Is it el or la calle?

Feminine nouns that end with “e” (exceptions): The street – La calle. The meat – La carne.

Likewise Is La masculine or feminine?

Definite articles – how to say ‘the’ using le, la, l’ or les

English Masculine Feminine
the le la

Why is it la calle? La Calle, meaning ‘the street‘ in the Spanish language, may refer to: “La Calle” (song), a song written, produced and performed by Juan Luis Guerra and Juanes.

What is the English equivalent of the Spanish Barco?


From To Via
• barco boat ↔ boot
• barco → boat ↔ Boot
• barco → shipboat ↔ Schiff
• barco → boatvesselcraftship ↔ bateau

How do you say I am going to watch a movie in Spanish? I’m going to watch a movie

¿Qué haces esta noche? – Voy a ver una película en casa.

What does movie theater mean in Spanish?

movie theater {noun}

sala de cine {f} [form.]

How do you say im watching a show in Spanish? Estoy viendo la televisión.

Why is it La Leche and not El Leche?

providing milk rather than their male counterparts (bulls, billies, etc.) … Leche is a feminine noun, therefore it needs the feminine article (la) not the masculine article (el).

How do you use LE and LA in French? With masculine singular nouns → use le. With feminine singular nouns → use la. With nouns starting with a vowel, most nouns beginning with h and the French word y → use l’.

Is Le feminine in Spanish?

La’, on the other hand, means ‘it’ for feminine nouns and is also the word for her. ‘Le’ is called the indirect object pronoun, and we’ll talk more about that later. Let’s take a book. In Spanish, it’s masculine – ‘El libro’.

What is La Calle about? La Calle explores the forces behind the mass displacement: an unrelenting desire for order, a local economy increasingly dependent on tourism, and the pivotal power of federal housing policies.

What is the Spanish word for hospital?

Translation of hospital in Spanish

English Spanish
the hospital el hospital

What does Calle mean in Spanish slang? Calle means “street” in Spanish and Venetian.

What is caballo in Spanish mean?

English Translation. by horse. More meanings for a caballo. ahorse adverb.

What is Barco in Spanish food? Barco de Ávila beans (called sometimes more briefly as “Barco beans” or “Judiones from El Barco”) are dried beans, usually white and large, cultivated in the fields of El Barco de Ávila (southwest of the Province of Ávila), Spain.

What does Barco mean in Costa Rica?

English Translation. ship. More meanings for barco. boat noun. bote, lancha, chalupa, salsera.

Is Gym in Spanish masculine or feminine?

salle [feminine, masculine] / club de gym, gymnase [masculine]…

What is your last name in Spanish Google Translate? Informally: ¿Cuál es tu apellido?

Can you learn Spanish from watching TV?

Benefits of Learning Spanish by Watching TV

The language in movies, shows, documentaries, and news in Spanish is realistic. You hear and learn natural structures, common idiomatic expressions, and high-frequency vocabulary. What’s more, TV shows and films are entertaining!

What are you doing in Spanish slang? One is “¿Qué estás haciendo?” (it literally means “What are you doing?” in Spanish). The other one is “¿Qué hacés?”.

How do you say I am reading a book in Spanish?

Spanish translation: Leo un libro.

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