Feminine nouns include the following: Most nouns that end in -a, such as ensalada (salad) Nouns that identify females, such as hija (daughter) Nouns that end in -dad or -tad, such as ciudad (city) and libertad (liberty)
Is El Poema masculine or feminine? Most nouns that end in ‘o’ are masculine, and most that end in ‘a’ are feminine – but this is not the rule for every word! There are some words which end in ‘a’ that are masculine (el mapa, el problema, el día, el planeta, el poema…) And a few words that end in ‘o’ are feminine (la radio, la mano…)
Likewise What does una ciudad?
Ciudad (Spanish pronunciation: [θjuˈðað]) is the Spanish word for City.
What does El Poema mean in English?
noun. poem [noun] a piece of writing arranged in lines which usually have a regular rhythm and often rhyme.
What is MAPA plural? mapa noun, masculine (plural: mapas m)
Is Tiempo masculine?
I checked the dictionary here, and the translation given from English for “weather” is “el tiempo”, and climate was translated la clima, although it then said clima was masculine. Tiempo is given as both time and weather under different meanings in the same entry.
What means cuidado? cuidado! watch out!, be careful!
What is Educación in English?
educación Noun. educación, la ~ (f) (formaciónenseñanzainstrucción) education, the ~ Noun. schooling, the ~ Noun. training, the ~ Noun.
How do you pronounce cuidado? cuidado
- kwee. – dah. – doh.
- kwi. – ða. – ðo.
- cui. – da. – do.
What is Spanish poem?
[ˈpəʊɪm ] (short) poesía f. (long, narrative) poema m.
How do you spell poem in Spanish? poem n. poema nm. Exemplos: el televisor, un piso.
What is the plural form of El Poema?
Case | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | poēma | poēmata |
Genitive | poēmatis | poēmatum |
Dative | poēmatī | poēmatibus |
Accusative | poēma | poēmata |
What is La profesora plural? profesora f (plural profesores)
What is the plural of Grande?
Noun. grande m , f (plural grandes)
How do you make el numero plural? Forming plurals in Spanish is very easy … as easy as following the following rules: If the word ends in a vowel you need to add an S. El libro >> Los libros.
What is the weather is Spanish?
¿Que tiempo hace? Is the basic way to ask how is the weather, as in “How’s the weather today?”
What does Tipo mean in Spanish slang? It means “type”.
What does tempo mean in Spanish?
(Music) tempo m. (figurative) ritmo m.
What language is the word Cuidado? 21st Oct 2020. el cuidado NOUN care. One of the basic meanings of cuidado is care: Esta blusa hay que lavarla con cuidado.
What language is the word Achtung?
German interjection. Ach·tung!
What language is cuidado? English Translation of “cuidado” | Collins Portuguese-English Dictionary. LANGUAGE.