Kashmir (13,297 km2 or 5,134 sq mi) and Gilgit-Baltistan (72,971 km2 or 28,174 sq mi) in this area value.[20] Further including Pakistani claims over the Indian-administered territories of Jammu and Kashmir (42,241 km2 or 16,309 sq mi) and Ladakh (59,146 km2 or 22,836 sq mi) would produce a total land area figure of 984,010 km2 (379,928 sq mi), and a total area figure of 1,009,230 km2 (389,666 sq mi) for the country. Excluding all of these territories in the disputed Kashmir region (including Pakistani-administered territories) would produce a land area figure of 796,355 km2 (307,473 sq mi) and a total area figure of 821,575 km2 (317,212 sq mi). The total area figure is equal to Pakistan’s land area added to its water area of 25,220 km2 (9,740 sq mi).
- ^ Excludes claims in Antarctica.
- ^ a b c d e f g Figures shown in this entry are taken from the CIA.[1]
- ^ Source gives area of metropolitan France as 551,500 km2 (212,900 sq mi) and lists overseas regions separately, whose areas sum to 89,179 km2 (34,432 sq mi). Adding these give the total shown here for the entire French Republic. The CIA reports the total as 643,801 km2 (248,573 sq mi).[1] Another source, the French Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), gives an area figure of 632,759 km2 (244,310 sq mi).[22] (The CIA gives a water area of metropolitan France as 1,530 km2 (590 sq mi).)
- ^ All figures are those cited by the Food and Agriculture Organization.[23]
- ^ All figures are those cited by the International Atomic Energy Agency.[24]
- ^ If the whole of Western Sahara is included (which Morocco controls approximately two-thirds of), the area would be 710,800 km2 (274,460 sq mi) and the rank would be #39.
- ^ Figure shown is from the 2007 data and the CIA World Factbook.[1][13] The UN figure of 435,244 km2 (168,049 sq mi) excludes the three autonomous provinces of Iraqi Kurdistan.
- ^ a b Figures shown are from the CIA World Factbook; the UN data refers to mainland area only. All figures exclude Bouvet Island (49 km2 or 19 sq mi), Jan Mayen (377 km2 or 146 sq mi), and Svalbard (62,045 km2 or 23,956 sq mi), shown separately, and the Antarctic territorial claims of Peter I Island (154 km2 or 59 sq mi) and Queen Maud Land (2,700,000 km2 or 1,000,000 sq mi).
- ^ Figure shown is from the 2020 (Reiwa 2) Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.[25][26]
- ^ Includes Åland (1,552 km2 or 599 sq mi).
- ^ May or may not include the Galápagos Islands (7,880 km2 or 3,040 sq mi). The 2007 data,[13] as well as the current data given by the CIA, explicitly includes the Galápagos and gives the figure as 283,561 km2 (109,484 sq mi).[1]
- ^ The total area figure is that reported by the National Institute of Statistics and Demography of Burkina Faso (INSD).[27] The water area is that reported by the Food and Agriculture Organization[28] and the land area is taken to be the difference between these two figures.
- ^ The government gives the total figure as 266,838 square kilometres (103,027 sq mi).[29] CIA World Factbook has total/land area of 267,710 km2 (103,360 sq mi). All figures exclude Niue, the Cook Islands and Tokelau, shown separately, as well as the Antarctic claim of Ross Dependency.
- ^ Does not include the three Crown dependencies (768 km2 or 297 sq mi) or the 14 overseas territories (1,742,857 km2 or 672,921 sq mi), each shown separately.
- ^ Includes the parts of the Golan Heights (1,295 km2 or 500 sq mi) occupied by Israel.
- ^ Somaliland is claimed in whole by Somalia, and has no international recognition
- ^ Area according to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is 147,570 km2 or 56,980 sq mi.[30]
- ^ Benin’s official total area increased from 112,622 km2 (43,484 sq mi) to 114,763 km2 (44,310 sq mi) following the resolution of the Lete Island dispute in 2005.[32] The water area is that reported by the Food and Agriculture Organization[33] and the land area is the difference between these two figures, rounded to the nearest square kilometre.
- ^ The figure shown includes the area of Kosovo and Metohija 10,887 km2 or 4,203 sq mi). The area of Serbia without Kosovo is 77,474 km2 (29,913 sq mi).[1]
- ^ The figure shown includes the area of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (3,000 km2 or 1,200 sq mi), which is de facto independent from Azerbaijan.
- ^ The figure shown includes the areas of Abkhazia (8,660 km2 or 3,340 sq mi)[35] and South Ossetia (3,900 km2 or 1,500 sq mi),[36] both de facto independent from Georgia.
