Is trivial a bad word?

Since a crossroads is a very public place where all kinds of people might show up, trivialis came to mean “commonplace” or “vulgar.” Today the English word has changed slightly in meaning and instead usually describes something barely worth mentioning.

What does frivolously mean? 1a : of little weight or importance She thinks window shopping is a frivolous activity. b : having no sound basis (as in fact or law) a frivolous lawsuit. 2a : lacking in seriousness a frivolous conversation. b : marked by unbecoming levity was criticized for his frivolous behavior in court.

Likewise What is a trivial man?

(especially of people) only interested in unimportant things; not at all serious. triviel. She’s a very trivial person.

What is a trivial person? especially of people) only interested in unimportant things; not at all serious. She’s a very trivial person.

What does foretaste mean in a sentence?

the anticipation of her arrival foretaste implies an actual though brief or partial experience of something forthcoming. the frost was a foretaste of winter.

Can a person be frivolous? self-indulgently carefree; unconcerned about or lacking any serious purpose. (of a person) given to trifling or undue levity: a frivolous, empty-headed person.

What is the meaning of flippantly?

1 : lacking proper respect or seriousness. 2 archaic : glib, talkative.

What is a frivolous woman? 1 adj If you describe someone as frivolous, you mean they behave in a silly or light-hearted way, rather than being serious and sensible.

What is the old meaning of trivial?

trivial (adj.)

“ordinary” (1580s); “insignificant, trifling” (1590s), from Latin trivialis “common, commonplace, vulgar,” literally “of or belonging to the crossroads,” from trivium “place where three roads meet,” in transferred use, “an open place, a public place,” from tri- “three” (see three) + via “road” (see via).

Does trivial mean easy? “This is a very trivial process” – denoting a process which is very easy, but not necessarily unimportant.

What is trivial and non trivial?

The noun triviality usually refers to a simple technical aspect of some proof or definition. … The opposite of trivial is nontrivial, which is commonly used to indicate that an example or a solution is not simple, or that a statement or a theorem is not easy to prove.

What is a petty person? having or showing narrow ideas, interests, etc.: petty minds. mean or ungenerous in small or trifling things: a petty person. showing or caused by meanness of spirit: a petty revenge. of secondary rank, especially in relation to others of the same class or kind: petty states; a petty tyrant.

How do you say something is trivial?


  1. fiddling,
  2. foolish,
  3. frivolous,
  4. incidental,
  5. inconsequential,
  6. inconsiderable,
  7. insignificant,
  8. little,

What is the synonym of foretaste? Some common synonyms of foretaste are anticipation, outlook, and prospect. While all these words mean “an advance realization of something to come,” foretaste implies an actual though brief or partial experience of something forthcoming.

What’s the definition of climes?

Definition of clime

: climate traveled to warmer climes.

How do you use hurtle in a sentence? Examples of hurtle in a Sentence

We kept to the side of the road as cars and trucks hurtled past us. The protesters hurtled bottles at the police. He hurtled himself into the crowd.

What does it mean to be bleak?

Definition of bleak

1 : exposed and barren and often windswept a bleak landscape bleak soils. 2 : cold, raw a bleak November evening. 3a : lacking in warmth, life, or kindliness : grim a bleak prison documentary. b : not hopeful or encouraging : depressing a bleak prognosis a bleak outlook the future looks bleak.

What does frivolous mean in the Bible? frivolousadjective. Of little weight or importance; not worth notice; slight.

What does immolate mean in the Bible?

1 : to kill or destroy especially by fire. 2 : to offer in sacrifice especially : to kill as a sacrificial victim.

What does Mirthfulness mean? Synonyms & Antonyms of mirthfulness

a mood characterized by high spirits and amusement and often accompanied by laughter. the mirthfulness of the revelers was contagious, and pretty soon everyone in the bar was laughing and singing.

What does it mean when a person is pedantic?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What does cheeky mean in British slang? Cheeky: To be cheeky is to be flippant or somewhat of a smart aleck. Considering British humor, I’d say most people here are a bit cheeky. … Drop a clanger: This is the British version of putting one’s foot in one’s mouth but it sure sounds sillier.

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