Is expedient a bad word?

Expedient has two connotations, once neutral and the other — more common — slightly pejorative: Something that is expedient may be suitable, but the word more likely reflects what is done out of self-interest or because it is most convenient rather than the best solution.

Simply so How do you use expedient? An action is expedient when it is suitable to the end in view. He got his way by the simple expedient of voting twice. Under the scheme the council will be able to do so by the simple expedient of branding them inefficient.

Does expediently mean fast? Although expedient and expeditious come from the same Latin root word for “to make ready or to prompt,” they parted ways by the 1600s, when expedient became self-serving. Use expedient for “advantageous” and expeditious for “speedy,” like how fast you plan for an expedition to Antarctica, or across the street.

also Does expediency mean speed? Expedience meaning

(obsolete) Speed; haste. (uncountable) The quality of being fit or suitable to effect some desired end or the purpose intended; propriety or advisability under the particular circumstances of a case.

Can pejorative people?

A pejorative or slur is a word or grammatical form expressing a negative or a disrespectful connotation, a low opinion, or a lack of respect toward someone or something. It is also used to express criticism, hostility, or disregard.

Does expedient mean fast? Although expedient and expeditious come from the same Latin root word for “to make ready or to prompt,” they parted ways by the 1600s, when expedient became self-serving. Use expedient for “advantageous” and expeditious for “speedy,” like how fast you plan for an expedition to Antarctica, or across the street.

How do you say the word expedient?

What is a good sentence for expedient? Examples of expedient. Various expedients can be and have been suggested. Shipyards mean the production of new developments and expedients rendered necessary by new methods of warfare. Whatever temporary expedients may be adopted let us not lose our resolution to go on asserting our rights and obtain them in the end.

What does expedient mean in the Bible?

There is no Old Testament usage of the word “expedient,” but in the New Testament the Greek word that is translated into expedient is “to bear together” or, more figuratively, “to create an advantage for or to make something better; to be good for or profitable for.” Expedient has the sense of something that is …

What does expedient mean in civil disobedience? expedient. a means to an end. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient. mode. a particular functioning condition or arrangement.

Is expeditiously a real word?

promptly and quickly: Our office will handle all queries and concerns expeditiously and without delay.

What are pejorative words? : a word or phrase that has negative connotations (see connotation sense 1) or that is intended to disparage or belittle : a pejorative word or phrase. pejorative. adjective.

What are pejorative prefixes?

Pejorative prefixes are the prefixes which carry pejorative meaning. The prefixes which are included in the group of pejorative prefixes are mis- which means ‘wrongly’ or ‘astray’, mal- that means ‘bad(ly)’, and pseudo- that means ‘false’ or ‘imitation.

What is it called when an author makes up a word?

A neologism (/niːˈɒlədʒɪzəm/; from Greek νέο- néo-, “new” and λόγος lógos, “speech, utterance”) is a relatively recent or isolated term, word, or phrase that may be in the process of entering common use, but that has not been fully accepted into mainstream language.

What does not expedient mean? 2 inclined towards methods or means that are advantageous rather than fair or just.

What does immoral act mean? Immoral, referring to conduct, applies to one who acts contrary to or does not obey or conform to standards of morality; it may also mean licentious and perhaps dissipated. … Immoral, amoral, nonmoral, and unmoral are sometimes confused with one another. Immoral means not moral and connotes evil or licentious behavior.

What does the Bible say about expedient?

“It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart I will send him unto you” (John 16:7).

What does expedient mean in law? Expedient means that a particular course of action is a practical solution to a problem; it also has overtones of side-stepping tough choices. “Expeditious” means speedy.

Is expedience a word?

Expedience meaning

(uncountable) The quality of being fit or suitable to effect some desired end or the purpose intended; propriety or advisability under the particular circumstances of a case. Speed, haste or urgency. Something that is expedient. Expediency.

How do you use aversion in a sentence? Aversion sentence example

  1. He was remarkable for ugliness, and was an object of aversion to his parents. …
  2. No state was regarded by him with more aversion than Austria. …
  3. You have any aversion to pasta? …
  4. Dean wasn’t sure if it was her natural aversion to anything involving law enforcement or concern for her boss’s future.

What things are expedient?

The definition of expedient is something that is appropriate and convenient, even if it isn’t the best option. An example of an expedient solution to forgetting your homework is to copy someone else’s work.

What is Edify in the Bible? 1 : to instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge : uplift also : enlighten, inform. 2 archaic.

How do you use expediency in a sentence?

Expediency in a Sentence

1. The brazen ads were a source of expediency, shamelessly marketing teens to buy cigarettes. 2. Choosing principle of expediency, the actor refused to take part in a film that had scenes he was uncomfortable with regardless of the pay.

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