- ^ The UN gives a combined area for Svalbard and Jan Mayen as 62,422 km2 (24,101 sq mi). The separate figures shown are from the CIA World Factbook.[1]
- ^ a b c d e f g Data for the Netherlands is from the Central Bureau of Statistics.[37] Source gives area of European Netherlands as 41,528 km2 (16,034 sq mi) and lists the three special municipalities separately, whose areas sum to 322 km2 (124 sq mi). Adding these gives the total shown here for the entire country of the Netherlands.[38] Adding the constituent countries of Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten, the total area of the Kingdom of the Netherlands covers 42,508 km2 (16,412 sq mi).
- ^ The figure from the UN demographic yearbook (41,277 km2 or 15,937 sq mi) excludes the areas of state forests and communanzas,[further explanation needed] which amount to 7.15 km2 (2.76 sq mi). The figure here is from the 2007 data.[13]
- ^ The UN source does not include data for the Republic of China on Taiwan. The figure shown is from the 2012 Statistical Data from the Ministry of the Interior, Republic of China. The CIA gives a total area of 35,980 km2 (13,890 sq mi). The total constitutional land area of the Republic of China is 11,420,000 km2 (4,410,000 sq mi), which includes modern-day Taiwan, Mongolia, and Mainland China.[39]
- ^ The figure shown includes the area of Transnistria (4,163 km2 or 1,607 sq mi), which is de facto independent from Moldova.
- ^ Figures shown are from the CIA.[1] The UN/Israel Central Bureau of Statistics figure of 22,072 km2 (8,522 sq mi) includes the Golan Heights (1,200 km2 or 460 sq mi) and East Jerusalem (70 km2 or 27 sq mi), which are not internationally recognised as part of Israel.
- ^ Kosovo is claimed in whole by Serbia, and has limited international recognition
- ^ Includes the largely unrecognized but de facto independent Northern Cyprus (3,355 km2 or 1,295 sq mi), the UN buffer zone (346 km2 or 134 sq mi) and Akrotiri and Dhekelia (254 km2 or 98 sq mi).[1]
- ^ Abkhazia is claimed in whole by Georgia, and has limited international recognition
- ^ The UN source has no data for the French Southern and Antarctic Lands. The figure given here is the total of all areas listed separately in the CIA World Factbook.[40]
- ^ The CIA gives the areas of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip separately as 5,860 km2 (2,260 sq mi) and 360 km2 (140 sq mi) respectively (; The figure for the West Bank includes East Jerusalem and Jerusalem No Man’s Land, but excludes Mount Scopus.[1]
- ^ Transnistria is claimed in whole by Moldova, and has limited international recognition
- ^ South Ossetia is claimed in whole by Georgia, and has limited international recognition
- ^ Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a Self-declared state recognised only by Turkey.
- ^ Figure shown is from the CIA World Factbook.[1] The UN figure of 1,969 km2 (760 sq mi) excludes the Agaléga Islands and Cargados Carajos.[13]
- ^ The CIA World Factbook[1] and the UN give an area of 2,235 km2 (863 sq mi), which includes Mayotte (374 km2 (144 sq mi)), an overseas department of France.
- ^ Åland Islands is an Autonomous region of Finland. As an Autonomous region of Finland, part of the European Union.
- ^ There are some lakes and streams of unknown area.
- ^ The figure shown is from the CIA World Factbook,[1] and refers to land area only. The UN figure excludes 84 km2 (32 sq mi) of uninhabited islands.
- ^ The figure shown is from the CIA Factbook.[1] The UN value of 539 km2 (208 sq mi) refers to habitable area only and excludes the country’s central forest reserve.
- ^ The total area of Saint Helena is 122 square kilometres (47 sq mi), Ascension Island is 88 square kilometres (34 sq mi), and Tristan da Cunha is 98 square kilometres (38 sq mi).
- ^ Niue, in free association with New Zealand, has limited international recognition
- ^ The Cook Islands, in free association with New Zealand, has limited international recognition
- ^ a b Data is from the 2007 statistics.[13]
- ^ The UN gives no information for the British Indian Ocean Territory. The figure given here was taken from the CIA Factbook, and refers to land area only.[1]
- ^ The figure shown is from the CIA Factbook, and includes Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno Island.[1] The UN figure is 5 km2 or 1.9 sq mi, and only includes area for Pitcairn island itself, the only inhabited island in the group.
- ^ Current statistics: March 2014 – Direcção dos Serviços de Cartografia e Cadastro (Cartography and Cadastre Bureau) Including University of Macau’s New Hengqin Campus
- ^ The De Agostini Atlas Calendar listed the area of Vatican City as 0.44 km2 in its 1930 edition[42] but corrected it to 0.49 km2 in its 1945–46 edition.[43] The figure of 0.44 km2 is still widely cited by many sources despite its inaccuracy.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Field Listing – Area, The World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency. Accessed 26 December 2020.
- ^ Central Intelligence Agency. “Definitions and notes: Location”. The World Factbook. Government of the United States. Retrieved 30 November 2011.
- ^ Source unless otherwise specified: “Demographic Yearbook – Table 3: Population by sex, rate of population increase, surface area and density” (PDF). United Nations Statistics Division. 2012. Retrieved 29 November 2014. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help) Entries in this table giving figures other than the figures given in this source are explained in the associated Note.
- ^ Canada, Government of Canada, Statistics. “Land and freshwater area, by province and territory”. Retrieved 4 March 2016.
- ^ Branch, Government of Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Communications. “Oceans”. Retrieved 4 March 2016.
- ^ “China”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 4 December 2017.
- ^ a b c d e f “United States”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 4 December 2017.
- ^ “China”. CIA. Retrieved 3 July 2016.
- ^ “United States”. CIA. Retrieved 3 July 2016.
- ^ “31 Years of CIA World Factbook”. CIA. Retrieved 31 January 2014.
- ^ “IBGE :: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística”.
- ^ Geoscience Australia. “Area of Australia – States and Territories”. Government of Australia. Retrieved 25 November 2011.
- ^ a b c d e f g “Total surface area as of 19 January 2007”. United Nations Statistics Division. Archived from the original on 19 October 2018. Retrieved 30 November 2011.
- ^ a b “Surface area (sq. km)”. United Nations: World Development Indicators. Retrieved 27 August 2012.
- ^ “Area and Population”. Government of India. Archived from the original on 26 December 2007.
- ^ Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ASRK). 2005. Main Demographic Indicators. Available at
- ^ Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015: Country Report Algeria (PDF) (Report) (in French). FAO. p. 12. Retrieved 29 December 2015.
- ^ “Indonesia”. The World Factbook. CIA. Retrieved 18 June 2015.
- ^ “Africa :: Sudan”. CIA Factbook. Retrieved 23 December 2020.
- ^ “GeoHive – Pakistan population statistics”. Archived from the original on 6 April 2013.
- ^ “SOUTH SUDAN” (PDF). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved 23 December 2020.
- ^ Subdivisions, surface area and population of the French Republic, National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, accessed 11 March 2011.
- ^ Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015: Country Report Botswana (PDF) (Report). FAO. p. 14. Retrieved 29 December 2015.
- ^ IAEA’s support to animal health services in Yemen: Background (Report). IAEA. Retrieved 1 July 2009.
- ^ “令和元年全国都道府県市区町村別面積調(10月1日時点)2020年” (in Japanese). 国土地理院. 25 December 2020. Archived from the original on 1 January 2021. Retrieved 3 January 2021.
- ^ “Island Countries Of The World”. Archived from the original on 7 December 2017. Retrieved 10 August 2019.
- ^ “Quelques chiffres clefs du Burkina Faso”. Annuaire statistique 2013 (PDF) (Report) (in French). INSD. December 2014. p. 413. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 February 2015. Retrieved 29 December 2015.
- ^ Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015: Country Report Burkina Faso (PDF) (Report) (in French). FAO. p. 28. Retrieved 29 December 2015.
- ^ The New Zealand Land Cover Database, New Zealand Ministry for the Environment. Updated 1 July 2009.
- ^ “Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics”. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Archived from the original on 4 September 2011. Retrieved 31 August 2011.
- ^ “Government unveils new political map including Kalapani, Lipulekh and Limpiyadhura inside Nepal borders”. Retrieved 20 May 2020.
- ^ “La superficie du Bénin passe de 112.622 km2 à 113.440 km2” (in French). 15 August 2007. Retrieved 29 December 2015.
- ^ Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015: Country Report Benin (PDF) (Report) (in French). FAO. p. 10. Retrieved 29 December 2015.
- ^ “Geography of Ireland”. Archived from the original on 24 November 2009. Retrieved 15 October 2009.
- ^ Abkhazia at Encyclopædia Britannica
- ^ South Ossetia at World English Dictionary
- ^ Central Bureau of Statistics (2009), “Land – en tuinbouwcijfers, 2009” (PDF), Land- en Tuinbouwcijfers (in Dutch), Government of the Netherlands, Department of Publication and Information: 14, ISSN 1386-9566, retrieved 6 January 2018
- ^ Central Bureau of Statistics (2009), Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands Antilles, 2009, Willemstad: Government of the Netherlands, Department of Publication and Information, p. 4
- ^ “1.1 Number of Villages, Neighborhoods, Households and Resident Population” (PDF). Ministry of the Interior – Republic of China (Taiwan). Retrieved 8 June 2012.
- ^ French Southern and Antarctic Lands, CIA Factbook, as of 29 December 2010.
- ^ “Survey and Mapping Office – Circulars and Publications”.
- ^ De Agostini Atlas Calendar, 1930, p. 99. (in Italian)
- ^ De Agostini Atlas Calendar, 1945–46, p. 128. (in Italian)
- ^ “The World Factbook”. Retrieved 1 October 2014.
External links
- Countries of the world ordered by land area